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Posts posted by RockyRoadTravel

  1. 14 hours ago, stevenkesslar said:

    I think you are right.   Three strikes and he is out.  People are tired of it.  Trump will lose.

    If assassinations attempts were going to win an election, I think we would have known after Pennsylvania.  What helped Trump the most at that time was that Biden looked old and tired.  Now Trump looks old and tired.

    What will win Trump the election, in theory, is inflation and immigration.  But not if his argument is that immigrants are eating dogs and cats.  If anything, people who would naturally feel sympathetic to any politician who some nut tries to kill - Steve Scalise comes to mind - probably have less sympathy for Trump.  Just because we have had to put up with his hate, bullshit, and lies for a decade.  I'm glad he's safe.  But I don't feel sympathy for him.

    If the topic is who will win, you know who my heartthrob is and always has been:  Allan Lichtman.  And he's now out and proud.  He says Kamala Harris is going to win.  If you asked him, he'd say assassination attempts have no impact on his keys.

    I'll add one more thing, just because I happened to read it today.  The group whose net worth has gone up the most under Biden is .................  wait for it ........................ young voters.  The same young voters who everyone is worried may not vote, or may vote for Trump because of inflation or rent or interest rates.  Like their net worth doubled.  For people under 35, net worth went from $16,000 in 2019 to $39,000 in 2022. That's mostly stock market gains.  For people 55 to 64, net worth went up 30 %, over $100,000. 

    I think that factors into both 2022 and 2024.  As compared to 2010, for example.  If we were in a Great Recession and unemployment were 10 % and there were mass foreclosures and people's stock and home equity were wiped out, voters probably would throw the  bums out like in 2008 and 2010. 

    People are actually doing well. Inflation may be annoying.  And for working class and poor people who don't own stocks or homes, it's a real burden - which Harris clearly gets.  But I think this is what people care about, and why she will win.  Whether Trump has kooks going after him with assault weapons that should be banned is not America's top priority.

    Talking about Looney Loomer is indirectly talking about immigration. Trump has successfully changed the discussion.  The press isn't talking about "concepts of a plan for health care" after nine years of campaigning, and that Trump lost the debate.

  2. If people can stop being distracted by Laura Loomer for a moment, after nine years of saying repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act, Trump still has no plan?  He has concepts of a plan?  After nine years? 

    Is that even worse than his inability to get any infrastructure built?  He was so weak as a President. 

  3. 4 hours ago, Suckrates said:

    Melania has a new book, $40, or collectors edition for $250, and is promoting it online.   In her promotion, she makes it pretty clear she believes the Trump assasination attempt was "fishy", and suggests the FBI was involved to try to "silence" Trump, and then cover up their involvement.   

    Although she is NOT supporting Trump in his re-election bid, and says should he win, she will NOT be assuming the typical First Lady role, she sure know how to promote and sell shit. 

    Does anyone care, or is Melania now "irrelevant". ? Does embracing MAGA conspiracy theory just keep her in the headlines and sell books,  or do you think she actually BELIEVES it ?  


    Publishing | Melania Trump

    Sounds like Trump's pre-nup must be pretty good for her to be hocking this stuff. 

  4. 20 minutes ago, stevenkesslar said:

    Trump suggests he won’t debate Harris again, attacks ABC over moderators’ fact-checking

    I am getting a real kick out of the collective whining about how unfair ABC, and life in general is, to poor spoiled rich boy Donald Trump.

    He lost a debate because he can't help being a narcissistic liar.  And, like a narcissistic liar, he now wants to whine and blame it everyone but himself.

    He's once against setting up the standard that a Republican in good standing has to take an oath to NOT tell the truth - whether it's about whether Trump lost the election, or some crazy shit he said during a debate.

    Meanwhile, no Republicans are attacking ABC for giving Trump five more minutes than Harris.  Which he used to make himself look like a fool.

    No Republican is attacking ABC for "rigging" the debate by making the first question to Harris, "Do you think people are better off than four years ago?"  That is THE perfect pro-Trump question.  Which Trump himself would have asked Harris about a dozen times if he weren't so busy nursing his own man child ego.

    I have looked at several fact check lists like at BBC and DW.  I could not get behind the WSJ's pay wall, which I assume might have the most Trump-friendly of fact check lists.  All the items called out about Harris, and some of the ones about Trump, were completely appropriate things for them to say in the context of a debate.

    It's completely debatable whether Harris was correct about Trump leaving Biden and her with the "worst" unemployment ever.  Just like it's debatable whether Biden and Harris created the "worst" inflation ever, as Trump claimed.  That is what debates are for.  If ABC had continuously fact checked claims like that, I would be pissed.  The debate is supposed to be between the candidates.  Trump just did a super shitty job.

    Same with whether Trump supports a national abortion ban.  A smart debater often makes claims that force their opponent to deny things.  In fact, ABC handed Trump the opportunity to say he would veto a national abortion ban.  He would not.  At least implying that he does support a national abortion  ban.

    The two things I recall being called out were whether immigrants are eating pets, and whether Democrats are killing babies.  Those are bald-faced lies, not open to interpretation.  It is illegal to kill babies.  There in no proof that immigrants in Ohio are stealing and eating pets.  Trump of course wasn't going to be called out on a lie.  So of course he has to turn it into a debate with ABC, both then and now.

    Trump wants to be able to tell any ridiculous lie he wants and never be challenged.  Why is everyone not surprised?

    Trump is a whining loser.  That's just a fact.

    If you are losing the game you start playing the referees.

    I've got no explanation for Trump's appeal other than there must be some really deeply ingrained racism, overt or subtle, amongst a wide swath of the American population. People who are more concerned about the WHITE working-class than they are about the white WORKING-CLASS as I said before. Race interest trumps economic interest.

    Trump's message is all you can do is fight over the crumbs left over for the working and middle-classes, and make sure the white folks get enough from the folks of color to survive. I need to succeed over my brown neighbor, because it's the best I can hope for; I'll never get more from the billionaire who owns my factory. 

    Trump translates his bullying impulse to create and encourage a racism of white bullying of people of color as the only means of survival. Trump narrows economics to a battle over crumbs. To me it's a defeatist and minimal expectation of solving real economic issues. 

    Trump is such a racist, to his bones. 

  5. 32 minutes ago, stevenkesslar said:

    Harris Extends Lead Over Trump After First Presidential Debate



    That's from Morning Consult.  From Ipsos:

    There's more poll results in that Ipsos article, all of which sound good for Harris.  Beyond the 70 million or so who saw all or part of it themselves, sounds like word filtering out is positive to Harris, negative to Trump.

    We'll know better next week.  But seems like this helped Harris, hurt Trump, and reignited her momentum

    Rinse, repeat, and do it again.

    In the spin room after debate Gavin Newsom talked about how this is the Kamala Harris I have known for 20 years.  And the thing about it is that maybe you think this as good as it gets. But she actually keeps getting better.

    Maybe that was just spin.  But, assuming he meant it, it's why a second debate makes sense to me.  I think the first one was mostly about making her bigger, and Trump smaller.  But it also showed that, to the extent they are even talking about policy, Harris looks good.  She neutralized some of the immigration stuff, for sure. 

    The economy is her biggest weakness.   I think she should take it on directly with Trump.

    @EmmetK is going to be mad with you.  He likes to post about new polling information. 

  6. 11 minutes ago, stevenkesslar said:

    This is what I like about Mark Halperin's 2Way channel.  It's driven in large part by Zoom-like interactions with everyday voters, many of whom are undecided.  

    I think there are at least two relevant categories

    But a lot of the center right people don't like Trump, even though they like many of his policies.  And they don't like the liberalism of Biden or Harris.  Or, in the case of Harris, they don't feel like they understand her.  And they will vote.  Halperin often asks these people whether they will vote, and they almost all say they feel obligated to, even if they don't like either candidate.  These are the people Harris has to focus on now.

    Those people will only vote for Harris in significant numbers if the election is a referendum on Trump and his chaos, criminality and disdain for the rule of law and the Constitution.

    Harris can rally her base with hope, the disaffected Republicans will rally, for one election only (I think Harris could make this point more often), based on Trump's existential threat to democracy and the American way of life. 

  7. 8 hours ago, stevenkesslar said:

    Haven't given much thought to it.  Seeing as how  Murderous Vlad's useful idiot is the one that is gonna lose.


    I'll be happy for Murderous Vlad when Trump loses.

    He should be super happy, seeing as how he wants Harris to win.   Yup, Murderous Vlad will get a real kick out of it, seeing as how Kamala will stand up to his genocide.

    Do you ever wonder why your Genocide Man is such a dumb fuck, to mess up your wannabe democracy and your wannabe economy and your wannabe war victory so bad?

    Do you ever wonder why you can't fire your dumb fuck leader, like we can, without ending up with a bullet in your head?

    Thank you for that truth yelling. 

    DJT stock $16.16 today. Looks like Trump's abysmal perform in the debate has cost him about $250,000,000 in DJT stock value, As a meme stock It's plummeted on his performance. 

  8. 14 hours ago, stevenkesslar said:

    I love this quote.

    Hearing it is better than reading it.   This is Mark Halperin's daily 2way podcast below.  This comes from Texan political consultant Mark McKinnon, who has worked for both Republicans and Democrats.  If you want to hear it it is at 28:00 in the podcast below.





    I think it would be good for Harris (I almost called her Kamala) to start using more of her prosecutorial language. When she's referring to Project 2025 say Trump's finger prints are all over that document. Start talking about the co-conspirators from his White House who wrote Project 2025.  

    Fingerprints and co-conspirators, it amplifies the felon and his whole criminal vibe.  

  9. 41 minutes ago, Suckrates said:

      I dont understand how you can even consider a Trump victory ?   

    I don't live in denial, even if that is more comfortable. The polls are very close. I don't understand how you can't consider a Trump victory.  

  10. Our representative democracy has, I think, a certain class basis for it's existence. It's a function of the middle-class and unionization. The rich don't need representative democracy, and the poor have too often not had their needs met by it.  The administrators and the civil society activists often are from and of the middle-class.

    I think one the of the reasons that representative democracy is under siege in the USA is because the middle-class and unionized work force is under siege and a shadow of what they are in other major industrial economies.  Britain and the USA stand out for the lack of economic mobility in our societies compared to other advanced economies.

    The percentage of the workforce in the USA that is unionized is maybe 10%, and mostly governmental at that. No other major economy has such a pathetic rate of unionization. (In Canada it's about 30%, and in Sweden it's over 50%.) If we want our representative democracy to heal, the ability of people to come together and collectively bargain for better wages and work conditions is essential.  Biden has been surprisingly, to me, good on this. 

    Representative democracy is the only form of rule that has recognized the collective rights of women, racial communities, LGBTQ+, people with disabilities etc. So I'm invested in representative democracy. Without collective rights being recognized, I don't have individual rights as a gay man. 

    I hope the debate goes well tonight.  Trump, if elected, would land a big goose step onto the few unionized workers we still have in this country, which would make our representative democracy more fragile, and our collective rights as gay men even more fragile. 

  11. 6 minutes ago, stevenkesslar said:

    No, I don't.  Of course you don't.

    Your job here is simple.  To lie, to defend genocide, and more important to not say a thing about the wretched, miserable, failed authoritarian nation Russia is.  You don't brag about Russia, because you can't.  Genocide Man just wants to stir up trouble in the US, and wherever else he can.  That's his game.  You could give a shit about the truth.  Just like Trump, who only lies when his lips are moving.

    When rotten Russia and Genocide Man are called out for genocide, you dismiss it.  That's like Hitler arguing why would you listen to Jews who are just whining about the great living quarters we put them in and the good work we give them.  When the whole world looks down on Genocide Man and Russia, you simply dismiss it as "Western propaganda".

    I feel sorry for most Russians.  When the federation collapses of its own rot, and America stands tall as a vibrant multi-racial capitalist democracy, I will feel sorry for all the Russians and ethnic minorities that suffered and were slaughtered thanks to the evil and greed of Genocide Man.

    Besides that, though, Putin really is a swell guy.


    Rachel Maddow's 2019 book Blow Out, is an interesting read on the impact of oil domination of an economy and how that impacts the functioning of democracy. 

  12. 1 hour ago, Moses said:

    Do you really think I read your shit you publishing here - all these slogans of Western propaganda?


    When looking at your posts, reading isn't something that seems to be your thing.

    Most people give other people the benefit of the doubt for a period of time. However, your Putin drone status is long in the tooth.  Putin "said so", case closed. (All heil your great leader.) 

    Trying to stay on topic here, DJT had a little lift today, probably from the New York Time/Sienna poll showing Trump up.  

  13. 7 hours ago, stevenkesslar said:

    I think all the demographics are pretty clear that there is a large chunk of White working class voters who are not racist, who do not harbor grudges about Blacks getting ahead, and who will vote for someone like Obama.  Proof of concept is they did in 2008.  And Obama won in a near landslide.  I will always feel if he had governed more like FDR - an economic populist - things might have gone better in 2010 and 2014.  Example:  bail out the White working class home owners who got screwed (as well as the Black and Hispanic and Asian ones) and send the bankers who did it to jail.  He did not do that, really.  But my theory is totally debatable.


    One of my gross generalizations on voting motivations is this: if you think your kids are going to do better than you have, you vote Democrat, and if you think your kids are going to do worse than you have, you vote Republican.  Again, that is a gross generalization. I think that's why Harris' optimism rallied her base vote, and it's why Trump digs into his grievances and "persecution" about his crimes.    

  14. 2 minutes ago, Moses said:

    You know what I like most about your answers? You don't deny anything I say. The reasons are clear - you have nothing to object to - the facts confirm everything I wrote. Instead, you continue to insist on my "faith".

    Whatever you like, you can think of me as believing in "Saint Putin". And what I like most about what he said is that I said it several months before he did.

    You keep on believing everything Putin says because he "said so".  And buy up all the Trump stock you can.  

  15. Just now, Moses said:

    Why you continue to asking about "believing"? He is not a messiah "to believe". 

    Simple analysis says - Dems in general and Kamala in particular are more preferable for Russia. Their position is clear, it not depends on leader of party, and by this reason is more stable. Love they Russia or hate - it isn't important: every step is predictable and all is going as chess party: "they will make this step, we will answer with that step, then they will make that step and we will answer with this step".

    Like with sanctions: sanctions are implemented, but Russian GDP is growing every month, international trade is going well and one by one companies in world receive exemptions from sanction - titanium for Airbus, oil to Hungary and so on...  It was predictable, so Russia prepared in advance own payment system, made agreements about trade in national currencies and so on...

    With Trump is more hard to predict - he in 6 month made Kim (North Korea) the best friend, then the worst enemy, then again best friend. Orange clown is too much impulsive.


    You naively believe that Putin endorses Harris simply because Putin "said so", ignoring all of the history and evidence that his lap dog Trump is who Putin has always actively supported. 

    Buy even more Trump stock Moses. buy. buy. buy. You appear to be the perfect Trump target. 

  16. 58 minutes ago, Moses said:

    Dear, I wrote here few month before Putin, what for Kremlin Biden's (now - Kamala's) victory is the best event. In such situation US will have very unstable, but still predictable political situation - House and Senate will have permanent fight and Senate will vandalize procedures and sabotage president's decision.

    Do you remember what it took 8 months to make law about sending weapon to Ukraine? The same will be under the next Dem. president.

    With Trump's victory situation will be unstable AND unpredictable, because he is too much impulsive. 

    So Putin told truth - Kamala's victory is preferable for Russia: her political position is known, she is predictable and that allows to calculate future movements.


    Again, old dear, do you naively believe everything Putin says?  And how are your Trump stocks doing?  Or were you luckily not stupid enough to invest in the grifters latest con?

  17. 4 hours ago, Moses said:

    And your habit of hanging labels reveals that you are a person of not very high culture and little experience in public debate.

    Like this nonsense "endorsement", do you blindly believe everything that Putin says? 

    More important question, how are your DJT stocks doing? Or were you lucky enough not to be stupid enough to buy any of the scam artist's latest grift? 

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