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Posts posted by EmmetK

  1. On 8/29/2022 at 12:50 PM, JKane said:


    The couple problematic Dr. Seuss books weren't banned.  They were removed from publication BY THE SEUSS ESTATE/FAMILY.  


    Actually six of the Dr. Seuss books WERE banned. They were banned by the Chicago Public Library:


    And the racist NAACP attempted to cancel EVERY Dr, Seuss book:


    Other parts of Americana/western culture that have sadly fallen victim to the Woke/Cancel Culture/Nazi/fascist Leftists who seek to ban and silence everything and everyone they don't agree with:

    Kate Smith
    Mark Twain
    Margaret Mitchell
    JK Rowling

    There are many, many more that the woke left has cancelled and is trying to cancel

  2. I lived in Europe for a long many years, and I have spent a lot of time in France (Paris, Toulon, Nice, Monaco (sort of France). If you know who is committing these criminal acts, it is easy to understand. You see the French watching these people overwhelmingly disproportionate to their numbers commit crimes. Their hobby being burning cars, robbing tourists, being anti-French, and hating their host nation. Facts are facts. Sorry that the facts fun counter to the woke left's romanticized vision of poor immigrants seeking a better life, obeying French law, becoming good French citizens, and ultimately integrating into French society.

    They coming as parasites, tendentiously rioting, and yet they run out and vote for woke leftists who are affectionate to such criminals and let them in and make excuses for their criminality and rioting. How does this make sense, and how is it "racist" "or "bigoted" or "hateful", yada, yada, yada, to point this out? That's how the radical left shuts down opposing views.

    Letting these people in is like injecting cancer cells into your body because you feel sorry for the cancer cells.

  3. On 7/6/2023 at 8:11 PM, EmmetK said:

    And when the defenders of the looters, vandals, and arsonists use anti-Semitic tropes (what the thugs in France have to do with Israel is beyond a stretch), or post a stupid, meaningless GIF (clearly because they are unable to express their opinion in words), they have lost the argument.

    Keep defending the people that would put you in chains, prison, and likely far worse.

    A perfect example that the cult of victimhood knows no bounds.

    Thanks for the confirmation.


    1 hour ago, Phoenixblue said:

    Hear! Hear!

    Thank you :)




    1 hour ago, Phoenixblue said:

    Honey, balls and all of you; you're gorgeous :) 💗


    Thanks for these posts. They make my point far better than I could have done.

    The gift that keeps giving.


  4. 1 hour ago, Phoenixblue said:

    I'll leave the part about telling lies to you since you're an adept in it.

    Your very first words and continuing drip of racist reek, you made that obvious to everybody.

    Don't you dare call me anti-semetic, you don't know me.

    Just to clear up any confusion you may have, this is forum for gay men looking for fun and not, I hope, a venue for venting pent up right wing ideology.

    Try not to make enemies of Muslims or any other group of people just because you hate them or your ideology demands you do. I am saying this because I care about making this planet a better place for all, you included.

    Do you even read your own words? Apparently not.

    In a thread about Paris is Burning, you devote an entire post about Israel, using age-old anti-Semitic tropes about Israeli occupation. In every one of your posts you do nothing but engage in juvenile name-calling: racist, right-wing, hateful, yada, yada yada.  Note to you: Don't volunteer to serve on any debating teams... where facts matter.

    I suggest you re-read your numerous posts on this thread. How many words were about the topic of Paris is Burning? And how many words spewing out childlike insults towards those who have an opinion different than your own. 


  5. 7 hours ago, EmmetK said:


    But as is typical of the radical fringe, when they can't argue facts, then pivot, pivot, pivot.
    ..... post silly GIF's.......



    1 hour ago, forky123 said:


    Thanks ONCE AGAIN for proving my point!

    The gift that keeps on giving.  lol!

  6. 2 hours ago, stevenkesslar said:

    Nice try, buddy.  I guess that means you don't really have a factual or logical response.  And I certainly don't expect you to say, "Yes, my statements ooze raw and blind prejudice."  Just dismiss it all as propaganda.  It's so 2023.

    Then again, it's so 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, and 2022, too.  Proving my point, I'd argue.  It is always easier to incite prejudice and hate than it is to incite peace.  I don't think you need a newspaper to know that, though.  

    Since you are modeling introspection, I should try to be a little bit more fair and balanced.

    Team Trump did get to the bottom of what's going on with Islam and hate.  It only cost the Saudis a $2 billion investment in Jared.  No crime family or corruption there, though.  Maybe just repentance for the evil of Islam, from the country that brought us 9/11.

    And, in fairness, Trump has now found stuff that is far worse than Islam.  The FBI.  And the rule of law.  So we're making progress.

    You may want to re-check the title of this thread. It is about Paris Burning. NOT Donald Trump, NOT Israel, NOT Palestine, etc. It is about the criminal vandalism, arson, and looting committed by the ungrateful immigrants that the head of the French National Police union aptly referred to as savages. But of course, the fanatical, leftist element doesn't want to talk about that.

    But as is typical of the radical fringe, when they can't argue facts, then pivot, pivot, pivot.
    Change the subject; lie, distort, post silly GIF's, quote propaganda from little-read websites, hurl 2nd grade insults, etc.

    Keep defending the people who would chop off your balls, imprison you, or worse.


  7. 8 hours ago, Phoenixblue said:

    Who is being Anti-semetic? You were the one who mentioned Israel in the first place?

    You were the one proclaimed himself a racist and wanted to stick a medal on your chest for being one!



    Share that in your local Likud chat group.


    On 7/2/2023 at 6:31 PM, Latbear4blk said:

    I may be misinformed, but Paris has been in flames many, many times since the French Revolution, and the arsonists were most times not savage immigrants. 

    So, to the Racist, the Xenophobic, the Muslim-phobic, and all the diverse array if ignorants, go back and take a read to History 101. 



    On 7/5/2023 at 5:54 PM, Mavica said:

    Sounds familiar, when we watch reactions to Israel's apartheid.

    I was the first one to proclaim myself a racist? Really?

    I was the first one to mention Israel?  Really?

    Obviously, you have a difficult time with truth, so I'll help you out,

    The FIRST one to use the word "racist" is this thread was NOT me. It was Latbear4blk.

    And the FIRST one to mention Israel was your anti-Semitic comrade-in-arms Mavica.

    Here's some free advice, it's always best to have the facts on your side, before you spew out lies, Feel free to share.

  8. 8 hours ago, stevenkesslar said:



    I'll give you this.  You sure ought to be good at recognizing tropes.  Because you are very good at writing tropes that are based on raw and blind prejudice.

    As a clear point of fact, you were the one that went (arguably) off topic and shifted it to Muslims in Israel.  This is the one thing I did not particularly care for over at Company Of Men.  Cooper likes to stay on the main highway.  And I like to go down interesting side roads.  So in a thread that starts with a prejudicial rant about Muslims in France, he might not like shifting to even more prejudicial and one-sided rants about how Israelis are the very milk of human kindness.  And Muslims return that favor by hating them.  To me, it's basically on topic. Same prejudice, different country.

    If your job is to help out @Olddaddy, you're actually doing a great job.  He is at least being honest.  He bases his views on his personal experiences.  Which sound very limited and superficial.  You sound like you're just repeating some rant you read in some hate rag or saw in a film. 

    You also have an affection for precision in language, compared to perceived childish insults and GIFs.  Fair enough.  So that line could have been lifted directly from The Wandering Jew, a big Goebbels hit.  With a few alterations in nouns and adjectives, of course.  Whether you realize it or not.  Perhaps we should be more adult about this, and go with the same ideas in the original language.

    Original anti-Semitic version:  Jüdische Horden toben durch Deutschland und zerstören alles

    Anti-Muslim version:  Muslimische Horden toben durch Frankreich und zerstören alles

    Call me biased.  But I think it has a certain ring to it.  Same shit, different century.

    Speaking of which:

    The Muslims of Auschwitz: tales of tragedy and heroism 75 years on

    Academics estimate more than 1,000 Muslims could have been imprisoned by the Nazis in the Second World War

    Again, arguably off topic.  Because of when the history was written, it makes sense that public perceptions of The Holocaust focus on Jewish extermination.  Nobody much talked about The Gays.  And Hitler was smart enough to not specifically target all Muslims.  But Muslims were more than a drop in the gas chambers, as well.  And they were a big part of the anti-Hitler military bloodbath:

    Hmmm.   Maybe Muslims rampaging through Europe and North Africa ain't such a bad thing, after all.  

    I guess I missed have missed that edition of the propaganda rag  "National News"  lol. If it's written there, it must be true :).

  9. And when the defenders of the looters, vandals, and arsonists use anti-Semitic tropes (what the thugs in France have to do with Israel is beyond a stretch), lies, and distortions; attack the opinions of others as being racist, xenophobic or some other 2nd grade choice of word vomit; or post a stupid, meaningless GIF (clearly because they are unable to express their opinion in words), they have lost the argument.

    Keep defending the people that would put you in chains, prison, and likely far worse.

    A perfect example that the cult of victimhood knows no bounds.

    Thanks for the confirmation.

  10. 15 hours ago, Olddaddy said:

    But ....I have been ruminating over this .even though I told you not to , being a realist I get over things immediately..but this I'm still thinking it  over...and proud 😂

    anyone can figure it out..

    Yesterday I was walking thru soi 5 jomtien when I sighted some Durian over the road so I immediately started to cross..in front of a motorcycle.. suddenly a tattooed no helmet wearing farang blasted his horn and shouted out "  fucking COCKSUCKER !!!! 

    Now I could of shouted back ..I could of tried to run after him...but instead I laughed 😂 ....I want to know how he knew I was a big COCKSUCKER !! 😅😂

    Now "phoenixblue" that would of affected you wouldn't it , you would of been ruminating over it , distressed that you were called a cocksucker  I was proud that the farang recognised me as a cock sucker and last night I sucked 4 cocks in a go go bar to live up to my name !!

    ! 😂

    Olddaddy, you are wise. Far, far wiser than your critics.

    The issue really is freedom. Islam involves the removal of freedom of choice not just in religion, not just in freedom of speech, and not just for Muslims, but for infidels too. So as screwed up as the LGBTQRSTUV.... etc.  lunatic fringe is, it is only because of people like you that we can survive. That crowd will fight to defend the rights of the Muslim hordes rampaging thru France destroying everything in their sight. Yet, should they ever take over and institute Sharia law, it is these LGBTQ radicals who will be the first ones to get their dicks chopped off, and lose their freedoms they now take for granted living in western civilized society.

    While living in France, I saw them take over quaint, quiet, picturesque villages, create their own separate neighborhoods, impose their own laws such as how women should dress, behave, etc. where the French citizens were discouraged to enter. I know in Israel, the Jewish people always treat the Muslims in their hospitals, even though they know they hate them. The Muslims still hate them. Their Koran encourages hatred toward Christian & Jews.

    They don't have exact records like with the Holocaust the way the Nazis had ledgers etc., but for India, serious estimates of the numbers of Hindus killed by the Muslims, not just in the initial invasion, but through the years as they spread in India, is 60 million, ten times the Holocaust. And it gets very little attention, people in the West act like Islam has just always been there, in all the lands it now occupies, and it is racist or bigoted to even question it. 

    Being called a: xenophobe, racist, Islamophobe, etc. by any one of that crowd should be treated like a Medal of Honour.


  11. 17 hours ago, Olddaddy said:

    Is religion a race ?

    I think anyone , even  from Tasmania can become muslim

    I don't think that's racist though...


    Of course, you are correct. Not surprisingly, the only mention of race in this thread are posts of by the forum's most radical elements. But these radical apologists that sit on the fringe will never condemn the vandals, looters, and arsonists that are destroying their host country. That is against their DNA.  Instead, their answer is to lie, distort, post stupid GIFs, and toss juvenile epithets against those with whom they disagree, making it impossible to engage in an intelligent dialogue.

    I proudly stand with the people of France and the French police.

  12. 3 minutes ago, caeron said:

    We don't need to perform for you.

    We aren't actors in the masturbatory racist fantasy you play in your head. If you go find a racist board, you can have a circle jerk of outrage.

    A lot of people here actually like brown people (and fucking them).


    Thank you for that intelligent, discerning, and perceptive response. And thank you for proving my point with your response.

    It speaks for itself.

  13. How telling that other than Olddaddy and myself, not one poster condemned the looting, arson, vandalism, etc. Not one! Instead, they point fingers at the truth-tellers, and behave like third graders:  You're a racist, a Muslimphobe, a xenophobe....   WOW.
    When the facts aren't on your side, call your opponents names.

    I am proud to stand with the people of France; and with the police in France, as opposed to those whose sympathy lies with the ungrateful vermin committing these atrocities. Btw, should these immigrants ever gain control of the government, you can say good bye to gay rights in France.

    “We have 50 million Muslims in Europe. There are signs that Allah will grant Islam victory in Europe—without swords, without guns, without conquest—will turn it into a Muslim continent within a few decades.”

    Muammar Gaddafi Speech (April 2006)

    "Can you cite one speck of hard evidence of the benefits of "diversity" that we have heard gushed about for years? Evidence of its harm can be seen — written in blood — from Iraq to India, from Serbia to Sudan, from Fiji to the Philippines. It is scary how easily so many people can be brainwashed by sheer repetition of a word". - Thomas Sowell

    Yet there is a profit to be made from this violence. In the USA, leaders of racist groups that promote violence like BLM certainly profited from all of the rioting and "charity" donations from corporate idiots. They were able to buy multiple multi-million dollar mansions in predominantly white, upper-class neighborhoods. Yet, they are seldom called out on this hypocrisy.

  14. 3 minutes ago, caeron said:


    Um, how about the French Revolution? I guess all the mad peasants were really Tunisians?

    But if you'd like to know about all the French riots it took me less than 30 seconds to find this: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_incidents_of_civil_unrest_in_France

    The French have been rioting for centuries.

    Not that anybody needs to provide you with the evidence you demand when it is crystal clear that you aren't interested in the evidence, only in the racist story you want to tell yourself so you can be mad at the brown people.

    Many, if not most, of those "incidents" cited in your link were due to immigrant riots. And none of them compare to the level of damage caused by the arson, looting, rioting, and thuggery committed by these ungrateful cretins.

    Also, you do not know me. Is it possible to refrain from second grade name-calling when responding? Or is that de riguer amongst the forum's radical element?

    Perhaps France is just getting what it deserves. That's what it gets for letting them all in.

    “If Europe disappears, and with it the invaluable values of the old continent, Islam will invade the world. And we will totally change culture, anthropology, and moral vision."

    Robert Cardinal Sarah (April 2019)

    “The womb of the Arab woman is my strongest weapon.”

    Yasser Arafat

  15. 9 hours ago, Lucky said:

    You just started posting here, at least under this name. Your remark is out of line.

    This is a community with a long and glorious history that has allowed you in only to see you trash whole peoples and individual posters.

    Really? Out of line? Are you saying that diversity of opinion is "out of line"? And the only thing that is being trashed is the proud nation of France.

    And if you think referring to mobs of immigrants looting and burning down businesses and property, causing billions of dollars/euros in damages, as "savages" is out of line, frankly that is the mildest reaction I can think of. Also, your argument is with the head of the French National Police Union. I suggest you take it up with him. Or, with the thousands of hard-working, innocent business owners whose shops have been looted, destroyed, or burned to the ground.

    I was called racist, xenophobic, Muslim-phobic (is that even a word?), and ignorant. I responded with FACTS. Not third grade name calling.

    And I'm still waiting for all of the examples of similar savage mob riots in France. The only historic examples were perpetrated by like-minded so-called immigrant groups.

  16. Enough! French police unions condemn 'savage hordes,' forcing Macron into action


    The statement posted on social media from Alliance Police Nationale and UNSA police seems to have gotten their message across as more police have been sent to stop the unrest:

    "In the face of these savage hordes, calling for calm is not enough, we need to impose it, to re-establish order in the republic and put those arrested beyond where they can act up," the translated statement read.

  17. 26 minutes ago, Latbear4blk said:

    I may be misinformed, but Paris has been in flames many, many times since the French Revolution, and the arsonists were most times not savage immigrants. 

    So, to the Racist, the Xenophobic, the Muslim-phobic, and all the diverse array if ignorants, go back and take a read to History 101. 


    Care to cite a few examples when the entire nation has been under siege like this? 40,000+ gendarmes had to be called out to try to restore calm. I won't hold my breath waiting.

    Most civilized and intelligent people are on their best behavior when they are uninvited guests in someone's home. A host that took them in from impoverished and unspeakable conditions. These savages show their appreciation by burning down the home of their hosts.....

    If Macron had any guts, he would deport those without citizenship, and return them to the hellholes from whenst they came. Secondly, revoke the citizenship of the others, and then work to have them deported. If they aren't happy in France, let them go elsewhere.

    As far as your childish name-calling, it speaks volumes of yourself, unable to engage in a dialogue without debasing yourself.

  18. A western society with a long and glorious history in culture, music, architecture, the arts, etc. allows millions of uncivilized third world immigrants into its borders, and these savages behave as one would expect savages to behave, by burning down the country when their hosts do something they don't like, why should anyone be surprised.

  19. Since none of the parties received a majority, a coalition government will be needed? Correct?

    Despit winning the most seats, what are the prospects that Pita will be left out in the cold with a coalition formed by the more traditional parties?

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