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Posts posted by EmmetK

  1. 7 hours ago, KeepItReal said:


    Sorry. It was Fang Fang. Not Ling Ling.

    "...Someone that had a sexual relationship with a Chinese spy. And everyone knows it".

    Of course if you get your news from the stooges at MSNBC and CNN, you'd never know this. Same way they have a news blackout on anything related to the Hunter Biden corruption and shakedowns.



  2. 4 hours ago, stevenkesslar said:

    Two points.

    I guess you haven't spent much time around Congress.  I've spent lots of time in House and Senate committee hearings.  This is par for the course.  Grassley engineered who did and did not get to testify with Dr. Ford.  Why would anyone think of getting the other guy supposedly in the room when the assault occurred to testify?  McConnell said we can't confirm Garland because it's an election year.  He then said we can confirm ACB because it's an election year.  What Pelosi did falls in the same category.  

    I support what Pelosi did in this case.  Because it's clear that the MAGAverse clones would have just spent the whole time telling MAGAverse lies.  MAGAzens were free to tune The Pelosi Show out.  Which they did.  Everything outside the MAGAverse is fake.  And truth only exists in the MAGAverse.  

    Which leads to my second point.

    Trump says he will seek a recusal, venue change in Jan. 6 case

    So when it's a Trump-appointed judge in a red place like Florida, it's fair.  When it's an Obama-appointed judge in a blue place like DC, it's the height of injustice.  Truth is what Trump says it is.  Fairness is what Trump wants:  power and money.  Everything else is shit.  As true and loyal MAGAzens have been trained to believe.

    One of my brothers, who voted for Trump in 2016, has a great word for this:  megalomaniac.  I think I heard him call Trump a "megalomaniac" at least a dozen times in 2020.  He was proud he voted for Joe Biden.

    So just be careful.  Since you really do have a distorted view of life outside the MAGAverse, where most people live.  My brother is a perfect example.  He can't tell you who he voted for for POTUS in most elections.  Although he really liked John McCain.  So he's not particularly political.  When I asked him if he had only voted on the economy in 2020, who would he have voted for?  He immediately said Trump, because his retirement account went up a lot.  But all the lies and megalomania deeply disturbed him.  He can't tell you most people he voted for.  But he was proud to vote against Trump.

    For some strange reason, that is what Trump and his lies and megalomania do to most people.  So don't be surprised when the whining loser loses for a third time in a row in 2024  But then, of course, it will be because everything is always rigged against him.  


    I rarely waste my time reading your endless, boring parables.
    In this case, I got thru the first two sentences, chuckled, and had to respond:

    IT IS ABSOLUTELY NOT PAR for the course for the leader of the "other" party to veto the committee members of the other side. You can insist, and compose more multi-paragraph posts that nobody reads. But facts are facts.

    What Pelosi did WAS unprecedented. It turned the committee into a Kangaroo Court, complete with a Hollywood producer and rehearsed scripts. A sham hearing.

  3. 17 minutes ago, forky123 said:

    So absolutely true then. 

    Wrong...  AGAIN!

    You said, "McCarthy refused to participate in the Committee.". Your words. NOT TRUE.  No surprise.

    McCarthy DID participate, naming the 5 GOP Committee members. Only then, Pelosi, changed the rules in the middle of the game. Upending decades of precedent. That Committee was no longer a serious Committee seeking facts. It became a one-sided Kangaroo Court with members reading from prepared scripts..


  4. 5 hours ago, forky123 said:

    Kevin McCarthy refused to participate in the committee. All committees should have serious members who can view evidence objectively and both Matt Gaetz and Gym Jordan are certainly not that. 

    As for splicing video and lying, that's the right wing cable News you're thinking of. 


    McCarthy named 5 GOP members for the Committee. That is his right. Pelosi appoints the dem members and McCarthy appoints the GOP members. 

    Pelosi "vetoed" two of them. Totally unprecedented. Only then did McCarthy pull out of the process, turning the Committee into a Kangaroo Court.

    Get your facts straight.

  5. The January 6th hearing was a circus. That hearing was a joke. It was all one-sided. They spliced videos and lied to make Trump look bad. Pelosi hand picked  the 2 Republicans (RINOs) she wanted there. She refused to allow Matt Geatz and Jim Jordan be on the committee- why? It was all a show. Pelosi and the DC mayor should have explained why they said no to the 10-20 thousand national guards Trump offered them for that day- again why?

    Smith vowed long ago that he was going to get Trump no matter what. In the end, though, he will be 'gotten' and Trump will be President. Smith should will be sent to Gitmo.

  6. The woke, progressive, evil, Marxist, Communist, Democrat Party government of criminals, by criminals, and for criminals has set the precedent to follow: organize and operate a subversive, seditious, insurrectionist, treasonous, Deep State coup against a duly elected U.S. President; perjure yours before the FISA Court; spy on presidential campaigns and WH administrations; prosecute everyone in the orbit of the opposition; hold Communist trials to criminalize opposition to the party in power; throw protesters into Communist gulags without due process; continue to persecute politicians after they leave office; use the Dept. of Injustice and the fake news media to shield your side from prosecution for nefarious crimes; lie every day in every way; and blame the dysfunction and dystopia on the other side! Enjoy getting what you dished out, woke, progressive, evil, Marxist, Communist, Democrat Party government of criminals, by criminals, and for criminals.

  7. 26 minutes ago, forky123 said:



    When the left can only reply to facts with stupid, meaningless GIFs (@jkane wrote the book), instead of countering with intelligent dialog, it means that they have nothing. Waving of the white flag.

    Once again, thanks for proving the left is full of hot air, platitudes, and of course an endless supply of stupid GIFs.


  8. Meanwhile, Smith’s office “leaks” like the titanic.. multiple times a day, there will be “breaking news” from “anonymous” sources with no sanctions on the prosecutors office.
    That entire demokkkrat dept of “justUS” violates the Hatch Act almost daily.

    But smith is desperate to maintain his tainted jury pool.

    “Judge! Don’t let Trump speak the truth!!! He might counter the government’s propaganda with the truth and ruin the persecution.. wait strike that, the prosecution .. that will make your (and my) career! Waaaaaaahhhhhh!”

    Everyone knows the case is bs, the jury pool tainted, the prosecutors are jizz-swilling demokkkrat operatives and the Clinton-appointed “judge” is going to ignore the Constitution, SCOTUS precedent, any “inconvenient” law, is going to muzzle Trump or jail him for the slightest reason, ensure every ruling is against him, bar evidence, both personally exculpatory and showing 2020 election illegality and unConstitutional acts by State executive and Judicial branches that violated the plain language of the US Constitution to enable demokkkrat ballot fraud. Judge will also only ensure the jury is just sober enough to sign the “guilty” forms when required. (Prior to the trial most likely, just not dated) And of course, deny and fight against any attempt for a change of venue, especially anywhere he might get an actual fair trial.

    There is absolutely NO reason for the prosecution to have been releasing their spurious and ever growing grasping at any charge and allegation they can pile on, made up and/or spun “facts”, staged photos, misapplied laws, omissions of SCOTUS precedent and actual plain language of the Constitution.
    Nor is there any reason to have press conferences to continue to malign, libel and defame a political opponent of their regime except as a disgusting attempt to maintain their propaganda line and an overt and blatant use of their office to destroy the main political opposition to their political party leading up to an election.
    They see everyone as sheep that bleat and bawl, but never actually do anything about their corruption. And they are most likely correct.. Heck, a protest that was miniscule compared to daily nationwide leftist tantrums, which included arson, looting, assaults, and murder while also stopping the “functions of government”, resulted in absolute tyranny and jailing of actual mostly peaceful protesters, exercising their 1st amendment rights to protest and demand redress of wrongs, while ignoring government agents and their antifa and racist BLM allies actually committing violence and inciting a riot. 

    Meanwhile, left-wing media has a total blackout over biden corruption. If you watch only legacy media, get your news from CNN, MSNBC, WaPo, the NYTimes, etc, then you are a government bot barking clapping seal know nothing.


  9. Trump has 1st amendment right to say it.
    I (and the 70+ million Americans that voted for Trump) have 1st amendment right to hear it.
    This government violates those rights and automatically loses its moral authority to prosecute Trump.

    Trump should go after the special prosecutor for the following. I am sure there is a lot more.

    •Deliberate withholding of material facts in charging documents .
    •Misleading the court
    •Malicious prosecution
    •Fraud before the court…
    •Violations of three independent Inalienable Rights of Donald John Trump.

    More than that: the fact is, they seek to silence Trump, yet the left insists it is free to dump and leak anything they wish, without penalty.

  10. 2 hours ago, forky123 said:

    Sure, let's see who the real traitor is:

    Charge                                                                                                                                 Defendants                                                                                Counts

    Conspiracy to defraud the United States                                                                         Donald Trump                                                                             1
    Conspiracy to obstruct an official proceeding                                                                 Donald Trump                                                                             1
    Obstruction of, and attempt to obstruct, an official proceeding                                     Donald Trump                                                                             1
    Conspiracy against rights                                                                                                  Donald Trump                                                                             1
    Willful retention of national defense information                                                             Donald Trump                                                                             32
    False statements and representations                                                                             Donald Trump                                                                              1
    Conspiracy to obstruct justice                                                                                          Donald Trump, Walt Nauta and Carlos De Oliveira                    1
    Withholding a document or record                                                                                   Donald Trump and Walt Nauta                                                    1
    Corruptly concealing a document or record                                                                    Donald Trump and Walt Nauta                                                    1
    Concealing a document in a federal investigation                                                           Donald Trump and Walt Nauta                                                    1
    Scheme to conceal                                                                                                             Donald Trump and Walt Nauta                                                    1
    Altering, destroying, mutilating, or concealing an object                                                Donald Trump, Walt Nauta and Carlos De Oliveira                     1
    Corruptly altering, destroying, mutilating or concealing a document, record, or other object    Donald Trump, Walt Nauta and Carlos De Oliveira    1
    Falsifying business records in the first degree                                                                Donald Trump                                                                              34

    Republicans don't like him very much                                                                               Joe Biden                                                                                     0

    Misdemeanour counts of failing to pay his taxes on time                                                Hunter Biden                                                                                2


    Charges, charges, charges,  blah, blah, blah.

    In the USA, one is innocent until proven otherwise. Especially "trumped" up charges (pun intended), by the Biden administration justice dept.

    And speaking of Traitor Joe Biden, last time I looked, Traitor Joe's approval rating was in the 30's. Also, last time I looked, none of Donald Trump's children has a history of going from country to country shaking down foreign leaders in return for favors. All with the "big man's" knowledge. 

  11. 54 minutes ago, forky123 said:

    You keep spouting things about Biden as if you think I support him. I don't, but nice try. I simply have no time for a proven rapist who is a traitor to his country and tried to overthrow its legitimate government. You say they are tying. All that means is that there are enough traitors who say they are patriots but drop their country in favour of a rapist at the drop of a hat. The funny thing is that you were the first to start name calling in this thread. You're just like Trump projecting your own insecurities wherever you go.




    The only traitors in that NY Times poll are the ones who said they support the demented one - aka head of the Biden crime family, whose son went around the world from Ukraine to China seeking to shake down elected officials in order to curry favor with Obama. 

    Now that we have Devon Archer's testimony and the House Oversight hearings, we will see who the REAL traitor is!

    Nice GIF. It really added a lot to your points...  lol

  12. 35 minutes ago, forky123 said:

    You called me a liar and asked for a citation which I gave you. 

    Who said only shit comes out of Trump's mouth? It comes out of yours too and nearly every Republican in house or senate. 

    I do like how you add "currently residing in the WH" to delineate with the sex offending, Nazi, sexist, racist, rancid orange sociopathic pig whose arse you inhabit.

    Have you ever made a single positive post on this forum or are you still simply trolling?



    Yet the "sex offending, Nazi, sexist, racist, rancid orange sociopathic pig, blah, blah, blah...." is in a tie (probably behind by ten since it was by the fake news NY Times) with the dementia-riddled, corrupt, diaper-wearing plagiarist with cheap hair plugs. Speaks volumes. Much like your lame attempt to silence me with third-grade name calling also speaks volumes. But when you run out of ammo, just resort to the name-calling tactics of a nine-year old, or post stupid GIFs (congrats, you did both!) since you can't win on facts.

  13. 1 hour ago, forky123 said:

    Biden, reversing Trump, won’t move military's Space Command to Alabama - The Washington Post

    "The command, and its estimated 1,400 jobs, is expected to yield nearly $1 billion in annual economic spending, officials in Colorado have said previously."

    Take your head out of Trump's arse. You may not be at risk of drowning in shit, since that all comes out of Trump's mouth, but even you can't find the depths of Trump's rectum a pleasant place to live. 

    1. There is a firewall to that article.
    2. And even if not, I wouldn't believe anything negative (just about everything) WaPo has to say about Trump.

    If only shit comes out of Trump's mouth, yet he is tied with Biden, what does that say about the dementia-riddled, Depends-wearing, corrupt pervert currently residing in the WH? lol.

  14. Yet, despite all of those horrible Republican candidates, the worst of them, Donald Trump, is TIED with Joe Biden, according to the NY Times, a left-wing mouthpiece.

    Doesn't say much for Joe Biden when the best he can do is a tie. And if the NY Times has the race as a tie, Trump is probably in the lead by ten points.

    And it will only get worse for Biden in the next year and a half, as his dementia becomes more and more apparent.



  15. On 7/21/2023 at 4:27 AM, Tomtravel said:

    I live in Germany and I have heard homophobic comments targeted to me from immigrants and non-immigrants. But I realize that the only ideological threat to my life comes mostly from the radicalized islam. In Germany, I am not aware of radicalized catholics, lutherans, budhist or similar who are hunting gays. Might be different in US.

    Deutsche Welle: A 21-year-old Syrian man was found guilty of murder on Friday, seven months after a fatal knife attack on a gay couple.

    A court in the eastern German city of Dresden sentenced him to life in prison.

    The man, identified as Abdullah A. in accordance with German privacy regulations, was classified as an Islamist threat by investigators.

    He attacked two German men in October 2020, killing one 55-year-old and seriously injuring his 53-year-old partner. Prosecutors said he was motivated by religious-inspired homophobia.

    Prosecutors had asked for the maximum sentence with a determination of the special gravity of guilt.

    The defense team had argued that he should treated under the more lenient juvenile criminal law.

    How did the crime unfold?

    The men, both from the western German state of North Rhine-Westphalia, were on an e-bike holiday in Dresden. They had been together for more than eight years and hoped to move in together after their trip.

    The offender had just been released from juvenile detention for a 2018 conviction on promoting the Islamic State (IS) terrorist network and plotting attacks.

    Upon his release, he acquired two brand-new kitchen knives from a supermarket. Carrying them in his backpack, he was allegedly on a mission to "kill infidels." Half an hour later he allegedly found his targets.

    "Suddenly there was a blow, a complete surprise, in the back," the surviving victim told investigators. The aftermath was a blur. "I can't remember anything and, to be honest, I'm glad I don't." 

    The offender said he was motivated by the victim's sexuality. He said the couple were committing a "grave sin" and wanted to punish them for it with death.

    Great post. Telling it like it is. Islamic hatred of gays. These migrants come from countries where homosexuality is illegal. Attacks against gays are either routinely ignored or encouraged by the government, religious leaders, or both. Yet the stupidity (or naivete?) of Germany, France, UK and other western countries to believe they will somehow lose their deeply held hatred of gays thru assimilation.
    And I have a bridge in Brooklyn to sell you.

    Let's wait and see how long before you are called an Islamophobe.

  16. On 8/29/2022 at 12:50 PM, JKane said:


    The couple problematic Dr. Seuss books weren't banned.  They were removed from publication BY THE SEUSS ESTATE/FAMILY.  


    Actually six of the Dr. Seuss books WERE banned. They were banned by the Chicago Public Library:


    And the racist NAACP attempted to cancel EVERY Dr, Seuss book:


    Other parts of Americana/western culture that have sadly fallen victim to the Woke/Cancel Culture/Nazi/fascist Leftists who seek to ban and silence everything and everyone they don't agree with:

    Kate Smith
    Mark Twain
    Margaret Mitchell
    JK Rowling

    There are many, many more that the woke left has cancelled and is trying to cancel

  17. I lived in Europe for a long many years, and I have spent a lot of time in France (Paris, Toulon, Nice, Monaco (sort of France). If you know who is committing these criminal acts, it is easy to understand. You see the French watching these people overwhelmingly disproportionate to their numbers commit crimes. Their hobby being burning cars, robbing tourists, being anti-French, and hating their host nation. Facts are facts. Sorry that the facts fun counter to the woke left's romanticized vision of poor immigrants seeking a better life, obeying French law, becoming good French citizens, and ultimately integrating into French society.

    They coming as parasites, tendentiously rioting, and yet they run out and vote for woke leftists who are affectionate to such criminals and let them in and make excuses for their criminality and rioting. How does this make sense, and how is it "racist" "or "bigoted" or "hateful", yada, yada, yada, to point this out? That's how the radical left shuts down opposing views.

    Letting these people in is like injecting cancer cells into your body because you feel sorry for the cancer cells.

  18. On 7/6/2023 at 8:11 PM, EmmetK said:

    And when the defenders of the looters, vandals, and arsonists use anti-Semitic tropes (what the thugs in France have to do with Israel is beyond a stretch), or post a stupid, meaningless GIF (clearly because they are unable to express their opinion in words), they have lost the argument.

    Keep defending the people that would put you in chains, prison, and likely far worse.

    A perfect example that the cult of victimhood knows no bounds.

    Thanks for the confirmation.


    1 hour ago, Phoenixblue said:

    Hear! Hear!

    Thank you :)




    1 hour ago, Phoenixblue said:

    Honey, balls and all of you; you're gorgeous :) 💗


    Thanks for these posts. They make my point far better than I could have done.

    The gift that keeps giving.


  19. 1 hour ago, Phoenixblue said:

    I'll leave the part about telling lies to you since you're an adept in it.

    Your very first words and continuing drip of racist reek, you made that obvious to everybody.

    Don't you dare call me anti-semetic, you don't know me.

    Just to clear up any confusion you may have, this is forum for gay men looking for fun and not, I hope, a venue for venting pent up right wing ideology.

    Try not to make enemies of Muslims or any other group of people just because you hate them or your ideology demands you do. I am saying this because I care about making this planet a better place for all, you included.

    Do you even read your own words? Apparently not.

    In a thread about Paris is Burning, you devote an entire post about Israel, using age-old anti-Semitic tropes about Israeli occupation. In every one of your posts you do nothing but engage in juvenile name-calling: racist, right-wing, hateful, yada, yada yada.  Note to you: Don't volunteer to serve on any debating teams... where facts matter.

    I suggest you re-read your numerous posts on this thread. How many words were about the topic of Paris is Burning? And how many words spewing out childlike insults towards those who have an opinion different than your own. 


  20. 7 hours ago, EmmetK said:


    But as is typical of the radical fringe, when they can't argue facts, then pivot, pivot, pivot.
    ..... post silly GIF's.......



    1 hour ago, forky123 said:


    Thanks ONCE AGAIN for proving my point!

    The gift that keeps on giving.  lol!

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