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Posts posted by RockyRoadTravel

  1. This is thinking out loud speculation, so please chill with any responses. 

    I'm wondering if Democratic polling nationally for president is reminiscent of the early Obamacare polling. Initially, Obamacare didn't poll as well as it does today. It wasn't as popular not only because of the GOP being opposed to the government assisting an expanding number of Americans getting health insurance coverage, but it was also unpopular with people who didn't think it went far enough and there should be a public option (like the rest of the developed world has).  

    I'm speculating if part of the disapproval ratings of Biden/Harris was representative of unease from both sides of the political spectrum?  And will there be an unexpected bump up in approval rates now that enthusiasm seems to be moving to the Democrats? So far Harris is speaking more directly on campaign issues and what another term in office would work towards 

  2. This just in from Howdy Arabia.  In Texas 70% of people live in seven urban counties, 30% of the population live in the other 247 largely rural counties. The Texas GOP has voted in favor of a policy to make a new requirement for state-wide races.  To win a candidate will need to win a majority of the counties in the State.  Not win the most votes.  Win the most counties.  The GOP has voted to have land represented not people, in state-wide elections.  There is other crazy stuff beyond this, but this was a stand out anti-democracy stance.  

    Proposed Texas GOP platform would lock Democrats out of state office | The Texas Tribune

  3. 3 hours ago, Stable Genius said:

    Keep your shirt on EmmetKlown



    It was curious to me with the Republican National Committee. There was this whole theme of geriatric masculinity.  It was weird. 

  4. 2 hours ago, Stable Genius said:

    So it is okay to stage a coup when your guy loses an election to keep him in office, but it isn't ok for the President to step down and allow the VP to run the country as the Constitution dictates if the President feels he is unable to continue to fulfill the duties as President? 
    The Democrats have not held their convention yet to officially nominate their candidate for President, you have, a man who hates well educated woman and black people who is now facing a well African American woman who is a prosecutor. I love karma.

    This is one of those nonsense issues the MAGA extremists will create to suck up the oxygen in the room.  Did anyone who voted for Biden think, oh maybe there will be some other Vice Presidential candidate other than Harris?  Of course not. They voted for a team of candidates that was led by Biden.  Did anyone who bought a ticket to see the Atlanta Braves play scream coup when Reynaldo Lopez, took over from Chris Sale on the pitching mound?  It's all nonsense.

  5. To start, I'm not a big fan of identity politics. I think identity is important, and it's not something to unite a campaign around with an electorate of hundreds of identities. 

    Say that, so far I've been happy with the coverage of Harris so far. It's less of the Clinton, I'm a woman running for president, than Harris is running for president and happens to be a woman.  It seems like less of a big deal or focus, naturally given that if she gets the nomination, she's the second and not the first. 

    My first inkling of concern today was when I saw a Kamala sign.  No.  Run as Harris, not as Kamala. Just like Biden ran as Biden, and Trump is running as Trump, not as Hillary ran as Hillary. 

  6. 54 minutes ago, Suckrates said:

    Hang on EmmetK, hang on...I can feel your desperation and fear....But its not over yet,  we have 3 months to go with Kamala humiliating Trump at every turn.... Trump hates woman, and especially BLACK woman,  Judge Chutkan,  Fani Willis, Lettia James, etc.... so imagine one beating his ass at the finish line ?    This November, Trump will simply be a FELON....with 3 more cases hanging over his head.   Hang on EmmetK,  this will hurt alot, but you'll survive.   And then you can come back and stump for Donald Trump Jr in 2028

    He clasps onto individual polls, like a drag queen clutches her pearls in a lip synch.  The drama 

  7. 5 minutes ago, lookin said:

    Personally, I hope Democrats don't pick up the 'too old' cudgel and use it against Trump.  It was misguided when used against Biden and I think it's misguided if used against Trump.  Not necessary either.  Trump's got a lot more wrong with him than the number of candles on his birthday cake. 🎂


    The difference is that Biden has showed he's governed with complete competence over the last four years, and Trump has mentally declined so much that even FOX is afraid to televise his word salad rallies anymore. Sharks and getting electrocuted by an electric boat come to mind about Trump's ravings. 

  8. With the "double haters" (the era of American politics brought to you by the hater-in-chief Trump) Harris probably has more growth potential than the defeated former president.  Trump has a 54% disapproval rate amongst Americans according to the poll amalgamations on 538, while Harris has a disapproval rate of 50%.  In the before times (before Trump mainstreamed hate in American politics) neither would be good.  Now, who knows, a 4% advantage is a 4% advantage. 

  9. 59 minutes ago, Suckrates said:

    All true, but at least the cases have the possibility of seeing the inside of a courtroom.    A King Trump will make everything disappear. 

    This Supreme Court decides increasing numbers of cases on the shadow docket. Theonomy.

  10. 9 hours ago, EmmetK said:

    Very easy. 
    I've never read the Gettysburg Address or US Constitution, I've never seen a Harry Potter movie, or watched the Game of Thrones. But I know enough about all of these through what I have read or heard about to form an opinion. 
    Donald Trump had ZERO input into the 900-page Project 2025. Yet he is a voracious reader with sound judgment and a brilliant mind. So based on what he has read or been told by his advisors he was able to form an opinion.
    Never underestimate the ability of a genius.

    TRUMP/VANCE 2024

    Amazon.com: Joe Biden - Broche de ...  image.jpeg.4c01eaca358b9f6bf6bb3f092707a827.jpeg

    Your world view is based on hearsay. The first step is awareness my ill informed friend. Congratulations with your admission.  You have made progress. 

  11. 2 hours ago, Suckrates said:

    You know when Prosecutor Kamala WINS...... Trump will surely end up like THIS !!

    How political cartoons took on Trump's historic guilty verdict - The  Washington Post


    Only if there is Supreme Court reform, and the extremist Christian Sharia-like Theonomy of the super majority is broken. 

  12. 34 minutes ago, stevenkesslar said:

    Some Republicans who are trying to defend the lying old raping felon they nominated for POTUS are trying to argue that Democrats have engaged in a "coup".

    Can you spot which of these four is a "coup"?

    1.  71 % of Americans wanted Biden to step aside because they think he is too old to serve another term.  57 % of Americans wanted Trump to step aside because they think he is too crooked and dishonest to serve another term.  Biden listened to voters.  Republicans cover up for Trump's lies and crimes and treat him like he is invincible.  Is that the coup?


    2.  2 in 3 Americans think Trump may have committed serious crimes, such as inciting an insurrection and trying to overturn the results of a presidential election.  Most of them do not believe Trump is fit to serve another term for this reason.  Extreme right wing members of the SCOTUS, including all the ones Trump hand picked, are now saying Trump is immune from just about any legal accountability for anything he does as POTUS.  Even Bush 45's AG, Alberto Gonzalez, who pushed the powers of W. to the limits during the Iraq War, says he thinks SCOTUS went too far.  Is that the coup?



    3.  At the RNC, Trump's granddaughter argued that you can judge a POTUS by how he treats the people around him.

    Joe Biden chose Kamala Harris to be his Vice President.  81 million Americans ratified her choice as #2 in 2020, as did 14 million Democratic primary voters in 2024.  Now based on the concerns of 2 in 3 Democrats about his ability to serve a second term he has uplifted her to take his place and carry the torch.  Which was obviously hard for him given his own political ambitions.  Is that the coup?



    4.  Donald Trump lost the 2020 election and demanded his Vice President overturn a free and fair election.  When Pence refused, Trump sent his mob to The Capitol where they beat the shit out of the cops they love and screamed, "Hang Mike Pence."  Is that the coup?



    I think #4 is the attempted Coup plot.  Do I win something? 

  13. 1 hour ago, stevenkesslar said:


    FACT 2:  The neurologist who sees Biden has been the neurology consultant at the White House since 2012, and sees many others as well.  This is why Dr. Cannard has been at the White House regularly lately.  As well as regularly for years. 

    It was reported there are about 1,000 people either in or connected with the White House, who would receive care from this doctor. So, eight visits in a year for referrals from close to 1,000 people, sure, that sounds reasonable. 

  14. 5 minutes ago, EmmetK said:

    You and the MSNBC audience may care what Rick Wilson has to say. 99% of America, including me, have ZERO interest.
    Cackling Kamala covered up Biden's mental decline, and Dementia Joe covered up Cackling Kamala's complete ineptitude and irresponsibility.
    Cackling Kamala has been lying and covering up Dementia Joe's senility for years. This new ad, which will be flooding the battleground states, is already out:

    "I don't know what he said at the end of that sentence and I don't think he does either"... The best line of any debate... But I can't wait to see just HOW BAD Cackles does... I already ordered my popcorn...
    Hey Cackles, go purchase a HUGE bucket cuz President Trump is gonna mop the floor with you... IF YOU MAKE IT..

    TRUMP/VANCE 2024

    image.jpeg.c50f6525c8125fba3a7bffc26d7d6139.jpeg image.jpeg.8aabdfab9392bbda011ac843cb3b1f0a.jpeg image.jpeg.db53da8f79f00aa7a676bd0462a1509b.jpeg


    You do believe anything the Dear Leader has to say.  

  15. 2 minutes ago, stevenkesslar said:

    In other words, you want to pump up racism and ignore 57 % of Americans who see Trump for the crook that he is and want him to drop out.

    I guess at least Trump is honest about wanting to be a dictator.

    Good luck with that, clown!


    Rick Wilson:


    Have you ever seen the play Shirley Valentine?  About a middle-aged English woman who sneaks off to Greece to find herself. Opening of the 1st Act she's talking to a wall in her kitchen saying "hello wall".  The 2nd Act, in Greece, opens with her saying "hello rock".  You're Shirley and Emmett's the brainless rock. Good for bouncing sound off of, and little else.  He can't even acknowledge Trump is a rapist, he's as fragile as his Dear Leader.      

  16. 4 minutes ago, stevenkesslar said:

    Watch this guy.

    Helps put Arizona in play.

    Helps with the White male vote in all the swing states.

    Helps tone down immigration.

    Wife is a national hero on gun control.

    Massive crossover appeal to Never Trump and moderate Republicans.

    And an easier candidate for the left and right of the party to unite behind (as I said in another post in another thread) than Shapiro. 

  17. 57 minutes ago, stevenkesslar said:

    71 % of Americans want Joe Biden to drop out. 57 % of Americans want Donald Trump to drop out.  Strong majorities want both old men gone. 

    The difference in percentages is that Democrats have had an honest discussion of the fact that Biden's age raises questions about his ability to serve four more years.  That is now off the table.  He listened to Americans, including 2 in 3 Democrats, and is gone.

    When will Trump stop lying to Americans, and start listening to them?  57 % of America wants the lying raping felon gone.

    The issue with Trump is worse.  It's not that he is old, and people question whether he can serve until he is 88.  It is that he is a crook, a rapist, and a liar with no integrity.  He lies constantly.  He rapes.  He breaks laws.  He undercuts democracy.  He tries to steal elections.  He is a thug, a bully, and a felon.

    When will Donald Trump listen to the American voters and drop out?  America does not want his old lying raping stench around anymore.  We fired him once.  If he won't listen to America and drop out we will have to fire him again.  I mean, fire the sad and weak raping lying felon from the fake dictatorship he enjoys at his right--wing rallies, where he is treated like The Messiah.

    Joe Biden listened to the Lord Almighty, and America, and dropped out.  Donald Trump and his radical followers believe he is the Lord Almighty.  Ugh!

    The concern that Trump is a lying rapist felon with no integrity who should not lead America has been growing for a decade.

    Poll: Most Americans say Biden and Trump are not 'fit' to serve as president

    That poll is from almost exactly one year ago.  The belief that Biden and Trump need to drop out has only grown.   With Biden, it grew from 55 % a year agoto 71 % now, based on perceptions of his age.  With Trump it grew from 53 % a year ago to 57 % now, based on the fact he is a crook with no integrity.


    Vast majorities of Americans have believed for years that Donald Trump is a crook who is not fit to be President.

    When will this lying raping felon step aside and stop being a disgrace to America, democracy, and the rule of law?



    Don't you want to witness Trump being beaten for a 2nd time?  (Okay 4th time if you count 2018 and 2022.)  

  18. I think the left and right of the Democratic Party will have an easier time uniting around Senator Mark Kelly, than around Governor Shapiro, even though I think Shapiro brings better balance to the ticket. 

  19. 8 hours ago, EmmetK said:

    More dem talking points and lies that are falling on deaf ears. Try convincing the American public that crime is down while 12 million unvetted illegals, including many violent criminals, walked across Biden's open southern border in the last three and a half years.
    The Trump lead continues to expand. And as Dementia Joe becomes more feeble and incoherent each day, his lead will continue to grow.
    The dems, White House operatives, and their lackeys in the fake news media are no longer able to hide Biden's dementia. The genie is out of the bottle.

    TRUMP/VANCE 2024

    Amazon.com: Joe Biden - Broche de ...  image.jpeg.4c01eaca358b9f6bf6bb3f092707a827.jpeg

    Meh. You've done better. You're not getting an Excremee Award nomination for this post.  

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