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Posts posted by EmmetK

  1. The Trump campaign is in serious trouble?   LOL

    Not according to the Bloomberg/Morning Consult poll out today:


    Donald Trump holds leads over Joe Biden in Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, North Carolina, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin. 

    Overall, eight in 10 swing-state voters said Biden was too old to be president. 

    Immigration is rising as a key voting issue

    As long as immigration and Dementia Joe Biden's open border policy continues to be a major issue, Donald J. Trump will be President again. And it will continue to be an issue as the damage is already done. Dementia Joe Biden's policy of eliminating Trump's Remain-in-Mexico policy, and instituting a catch-an-release, allowing in 8 million illegals, including drug dealers, sex traffickers, and other criminals, can not be undone. As long as 80% of US voters think Dementia Joe is to old, that also cannot be undone. His cognitive decline will only increase in the months ahead.
    The November election will be a Trump landslide.

    But you can keep posting articles from fake news MSN and other left-wing Trump hating sites. It makes no difference.
    But if it makes you feel better to post them, go ahead. It won't change the outcome of the election.

  2. How out-of-touch are the posters here?
    According to the Harvard/Harris poll out today you guys are VERY out-of-touch with no sense of reality.:

    • Voters say Biden’s biggest failure was creating an open borders policy and a historic flood of immigrants. 
    • 62% of voters support impeaching Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, including 48% of Democrats.
    • 55% of voters supported Trump’s calls to stop the Senate’s compromise immigration bill, which would have allowed 5,000 migrants to enter per day until new measures kicked in.
    • 59% of voters say age and memory lapses are inadequate justification for Special Counsel Robert Hur not pursuing criminal charges in the classified documents case
    • Trump beats Biden by 6 points in the head-to-head matchup.
    • 57% of voters say they approve of the job Trump did as president
    • 82% of voters support Israel over Hamas (with 72% support among 18-24-year-olds, their highest percentage to date).
    • 63% of voters support Israel continuing its ground invasion into Southern Gaza to root out the final elements of Hamas.

    These numbers are STAGGERING for Dementia Joe. And if Harvard/Harris which is run by Mark Penn, a long time democrat operative, and official in the Clinton administration, has Trump up by 6 points in a head-to-head match with Dementia Joe, you can bet its probably closer to 16 points.

    You guys can keep deluding yourselves. Every indication points to a huuuuge Trump victory in the fall.
    But if it makes you feel better, than you can keep calling Trump stupid names, keep posting silly JPEGS, and keep thinking that Dementia Joe has a chance to win...   lol!


  3. The left-wing echo chamber in this forum is in total denial about what is clearly obvious: Joe Biden is in severe cognitive decline. His memory issues are approaching advanced stage dementia. As each day passes, it is becoming more obvious to the overwhelming majority of Americans (left-wing forum members here excluded...lol). It is even more striking when compared to Trump who saunters with a kick in his step, gives 90-minute speeches, and has numerous interviews with journalists. Contrast Trump with Dementia Joe Biden who won't even take questions from a friendly CBS reporter at the Super Bowl halftime with an audience of 60 million.

    The left-wing echo chamber in this forum has lost touch with reality (were they ever in touch?). Their only response to Biden's dementia and inability to lead is to lie, call Trump childish 3rd grade names, and post goofy JPEGs. If that's the best they have, case closed. Game over. Trump wins!

  4. Fact: There will be FIVE candidates in the race (Trump, Dementia Joe, Cornell West, Joseph Kennedy, and Jill Stein). One Republican and 4 Democrats. Dementia Joe Biden is one of the least popular incumbents to ever run for re-election. He will need every vote. However, the vote on the left will be splintered between the four dems.
    Without question, Trump wins in a landslide.

  5. 11 hours ago, stevenkesslar said:

    Actually, Trump has Netanyahu.  It's hard not to read the polls and think the issue is not Dementia Joe.  If there is a Joe Biden that is a disaster for Democrats, it is "Genocide Joe".



    Like everyone else, I don't bother reading your endless blather.

    However, your graph is meaningless. This is NOT a 2-person race.
    This is Trump vs. Dementia Joe Biden vs Joseph Kennedy vs Jill Stein vs Cornell West


  6. 15 hours ago, Bingo T Dog said:

    How do you feel Trump bragging about being the PRO-LIFE candidate will affect his chances?   https://www.commondreams.org/news/trump-abortion  https://www.politico.com/news/2024/01/29/trump-abortion-ban-2024-campaign-00138417

    download (20).jpg

    I feel great about it. And apparently so do the American people:


    And I would much rather have a pro-life candidate like Trump than a pro-death candidate like Dementia Joe who invites in tens of thousand of drug traffickers and fentanyl dealers who poison the blood of Americans.

  7. 3 hours ago, stevenkesslar said:

    Good news, Emmet.

    I am sure Vlad really welcomes this win for Biden, decency, and truth.

    Granted, Hunter is a fucked up mess. But what with Vlad being a stalwart for decency and kindness and truth, I am sure he is delighted that all the Trump lies and rot and cruelty are being righted.  God bless Vlad.  Such a just and decent fella!


    You can continue to spew out your lies, upside down logic, democrat talking points, and stupid JPEGs. And you can also continue to hang your hat on that washed up democrat gypsy fortune teller who got all of 1% in his run for Senate in the democrat primary (did his crystal ball predict a victory?  lmfao).

    Trump has the issues. According to every poll, Trump also has the people. Dementia Joe is a disaster.
    Trump really doesn't even need to campaign. All his campaign and the RNC need to do is to play the videos of the illegal migrants flooding across the border in every 30-second ad. All 7.6 million of them.. Drug dealers, sex traffickers, and all types of criminals. We already know that Venezuela has opened up its jails and sent their criminal to the US border. This is an invasion of unprecedented numbers.
    Trump II is almost here.


  8. 1 hour ago, stevenkesslar said:

    The fact that he has to announce he is for Biden simply underscores how he's doing everything he can to elect Trump.  And you will help him.


    I don't think even you believe the blather and nonsense you write in your posts. Putin wants Biden to win so he can continue to roll thru Europe. He knows all that Dementia Joe will do is impose more meaningless sanctions. 
    Fact: During Trump I, Russian troops remained in their barracks in Russia. It will be like that during Trump II.

    And Trump doesn't need any help from Putin or me to get elected. He's doing pretty damn well on his own:


    And Trump is either leading or statistically tied in all of the toss-up states!!

    And Trump is crushing the mentally-addled old fool among those willing to put their money where their mouths are:



  9. 1 hour ago, Bingo T Dog said:

    Comes out to only $55.00 per donation.  Doesn't show much love and support for trump.

    How much have you donated?

    President Trump received 0ver 74 million votes in 2020. If just 5% of us contribute $55, the GoFundMe will garner over 400 million for Trump.

  10. 1 hour ago, Bingo T Dog said:

    Talk to Bibi The Butcher.

    Bibi the Butcher? Was it Bibi that sent three thousand heavily armed soldiers across the border to kill babies torture, rape, mutilate children, kill babies in front of their parents, and parents in front of their babies?  
    Hamas wouldn't have dared to commit these atrocities during a Trump administration. Wouldn't have dared.

  11. Under Joe Biden:

    7.6 million unvetted invaders let into the country, and they continue to pour across the border thanks to Dementia Joe Biden's ending the "Remain-in-Mexico policy, and instituting catch-and-release, allowing thousands of drug dealers, sex traffickers, terrorists, and other elements of the democrat base into the country.

    highest inflation in 40 years

    Hamas invaded Israel

    Russia invaded Ukraine.

    none of the above happened under Trump

    The country has had enough... and it is reflected in just about every poll.

  12. 7 hours ago, Marc in Calif said:

    Yet there will always be stooges and dupes like EmmorrhoidK who will continue buying gold shoes, perfumes, colognes, cute red hats, and maybe even Trump University diplomas!

    You forgot the Trump and Trumpinator bobble-heads:

    I have the complete set.

    The Trumpinator Bobblehead - Proud Patriots



    Trump Offending Liberals Bobblehead - Proud Patriots

  13. 8 hours ago, stevenkesslar said:

    And everything I said is true.

    Trump is a fake populist.  So is Cruz.  They want to cut taxes for the rich, like they are, and take away Obamacare.  Trump parades around as a populist while he breaks the law and rapes and sexually harasses and cheats and goes bankrupt.  And you send him money to bail his criminal and crooked ass out.

    Some populism!  What a fighter for the people!

    The thing people remember fondly about the Trump era is lower prices and no inflation.  So he will run on that.  Even though inflation hit hard all over the world after COVID, and was actually lower in the US than most of the industrialized world.  Had Trump been President, he would have had the same or worse.  But let him run on inflation.

    We'll see how it goes when Biden reminds people how Trump's big victory for the working class was cutting taxes for billionaires like himself, and trying to screw people by taking Obamacare away.  Trump gutted Roe V. Wade.  2 in 3 Americans want to send aid to Ukraine and Trump is undermining that.  Trump is a rapist with women and a devoted cock sucker with Putin.  

    All true.  Trump is despicable, criminal, and crooked.  He leads a cult.  His MAGA populism is phony as can be.


    On a thread THAT YOU STARTED about Ted Cruz, the above post mentions Donald Trump NINE times, and Ted Cruz once. How telling.

    You don't want to discuss Cruz, because the policies and values that he espouses, which you hate, are wildly popular with the people that have elected him. 
    When you got nothing, change the subject. You have mastered the art of obfuscation.


  14. 38 minutes ago, Stable Genius said:


    Two lies in one post? Exactly what one would expect from an MSNBC talking-head.

    Lie#1 - I am not aware of any Trump supporters who say they can't afford a carton of eggs. Though a good deal of Dementia Joe Biden's supporters rob stores and steal eggs before a night of rioting and looting.

    Lie #2 - There is absolutely no evidence that the sneakers are made in China. None. Zippo.

    But a liberal wouldn't be a true liberal unless he/she lied.

    The REAL BTC

  15. And your point is?
    When I ordered the sneakers I got a message telling me there is a backlog, and delivery will be at least 90-120 days. Not a problem for me. Is that a problem for you? It will arrive just in time for the summer. 
    Another one of your weak, pathetic, and juvenile attempted smears against Donald Trump? Too bad. It's just another swing and miss. Whiiiiiiiiiiiff.

    You also may want to try to get your news from another source than MSN. It's more fake than Dementia Joe's hair plugs.
    Newsflash: Trump got to be a billionaire by being a good businessman and good salesman. 

    President Trump made $400k in hours selling a legal product and democrats are mad.
    Fraud Biden made millions from selling his political office to China yet democrats could care less.

    I heard that Biden is trying to counter Trump's sneaker sales by offering one free box of Biden Depends underwear with every Hunter Biden painting that is purchased.....


  16. You get a GOLD STAR in ignoring the facts.

    In case you forgot, you started this thread. You did it by trashing Ted Cruz. You used all of the left-wing, Trump-hating code words: despicable, MAGA cultist, MAGA populism, blah, blah, blah.
    Of course in your response to my post, there was your usual endless nonsense, yet nowhere did you address the issue of Ted Cruz decimating his opponents in the polls. Ted Cruz' popularity with the voters who sent him to Washington twice, and will be sending him again in the fall, likely with a record landslide victory...
    Just more of the same - more hypocrisy, more endless blather, yada, yada, yada

  17. On 2/4/2024 at 8:38 PM, stevenkesslar said:

    So much for MAGA's fake and cynical populism.


    Senator Cruz is doing and saying EXACTLY what the voters of Texas sent him to do.

    A University of Texas poll out this weekend shows Cruz decimating both of his expected demonrat challengers:


    "In head-to-head contests, Cruz holds comfortable leads over both Allred (46% to 32%) and Gutierrez (45% to 31%) in hypothetical head-to-head match-ups early in the election year."

    The uber left supporters of Dementia Joe on this site are beyond delusional. They attack Cruz and Trump, among others, who take positions that are at odds with their left-wing dogma, but are popular among the mainstream voters.

    @JKane Care to post jpegs of that loser Collin Allred?  lol!

  18. All the smart money is on Trump....  by a landslide.


    I don't understand why the race hasn't shifted since that democrat fortune teller predicted a Dementia Joe Biden victory?  lol.
    People who bet money have insight. They are putting their money where their collective mouths are. And they smartly give ZERO credibility to that democrat LOSER.....



  19. Purchasing Trump sneakers and donating to his GoFundMe are examples of the ways that regular Americans like myself are all too happy to help Trump give the middle finger to our insect overlords. And judging by the Trump haters' comments here it is having the desired effect.

    I would much rather spend my money purchasing Trump sneakers and Trump cologne than pay off the tuition loans of Dementia Joe's deadbeat college student supporters. 

    I would much rather spend my money purchasing Trump sneakers and Trump cologne than pay for the housing, education, clothing, medical bills, and other expenses of Dementia Joe's illegal migrant pals that he has laid out the welcome mat for, including all of the gang members, drug dealers, and sex traffickers.

  20. Trump fans have created a GoFundMe page.

    In only 2 days, donations are almost $400,000.
    Between the GoFundMe site and the Trump sneakers, that will go a long way to paying off whatever the ultimate liability is, if any, in the two civil cases, after the appeals have reduced the amounts.


    I've already sent in a tidy donation.


    1000 pairs already gone.  Poof!  Even with the factory churning them out 24/7, they won't be able to produce enough to meet demand. But I'm willing to wait a couple of months for my $399 limited edition Trump  "Never Surrender High-Tops"  (advertised as "bold, gold and tough, just like President Trump"), and my $99 Trump "Victory 47" cologne.

    Rumor is that Dementia Joe Biden is coming out with a signature walker with autographed tennis balls on the front legs.
    Of course Dementia Joe Biden's family made $millions selling influence to different countries and was tax free.
    Dementia Joe =  the most corrupt politician in American history.

    I’d rather have a sharp businessman with critical thinking skills running the country than a washed up, dementia-addled, low IQ bike crashing idiot angry crook telling us what snacks to eat all while starting three wars, destroying our energy industry, auto industry, healthcare and education systems. Looks to be Obama 2.0 treason part Deaux.....
    And the voters agree with me , according to just about every poll and Las Vegas money. But you all can hang you hats on Alan Lichtman - the democrat fortune teller who ran for US Senate and got 1.2% of the vote. Did his crystal ball predict a victory for himself? Is he the Democrat version of Asa Hutchinson?  lol. 


    1000 pairs already gone.  Poof!  Even with the factory churning them out 24/7, they won't be able to produce enough to meet demand. But I'm willing to wait a couple of months for my $399 limited edition Trump  "Never Surrender High-Tops"  (advertised as "bold, gold and tough, just like President Trump"), and my $99 Trump "Victory 47" cologne.

    Rumor is that Dementia Joe Biden is coming out with a signature walker with autographed tennis balls on the front legs.
    Of course Dementia Joe Biden's family made $millions selling influence to different countries and was tax free.
    Dementia Joe =  the most corrupt politician in American history.

    I’d rather have a sharp businessman with critical thinking skills running the country than a washed up, dementia-addled, low IQ bike crashing idiot angry crook telling us what snacks to eat all while starting three wars, destroying our energy industry, auto industry, healthcare and education systems. Looks to be Obama 2.0 treason part Deaux.....
    And the voters agree with me , according to just about every poll and Las Vegas money. But you all can hang you hats on Alan Lichtman - the democrat fortune teller who ran for US Senate and got 1.2% of the vote. Did his crystal ball predict a victory for himself? Is he the Democrat version of Asa Hutchinson?  lol. 

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