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Everything posted by RockyRoadTravel

  1. Talking about Looney Loomer is indirectly talking about immigration. Trump has successfully changed the discussion. The press isn't talking about "concepts of a plan for health care" after nine years of campaigning, and that Trump lost the debate.
  2. If people can stop being distracted by Laura Loomer for a moment, after nine years of saying repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act, Trump still has no plan? He has concepts of a plan? After nine years? Is that even worse than his inability to get any infrastructure built? He was so weak as a President.
  3. Sounds like Trump's pre-nup must be pretty good for her to be hocking this stuff.
  4. If you are losing the game you start playing the referees. I've got no explanation for Trump's appeal other than there must be some really deeply ingrained racism, overt or subtle, amongst a wide swath of the American population. People who are more concerned about the WHITE working-class than they are about the white WORKING-CLASS as I said before. Race interest trumps economic interest. Trump's message is all you can do is fight over the crumbs left over for the working and middle-classes, and make sure the white folks get enough from the folks of color to survive. I need to succeed over my brown neighbor, because it's the best I can hope for; I'll never get more from the billionaire who owns my factory. Trump translates his bullying impulse to create and encourage a racism of white bullying of people of color as the only means of survival. Trump narrows economics to a battle over crumbs. To me it's a defeatist and minimal expectation of solving real economic issues. Trump is such a racist, to his bones.
  5. Trump's requirement for another debate are getting more particular. FOX isn't good enough. Perhaps Trump would agree to Steve Bannon hosting the debate from the recreation room at his prison? Just to ensure "fairness".
  6. @EmmetK is going to be mad with you. He likes to post about new polling information.
  7. That is a word that has never applied to Trump. Josh Barrow yes. Trump no. (I won't tell Halperin about Josh.)
  8. Those people will only vote for Harris in significant numbers if the election is a referendum on Trump and his chaos, criminality and disdain for the rule of law and the Constitution. Harris can rally her base with hope, the disaffected Republicans will rally, for one election only (I think Harris could make this point more often), based on Trump's existential threat to democracy and the American way of life.
  9. Thank you for that truth yelling. DJT stock $16.16 today. Looks like Trump's abysmal perform in the debate has cost him about $250,000,000 in DJT stock value, As a meme stock It's plummeted on his performance.
  10. I think it would be good for Harris (I almost called her Kamala) to start using more of her prosecutorial language. When she's referring to Project 2025 say Trump's finger prints are all over that document. Start talking about the co-conspirators from his White House who wrote Project 2025. Fingerprints and co-conspirators, it amplifies the felon and his whole criminal vibe.
  11. DJT stock down to $15.70 today after that debate performance.
  12. So far Trump has not answered one question.
  13. I don't live in denial, even if that is more comfortable. The polls are very close. I don't understand how you can't consider a Trump victory.
  14. Our representative democracy has, I think, a certain class basis for it's existence. It's a function of the middle-class and unionization. The rich don't need representative democracy, and the poor have too often not had their needs met by it. The administrators and the civil society activists often are from and of the middle-class. I think one the of the reasons that representative democracy is under siege in the USA is because the middle-class and unionized work force is under siege and a shadow of what they are in other major industrial economies. Britain and the USA stand out for the lack of economic mobility in our societies compared to other advanced economies. The percentage of the workforce in the USA that is unionized is maybe 10%, and mostly governmental at that. No other major economy has such a pathetic rate of unionization. (In Canada it's about 30%, and in Sweden it's over 50%.) If we want our representative democracy to heal, the ability of people to come together and collectively bargain for better wages and work conditions is essential. Biden has been surprisingly, to me, good on this. Representative democracy is the only form of rule that has recognized the collective rights of women, racial communities, LGBTQ+, people with disabilities etc. So I'm invested in representative democracy. Without collective rights being recognized, I don't have individual rights as a gay man. I hope the debate goes well tonight. Trump, if elected, would land a big goose step onto the few unionized workers we still have in this country, which would make our representative democracy more fragile, and our collective rights as gay men even more fragile.
  15. Rachel Maddow's 2019 book Blow Out, is an interesting read on the impact of oil domination of an economy and how that impacts the functioning of democracy.
  16. When looking at your posts, reading isn't something that seems to be your thing. Most people give other people the benefit of the doubt for a period of time. However, your Putin drone status is long in the tooth. Putin "said so", case closed. (All heil your great leader.) Trying to stay on topic here, DJT had a little lift today, probably from the New York Time/Sienna poll showing Trump up.
  17. One of my gross generalizations on voting motivations is this: if you think your kids are going to do better than you have, you vote Democrat, and if you think your kids are going to do worse than you have, you vote Republican. Again, that is a gross generalization. I think that's why Harris' optimism rallied her base vote, and it's why Trump digs into his grievances and "persecution" about his crimes.
  18. You keep on believing everything Putin says because he "said so". And buy up all the Trump stock you can.
  19. You naively believe that Putin endorses Harris simply because Putin "said so", ignoring all of the history and evidence that his lap dog Trump is who Putin has always actively supported. Buy even more Trump stock Moses. buy. buy. buy. You appear to be the perfect Trump target.
  20. "Oh Lindsay ... stop. No. I mean it. Stop!"
  21. Again, old dear, do you naively believe everything Putin says? And how are your Trump stocks doing? Or were you luckily not stupid enough to invest in the grifters latest con?
  22. Like this nonsense "endorsement", do you blindly believe everything that Putin says? More important question, how are your DJT stocks doing? Or were you lucky enough not to be stupid enough to buy any of the scam artist's latest grift?
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