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Posts posted by RockyRoadTravel

  1. 10 minutes ago, stevenkesslar said:

    Actually, that's a good idea.

    Naturally, the right-wing Post quotes some right-wing Republican saying these efforts to help innocent children who are being slaughtered are "abhorrent".  They didn't talk about how Jared's efforts to get rich off his public service are abhorrent, though.  Wonder why?

    One is about self-enrichment off of insider dealing.  The other is about public service. 

  2. Old resentments can emerge at a time of high stress.  There's been some reporting that Biden resented the Democratic leadership backing the historic choice of Hillary, as the first female candidate for president by one of the two major parties, rather then the sitting Vice-president. Is this true?  Who knows, at the time I remember him being quoted that his grief after losing his son Bo to cancer was why he didn't run. Maybe he was reading the room.  

    If Joe had run in 2016, he'd likely have beaten Trump. We'd have a 6-3 majority of non-extremists on the Supreme Court. Washington DC might be a State (larger population than Wyoming and Vermont), we wouldn't have all this Trump court drama going on (okay, there would be Trump court drama, people taking The Donald to The Court is a story old as time). 

    I can see how resentment about, what could have been if they'd only believed in me, could color the man's current thinking.  

  3. 3 minutes ago, stevenkesslar said:

    I hope they bring this up.

    First, how many women has Trump raped?  Why don't Republicans hold this gross old man with gross grabby hands responsible for raping women?  He is a felon! There is no question that Trump is a rapist.  Who the fuck is a raping lying old rapist to talk about rape?

    Let's repeat that, so it is clear:  Donald Trump is a raping lying felon.  That is a fact!

    Donald Trump presided over a massive 30 % murder spike in America.  Donald Trump brought guns and death and murder to America.  Donald Trump is who you want if you want more murder.  That is a fact.

    FBI: 2020 homicides up nearly 30%, largest 1-year jump ever

    Murder.  Murder.  Murder.  Death.  Death.  Death.  Guns.   Guns.  Guns.  That is the factual legacy of Donald Trump, failed President who lost.

    Republicans won't even do anything about the specific types of assault weapons that almost killed Trump.  Despite the fact that an overwhelming bipartisan majority of Americans wants an assault weapons ban.  The Republicans are weak and useless when it comes to doing things that STOP MURDER.  Including of their own President!  What weak, useless, hypocritical assholes.  They run a rapist for President, a felon, a loser, and then want to talk about how they win will with a rapist and criminal who onlty lies when his lips are moving.

    You don't give a shit out about one of those individuals murdered.  You are using their names to support the candidacy of a lying, raping felon.

    Homicides See Historic Decline In 2023

    Early 2024 Data Show Promising Signs of Another Historic Decline in Gun Violence

    U.S. gun homicides are declining dramatically, down 13.1 percent since 2023 and 16.4 percent since 2021.

    If you gave a shit about murder, you would start by admitting that Biden and Harris have done a great job reversing the spike in murder and violent crime that Trump was absolutely weak and ineffective and useless in doing anything about.  But you don't give a shit about actual murder and rape.  Nor do you care about immigration policy.  Like Trump, you would rather see bipartisan efforts fail so Trump can lie and you can elect your raping felon.

    Your idea of "unity" is to put a lying raping felon who lost in 2018, 2020, 2022, and 2023 on stage for 90 minutes so he can lie, and lie, and lie.  The only thing we can agree about is that the Joe Biden of 2020 and 2022 - when the red wave disappeared - is AWOL, and sick.  So the Democrats have a temporary and tragic problem with one guy, who happens to be POTUS.  It is being fixed.  Other than that, you ain't got shit.  

    Well, you do have some things.  Lies.  Lies.  Lies.  Murder.  Murder.  Murder.  Guns.  Guns.  Guns.  Rape.  Rape.  Rape.

    And a lying rapist felon who loses every time.

    I can't wait for Kamala to get on a stage with him and call out his lies, his rape, and horrific track record on murder and violent crime and rape!

    And please, make sure Trump makes a point to demean and degrade the accomplishments of a Black woman who was very effective at throwing rapists like Trump, and murderers, into prison!


    Get used to her smile, and her hope.

    That was a very measured statement. How do you really feel?  

  4. 3 minutes ago, Suckrates said:

    He's mainly a provocateur, and likes to enflame people.  He repeatedly did the same thing on another site under a different screename, and was ultimately Banned for life there.  So he slinked away and found his way here....  If he seriously believes the shit he writes, than theres a greater sickness going on.   For now, I'm giving him the benefit of doubt. 

    For me he's a short cut to the MAGA conspiracies and half-truths. I don't have to venture into the MAGA echo chamber. You don't want to put too much fertilizer on the garden, but a little is good.    

  5. 2 minutes ago, Pete1111 said:

    I enjoyed how Matt Gaetz acted the fool at the RNC.  But then I wondered whether Rudy Giuliani was in attendance.


    Guess he was!!



    I wonder if Judge Reva Goetz, James "Jamie" Spears and Andrew M. Wallet (what a great name for an attorney), are available for a conservancy, now that Britney Spears is free? Just call them Rudy, could it be any worse than what's happening now? 

  6. 5 hours ago, Suckrates said:


    As Ive said from the start, I believe this whole stunt is bogus, and I hope an investigation will finally reveal Trump for the Con man he is ?   

    I generally don't go in for conspiracies, since Reagan's actions to impoverish working and middle-class folks, governance in the USA is largely rigged for the elites. No conspiracy needed. For example, the Supreme Court isn't a conspiracy, that's straight out and visible right-wing extremist governance from the Court's bench.

    The one thing I am sure of though is, Trump should be thanking his lucky stars that most, if not all, of the gun nuts are MAGA supporters. It's no wonder Trump's administration stopped tracking right-wing extremists and their domestic terrorism.    

  7. 1 hour ago, EmmetK said:

    Actually, I was doing the Macarena in the center aisle with Linda McMahon, Lauren Boebert, and Marco Rubio.

    TRUMP/VANCE 2024

    Amazon.com: Joe Biden - Broche de ...  image.jpeg.4c01eaca358b9f6bf6bb3f092707a827.jpeg

    I always enjoy your posts.  They're mostly half thought out conspiracy nonsense, but they do make me laugh. Keep up the good work. 

  8. 12 hours ago, stevenkesslar said:

    Until a few days ago, I was not even aware Mark Halperin was still around.  I loved Game Change and all the political reporting Halperin and John Heilemann did together.  Until Halperin got whacked, appropriately, by Me Too. 

    Anyway, Halperin sure seems to have kept all his political contacts. So he has both podcast and YouTube group chats posted off his X account that are fascinating inside looks as this tragedy plays out.  Most of what he's putting out there is being confirmed by other sources, like CNN and MSNBC.  Although some of it is speculative.  And some of it is probably being fed to Halperin, as well as others, to try to force Biden's hands.  Jon Meacham quickly rebutted the idea that he is helping Biden write a speech dropping out.

    So based off his YouTube tonight, if Halperin is right, two things are clear.

    One, Biden will not resign, because he does not want to slink away.  That makes sense for personal reasons, of course.  But if he feels that way, it also helps end the fight and patch things up, I'd guess.  Presumably, he wants to do what you said:   take credit for all his accomplishments, building back from Trump's wreckage.  Which no Democrat disputes.  And he wants to be the outgoing President who looks on as his Democratic successor, Kamala Harris, is sworn in in January.  If that is where he is, or is getting to, in his mind it gives everyone a reason to have to figure out how to end this and create a path out of hell.

    Two, there is a consensus that Kamala Harris has to be the nominee.  But even her own people get that it does not make sense to coronate her.  If that is true, it's likely they don't even have a clue what that means - yet.  But it's logical that anyone who understands how campaigns work and money works, and how the base of the party works, would reach this conclusion pretty quickly.  Halperin is already saying that Newsom and Shapiro and Whitmer will not challenge Kamala.  Which also makes sense, since no one wants to get in the way of an organically unified  "Trump must not win" steamroller.  It makes sense that if Biden says he is not the nominee, Biden/Harris delegates who are pledged to that ticket would naturally tend to vote for Kamala.  So it may be like the Democratic primary:  not technically a coronation, but not a real fight.  

    Halperin made lots of other interesting comments based on saying he has known Harris for over a decade.  First, he thinks it would not necessarily be good for her to have to get up to speed both as a new POTUS, and as a new nominee, at the same time.  That has never happened before, to my knowledge.   Ford and LBJ and Truman, to name the last three, had at least a year, not months, to get used to being POTUS first.  He also said she's going to have to be a better Kamala than the one she has been to win, but he sees her capable of doing that.  Not sure what that means, either.  But I took it as mostly a positive from a very hard assed political observer.

    A final point he made about Kamala is that she needs to come up with a few new policy proposals that distinguish her from Biden.  Makes sense.  Abortion will be one of her main rallying cries, for sure.  But there are other issues I have heard her speak passionately about.  Crime could actually be one of them.  She has spent the majority of her political career as a successful and respected crime fighter.  That may now be a plus, unlike in 2020 when BLM was rocking.

    Biden would also want to be the elder statesman and outgoing leader who stopped Trump once and who will now help stop him again.  Who keeps the nation focused on everything he says (now somewhat incoherently, if we are being honest) about preserving democracy.  But that's a plus to me.  It is a good message for him, even if it is garbled these days.  And he will of course want Harris, not Trump, to win.  Even if he goes to the grave hating Obama and Pelosi and Schumer and knowing it should have been him instead.  Denial is a powerful thing.  😉

    I know nothing about Jill Biden.  And maybe it is sexist to blame Joe's problems on his wife.  But if I accept the plausible idea that Joe can't see his own weaknesses and decline, Jill could have helped it getting this far out in public.  And if it keeps going further, it adds to the Republican argument that Biden has to resign now.  Moulton said in an editorial today that his buddy Joe Biden didn't even recognize him recently.  If every POTUS had to quit because he failed to recognize someone, we'd never have a POTUS.  And Trump of course is not held accountable by his party for anything.  But I'm guessing right now Hunter Biden is just being bat shit crazy and Jill Biden, who could be guiding Joe out of his own worst instincts, is instead probably reinforcing them.

    One final interesting point about what Halperin said:  Mark Kelley.  That's the name Halperin said is being thrown around a lot as a running mate, especially by Republicans.  I assume he means Never Trump Republicans.  Or maybe he means pro-Trump Republicans who are just willing to be honest about their objective read on what Democrats should do if they want to win.  But it obviously would have a lot of upside in terms of balancing a ticket and also keeping Arizona in play.  And Kelley would be a huge plus talking about what we need to do on immigration.  Although I'd put Shapiro and Whitmer and The Rust Belt first, probably.  That's a problem for down the line.

    Lots of ifs, and way too early to tell.  But it looks like Team Pelosi may have once again shown she can pull a political rabbit out of a hat. 

    Ironically, Nancy Pelosi is three years older than Biden.  But she is out-organizing the hell out of him!


    Pelosi was always good at getting under Trump's thin skin.  She transitioned herself out of leadership smoothly. 

  9. 2 hours ago, stevenkesslar said:

    And there you have it.  

    You are against a Black woman because she smiles? 

    Or is it that even today, when the Democratic Party is in a big crisis and Biden is politically dead, the polls show Harris and Shapiro as a ticket will beat Trump?  That is how much America rejects the lying felon who wants to unleash Putin power.  And that is right after three weeks that were horrific for Democrats and great for Republicans.  You do realize this is probably as good as it gets, right?

    Trump Is Planning for a Landslide Win

    And his campaign is all but praying Joe Biden doesn’t drop out.

    I think that article is a must read for anyone who wants to understand how Trump could win, and why he will probably lose.  The full article Tim Alberta wrote is in The Atlantic, behind a paywall.  That tells you enough to get the broad idea of what Susie Wiles and Chris LaCivita were well on their way to doing.  They need to be taken as seriously as a heart attack, since Wiles did do it to Democrats in Florida (and to Ron DeSantis, for Trump).  And LaCivita did it to John Kerry in 2004. 

    You can argue right now Democrats are doing Trump's job for him.  Or you can argue that Wiles and LaCivita are a bit too smart and way too cynical for their own good.  So the campaign they hoped to win through disillusionment and dirt is now completely going to backfire on them.  They want Trump to be the strong alpha male running against a Biden that is old, weak, and feeble.  Instead, they are going to have to defend an old crook and liar against a prosecutor who is particularly gifted at throwing narcissistic lying rapists in prison.  Game on!

    I'm going to quote from this extensive interview Ezra Klein did with Tim Alberta, about the core of the Trump 2024 strategy.




    It's quite easy to see how Biden loses if 2024 is a referendum on Biden's age, as a symbol for all these other things wrong with Democrats - like weakness.  In fact, it's impossible to NOT see how Biden loses if 2024 is a referendum on his age.  He has lost.  His campaign is all but over.  Now that all the leaders of the Democratic Party have spent weeks making the Trump campaign's case, there is no way Biden can continue.  He has to know that, even if he can't say it publicly yet.

    The main thing Wiles and LaCivita were smart about is building a campaign around something that is obviously true:  Biden is old.  Biden helped them along simply by making it painfully obvious, first in a debate and then in every time he has appeared in public since.

    The fact that I keep coming back to is that every Democrat in every swing state is doing well, apart from Biden.  Every Democratic Senate candidate, in particular, is ahead of their Republican opponent.  And, with the exception of Nevada, which elected a Republican Governor, these are all states - Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Arizona, (and Georgia when it comes to Senate races at least) - where Democrats keep winning statewide races.

    Republicans obviously think, or at least pretend they think, that if Biden is gone they can just use the same playbook on anyone else.  But, as Alberta argues, they can't.  And they know they can't. 

    They can and will go after Harris hard on immigration.  But the main argument they make about immigrants is that they will murder, rape, and eat you.  Which is factually incorrect, since undocumented immigrants are less likely to commit crimes, including violent crimes.  Since they want nothing to do with cops  But forget about facts.  Who is the bad ass that actually prosecuted lots of murderers and rapists?  Kamala Harris, or Donald Trump?

    Why won't Republicans admit that murder and violent crime spiked 30 %  under Trump?  Why won't Republicans admit that murder and violent crime dropped over 10 % under Biden and Harris last year?  Why won't Republicans admit their refusal to do anything about assault weapons came within an inch of killing their own candidate for President?

    If Republicans want to talk about murder and rape in America, that's a great debate for a Black female prosecutor to engage in.  But she will demand that a felon and rapist and liar like Trump has to at least try to tell the truth once in a while!

    Wiles and LaCivita may have turned out to be too cynical for their own good.  They are now the ones who are going to have the tired old lying crook, who is weak on crime and weak on rape and weak on telling the truth and weak on upholding the rule of law, as their weak candidate. 

    Even right now, at their best moment, the polls show a ticket led by Harris and Shapiro or Whitmer will beat them.

    If/when Biden drops out, the next question, in my mind is:  what does Biden do next? 

    Does he become a messenger for a specific issue - maybe saving American representative democracy from Trump and MAGA? The threat of a 2nd Trump term is what propelled him into the race in 2020. 

    Or does he focus on governing and explaining all that was done to build back from the wreckage left by Trump's incompetence? 

  10. 43 minutes ago, EmmetK said:

    Cackles can run on her record as Dementia Joe's border czar. 

    • Visited the border twice in 3.5 years
    • 11 million + unvetted illegals walked across the border. They were given free housing, free medical, free cell  phones, free debit cards, free... well, you get the picture
    • Laken Riley: Nursing student. Jogging on the U. of Ga. campus. Abducted, raped, and killed by a Biden illegal from Venezuela.
    • Christopher Dadd: Washington State trooper. 27 years old. On duty at a DUI checkpoint. Killed by a Biden illegal from Mexico. Left a wife and daughter behind.
    • Aiden Clark: 11 years old. Killed by a Biden illegal from Haiti (crossed thru the southern border).
    • Travis Wolfe: 12-years old. Killed by a drunk driver from Venezuela. A Biden illegal from Venezuela.
    • Jocelyn Nungaray: 12-year old Houston girl. Beaten and killed by two Biden illegals from Venezuela.
    • Rachel Morin: Mother of five from Maryland. Murdered by a Biden illegal from El Salvador.

    Dem campaign ad:  Vote Democrat. Cackles Kamala will do for America what she has done for the southern border.

    The GOP/Trump playbook is ready to flood the airwaves with ads depicting the lives of these Americans snuffed out by illegal aliens who entered the country illegally while Cackles was in charge of the border.
    Can't wait....

    TRUMP/VANCE 2024

    Amazon.com: Joe Biden - Broche de ... image.jpeg.4c01eaca358b9f6bf6bb3f092707a827.jpeg

    You're presenting evidence supporting gun controls - well done.  I never thought you'd see a light from that dark echo chamber you live in. 

  11. 3 hours ago, Suckrates said:


    WE endorse Biden.  Do you need more reason to VOTE for him ????

    full body picture of a handsome shirtless muscular brazilian twink stud  firefighter with oiled tanned skin Prompts | Stable Diffusion Online

    full body picture of handsome shirtless muscular brazilian twink with oiled  tanned skin Prompts | Stable Diffusion Online

    For those who like muscle twinks. He's definitely tickle-able. –  @achillestickler on Tumblr




    Yes, I do need more of a reason - Biden was competent at governing Trump was incompetent.  Four years ago we were fighting over toilet paper - that's the Trump legacy. 

  12. 3 hours ago, stevenkesslar said:

    Jesus ordered Jan. 6th to save democracy.

    Jesus saved Trump from an assassin's bullet to make America great again.

    If you don't understand that, Sis, you just ain't American.

    Thankfully, you're not Merrick Garland or some communist Biden appointee.  So you don't have to worry about Jesus throwing your ass in jail come January.  But I'm sure Jesus would have a good reason to do so, anyway.



    White Jesus  

  13. 4 minutes ago, stevenkesslar said:

    I know you hate facts, @EmmetK.  So I assume you have not tried to download the dataset, right?  Pew wants me to register to actually look at the data, and that's not something I generally register with websites to do.


    I disagree with you.  He doesn't hate facts, he hates all the facts.  He loves cherry picking bit of pieces of random numbers that support his preconceived bias.  Thankfully he's probably not involved in any job that requires objectivity.  

  14. 31 minutes ago, Bingo T Dog said:



    You're assuming that MAGA extremists would have a problem with that?  Look at their track record of attacking representative democracy. Supreme Court welcomed a flood a dark money into elections with Citizens' United (against democracy). The Supreme Court gutted the Voting Rights Act.  De Santos refused to implement an Initiative passed by Florida voters to re-instate voting rights to people who had completed their jail time. The list goes on and on of attacks on democracy by the MAGA element in the USA. 

  15. On 4/28/2024 at 7:54 PM, Pete1111 said:

    The lamestream media has been negligent not reporting how many people have been financially harmed doing business with him.



    I have wondered about that. There have been hundreds of lawsuits against Trump over the last 55 years or so. Being in court is not a new thing for Trump, it's his second home. Opposition research is missing an opportunity to showcase what Trump thinks of average Americans. Small time contractors being stiffed by Trump. 

  16. 6 minutes ago, Suckrates said:


    Trump forgot to mention anything in his loony speech about his plans to pack the Supreme Court.  However, he will most likely abandon the usual vetting and confirmation process and do the vetting himself.  If justices meet the 2 qualifications for appointment, 1) They MUST be LOYAL  2) they MUST be CORRUPT, they will be knighted by scepter and given green light to ascend to their "forever" seat, without anyone elses approval.   Look for Judge Eileen Cannon as 1st pick, clutching her whoopie cushion.   

    Packing the judiciary was Mitch McConnell's work - who oddly got booed at the convention for all his work to undermine the rule of law.  McConnell prevented Obama filling judgeships which Obama was Constitutionally expected to do, leaving vacancies for Trump to step in and fill.

    Trump takes credit for the damage done by McConnell, and then McConnell gets booed for not being slavish enough. Even amongst the minions MAGA is unforgiving.  

  17. 41 minutes ago, stevenkesslar said:

    I like Klo.  She filled Paul Wellstone's seat.  And he was my political mentor.  So she always has a warm spot in my heart.

    A Bidenesque story, meaning an old war story that makes me sound old.  At the time Wellstone won his US Senate seat, in 1990, Minnesota was seen as a solid red state, with two Republican Senators who had served for over a decade.  A top Reagan White House political operative who was a lobbyist for GE Capital who I was working with on a $1 billion Community Home Buyers Program at the time told me this:  "Your friend (Paul) has no chance.  (Incumbent Senator) Boschwitz has great constituent services.  No one can touch him."

    Professor Paul, and my best best friend from college who ran his campaign, touched Rudy.  They beat him with the kind of fiery populist working class campaign that helped turn the tide of Reaganomics and helped make Minnesota a blue state.  It worked in 1990.  That is what Democrats need to do in 2024.  And it is eminently doable.

    Speaking of which, from today's news:

    That's rich coming from Team MAGA.  At least they know what they are talking about when they talk about coups!

    But on the topic of coups, we will have to have a reality check about how you toss Biden away, after he won the Democratic primary overwhelmingly.  The thing Kamala Harris has going for her is that people voted for her as the one who would take Biden's place if needed - twice.  Once in 2020, in the general election, and again in the 2024 primary.  That's a philosophical point.  If we didn't elect Kamala to take Biden's place, why did we vote for her?  The much more pragmatic point is there are only two people who can legally run the vast financial and human infrastructure called the Biden/Harris campaign:  Joe Biden, or Kamala Harris.  Harris does not have a campaign team around her, so she would start at a deficit.  But Klo, or anyone else, would start at a massively bigger deficit when we talk about what it takes to win a campaign - money, and a huge GOTV infrastructure.

    Harris/Shapiro.  Imagine, A Black/South Asian woman and a Jewish man - a segment of the MAGA extremists heads would implode. (I chose implode rather than explode because nature abhors a vacuum.) 

  18. 2 hours ago, stevenkesslar said:

    Biden Will Drop Out Of 2024 Race, Will Not Endorse VP Kamala Harris

    Halperin was driven into exile by Me Too, appropriately.  But now he is back.  And apparently his sources are still good.

    I like this a lot.  I don't think a Kamala coronation makes any sense.  I think it's better for her to win the nomination the way Biden himself did in 2020:  without Obama's blessing.  That said, I think it is pretty clear Kamala will win the nomination.  And drive a huge spike in enthusiasm and relief among the Democratic base.

    It does completely reset the race.  Who knows what the impact will be?  But, if true, there is now only one smelly disgusting lying felon in the race who can't keep his hands off women's pussies.  Whether it is raping them or taking their rights away.  And that disgusting old lying felon is named Donald Trump.  

    Donald Trump is a disgusting old lying raping felon.  Donald Trump should step aside immediately!  America deserves better than having a disgusting old lying raping felon running for POTUS.  A majority of Americans want disgusting old lying raping felon Donald Trump to step aside!

    @EmmetK, 57 % of Americans want your disgusting old lying raping felon to step aside.  That includes the majority of Independents.  They want the lying raping felon gone.  Will Donald Trump listen to Americans and withdraw from the race tonight, like the majority of Americans want?


    Being the glass half full kind of person that I am, at least Emmet gives us the Coles notes of the messaging from the MAGA echo chamber with out having to step into their swamp. While not applauded, his efforts to warn us of conspiracies to come can be acknowledged.  

  19. 2 hours ago, RockyRoadTravel said:

    Amongst the stats you posted, the most telling one to me is that 86% of Democrats want Trump to continue as the Republican candidate for President. A majority of Americans may be nervous about Biden's age, but a majority of Americans hate Trump, his incompetence, his hate-spewing name calling and threats of violence.  

    Quoting myself here. I made a mistake with the first sentence.  While 86% of Democrats might be fearful for the Constitution and America with a Trump Presidency, 86% of them do not want him as a candidate, one who would energize their base and lead to the Republicans defeating themselves as they did in 2020. 

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