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Posts posted by EmmetK

  1. Trump’s Net Worth Hits $6.5 Billion, Making Him One of World’s 500 Richest People

    • Former president joins Bloomberg’s list of 500 richest people
    • Trump Media merger adds billions of dollars to paper fortune

    By Tom Maloney
    March 25, 2024 at 4:52 PM EDT


    "TMTG completed the merger Monday. The shares of the newly formed company will trade on the Nasdaq Tuesday under the new ticker symbol DJT.

    The transaction would provide a windfall to Trump, who owns more than 60 percent of TMTG. His share of the merged company, expected to be around a 58 percent stake, could be worth around $3 billion at recent market prices.

    Trump’s shares are subject to a six-month lock-up that would prevent him from selling shares or pledging them as collateral for loans, a standard provision in many initial public offerings and SPAC deals. The board, however, could waive the lock-up, to allow him to pledge his shares to support an appeal bond in the fraud judgment against him in New York.

    The successful merger and stock price landed the former president on Bloomberg’s list of the 500 richest people in the world, Bloomberg reported Monday. The media organization estimated Trump’s worth to be $6.4 billion."


    This huge multi-billion dollar windfall couldn't happen to a nicer or more deserving person. After all the persecution and attacks on him and his family, it's great to see something like this happen to them. It's sad that a crooked judicial system is being used against President Trump and his wonderful family.

    This will also ensure that DJT will have the best lawyers in the world, and be able to pay off all current and future biased jury awards. And he will still have a billion or two left over for the campaign.

    There are so many ways to build wealth in America. This kind of deal is an example.
    No one can turn lemons into lemonade better than Donald Trump. He will indeed Make America Great Again once he returns to the White House. ONLY TRUMP !

    Trump 2024!


  2. Poll out today by the woke, leftist Harvard Center for American Political Studies.
    Donald Trump +5 in a multi-candidate race. Coming from Harvard polling, that means Trump probably up by double digits.

    1. Trump 41%
    2. Biden 36%
    3. Robert F. Kennedy Jr. 14%
    4. Jill Stein 1%
    5. Cornel West 1%
    6. Unsure 6%


    Is Joe Biden too old to be President: 63%
    IS Joe Biden mentally unfit to be President: 57%

    Even though the poll that states 63% say dementia joe is toooooo old to be President, that question was just taken at the White House.. Outside of the WH it's more like 98%...

    Poor Dementia Joe. He's a stupid, dumb, ignorant , clueless, senile, out of touch, soulless fool. But that's okay. After all, Alan Lichtman, long-time democrat hack, says he will win. So let's cancel the election and declare Dementia Joe the winner. Right? lol.


  3. And those photos show exactly why Trump will win in a landslide in the fall.
    Immigration and crime...  Crime and immigration. Blue cities and their soft-on-crime policies have destroyed once great cities. You can show statistics from now till the cows come home. Try telling that to the hard working citizens of Chicago, NY, LA, San Francisco, etc..  the list of crime ridden blue cities go on and on.  And Biden's open border policies are nothing short of a disaster.  There is a reason that almost every major poll shows Trump leading Biden in both a 2-person race and even more in a 5-person race. And Trump leading Biden in seven of the eight toss-up states. 
    These polls haven't moved in months.

  4. On 3/13/2024 at 10:08 AM, floridarob said:

    You're going to cry when Biden wins, AGAIN!

    I don't watch MSNBC btw, can't stand Maddow.....BBC and Al jazeera America seem to report the news without bias...where do you get your cultish news from?

    People get serious walking into the voting booth....

    Jacked Joe opened people's eyes during the State of the Union address...and Trump keeps getting into deeper shit ...


    "I don't watch MSNBC btw, can't stand Maddow.....BBC and Al jazeera America seem to report the news without bias...where do you get your cultish news from?"
    That in itself speaks more about you than anything else....

    "Jacked Joe opened people's eyes during the State of the Union address."
    Really? Is that why the post-SOTU polls haven't moved Dementia Joe Biden's approval one iota? Still in the toilet in the high 30's. 


  5. 16 hours ago, floridarob said:

    stop the shit....change the channel.

    You need to stop the shit and stop repeating MSNBC talking points.

    Dementia Joe Biden, thru his actions and policies, has thrown out the welcome mat to every fentanyl dealer, sex trafficker, and criminal in the world. 
    Dementia Joe Biden has blood on his hands. He is responsible for the death of Laken (not Lincoln) Riley and all the other victims of crimes committed by Dementia Joe's invited guests (aka newcomers).

    Why do you think that every poll shows Trump leading Biden? You may find it painful to see Trump read the teleprompter; however, clearly you are in the minority as more Americans find it more painful to watch Dementia Joe try to piece together a comprehensible sentence.

    If it's painful for you to watch Trump read from a teleprompter, you'll need a dose of Xanax to watch the Trump inauguration.....lol.


  6. Actually, Americans have accurate memories. More specifically, they have buyer's remorse as reflected in the first of the post-SOTU polls. 
    Following Dementia Joe's disastrous (regardless of what the fawning left-wing media like MSNBC, WaPo, NYTimes, etc. have to say) SOTU address, the poll, like every other poll shows the senile old coot trailing badly again.:

    Forbes/Harris has it Trump +4 in a 2-person race, but more importantly Trump +6 in a 5-person race
    And deservedly so, Dementia Joe Biden's approval rating is in the toilet - 37%.

    Time for a diaper change for Alan Lichtman.....  lmfao 😁



  7. 1 hour ago, floridarob said:



    If Republican's were sooo concerned about senseless deaths, and she was one of them....why has zero been done about guns and mass shootings, 


    All of the gun laws in the world wouldn't have saved poor Laken Riley. Her murderer, a guest of Dementia Joe Biden, used a blunt instrument to kill her.

    Dementia Joe Biden has blood on his hands. His open border policies are killing innocent Americans.

  8. 13 hours ago, floridarob said:

    SO why doesn't Trump and the Republicans want to do anything, anything, anything about it?

    Joe called it out during the state of the union....he agrees, the border is a mess..... better to sit around and blame Joe, yet don't do anything about it?

    So the border problem is now in the Hands of the republicans....what you going to do about it??

    Dementia Joe Biden created this mess. Dementia Joe stopped building the border wall, Dementia Joe instituted catch-and-release, and Dementia Joe ended the remain-in-Mexico policy. It was Dementia Joe's executive orders that created an open border for criminals, drug dealers, sex traffickers, AND MURDERERS, including the murderer of Laken Riley, to walk across the border. It is not the job of the Republicans to bail him out of the mess that he created. The American people will be doing that in the fall when they remove him from office.

  9. Joe's dementia is killing US cities....

    And Joe's policies are killing US citizens:

    Laken Riley Act passes in US House | A look ahead at possible hot button  issues at State of the Union

    Laken Riley. Killed by a "newcomer" invited into the country by Dementia Joe Biden and his open border policy.


    Nearly 108,000 overdose deaths in 2021: Pitt team forecast devastating toll five years ago


    Fentanyl deaths are skyrocketing under Dementia Joe Biden's open border policy

    Thank you Joe Biden for inviting murderers, drug dealers, sex traffickers, and other criminals across the border. Thank you for instituting catch-and-release. Thank you for ending the Remain-in-Mexico policy.

    The end of this rampage of allowing illegal migrants to: cross the border, murder innocents, assault police officers, and traffic fentanyl will soon be over.

  10. 3 hours ago, Bingo T Dog said:

    Almost every post you make comes with a link to msn.com.
    Apparently, that is the only website you get your news from.

    That, in a nutshell, explains a lot!

  11. 9 hours ago, Stable Genius said:


    Poor Donald Trump.  All those terrible things, yet HE IS STILL LEADING IN THE POLLS BY 5 POINTS, INCLUDING A LEAD IN ALL SEVEN SWING STATES...
    And all the GIFS and JPEGS you post doesn't change the facts.

  12. 2 minutes ago, Bingo T Dog said:

    Don't we all have 787.5 MILLION reasons NOT TO TRUST FOX NEWS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    And CBS? And the Wall Street Journal? and the NY Times?  etc., etc., etc....  lol.

    Keep burying your head in the sand, deny the obvious, and delude yourself into believing that Dementia Joe is anything but an unmitigated disaster, and with al of Trump's warts, he is decimating Dementia Joe in the polls, including all seven toss-up states!

  13. What a great weekend for Donald Trump.

    Not only did he sweep the primaries/caucuses in Missouri, Michigan, and Idaho, but 4 new polls (NYTimes, FOX, CBS, the Wall Street Journal) came out showing Trump decimating Dementia joe:




    And Dementia Joe's approval rating is in the toilet at 38%.

    And 73% of Americans (including a majority of democrats) say Dementia Joe is too old to be President!



    Sale Dementia, You Know the Thing, Biden, SVG, Cut File, SVG, Eps, Png,  Cricut, Silhouette, Cutfile, Instant Download, Bestseller - Etsy

    Now if the delusional leftists think Trump's campaign is in serious trouble with every major poll showing him ahead,  it begs the question, "How is Dementia Joe's campaign doing"?  lmfao!

  14. 2 hours ago, Bingo T Dog said:

    What percentage of the people polled were on fentanyl imported by US citizens when choosing Trump?

    Since the number of fentanyl deaths have skyrocketed under Dementia Joe and his open border policy, any voter alarmed about fentanyl deaths will be a Trump voter.


    Dementia Joe has blood on his hands, and not just from the record high number of fentanyl deaths, but also the victims of migrant crime...  all thanks to Dementia Joe's importing millions of unvetted and undocumented criminals into the country.

  15. 1 hour ago, forky123 said:

    Tell that to the 1.1 million Americans he helped kill.


    It is Dementia Joe Biden that has blood on his hands. Not only the hundreds of thousands of fentanyl deaths due to his open borders policy, but the deaths of so many others killed by Dementia Joe's almost 10 million unvetted "newcomers" into this country.

    This election will be a referendum on Dementia Joe's failed open border policy. No other issue comes close. And that is why Donald Trump will be re-elected. Nothing else really matters.

  16. And the good news keeps coming:


    If the fake news, Trump-hating NYTimes poll has Trump up by four points, Trump's lead is probably at at least 10 points or more.

    And tellingly, 42% of respondents have said that Donald Trumps policies have helped them personally vs. only 27% who said it hurt them. Compare that to Dementia Joe Biden's numbers: 20% said Dementia Joe's policies have helped them vs. 44% said it hurt them.  Bottom line, Trump's policies overwhelmingly helped Americans and Joe Biden's policies overwhelmingly (By more than 2 to 1) HURT Americans.

    Break out the Champagne for the Mega-MAGA celebration on Nov. 5th !!



  17. 2 hours ago, stevenkesslar said:

    From your fake news website:


    From your fake news website:

    By the way, the vast majority of voters think Trump is too old - and dangerous - to be POTUS

    But if it makes you feel better to post this stuff, go ahead. It won't change the outcome of the election.

    Bloomberg is fake news?  lmfao!!!!!!!!!!!!

    In the delusional, left-wing echo chamber in which you reside, anything other than WaPo, the NYTimes, Jon Stewart, and MSNBC is fake news.....

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