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  1. When will DJT stock prices fall below $16?
  2. In the debate I think it would serve Harris's campaign well to answer every question with the economy. Saying over and over again about the mess Trump left of the economy, about the loss of jobs (particularly manufacturing jobs), about the Democratic record on job creation. Jobs, jobs, jobs. Don't get diverted by the twice impeached defeated former President's dodges and vague nothingness of answers. He's a liar. Make the point and move on to the economy. Four grand juries of average Americans have recommended charging Trump with crimes. Make the point on move on to the economy.
  3. Obvious facts are usefully repeated when speaking with a Putin/Trump apologist. Try to focus on the facts of Trump's slavish behavior to Putin - if you can. Takes a bit of thinking, give it a try.
  4. Well she could write up her own pre-nup agreement. She'd even be able to figure out (hopefully) the paperwork for the conjugal visits in prison.
  5. You win the word salad award of the day! Congratulations. It's not complicated. Trump will give Putin Ukraine, like he did 2016 - 2020. The war on Ukraine was waged by Russia all through the Trump Presidency. The Democrats have supported funding the Ukrainian resistance to Russia interference in Ukraine (2014 - 2020) and the later invasion. You want or need to believe Putin (he lies) rather than facts. пожалуйста (pozhaluysta) comrade. Is this the only Putin propaganda you believe, or do you swallow everything Putin says with no critical thought?
  6. You win the word salad award of the day! Congratulations. It's not complicated. Trump will give Putin Ukraine, like he did 2016 - 2020. The war on Ukraine was waged by Russia all through the Trump Presidency. The Democrats have supported funding the Ukrainian resistance to Russia interference in Ukraine (2014 - 2020) and the later invasion. You want or need to believe Putin (he lies) rather than facts. пожалуйста (pozhaluysta) comrade. Is this the only Putin propaganda you believe, or do you swallow everything Putin says with no critical thought?
  7. You win the word salad award of the day! Congratulations. It's not complicated. Trump will give Putin Ukraine, like he did 2016 - 2020. The war on Ukraine was waged by Russia all through the Trump Presidency. The Democrats have supported funding the Ukrainian resistance to Russia interference in Ukraine (2014 - 2020) and the later invasion. You want or need to believe Putin (he lies) rather than facts. пожалуйста (pozhaluysta) comrade. Is this the only Putin propaganda you believe, or do you swallow everything Putin says with no critical thought?
  8. Time will tell I suppose. That platitude is all I got!
  9. These endorsements are interesting, and caution with getting what you wish for. Liz Cheney will be a formidable candidate for the 2028 GOP nomination. I don't know if the Democrats are ready.
  10. This thread is about DJT stock plummeting. You should start your own thread rather than high jacking this one. However, I will indulge your question. Hopefully the DOJ is going to release the information on the most recent attempts by Russia to influence the USA election. So far they have been quiet on which campaign they have favored, I expect to try and do their jobs, keep their heads down and try to avoid the bullshit storm from Trump. Good luck with that DOJ. All previous interference by Russia has been in Donald Trump's favor.
  11. And getting back to your original post, after that diversion, Putin lies. Putin's interests show he wants Trump re-elected. Trump is the candidate who is going to give Putin Ukraine, as Trump did last time he was in office. The war in Ukraine may have started 2014 after the Sochi Olympics, and it continued all through the Trump presidency in the Donbas regions of eastern Ukraine, weakening Ukraine until the eventual invasion. Trump's just the only President who said and did nothing about it (other than holding up aid to assist Russia). And all of this had nothing to do with DJT stocks. Continuing to fall. He will want to dump his stock. It'll send the stock value down to pennies. Will he screw over any small-time MAGA investors like that? Will they care?
  12. News flash. Putin lies. He wants his lap dog back as president, Donald Trump. Again. News flash. Putin lies.
  13. It hit $17.86 today. (Announcement I didn't go looking for the information.) Further slide expected. Trump is so going to dump this stock when he can and cash out.
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