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Posts posted by RockyRoadTravel

  1. On 8/6/2024 at 12:49 PM, stevenkesslar said:

    Or not.   I love the pick!

    I'm of course the guy that communicates in longs blocks of boring text.   I'm no Tim Walz.  But it sounds like part of the reason he was picked is he lit up the internet as the old White guy calling Republicans "weird".  And roasting how they are mean bullies who love tax cuts for billionaires and punish and scapegoat queers and have nots.  Jab those hypocrites, rapists, and felons with your pitchfork, Tim!

    And how could you NOT love this guy? I think his appeal is he's the anti-JD Vance and anti-Donald Trump.   He did things that are real, and that people really care about.  He is a real person who speaks like a real person.  

    I think what stands out to me is that I am very proud of my party, the Democrats.   First, they got the old White guy, Biden, out of the way.  He needed to go.  Second, they let the dynamic Black woman rise.   The base of the party loves it, and Harris is leading Trump by 2 points in the 538 average!  Third, this decision process speaks well for Harris.  She got lots of heavy hitters to vet, think through, and interview the finalists, then met with them.  If the reporting is correct, Shapiro had reservations about giving up his job, which he is basically pretty new at.  Walz has been Guv for six years, has a great record, is an excellent communicator, and does have the Biden appeal to old White guys.  And probably is the most progressive on lots of issues. And the state and style are very Midwest:  Wisconsin, Michigan, western Pennsylvania.

    If there is a downside to this it is the path of least resistance  choice.  Since no one disliked him the way some people disliked Shapiro (Jewish/Israel) or Kelly (not strong enough on unions).   But frankly that's okay.  Because Walz could be POTUS, and so he should stand for the ideals and values of his party.  He does.

    I'm lovin it!

    She is a better orator than I was expecting.  She's let it drop a couple times, in referring to Walz, as Coach Walz.  She's not "labelling" him that, but if the monicker gets a take up and sticks - it's not a bad one.  After 10 years of being berated with anger by Trump, the America Dream could use a coach. 

  2. 23 hours ago, stevenkesslar said:

    Of course, to comment on my own post, why am I not surprised Newt Gingrich does not agree?


    Hope apparently does spring eternal with Gingrich.  He was a real somebody in 1994!   So he can keep calling Harris and Walz "radical" all he wants.

    Walz won by 54 % in 2018 and 53 % of the vote in 2018.  How radical is that?  By comparison, the former Democratic Guv Mark Dayton, who was a scion of a rich liberal Minnesota family, won by 44 % in 2010 and 50 % in 2018.   Minnesota has been accurately described as Iowa, with the Twin Cities - which is what makes it blue.  So Walz has been battle tested.  And survey says he is not radical.

    This does set the tone for the election, I think.   Democrats have to do one extremely difficult thing.  They have to open their mouths and tell voters what they believe from the bottom of their hearts.

    Meanwhile, Trump and Vance have a very easy job.  They just have to lie, rape, steal, and break laws.

    Lies are not lies.   It is Donald Trump being regal and explaining the truth to us morons.

    Rape is not rape.  It is Donald Trump being kind enough to fuck America.  

    Stealing is not stealing.   It is just Donald Trump letting Mike Pence have fun being hung for once.

    And Republicans who break laws are just standing up for law and order.

    I will happily vote in a way that I really never have before.  It will be like flushing the toilet of all this nasty hate, shit, and bile that Trump brought to America.   It's time to clean out the asshole.

    I hope Harris learns something from Obama's presidency. In his first two years he had a substantial majority in the Senate (was it 54 or 56 seats?) and a large majority in the House. If Obama had governed in his first two years as he did in his last two years (having then experienced six years of complete Republican obstructionism) there would have been a renewed Voting Rights Act, Washington DC would be a State, a renewal of the Assault Weapons Ban, perhaps Campaign Finance Reform (taking the worst of the obscene amounts of dark money in elections), and Mitch McConnell might not have been able to pack the Courts (Donald took credit, but Trump did none of the strategy and work, of undermining the integrity of the courts and rule of law).

    So, hopefully, if there is a Harris presidency, she'll recognize the obstruction she is up against in Congress, and move ahead with whatever is possible to improve the functioning of American democracy and freedoms, and pass the necessary laws to counter act the partisan policy rulings that the extremists on the Supreme Court have been legislating from the bench.   

  3. On the debate I expect that Trump will organize his rally - err debate - on September 4th and claim from the stage that Harris was afraid to "debate" him.  I think she should have a rally on the same night, to up stage him with her crowd, and keep the focus on the real agreed upon debate date and format on September 10th.  

    Also, rather than a debate, I want them both to appear on Celebrity Jeopardy.  US State Capitals for $100. Bible Verses for $200. 

  4. 10 hours ago, stevenkesslar said:

    I've been watching a lot of Mark Halperin's daily 2 Way conversations, which is exceptionally good political reporting and rapport by the Game Change co-author.  Some of the Republican regulars keep insisting that when voters find out about how liberal Harris is, she'll tank. 

    Newt Gingrich, always a flame thrower, got out early in predicting this sets Democrats up for a McGovern style loss.  Since Gingrich likes to talk history, one would guess he'd know that by August 1972 the polls showed McGovern was in fact headed to a landslide defeat.  The polls now show Harris tied.  Whatever!  Harder to dismiss is Alex Castellanos, a more moderate GOP type who usually doesn't make such far out predictions.  But so far he's holding tight on the idea that Kamala is like Wile E Coyote, running on air.  Look out below!


    If that's true, voters don't know it yet.  The polls and momentum and money make that clear.  

    Gingrich is calling Harris a "San Francisco radical" and is banking on the fact that her record will indict her.  Funny to think about Harris being indicted.  😉  One of the first factoids that was used is that Harris is more liberal than Bernie Sanders.  Three points on that.  Sanders denied it.  And according to GovTrack, the source used, Sanders is and was the most liberal Senator of all.  But the third and most interesting point is that Harris's liberal voting record is almost exactly the same as this guy named Barack Hussein Obama.  Remember him?

    President Barack Obama Voting Record

    Vice President Kamala Harris Voting Record

    They don't give either a numerical score.  But if you look at that chart as having ten lines with 5 meaning center and 0 meaning most liberal, Obama and Harris would both be right at about 0.7.  That's liberal, for sure.  Obama had eight Senators more liberal than him, including Clinton, Kerry, Sanders, and Sherrod Brown - who manages to keep getting elected in now red Ohio.  Harris had three Senators more liberal than her, including Sanders.  (Brown moved from about 0.5 to about 1.5, probably to keep getting elected in Ohio, I'd imagine.)

    Needless to say, the national voting history of Obama, Clinton, and even Kerry and Sanders does not suggest landslide losses.  Kerry is the only one of the four who actually lost the national popular vote.   The polls in Summer 2016 said Sanders would have beat Trump had he been nominated.

    Kamala Harris Is Unburdened And Has A Prime Opportunity To Define Herself

    That article is the most substantive one I have seen so far on voter perceptions of Kamala Harris.  And trust in her, versus Trump.  Sounds like Harris is being helped by excitement, not ignorance.  Voters know where she stands on abortion, health care, climate, democracy, and rights.   No wonder women, young voters, and non-White voters are flocking to her.


    Harris actually does a little bit better than Trump on those issues.  Which may be why she is tied, and in place to open a lead soon.

    The attack ads will no doubt find Harris's vulnerabilities and pounce on them.  But the idea that she will be branded as a radical doesn't seem likely - anymore than it led Obama, Clinton, Kerry, or Sanders to landslide losses.  Harris now has the momentum of Obama in 2008.  He won, right?   😉

    And then there is this:


    Sure, Obama had "Dreams Of My Father" and that whole birtherism mystique.  But a book on crime written by a prosecutor seems more down to earth, and moderate.

    Harris is more like Road Runner than Wile E Coyote, I think.  She will likely outpace the Failing Felon, who polls say voters believe is old and lacks mental acuity.  Poor loser!









    Are you saying she's perceived as a radical or as a liberal?  A liberal is in the center of the political spectrum between left and right.  

  5. 1 hour ago, Suckrates said:

    Did Putin just give a major FUCK YOU to Trump by making a deal with Biden for the release of political prisoner hostages ?

    All along Trumps rhetoric in relation to release of hostages was "I Alone can Fix it", and he also stated it in his debate with Biden.   Well HE was WRONG, since it was Biden who seems to have "fixed it"...

    Putin is telling Trump that he isnt as Great or important as he thinks he is,  because if Putin really wanted to support Trump, he would have waited for Trump to be elected, eventhough this deal was in the works for a long time.... OR, does Putin now doubt that Trump will win ?  and he really wanted his assassins back   I think its BOTH. 

    Trump is Putin's favorite for president. Putin must be reading the writing on the wall as to who he's going to be dealing with next year though. 

  6. Maybe I'm the wrong demographic for the message.  Yes, of course, Donald Trump and JD Vance, are weird.  Aren't we all a bit weird?  My concern about them isn't the weirdness - the spray tan, the hair spray, the who shakes hands the longest, cheating at golf - it's that they are dangerous.  A federal abortion ban, outlawing birth control and ending no fault divorce.  Those are 2025 policies (which JD Vance has written the forward for the upcoming book) which are far more than weird - they are dangerous, anti-freedom, anti-American.  

  7. I think there's something odd going on at 538 with poll reporting, or at least a divergence between news reports and how polls are being reported.  

  8. 4 hours ago, Suckrates said:

    YARN | All right, everyone, hold your horses. | Meet the Robinsons (2010) |  Video gifs by quotes | d54eb5f0 | 紗

    We thought we were winners in 2016, BUT Trump and his DOJ pulled his email stunt on Hillary and squashed our Dreams.... Trump is in a worse position now, facing jail and the ultimate humiliation of Cackles.   And this is his last shot of even running so who knows what stunt he will pull out of his ass ?   And his cronies have him covered in every state... Let's not "boogey on down" just yet.

    Theres alot more to come before the finish line.  Next up....VP pick !

    Election stealers refusing to certify election results (as has happened this year in Nevada already) will happen in November, in an attempt to sow chaos and to discredit the election process. The defeated former president loves chaos. 

  9. I think the tide of this election may have turned.  Lately I've mostly heard FOX News announcers referring to Trump as the "former President", embracing the reality of his free and fair loss in the last election.  Is sanity going to be returning to American politics?  

  10. 5 minutes ago, Pete1111 said:


    Trump said it.  He believes he is "the chosen one."     Now we know why.   Thank you Jesus!


    Yes, Donald Trump really believes he is 'the chosen one' - CNNPolitics




    I didn't understand your post.  What were you saying?  

  11. 2 minutes ago, vinapu said:

    typical pro-lifer, they oppose abortion in the morning , in the afternoon  are all for death penalty, day after day

    People who are against choice on abortion are not "pro-life".  I am pro-life. I support a woman's right to choose, and paid parental leave, and affordable child care options. I support preventing unwanted pregnancies with birth control universally covered through health insurance, public health education in the schools system.  The anti-choice zealots are fixated on a fetus and government control of women's bodies, they are not interested in actually solving a problem and supporting the lives of children and women.   

  12. 1 hour ago, stevenkesslar said:

     His wife is the child of immigrants.  Huh?  Maybe he is just dumb as rocks.

    Both these guys come off as sexist pigs who are dumb as rocks.

    Maybe JD Vance suffers from the same character weakness as the defeated former President, he might not be able to say "I was wrong, I am sorry."  

  13. 8 minutes ago, stevenkesslar said:

    Maybe he's just busy having sex with his couch?  Maybe he and JD are even finding comfort together.  

    It relieves the tension, you know.  


    I mean, let's be honest.  Just a week ago,  @EmmetK thought this huge climax was in the bag   Now Trump is just the old guy who can't get it up,

    And poor Emmet is fucked. May as well enjoy it.


    The surprising thing about the poll numbers currently is that after the Republican National Convention bump, after being a victim of gun violence, Trump is still topping out in the low/mid-40s in approval. No other presidential candidate has failed to crack 50% like the defeated former president.  Reagan was at 70%+ after his shooting.  

    I approve of your GIF.

  14. 6 hours ago, Suckrates said:

    It appears, due to embarrassment, fear and extreme stress and anxiety, our own EmmetK von Trump has gone into hiding.....

    No crazy delusional posts, no Trump leading polls,  no Cackle comments,,,  NADA !

    Lets hope he has enough tranquilizers with him to carry him thru the next 3 months ?

    Same thing happened when Trump lost 2020.  He goes into hiding when he has nothing to GLOAT about. 

    Wil he emerge for Cackles innauguration, or wont we hear from him until 2028 ?    

    As Trump would say  "SO SAD".....

    Mean Girls Embarrassed GIF - Mean Girls Embarrassed Hiding - Discover &  Share GIFs

    @EmmetK is useful, not for evidence based analysis/commentary, but as a Cole's Notes of the talking points of the MAGA swamp.  You just have to learn to skip over the constant name calling that seems to be important to him.

  15. Question:  Has there been an uptick in the number of right leaning polls being released this year?  

    I know that Rasmussen has always had a right wing tilt. I've looked at what those polls more in how they compare the other polls. Not so much as being accurate (not that polls are more than accurate for a snap shot of time) but in showing which way the wind is blowing. 

    Harris seems to be way out in a further right lane than in the past, just big differences with other more non-partisan polls.

    Discuss ...

  16. I don't know what thread to put this, it seemed sort of 2025 doom walking though.

    The recent Supreme (Christian Sharia) Court ruling on presidential immunity gave a virtual blank check to official acts, and a cloak of invisibility to the investigation of intentions behind presidential actions.

    With the ruling, if a President sold a Supreme Court appointment, an official act, to Elon Musk for X amount of dollars, the president would have immunity for that.  Correct?


  17. 4 hours ago, Stable Genius said:

    TRUMP picking Vance for VP will overshadow McCain's Palin selection as one of the greatest political miscalculations of the past century,

    On the bright side -- at least he'll have someone to blame when he loses.

    Andrew Jackson is by far the worst VP pick in history. Lincoln's VP, who after Lincoln's assassination, tried to politically undo the anti-slavery victory (it wasn't about States' Rights folks) in the Civil War. History will tell of course. I think Sarah Palin is also likely to remain as one of the stand out disaster of VP picks.  

  18. 1 hour ago, Olddaddy said:


    America could easily take another 10 million refugees this year .


    The immigration level that is needed should be determined as part of comprehensive immigration reform. The neo-conservative economic revolution of the 1980s has made housing unaffordable to wide swaths of the American public, this, indirectly or directly, impacts decisions on having children. The economy requires a certain level of immigration, for both skilled and unskilled jobs. Building a wall, or talking about building a wall because you're too incompetent to actually build a wall, is a stupid and misguided policy in terms of solving America's long-term economic needs regarding immigration. 

  19. 2 hours ago, stevenkesslar said:

    Trump is in full melt down mode.

    Here's Trump's best comeback to Harris spelling out his actual crooked behavior:  sexual abuse, fraud, cheating.

    Trump says it is "disgusting" and "real garbage" and "disgraceful" and "Third World". It is all a Democratic attack.

    Trump Responds To Kamala Harris: "Would Love To Be Nice, But I'm Dealing Against Real Garbage"

    To quote the First Gentleman, is that seriously the best he's got?   E. Jean Carroll and a jury of his peers are a Democratic attack?  

    Trump just rants and lies.  He lacks mental acuity.  What is wrong with this stupid crook?


    I'm going to keep posting that.  2 in 3 Americans do not think this is "real garbage". They are seriously concerned that Trump is a real crook.

    In the most recent polls,57 % of Americans want Trump to step aside as candidate. Not because he is too old.  Because he is a crook.

    Yes, I'm glad the Republicans are talking about firing the sexist liar Vance.  But first they should fire the crooked rapist Trump.


    A couple of notes to JD Vance.

    1. Jesus had no children, I couldn't find any references as to whether Jesus had any cats

    2. Donald Trump should carry JD Vance to full term to November, not sure the MAGA extremists would empathize with an aborted VP. 

  20. 2 hours ago, stevenkesslar said:

    Arizona is her weakest state and immigration is her weakest issue.  Which is why I hope she picks Mark Kelly.  The other thing Kelly can do that I would not underestimate is go after Trump and Vance for being weak and feeble on America's defense.



    I go back and forth on Mark Kelly.  He's kind of a quiet guy, not sure if he's the campaigner that's needed at this moment. He looks good on paper on immigration and his appeal to the Southwest, but, does he look good on the campaign stage?

    Do you remember who Hillary Clinton's vice-presidential candidate was? (Of course you do, you're a junkie.)  However, Tim Kaine was a boring candidate, probably boring was a choice that was made, I don't think that's the choice to make this time.  

    Chris Cillizza has a short video out today about Biden's historical assessment that touches on the messaging aspect of the Presidency, it mirrored my thoughts on this governing AND campaign essential mix. 

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