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Everything posted by RockyRoadTravel

  1. When Trump sucked the last fumes out of the Obama recovery, before leaving us fighting over toilet paper. Man, Trump was incompetent.
  2. One is about self-enrichment off of insider dealing. The other is about public service.
  3. Old resentments can emerge at a time of high stress. There's been some reporting that Biden resented the Democratic leadership backing the historic choice of Hillary, as the first female candidate for president by one of the two major parties, rather then the sitting Vice-president. Is this true? Who knows, at the time I remember him being quoted that his grief after losing his son Bo to cancer was why he didn't run. Maybe he was reading the room. If Joe had run in 2016, he'd likely have beaten Trump. We'd have a 6-3 majority of non-extremists on the Supreme Court. Washington DC might be a State (larger population than Wyoming and Vermont), we wouldn't have all this Trump court drama going on (okay, there would be Trump court drama, people taking The Donald to The Court is a story old as time). I can see how resentment about, what could have been if they'd only believed in me, could color the man's current thinking.
  4. For me he's a short cut to the MAGA conspiracies and half-truths. I don't have to venture into the MAGA echo chamber. You don't want to put too much fertilizer on the garden, but a little is good.
  5. I wonder if Judge Reva Goetz, James "Jamie" Spears and Andrew M. Wallet (what a great name for an attorney), are available for a conservancy, now that Britney Spears is free? Just call them Rudy, could it be any worse than what's happening now?
  6. 50% of Americans would vote for a bag of rice over Trump - just based on a careful weighing of the issues of truth telling, competence and morality.
  7. I generally don't go in for conspiracies, since Reagan's actions to impoverish working and middle-class folks, governance in the USA is largely rigged for the elites. No conspiracy needed. For example, the Supreme Court isn't a conspiracy, that's straight out and visible right-wing extremist governance from the Court's bench. The one thing I am sure of though is, Trump should be thanking his lucky stars that most, if not all, of the gun nuts are MAGA supporters. It's no wonder Trump's administration stopped tracking right-wing extremists and their domestic terrorism.
  8. I always enjoy your posts. They're mostly half thought out conspiracy nonsense, but they do make me laugh. Keep up the good work.
  9. Pelosi was always good at getting under Trump's thin skin. She transitioned herself out of leadership smoothly.
  10. It's nice that Emmett gives us the short cut to the latest MAGA conspiracy nonsense. Do you think he believes any of the stuff he posts?
  11. If/when Biden drops out, the next question, in my mind is: what does Biden do next? Does he become a messenger for a specific issue - maybe saving American representative democracy from Trump and MAGA? The threat of a 2nd Trump term is what propelled him into the race in 2020. Or does he focus on governing and explaining all that was done to build back from the wreckage left by Trump's incompetence?
  12. You're presenting evidence supporting gun controls - well done. I never thought you'd see a light from that dark echo chamber you live in.
  13. Yes, I do need more of a reason - Biden was competent at governing Trump was incompetent. Four years ago we were fighting over toilet paper - that's the Trump legacy.
  14. I disagree with you. He doesn't hate facts, he hates all the facts. He loves cherry picking bit of pieces of random numbers that support his preconceived bias. Thankfully he's probably not involved in any job that requires objectivity.
  15. You're assuming that MAGA extremists would have a problem with that? Look at their track record of attacking representative democracy. Supreme Court welcomed a flood a dark money into elections with Citizens' United (against democracy). The Supreme Court gutted the Voting Rights Act. De Santos refused to implement an Initiative passed by Florida voters to re-instate voting rights to people who had completed their jail time. The list goes on and on of attacks on democracy by the MAGA element in the USA.
  16. I have wondered about that. There have been hundreds of lawsuits against Trump over the last 55 years or so. Being in court is not a new thing for Trump, it's his second home. Opposition research is missing an opportunity to showcase what Trump thinks of average Americans. Small time contractors being stiffed by Trump.
  17. Packing the judiciary was Mitch McConnell's work - who oddly got booed at the convention for all his work to undermine the rule of law. McConnell prevented Obama filling judgeships which Obama was Constitutionally expected to do, leaving vacancies for Trump to step in and fill. Trump takes credit for the damage done by McConnell, and then McConnell gets booed for not being slavish enough. Even amongst the minions MAGA is unforgiving.
  18. Loud. Do they do anything else?
  19. Harris/Shapiro. Imagine, A Black/South Asian woman and a Jewish man - a segment of the MAGA extremists heads would implode. (I chose implode rather than explode because nature abhors a vacuum.)
  20. Being the glass half full kind of person that I am, at least Emmet gives us the Coles notes of the messaging from the MAGA echo chamber with out having to step into their swamp. While not applauded, his efforts to warn us of conspiracies to come can be acknowledged.
  21. Married his husband three years ago? Is Santos aware of Clarence Thomas and Alito's plans to make equal marriage illegal again?
  22. I read Hillbilly Elegy. I must have blocked out that factoid.
  23. Quoting myself here. I made a mistake with the first sentence. While 86% of Democrats might be fearful for the Constitution and America with a Trump Presidency, 86% of them do not want him as a candidate, one who would energize their base and lead to the Republicans defeating themselves as they did in 2020.
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