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Posts posted by RockyRoadTravel

  1. 9 hours ago, stevenkesslar said:

    I don't think this has been posted.

    John Oliver did a great piece on Project 2025.

    Spoiler alert:  If you like MILFs, there are three bonus sexy clips included.  If you get off watching hot older conservatives get angry, nothing makes me cum more than watching Larry Kudlow flail his arms around while ranting, "Impound!  Impound!  Impound!"

    TMI on Kudlow 

  2. The defeated former president claims he doesn't know about Project 2025.  Demonstrating his incompetence once again.  (Of course he's never read it, it's 900 pages long. He'll need the picture book edition.) 

    What serious candidate running for the highest office is ignorant of the primary document being developed and promoted by the Heritage Foundation. He's so lazy and he treats his believers as if they're stupid. The defeated former president is disrespectful to absolutely everyone. 

  3. 3 hours ago, stevenkesslar said:

    LOL.  It's one poll.   And it confirms what I said.  Biden v. Harris appears to be a coin toss, at least if you go by polls.  In this poll Trump is up 6 over Biden and 7 over Harris.

    If I read the Harris X account right, that's a 3 point net shift to Trump since 5/31.  No surprise that in a debate where Trump's lies and stupidity were eclipsed by Biden's debate malpractice, Trump got a post-debate bump.  When the debate bounces back to Trump executing Liz Cheney after his military tribunal determines she's a traitor, shift will happen.

    The more concerning numbers about Harris are a Daily Mail poll that shows Trump over Biden by 5 and over Harris by 11. That's a number that will slow momentum to Kamala.  But I'm quite sure in the next few weeks this will be polled to death.

    Meanwhile, the first good piece of news for Biden in a while.  Larry Sabato said "the race between Trump and Biden is no longer close."

    It's good news for Biden because Sabato is often spectacularly wrong.  So when he calls a trend or an election, you can feel pretty confident it will be the opposite of what he says.

    Sabato single-handedly created the inaccurate idea that the 2016 polls were horribly wrong.  In fact, the final 2016 RCP average showed Clinton winning the popular vote by 3.2 %, and she won by 2.1 %.  Pretty close.  If you look at the state polls that explain her electoral college defeat, those were pretty close to reality, too.

    Sabato is a prognosticator, not a pollster.  He guessed very badly right before Election Day 2016 that Clinton would win, and Democrats would win the Senate.  He turned out to be dead wrong, of course.  instead of admitting he just had his head up his ass, he was all over TV blaming his shitty and unreliable guessing on bad polling.

    So now that Sabato has said the race is not close, we can expect to see the race tighten.  Cue the drumroll, please.


    Biden Has Lost Little Swing-State Support Following First Debate

    Biden holds an advantage over Trump in Michigan and Wisconsin

    A new Bloomberg state poll shows Biden beating Trump by 5 points in Michigan and 3 points in Wisconsin.  That brings the RCP average of state polls in those two states back to a statistical tie.  Bloomberg still shows Biden losing Pennsylvania.  But he is only 1 point down in Georgia and 3 points down in Nevada.  Take that, Larry Sabato!  Nitwit!

    I'll double down on the idea that it's lucky timing for Democrats that this happened now.  Of course, the best thing would be Joe Biden circa 2008 or so (the Whack Sarah Palin version) showed up to the debate.  But if it was going to be Dementia Joe, thank God it happened now.

    This could be the setup for Comeback Kid, 2024 Edition.  One way to judge whether Biden has the wits about him to fight Putin or fight for America's middle class is watching him fight for his own survival.  So these Bloomberg polls may be an indictor that the "Fight, Joe, Fight!" strategy is working.  Either way, the debate about how Biden is maybe crazy and Trump is for sure a crazy lying narcissist that was being suppressed is now in the open.  That's a good thing. 

    I think it makes Democrats look like the grown ups, while Trump rants about military tribunals and executing cult traitor Liz Cheney on 5th Ave. or wherever.

    Lots of information from a variety of sources.  Refreshing.

    One of Biden's problems is that in the cable news/social media era you have to be charismatic to be successful, being a good administrator and competent legislator doesn't provide lift off a current day campaign for President. 

    Is Biden as competent now as he showed over the last four years? In a presidential campaign it's not enough. 

    Biden was elected in 2020 with a wave of votes flowing to him from people who were disgusted by the hate mongering and incompetent former President. 

    Whether Biden can govern as well as he has over the four years or not, isn't the only question about being the next president. It's about whether he can win the election.

    Sadly or not, it's not only about competence. It's about being able to explain and convince voters about what he's been able to do, in the face of constant GOP obstructionism. A candidate for president needs to be articulate and charismatic.

    Trump can spew out short sound bites and repeats them over and over until people, even some on here, believe Trump's constant lies and fabrications.  

  4. 3 hours ago, EmmetK said:

    So much for CackleHead Kamala being withing striking distance of Trump.

    A post-debate poll, published over the weekend, shows former President Donald Trump leading Vice President Kamala Harris by more than he leads President Joe Biden, as talk among Democrats has turned to replacing Biden with Harris at the top of the 2024 Democrat presidential ticket.

    America is not quite ready yet for its first DEI President.

    10 things the American people trust more then Kamala Harris
    1 - 14 days to flatten the curve
    2- CNN headlines
    3- Jussie Smollette testimony
    4- Philadelphia election results
    5- Bill Cosby's Margaritas
    6- Jeffrey Epstein Prison Guards
    7 - Flint Michigan tap water
    8 - Long Range Weather Forecasts
    9 - Biden is a fit as a fiddle
    10- Anything out of the mouth of Mika Brzezynski

    How about a Harris/Hillary ticket?

    Cackles & Cankles

    TRUMP 2024




    You obsess over individual polls. Relax. Representative democracy shouldn't be so scary to you.   

  5. 6 hours ago, RockyRoadTravel said:

    The question for American's is do you want to elect a person to government who wants, and is able to, govern?  If the answer is yes, then Trump has demonstrated he is not the candidate for you.  He is interested, and only able, to sew chaos.  Distraction to hide his weakness as a leader.  

    If you want someone who is able to identify an issue, and come up with possible solutions to address the problem, Trump has demonstrated through four years of government he is not interested and unable to fix any problem.  Kids in cages doesn't solve any problem. 

    it doesn't really matter who the Democrats are running as a candidate. My dog would be a more capable leader than Trump ever was.  

    damn auto-correct - sow chaos 

  6. The question for American's is do you want to elect a person to government who wants, and is able to, govern?  If the answer is yes, then Trump has demonstrated he is not the candidate for you.  He is interested, and only able, to sew chaos.  Distraction to hide his weakness as a leader.  

    If you want someone who is able to identify an issue, and come up with possible solutions to address the problem, Trump has demonstrated through four years of government he is not interested and unable to fix any problem.  Kids in cages doesn't solve any problem. 

    it doesn't really matter who the Democrats are running as a candidate. My dog would be a more capable leader than Trump ever was.  

  7. The Republican party has been shrinking for years. One recent poll put it down to 21% of Americans' identifying as Republican. So there's this ever more extreme element dominating a shrinking party inflicting us all with the hate mongering, incompetent Trump.  A man who takes credit for Mitch McConnel's stacking of the courts with extremist judges, but has nothing legislatively to point to as a success.  Infrastructure?  Lol.  Trump, beyond the sexual harassment and the blatant corruption and his attempts to steal the 2020 election, he was incompetent.

  8. Biden could of had a very successful one term president. He's done a good job with some real achievements, much like LBJ. 

    Infrastructure - finally happened. Trump was an on-going joke announcing infrastructure week and nothing happened for four years.

    Better job growth and lowest unemployment rates for 40 years.  Trump sucked the fumes of the Obama recovery for his first two years, and then completely bungled the pandemic.

    Fighting climate change with the biggest investment in non-fossil fuels while at the same time achieving energy independence. Trump failed at both - windmills cause cancer he said. 

    In many ways Biden was a more progressive president than Obama was. Am I a Biden supporter?  Not particularly. I wasn't a big fan of Obama legislatively either - where's the public option? It was only in his last two years he started to fight the complete obstructionism of the GOP to anything and everything with more executive actions.  Obama came late to the GOP strategy of being the party of not governing and only sowing chaos.

    Whether we like it or not, the presidential race isn't only about competence and actual legislative achievements. It's also about charisma. Biden is lacking in that essential quality. Obama picked Biden as his VP because of Biden's history and cross the aisle relationships in the Senate, and his ability to be bi-partisan to move legislation along. Not for his charisma. 

    Whether Biden drops out or not, and whether Biden is as competent as he's been over these last four years, the election is still a choice between someone who wants to govern and the GOP's candidate who is a hate mongering, incompetent man who needs to lie about anything and everything.


  9. 6 hours ago, floridarob said:

    I'm not concerned, Trump says the election is rigged...so that must mean Biden is going to win, because if it's rigged how can Trump win .....or if he wins, was that the rigging that was done 🤔

    Don't forget there are plans in place by the MAGA GOP to intimidate qualified voters, who they have racial profiled, to make it more difficult to vote. In Georgia you there are legal consequences for handing some one waiting, in an hours long voting line up, a bottle of water. A better solution would be for the State of Georgia to open up a lot more voting places. Why is the MAGA GOP so afraid of democracy?  Sometimes you win and sometimes you lose. The defeated former President resoundingly lost in 2020. A decent man would accept that, and a coward would whine. 

  10. 2 hours ago, Moses said:

    By the way, guys, do you know what now situation is going more and more close to best variant for Russia?

    Popularity of Dems may make House with Dems majority, Senate - maybe will be also in hands of Dems and president will be from Resp. It is best situation for Russia - govt what makes decision by months and years like with supply Ukraine with weapon  - from end of summer 2023 till middle of spring 2024.

    American parliament and president are busy in fight, what may be better for Russia? 

    True. Trump is under Putin's control. 

  11. 3 minutes ago, EmmetK said:

    As I have stated, the Biden team must really be in trouble when the only positive polling for them comes from FOX!

    If you ever step out of your MAGA echo chamber you'll find out it's the direction of most polls. Will the swing toward Biden continue? Who knows, maybe it will or maybe it won't. However, politically it's stupid for supporters of the defeated former President to ignore current reality.  And continue to do whatever it is you need to do.

  12. 53 minutes ago, Moses said:

    He can't. He should be citizen of Russia for 25 years before he will get such privilege...

    So, for him the only chance to be president or tsar of Russia is to rename Mar-a-Lago to Russia.

    I know this is off topic, sorry. And about Mar-o-lago. If the former defeated President thinks the true assessed value of the property tax is $1 billion dollars, why isn't he paying property taxes based on $1 billion dollars instead of $18 million.  Everyone else in Palm Beach could get a big tax cut if he did.  

  13. Yes. As I said before individual polls are going to go up and down. Thanks for demonstrating that. An honest person would have also posted the recent FOX poll which showed the exact opposite, with a swing toward Biden. Both are just individual polls. 

    Neither poll in itself is as significant as all of the polls taken together. And, if you can step out of your MAGA echo chamber for a moment, I'll re-post for you, as I have before, the polling trends from 538.  Who Is Favored To Win The 2024 Presidential Election? | FiveThirtyEight  And yes, there is a swing toward Biden - at the moment. Will this continue?  Who knows, maybe it will and maybe it won't.  

    If the swing toward Biden continues then we'll just have to continue to muddle along with democracy. 


  14. On 4/30/2024 at 6:13 AM, Stable Genius said:

    Meatball Ron has traded in his white boots for white kneepads.

    If that were true,, that would be an honorable change of work for him. 

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