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Posts posted by RockyRoadTravel

  1. 1 hour ago, EmmetK said:

    The trend is toward Biden? Really? In what world is that happening? Care to back that up with facts?
    The most recent RealClearPolitics poll in a multi-candidate race has Trump +10.  You call that trending to Biden?


    Not to fret, the latest poll out today by AARP (a Trump-hating organization if there ever was one) has Trump +7 in a multi-candidate race in Nevada. Looks like Nevada is no longer a swing state. It's in Trump's pocket.

    "In the presidential race, former President Donald Trump (R) leads President Joe Biden (D) by 7 percentage points among all voters – 44% to 37%, with Robert F. Kennedy Jr getting 10%. Trump’s lead is greater among voters ages 50 and older, at 50% to 38%. President Biden leads among 50+ Hispanic and Latino voters in Nevada, 47% to 38%, with Kennedy getting 10%. However, among voters overall, in a head-to-head between Donald Trump and Joe Biden, the race is considerably closer: Trump leads Biden 48% to 45%. Ballot access for Kennedy looms large in the race."


    This is Trump's biggest lead ever in Nevada. So much for your bizarre, wacko theory that the trend is towards Biden.

    Trump 2024


    Argue with Karl Rove, the conservative mind behind Gingrich's Contract on America. Yes, the trend is toward Biden.  

  2. Individual polls go up and down. The trend line at this point whether you like it or not, and it could change of course, is toward Biden beating the former President for a second time. 

    Looking at the headlines on this politics forum reflects the larger American reality, there are Americans who are nervous about Biden, but more Americans HATE Trump. This is reflected in how presidential polls for Biden are lagging behind the Democratic Senate candidates, who are ahead in all of the swing states other than North Carolina.

    If Biden, at some point, matches the support of his Democratic senate candidate teammates he'll win and we'll have to muddle along with democracy.   

  3. 7 hours ago, EmmetK said:

    How does one "loose" a debate? Is that as opposed to tightening a debate? Are you part of the Biden campaign's publicity department?  lol.
    The fake news media will declare Dementia Joe Biden a winner if he doesn't fall asleep....

    Lol. Deflect and distract.  If you want to fight you'll have to fight with yourself, and Karl Rove. 

  4. 21 minutes ago, Mavica said:


    I don't like these nicknames that the presidential candidates get called, too much of a diversion from the policies they are proposing, or alternatively not proposing.  The trending nickname for the former President "Pudding Don" I suppose is a reflection of both his mind and his body.  Even if a nickname is accurate, it's still insulting. 

  5. At the debate we'll see if the former President continues to talk about getting electrocuted in a boat and eaten by sharks, while Biden talks about the bi-partisan agreement that was worked out to manage the current border issues, that was torpedoed by his followers on the former President's orders.  Biden wanted a solution, while all the former President wanted was a campaign issue. Sad. Makes the GOP look very weak.   

  6. As long as Trump continues to let America know how nuts he is, the trend against him is going to continue. He's his own worst enemy.  It's his former colleagues and/or business contacts who are the ones providing evidence on him.  They know first hand how he screws people over.   

    It's the last five polls Biden has won or tied in now.  Of course this will continue to go up and down, and next week might be different. There is a trend towards Biden over the last month though. We'll see how the debates go.  The more America is reminded of Trump's weakness as a leader, the less we like him. 

  7. On 6/4/2024 at 6:42 AM, KeepItReal said:

    Nice to meet ya, darlin'! 



    It's likely unfortunate that her name has been made public. She'll now likely have to suffer through violent threats from MAGA extremists that so many other people have also had to suffer for simply doing her job of upholding justice. 

  8. Trump, the only president since Hoover to have fewer people working in America the day he left office, than on the day he started his presidency. Beyond the lack of morals, the self-dealing, the personal enrichment, it's about the economy. The USA doesn't need to suffer through Trump blowing up the deficit with his tax cut for billionaires and ... he didn't really accomplish anything else. Mitch McConnell is responsible for all of those extremists on the Courts. 

  9. 6 hours ago, stevenkesslar said:

    There's a double entendre there.

    Trump is nuts.

    But if Biden starts talking to an empty chair, I don't think it's possible for him to stumble and mumble more than Clint Eastwood did.

    Or, here's a thought.

    If Trump is a no show, let Obama sit in the empty chair and talk to Trump's empty podium?


    The Former President, so much empty, so little time.  

    On a serious note.  There are changes to the format, to focus on the questions and answers, so it's just the moderators and the candidates.  How will each of them perform without an adoring crowd?  

  10. While most indicators are either good (trade, job growth, stock market etc.) or at least heading in the right direction (inflation), it's surprising that there is still some confidence in the Former President around economics.  Trump is the only president since Hoover, the start of the Great Depression, who had fewer people working at the end of his term than he did at the start of his term.  

    Interest rates need to start coming down though.  

  11. I don't see Trump showing up for the debates, anymore than he followed up with "wanting to testify". Yesterday he was speaking in Nevada without a teleprompter. From the podium he starts shouting that he was going to stiff yet another small time contractor and not pay yet another bill. He was even more lost than he usually is, rambling on about sharks and getting electrocuted in a sunken boat.  It'd be insane anywhere, but in Nevada - sharks in the desert. 

    At the debate Biden will attempt to talk policy. We'll see if the moderators and/or organizers will have an empty chair there for the Former President.  

  12. Biden keeps getting better polling news.  The Former President's hate is a powerful emotion, it's also exhausting for Americans and few people want to return to the Former President's complete incompetence (disregard, indifference) during the pandemic.  There's been real accomplishments over the last four years - imagine a President that actually delivered on infrastructure investments.  Did I want Biden to run again - no I didn't. And at the same time - credit where credit is due. Job growth is much stronger than under Trump. The stock market is higher. Trade deficit with China is decreasing, where it was increasing under Trump.  The USA government even made $500+ million dollars on trading in oil - sell high and buy low.   


  13. Only if you drink your bleach. How much lower would the death toll have been with someone competent in the White House? I think we'd still have been fighting over toilet paper regardless who was in the White House - give the sudden shock on supply chains. However, I think that's why reason was elected in 2020. Post-COVID reconstruction took a vision and an ability to plan, basic competence. All the gains are being shouted over by a hate message from the extremist element within the GOP. Reason, planning and competence aren't as simple a message as hate. 

  14. He'll have to be passionate and focused on just a couple of messages though.  He's also running against the ghost (charisma) of Obama.  I can't think of a box office smash staring Brad Pitt's father, even when running against a white Bill Cosby. 

  15. Anything new from Lichtman?  Polls do seem to be moving as people start to pay more attention to the election and less to the incoherence of the Former President. Jobs report was good, stock market at record highs (not that that helps non-stock owners), decreasing trade deficit with China, more American jobs. All welcome changes from the Former President. No more fighting over toilet paper!  Hopefully the probation report includes a mental assessment. 

  16. Good title. I remember watching the Former President (people who lose elections are Former Presidents) and a reporter asks a (dreaded) bible question. And smugly Trump mentions TWO Corinthians. Of course it's Second Corinthians (as anyone who's been to Sunday School, or paid attention at all). The man has never read a bible in his life.  

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