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Everything posted by RockyRoadTravel

  1. July has been wild. I don't know what October surprise could top anything from this month.
  2. She has a book coming out. You don't hang out around Dementia Don for all those years without learning something about grifting.
  3. Only in the USA could a liberal be considered a radical, rather than as the centrists that they are.
  4. Does a non-answer answer, still count as an answer?
  5. Would that effect her insurance rates?
  6. He was a kid, or maybe he wasn't, I don't really care what he does in the privacy of his own home with consenting furniture. Perhaps he has a thing for settees. His sexual activity is of zero interest to me. You have seen him?
  7. Are you expecting an answer?
  8. and look at housing in Switzerland or Russia - no extradition treaties
  9. Where are those statistics from? Are they from the height of the Trump economic collapse?
  10. Specially designed for bone spurs?
  11. Correction. Jim Rivaldo was the media/design guy of Harvey Milk, not the campaign manager. He then had the same role with Harris's first campaign for District Attorney. His last campaign before he died.
  12. I don't understand the t-shirt. What's it referring to? It can't be Trump's health if it's a MAGA rally?
  13. Please someone have the time and energy to start an on-line petition to have Harris and Trump appear on Celebrity Jeopardy before the election. Please Other topics: 10 Commandments, Bible Verses, New Testament/Old Testament
  14. Seeing how you brought up Queer Cheap for the Straight Veep. In an interview with the Queer Eye for the Straight Guy folks with Harris last year, one of the questions they asked her was if her campaign manager for her first campaign (for District Attorney) was the same man who manager Harvey Milk's campaign for office. Yes, it was. Harris and Milk had the same man managing their campaigns.
  15. Hopefully, at sometime in his future, he will embrace curiosity and infinite possibilities again (I'm not speaking about his sexuality, which I don't care about).
  16. Finally, a candidate who can dance. I'm going to call it The Harris Tweed.
  17. Trump calling Harris dumb as bricks. Nonsense. My dream would be to have Harris challenge Trump to appear on Celebrity Jeopardy with her. Forget the debates, let's have her cream him on US State Capitols, or USA Constitutional Amendments, or Supreme Court Decisions, or USA Allies.
  18. Rather than governing - they leave that to the Supreme Court - the GOP Representatives seem obsessed with creating media events for FOX News to drone on about to avoid mentioning the defeated former President's incompetence and his fraud and rape convictions - by a jury of his peers. Why does Tennessee have so many nutty Republicans elected?
  19. @EmmetK I know you like to obsess on individual polls. And maybe you're in the process of posting this one - so sorry if I scooped you. It's just an individual poll so it might not mean anything - right Emmett? Individual polls aren't a trend - right Emmett? Harris leads Trump 44% - 42%. https://www.reuters.com/world/us/harris-leads-trump-44-42-us-presidential-race-reutersipsos-poll-finds-2024-07-23/
  20. Personal request. You don't seem to call Obama, Barrack. Or Trump, Donald. Or Biden, Joe. Please stop calling Harris, Kamala. She's not your friend (I'm assuming). She's running for President and, personally, I think referring to her by her first name diminishes the seriousness/intellect she brings to the campaign. And it's so Hillary. You may disagree of course. I really hope Harris doesn't campaign as 'Kamala'. She's a prosecutor for god's sake, and a prosecutor is what America needs.
  21. Representative Burchett shouldn't be throwing stones, as a 30 year career politician. He was an affirmative action hire from the beginning. We've had affirmative action for straight white males since the country was established.
  22. I disagree with you, somewhat. Trump treats his supporters as if they are ignorant fools, that doesn't mean they all are. Yes, there are some people (or person on here) who are willing fools of Trump's nonsense and lies. I don't think that is true for most of his supporters. People are busy. Media comprehension is poor. There's a flood of misinformation shoveled out by FOX opinion talking heads. Endemic racism is something we grow up with in America. There is that American cultural trait to believe in nonsense (from Salem witch hunts, to snake oil salesmen, 9/11 conspiracy theories, to Trump's business acumen). The list goes on. I believe in hard work, fairness, equity and respect for other people. Even MAGA extremists - who I don't share values with - are, I think, just trying to do the best they can in what ever circumstances they find themselves in, just like everyone else is. I won't dismiss them as ignorant, even if Trump treats them as if they were.
  23. Harris needs to define the race as: Trump is a lying bully and I can stand up to him and protect America from him.
  24. This is thinking out loud speculation, so please chill with any responses. I'm wondering if Democratic polling nationally for president is reminiscent of the early Obamacare polling. Initially, Obamacare didn't poll as well as it does today. It wasn't as popular not only because of the GOP being opposed to the government assisting an expanding number of Americans getting health insurance coverage, but it was also unpopular with people who didn't think it went far enough and there should be a public option (like the rest of the developed world has). I'm speculating if part of the disapproval ratings of Biden/Harris was representative of unease from both sides of the political spectrum? And will there be an unexpected bump up in approval rates now that enthusiasm seems to be moving to the Democrats? So far Harris is speaking more directly on campaign issues and what another term in office would work towards
  25. This just in from Howdy Arabia. In Texas 70% of people live in seven urban counties, 30% of the population live in the other 247 largely rural counties. The Texas GOP has voted in favor of a policy to make a new requirement for state-wide races. To win a candidate will need to win a majority of the counties in the State. Not win the most votes. Win the most counties. The GOP has voted to have land represented not people, in state-wide elections. There is other crazy stuff beyond this, but this was a stand out anti-democracy stance. Proposed Texas GOP platform would lock Democrats out of state office | The Texas Tribune
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