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Posts posted by EmmetK

  1. 22 minutes ago, Marc in Calif said:

    He's correctly predicted the election outcomes for the past 40 years. 

    He correctly predicted Drump's victory in 2016 and Drumpf's loss in 2020. 

    Those are some pretty good reasons, yet you can only make ad hominem attackes on Alan Lichtman. That means you've got absolutely nothing. 0️⃣

    coming from someone who can't locate Rafah on a map.....  LMFAO

  2. I've already pre-ordered 3 pairs of them. And two bottles of Trump's  Victory 47 cologne.  Just among my friends and family, we will be receiving over 40 pairs of sneakers and 16 bottles of the Trump cologne.
    The manufacturing plants will have to be operating 24/7 to churn out these beauties to meet the expected demand.

    And don't overlook that in the heart of downtown Philadelphia, in a hall filled with mostly young, urbanites, this was the reaction to the surprise Trump appearance:

    "He was met with a mostly enthusiastic crowd, though some occasional boos permeated through the cheers."

    Donald Trump paying a visit to traditionally unfriendly territory is a genius move. And getting cheered on by young black males is a promising sign.
    Democrats use anything to 'get Trump!' Even the most egregious lies! But the Black and Latino Communities are leaving the Democrat Party in massive numbers! They are fleeing the democrat plantation in droves. It as absolutely great to see that they have opened their eyes!

    After my Air Trumpinators arrive, I will be ordering the MAGA work boots with liberal resistant soles. 

    Newsflash: Morticia James just filed a $400 million dollar lawsuit. She claimed that Trump overvalued the sneakers!

  3. The bank did their own appraisal, the loans were paid back on time, some early, assuming there was a crime it was definitely victimless.
    You could probably find 100% of every company that has applied for a commercial loan did the same thing.

    Kevin O' Leery from Shark Tank defended Trump: 
    “Every single real estate developer everywhere on Earth does this…Who lost money? Nobody! If you’re gonna sue this case and win, you gotta sue every real estate developer everywhere...so I don’t think this thing will ever survive appeal…This doesn’t even make sense.” (Kevin, sane people would think so but the entire Justice system is corrupt.)

    The testimony of all bankers and others was dismissed? So obvious that the Justice System needs a complete overhaul but by whom? Who do you complain too? Who do you ask to investigate when the investigators are corrupt too?


    I'm sure the appeal will be filed by next week... No doubt the outrageous penalty will be reduced significantly, and likely that the entire verdict tossed out.

    On appeal, the malicious prosecution and personal corruption of the judge and AG, the smug and smarmy Morticia James, will be revealed, turning the entire waste of time into a criminal matter against the Democrats, just like what's happening in Georgia. 

    This judge is a product of the NY political machine. It is a cesspool of corruption.
    The silver lining is that after EVERY anti-Trump verdict, his approval ratings go up. This time will be no different.

  4. Is there an emoji for a big yawn?


    Alan Lichtman is a long-time democratic hack. He even ran for Senator in the dem primary in Maryland..... and lost.
    There is absolutely ZERO reason for anyone to care what he has to say.

    I'll place my money were the all the betting money is going rather than some democrat lackey who nobody knows and nobody except dem partisans care what he has to say.


    I can post literally thousands of videos, much more logical and less partisan, than this one. I don't waste my time. And I don't waste my time watching this one either.

    New headline: Dem hack predicts Biden victory. What next? There is gambling going on at Rick's Care?  lmfao!



  5. This worthless lackey of Dementia Joe Biden hasn't done his job AND he has lied on many occasions saying the border is secure! He deserves to have his butt kicked to the curb!
    Alejandro is the Secretary of Homeland security...Has he secured the homeland? No. He isn't doing his job that his title suggests. he shouldn't get a penny from US taxpayers and some of these people suggest he shouldn't be impeached? give me a break.

    This is only #1, then comes Hunter and Joe. Garland and Wray will come next, for they are part of the coverup.

    And come November, Donald Trump will be re-elected. As of now, it will a landslide.

    And these RCP polls were all taken before the disastrous, scathing Special Counsel report which shed light on Dementia Joe's incoherence.

  6. House impeaches Alejandro Mayorkas, first Cabinet secretary to be impeached in almost 150 years


    This was long overdue.
    Congress has laws in place that Mayorkas refused to enforce. Under Mayorkas, ICE is not enforcing the border laws. It is acting as a travel agency for illegals.

    This was simple. Mayorkas did NOT uphold the law, he has done NOTHING for the last 3 years regarding the border other than leaving it wide open. He probably should also be tried for treason.

  7. 9 hours ago, unicorn said:

    While I agree with you that at this point the evidence for Biden's dementia is convincing, it's pretty obvious that Trump has dementia as well. Trump may have fronto-temporal dementia, which could bode bigger danger. 


    Trump has mixed up President Biden and former President Obama so often that he even had to post a disclaimer on Truth Social explaining that these flubs were intentional. Just a few days ago, Trump mixed the two up during an appearance on Fox News. He was talking to Sean Hannity about the necessity of giving presidents immunity when he said, "Because when he leaves office, the opposing party, president, if it's the opposing party, will indict the president for doing something that should have been good, like Obama dropped missiles, and they ended up hitting a kindergarten or school or the apartment house, a lot of people were killed."

    Earlier this month, Trump made a similar mistake when he claimed he was ahead of Obama in the polls when he meant to say Biden. "As you know, crooked Joe Biden and the radical left thugs have weaponized law enforcement to arrest their leading political opponent, and leading by a lot, including Obama — I'll tell you what," he said during a Washington D.C. summit, Business Insider reports. In this same speech, he also mixed up Obama and his 2016 presidential election opponent, Hilary Clinton. "With Obama, we won an election that everyone said couldn't be won," he said...

    Last September, at a speech at the Pray Vote Stand summit in Washington, D.C., Trump claimed that Biden is “cognitively impaired” before warning that the current president would lead up into WWII — you know, the war that our grandparents fought in...

    At a rally in South Carolina last year, Trump went on another rant about wind turbines, this time claiming that “windmills” were killing whales by “driving them crazy.”


    Biden's dementia, which has been obvious to any objective observer for years, has been validated by a neutral party - a Special Counsel appointed by Dementia Joe's own Justice Department. The special Counsel found that Dementia Joe "willingly and knowingly" kept classified documents in his garage. His dementia, which would make it difficult for a jury to convict him, was the reason that he wasn't charged with a crime.

    There is no similar evidence about Trump. And please don't tell me about referring to Nikki Haley as Nancy Pelosi. That was a one-and-done. Biden's is daily. Trump gives press conferences, interviews, and 2-hour unscripted speeches. Biden is kept in a bunker. He didn't even appear for the traditional Super Bowl interview (2nd year in a row).

  8. 39 minutes ago, forky123 said:


    So, just to confirm, you are the liar here Emmaroid. 

    WRONG.... again.
    Rape is a criminal offense. NOT a civil offense. 
    Donald Trump was never accused, indicted, tried, nor convicted of rape.

    Displaying a headline from a Trump-hating, left-wing newspaper allegedly quoting a Trump-hating judge on a case that is being appealed is beyond comical.
    But given the source, no surprise.

  9. 1 hour ago, forky123 said:

    That you equate any of those to rape shows just what a petty excuse for a human being you are. 

    That you would lie shows what a petty (and pathetic) human being you are.

    Even if you believe that money-grubbing gold-digger, E. Jean Carroll, it was a civil charge. NOT criminal. No rape was ever alleged.
    But sometimes truth can be evasive to the far left Biden boot-lickers.

  10. 16 minutes ago, forky123 said:

    If Trump is the best you've got, a rapist, then you are as sick as he is. 

    Joe Biden is no Ronald Reagan.

    1. Ronald Reagan didn't plagiarize.

    2. Ronald Reagan didn't illegally keep classified documents back to his ranch.

    3. Ronald Reagan Jr. wasn't a drug addled criminal.

    4. When Ronald Reagan claimed he spoke with Helmut Kohl or Francois Mitterand, he really did speak to them.

    I could go on and on and on...

    This will be a huuuuuuuuuuuuge MAGA year!

    Where will Joe Biden be at Super Bowl halftime this year? lol. 

    Joe Biden. The gift that keeps giving and giving.





  11. 30 minutes ago, Bingo T Dog said:

    "I've had more than a dozen phone conversations, extended phone conversations with President Biden," Netanyahu said. "He also came on a visit to Israel during wartime, which is a historic first, and I found him very clear and very focused. We managed to agree on the war aims and on many things. Sometimes we had disagreements, but they weren't borne of a lack of understanding on his part or my part. So that's what I can tell you."  Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu pushed back on Sunday against the characterization of President Joe Biden in special counsel Robert Hur's recent report, calling him "very clear and very focused."

    Do you even bother to read the headline of your own link.
    I'll make it easy for you:

    Joe Biden's Reelection Odds Plunge After Bruising Special Counsel Report


  12. 2 hours ago, stevenkesslar said:


    The article says nothing about how Biden is heading for a "landslide defeat".   In fact, Trump is leading Biden by 1.9 % right now in the RCP average.  That's not a landslide, @EmmetK.  That's within the statistical margin of error.




    Do facts bully you?

    First of all, as we have seen twice in the last 5 elections, thanks to the electoral college, a GOP Presidential candidate can lose the popular vote by millions and still get elected President. So Trump leading in the popular vote by 1.9% is a landslide, 
    However, this is NOT a 2-person race. There are 3 other declared major candidates: Jill Stein, Cornell West, and Joseph Kennedy. And in a 5-person race, Donald Trump leads by 7.5%. And another democrat, Joe Manchin, may or may not enter the race. That would pull more dems away from Dementia Joe Biden.

    This is the week that Dementia Joe lost the election: The scathing Special Counsel's report, mistaking Mitterand for Macron, Helmut Kohl for Angele Merkel, and not knowing Hamas. And then the news conference where he thoroughly embarrassed himself, mistaking the President of Mexico for the President of Egypt.

    All of the above in just a few days!!!!!!! 

    This is a 5-alarm fire for the dems. Watch the polls that will come out in a few days. They will be devastating.

  13. Overwhelming majority of Americans think Biden is too old for another term: POLL

    According to the poll, conducted using Ipsos' Knowledge Panel, 86% of Americans think Biden, 81, is too old to serve another term as president. 


    This poll from ABC News, not a friend of Donald Trump, shows that 86% of Americans, including 72% of democrats believe that Dementia Joe Biden is too old to be President. 86%!!
    Two important takeaways from this poll. First, that Dementia Joe Biden is heading for a landslide defeat of unprecedented proportions this fall. 
    Second, it shows how totally out-of-touch the leftist posters are in this forum. This forum's lefties are nothing more than delusional apologists for a stumbling, bumbling, addled, creepy old pervert who should be in a nursing home, NOT the White House. Since 86% of dems think Dementia Joe is too old, yet the Biden supporters here refuse to acknowledge the obvious, they are totally unrepresentative of democratic voters and speak only for a tiny fringe element.



  14. ‘A nightmare’: Special counsel’s assessment of Biden’s mental fitness triggers Democratic panic


    NBC News, parent of MSNBC, an arm of the DNC, labeled the Special Counsel's report a "nightmare" that triggered panic throughout the democrat hierarchy.
    if this is what Biden's acolytes say out loud, you can bet that they are already secretly scrambling for a kind way to push the old man off the stage and find a replacement.

  15. The report from Biden's own Justice Department described the 81-year-old Democrat's memory as “hazy,” “fuzzy,” “faulty,” “poor" and having “significant limitations.” 

    "He did not remember when he was vice president, forgetting on the first day of the interview when his term ended ('if it was 2013 — when did I stop being Vice President?'), and forgetting on the second day of the interview when his term began ('in 2009, am I still Vice President?')," the report said. “He did not remember, even within several years, when his son Beau died.”

    This report is damning! Before this report came out, 76% polled said Biden is too old to be President. That number will certainly shoot up now.

    The report couldn't have been clearer. Dementia Joe only avoided criminal charges because he has dementia. Yet somehow, he is fit to be President for the next 5 years?  lol.


    So the report CLEARLY states that he held and disseminated classified information while he WAS NOT IN OFFICE. He then stands up on live TV, and after stumbling and bumbling, DENIES THAT IT SAYS THAT! Comer promised to subpoena the transcript and tapes and make them public so the world can see and hear for themselves. Biden couldn't remember when he was Vice President, and didn't remember when his son died (not even approximate)!

    So heart-warming to read here in this left-wing forum how much you guys love Dementia Joe. You think absolutely think he is the best. I hope and pray that sentiment stays thru the convention so he is not replaced on the ballot. Things will only get worse for him. The stumbling, bumbling, doddering, addled old fool is a SURE loser.


  16. The Special Counsel's report showed that Dementia Joe Biden didn't know when his son Beau died, and didn't know when he was Vice President, among other memory lapses.

    From the Special Counsel's Report:

    Robert Hur said in his report that the president has suffered from cognitive decline, which has affected his memory. Hur even used this as a basis to recommend that he not be prosecuted for “willfully” retaining classified documents. Per the report:

    The report says the investigation “uncovered evidence that President Biden willfully retained and disclosed classified materials after his vice presidency when he was a private citizen” but does not establish guilt “beyond a reasonable doubt.”

    Yet Hur’s assessment of Biden’s “significantly limited” memory also played a part in his decision not to prosecute.

    “We have also considered that, at trial, Mr. Biden would likely present himself to a jury, as he did during our interview of him, as a sympathetic, well-meaning, elderly man with a poor memory,” the report states. “Based on our direct interactions with and observations of him, he is someone for whom many jurors will want to identify reasonable doubt.”

    “It would be difficult to convince a jury that they should convict him — by then a former president well into his eighties — of a serious felony that requires a mental state of willfulness.”

    Hur’s report is riddled with examples and assessments that Biden’s mental faculties and memory have deteriorated, saying, “Mr. Biden’s memory also appeared to have significant limitations.”

    Shockingly, the report says, “He did not remember, even within several years, when his son Beau died.”

    For Hur to have included that special detail about his inability to remember when Beau died in his report,  " he did not remember when he was vice president, forgetting on the first day of the interview when his term ended ("if it was 2013 - when did I stop being Vice President?")...He did not remember, even within several years, when his son Beau died."


    It is no longer a secret. Biden suffers from Dementia. Quotes from the Special Counsel's report will be on every TV ad this fall.

    The President is supposed to be in charge of protecting our Borders, our Economy, our Society, and entrusted with our Nuclear Codes. Keep an eye on the polls the next week or two. 

    Dementia Joe has told the story of Beau dying in countless battles, it is no wonder he can't keep his story straight. Dementia Joe is too addled to stand trial yet he controls the nuclear football, try to get a good night's sleep thinking about that.

    This is a man who confuses his sister with his wife, confuses Macron with Mitterand, confuses the Mexican President with the leader of Egypt, and recently spoke with Helmut Kohl who has been dead for years....

    The Special Counsel's report confirms what was obvious to most of us  - Joe Biden is a stumbling, bumbling fool. A pathetic Mr. Magoo.




  17. 8 hours ago, forky123 said:

    Biden didn't create the crisis. Trump didn't fix the crisis in his 4 years.


    Wrong. And if you don't believe me, ask all of the democrat Mayors whose blue cities are being overwhelmed by the influx of migrants. This did not happen during Trump. Illegal migrant crossings have more than quadrupled under Dementia Joe Biden.

    Literally within weeks after being elected, Biden stopped building the wall, ended the stay-in-Mexico policy, and instituted catch-in-release.

    Rise in migrants




  18. 6 hours ago, Stable Genius said:

    Oh what a week it has been for Republicans and it's only Wednesday!


    1. Trump loses on immunity.

    2. Republicans get called out by Biden and media on border hypocrisy.

    3. Republicans fail in their own Fascist-like impeachment attempt.

    4. Republicans get schooled by Senate Democrats.



    1. A long way to go before this is done.

    2. Biden is totally incapable of calling out hypocrisy. Especially on the border where HE and only HE created this crisis. Republicans are not going to bail him out of the mess on the southern border  that HE created.

    3. That vote will be quickly reversed when Steven Scalise, who was receiving treatment for prostate cancer,  returns to the House next week.

    4. Republicans get schooled by Senate democrats?  lol. What are you talking about? Senate dems were defeated in their attempt to put a band-aid on a bleeding wound.

    In case you need a reminder, here is a reality check for you:

    RealClearPolitics Poll of polls:

    Trump +5

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