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Everything posted by RockyRoadTravel

  1. Thank you for the post. It didn't have any name calling or insulting statements in it. Refreshing!
  2. Unequal justice. Bilking his own supports out of their donated money for the imaginary wall scheme. No prison time for theft. Assisting with Trump's plans to steal an election he lost by 7 million votes, and 70+ electoral college votes. No prison time. Finally convicted for defying a subpoena from Congress. Then ... we'll see you in a month from now for prison giving you lots of time to figure out how some other level of the judiciary could step in and assist you. If I sold four ounces of weed in Florida I'd be in prison sooner than the special treatment the coup plotters have been getting.
  3. And getting back on topic. When is the 11th Circuit going to step in to get this trial moving again? Justice delayed is justice denied. The American people have the right to a speedy trial and stealing nuclear secrets needs to get heard.
  4. Justice delayed is justice denied. Hopefully the 11th Circuit will step in soon to remove Aileen Cannon. She's been a failure so far at her job, which is moving a trial along.
  5. Seems weird that Bannon gets a month's notice before he has to show up for his prison term.
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