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Posts posted by EmmetK

  1. 13 hours ago, stevenkesslar said:


    When Hamas kills 1500 or so Israelis, mostly women and kids, it is genocide.

    When the IDF kills 9000 or so Palestinians, mostly women and kids, of course it is only and exactly what Israel needs to do to survive.  That's all.

    If the IDF kills 90,000 Palestinians by the time it is done, that's just survival, too.  Duh!


    There is ZERO moral equivalence, ZERO!, between what Hamas did and what Israel is doing.

    Hamas terrorists entered Israel for the sole purpose of slaughtering, butchering, beheading, raping, and massacring as many innocent civilians as possible.

    If you have any evidence of the IDF ripping open the bellies of pregnant Palestinian women and throwing the babies into ovens, please share it. If you have any evidence of the IDF throwing grenades into shelters where families are hiding, please share it. If you have any evidence of the IDF soldiers gouging out the eyes of innocent Palestinian civilians, please share it. If you have any evidence of the IDF raping girls, please share it. If you have any evidence of the IDF torturing children while their parents are forced to look on, please share it. If you have any evidence of the IDF taking civilians hostages, please share it. I could go on and on. Israel goes out of its way to mitigate civilian casualties. But it is not always possible when Hamas uses civilians as human shields. Needless to say there is NO equivalence between Hamas and Israel.

    Israel is targeting the terrorist butchers. They have given all civilians notices by test, phone calls, and dropping leaflets to warn them in advance to evacuate the area. If civilians ignore the warnings, that is their choice.
    Hamas uses civilians as human shields. They built tunnels, underground bunkers, and terrorist command centers underneath schools and hospitals. Israel has done what it can to avoid killing innocents, but ultimately if they decide to remain, they are doing so at their own risk.

    No nation would tolerate the slaughter of their innocents, Israel is no different. Nor is the US. Following the Pearl Harbor attack, when over 2,000 Americans were killed, Truman ordered the nuclear bomb dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. That killed 140,000. Was that a mistake?  Was that genocide?

    Israel must do whatever it needs to do to ensure its survival, and prevent these terrorist attacks from ever occurring again.
    And it will. 

  2. Suffering of Israeli innocents? According to the brother of the former leader of the British Labor party Jeremy Corbyn, there was no butchering, no beheadings, no raping, and no massacres. It is all a big lie. A set-up.

    I suspect that Corbyn speaks for a large percentage of those misguided pro-Hamas fools protesting today.


  3. 20 minutes ago, vinapu said:

    that same way ass is controlling her destiny when lashed.

     You are right about Israel achievements though but it can't be used as argument by advanced countries to snatch parts of less advanced ones.


    Snatched?  lol. Like the US snatched Texas, Arizona, and California from Mexico? Like the US snatched Florida and Puerto Rico from Spain? I could go on. Gaza was won in a war that Israel did not start. In fact, prior to 1967, Gaza wasn't independent. It was ruled by Egypt. There NEVER was an independent Palestine.

    Looking back, Israel should have never relinquished Gaza. It was a big mistake. Little did they realize at the time that within months it would be totally controlled by terrorist thugs. Though if Israel  continued to control it, you can bet they would treat their Arab citizens far better than the two dozen Arab countries treated their Jewish citizens (Morocco excluded).

    Eighteen years since Israel walked away from Gaza. It was not snatched, occupied, ruled, etc.

  4. 58 minutes ago, vinapu said:

    Gazans are prisoners who occupy giant call called Gaza guarded by Israel with little of helping complicity from Egypt. 

    They are not prisoners. They control their own destiny.
    Look at Israel, surrounded by hostile neighbors on all sides, and in 75 years they made the desert bloom. They are one of the world leaders in industry, modern technology, agriculture advancement. Why couldn't the Gazans make their land flourish like Israel did.

    If Gaza is a prison, the jailers and wardens are Hamas.

  5. 40 minutes ago, Marc in Calif said:

    I was born in the same year that Israel was created. We're the same age. 

    I completely ASSURE you that I'm not "uninformed." I've followed Israel and the Middle East since the State of Israel was 10 years old. I know ALL of the issues, wars, attacks, occupations, and UN resolutions. 

    For Israel, the 1967 war had consequences and responsibilites based on international law and treaties. Israel chose not to abide by those consequences and responsibilities.  

    The "uninformed" trope is what know-nothings like you bring out of their closet when they're challenged on one of their cherished topics. It's an excuse -- not a meaningful response. ☺️

    Blah, blah, blah. More mindless blather.

    Ok, then explain to me why you described Gaza as occupied. EXACTLY WHO was occupying Gaza for the past 18 years prior to October 7th?

  6. 5 minutes ago, Moses said:

    And Golan heights. UN issued more than 100 resolutions about Israel's behavior. 


    The UN can issue 1000 resolutions about Israel's behavior.
    It only strengthens Israel's resolve. 

    And I can guarantee you that regardless of whether Israel has a right-wing or left-wing government, the Golan Heights will NEVER be allowed to return to the old days when terrorists from Lebanon scaled the Heights and reigned terror down on Israeli citizens.

    The Golan Heights is fully integrated into Israel. Now and forever.

  7. 17 minutes ago, Marc in Calif said:

    The UN helped to create the State of Israel because it supported both Jews and, specifically, Zionism.

    But the UN did not plan for or agree to Israel's occupation of -- and settlements in -- the designated Palestinian regions of the state. 

    As you well know, UN resolutions 242 (1967), 338 (1973), 446 (1979), 452 (1979), 465 (1980), 476 (1980), 478 (1980), 1397 (2002), 1515 (2003), and 1850 (2008) have condemned:

    • Acquisition of territory by force
    • Permanent settlements in that territory
    • Altering the demographic composition, character, and status of the Palestinian Territory occupied since 1967, including East Jerusalem, including, inter alia, the construction and expansion of settlements, transfer of Israeli settlers, confiscation of land, demolition of homes and displacement of Palestinian civilians, in violation of international humanitarian law and relevant resolutions

    This, I repeat, not anti-Israel and anti-Jewish bias. It's opposition and condemnation of illegal acts taken by the State of Israel since 1967. 

    I am Jewish. I support the State of Israel's right to exist. I contributed money to help establish the State of Israel.

    But I am NOT anti-Israel and anti-Jewish. I challenge you to prove that I am. 

    Nope. You are simply uninformed.
    Gaza was the one fruits of victory after the 6 day 1967 war, after Israel was invaded by its neighbours. ANother war that Israel didn't ask for.
    Gaza was as much of Israel as Puerto Rico or Texas is of the United States. Territory won in war. Nevertheless, Israel returned Gaza, and the last Israeli left in 2005. So how is Gaza occupied? Occupied by whom? The Hamas terrorists the Gazans voted for?

    In 18 years they could have built water desalinization plants, electrical grids, internet towers etc. They chose not to better the lives of their citizens. Instead they chose to build a terrorist state.

    And btw, claiming that you are not anti-Israel or anti-Jewish doesn't make it so.

  8. 47 minutes ago, Latbear4blk said:

    Probably rooted in deep racism that dehumanize People of Color lives.


    You and your fellow Jew-haters, who shroud your anti-Semitism with the pathetic excuse of our battle is with Zionists not Jews, clearly need to be schooled.

    Israel has the most heterogenous population in the area. Its Arab citizens flourish. They own businesses, are members of the civil service, serve in the army, and on the Supreme Court. And where are all of the Tunisian Jews? The Algerian Jews? The Iraqi Jews? etc.. They were driven out by the Jew hating citizens of their countries which they resided for centuries. So these countries have basically become Judenfrei.
    So like 99% of what u say, your racism claims make no sense. The only racism is the Arab racism that drove out the Jews with pogroms.

    And while I am on a roll, Israel is a country made up of over 60% non-whites. This is not from me, but by Ritchie Torres, Bronx Congressman who is Black, Latino, and gay.

    Don't get me wrong. Racism exists. And if you want to see one of the prime examples of this, just look into the nearest mirror.

  9. 1 hour ago, Latbear4blk said:

    It looks like the hypocrites are the ones condemning Hamas but supporting the genocidal Israeli attacks. 


    The only genocide in the Middle East is that being committed by the Hamas terrorists.
    Israel has sent millions of texts and phone calls, dropped millions of pamphlets and flyers from the air in advance warning civilians to evacuate prior to the IDF entering.

    Hamas has underground bunkers, tunnels, and command centers beneath hospitals and schools. Hamas doesn't care about the lives of their own civilians. They are willing to use their own civilians as human shields. They butcher innocent Israelis. They rape and torture women and children. Good vs. evil was never more evident. This is the battle not only between Israel and the Hamas Nazis, but between the civilized world and barbarians.

    Israel will not leave Gaza before every inch of those tunnels and and terrorist command centers has been flooded and destroyed. Israel will not leave Gaza until Hamas has been eradicated. That is not genocide. It is called survival.


  10. 4 hours ago, Moses said:

    And your point is?

    Israel's goal to to totally eradicate Hamas so they can no longer commit massacres atrocities.

    Of course there are Gazan civilian casualties. But unlike Hamas which commits wholesale slaughter and unspeakable horrors, the IDF drops leaflets in the civilian areas warning the citizens to leave. 
    Good vs. evil was never so clear.

    Every Gazan death can be attributed to Hamas. They started this war. The IDF will end it on its own terms.

    And if you think posting links to quotes from UN bureaucrats or some former biased NY Times journalist will sway anyone's opinion, you are wrong.

  11. 1 hour ago, Moses said:

    ... and citizen of Israel.

    By the way: have you seen Amnesty International report from spring 2023?
    280 pages of accusation of Israel in apartheid.


    And why would any sane rational person care what Amnesty International has to say about Israel any more than what a disgraced UN bureaucrat has to say? The UN (with Iran as the head of its Human Rights Commission and China set to lead the Security Council next month) and Amnesty International have as much credibility about Israel as do any other Jew-hating, Israel organization.
    The only ones who listen to them and quote them are other Israel haters and anti-Semites. 
    I'll take my cue from people that ACTUALLY matter. Like the those White House, US Senate, and House of Reps.

    I give a lot more credibility to what an elected US Rep has to say than what a spiteful, unelected bureaucrat from the UN has to say on the subject:

    GOP lawmaker contends ‘there are very few innocent Palestinian citizens’ (msn.com)

  12. 3 hours ago, Moses said:

    Letter of designation from director UN office of The High Commissioner for Human rights







    And why would any rational person with half a brain care what is contained in a letter of resignation from a UN bureaucrat? 
    The UN has a long history of anti-Israel and anti-Jewish bias. They are a bloated, corrupt, and mismanaged organization dominated by third-world, undemocratic tyrannical regimes.

    This is the organization that has put Iran in charge of their Human Rights Commission.
    This is the organization that has overseen billions of dollars of aid to Gaza. Where has the money gone? Hamas took the money and built tunnels, underground bunkers which were used as their command centers.

    Good riddance to Mr. Moktuber. My only regret is that he left way too much trash behind him in Turtle Bay.

  13. 2 hours ago, forky123 said:

    So 2 of 6 polls you linked are relevant. I guess that's 33.33% better than your usual performance.


    All six are relevant.
    The four older posts relate to Trump's popularity with the Israeli people. A point that was brought up by another poster.
    Since Trump has been out of office for almost 3 years THERE ARE NO current polls on the subject. So those are quite relevant.

    The more recent two were to dispute the point brought up by another poster that given Israel's response to the Hamas atrocities, the American public is opposed to Israel's response.  As the polls show, that is patently false.

    Batting 1,000.00

  14. Polls that were taken on Oct 13 and 14 pre-date the current conflict?  lol.

    In what bizarro world?

    Americans overwhelmingly support Israel's right to defend itself. Period. This is what these CURRENT polls state explicitly.
    No different than if 1500 terrorists crossed the Canadian border and committed similar massacres and atrocities against American citizens.

    Israel will do what it needs to not only defend its citizens, but to ensure that Gaza will never be used as a terrorist haven where Hamas murderers can cross the border with impunity to slaughter innocent Israelis.

  15. 12 hours ago, Mavica said:

    You've obviously forgotten the links you posted.

    You've obviously chosen to ignore the facts that refute your claim.
    Here are the polls I referenced. Both show overwhelming US support for Israel. Both taken in the last 72 hours and published this weekend.
    One by ABC-IPSOS and the other by CNN (reported by Politico).




  16. 44 minutes ago, vinapu said:


    I wonder if you would say ' so be it' if Putin announced he plans to level of Kiev or Zelensky said the same about Doneck ?


    Actually, I would.
    If Zelensky's troops went into Russian territory and massacred 1300 innocent civilians, including beheading of live babies, torturing civilians before shooting or burning them, murdering the elderly, including Holocaust survivors, slaughtering 260 teens attending a music festival, raping women, kidnapping children and women, etc. I would green light Putin to take appropriate action. But that didn't happen, did it?
    Your Hamas buddies are brave when it comes to mass slaughter of unarmed civilians.. not so brave when it comes to armed IDF soldiers, are they?

    A comparative dialog only works when comparing apples with apples.
    Try again.

  17. 8 minutes ago, Mavica said:

    Polls, polls, polls.  🖕

    The polls referenced above, from Israel, all pre-date the current situation and Mr. Trump's behavior in response (one of which taken 5 years ago) - from what I observed.  We're living and reacting in mid-October, 2023.  Remember, too, that Benjamin Netanyahu had / has been a strong, vocal supporter of Mr. Trump in his Presidential election campaigns - and the right-wing Orthodox in Israel are very similar in views / behaviors of the MAGA cultists in the USA. 

    Wrong.... again.
    No surprise.

    The ABC-Ipsos and CNN polls showing American support is overwhelming for Israel was taken this weekend.

  18. Another poll showing overwhelming American support for Israel's response to the Hamas massacre. This one, by CNN, no friend of Israel, must have Jake Tapper cringing.

    Majority of Americans say Israel’s response to Hamas attack is justified, CNN poll finds

    Ahead of Israel’s expected ground invasion of Gaza, most respondents said the Israeli government’s military response to the Hamas attacks is fully justified (50%) or partially justified (20%). A total of 21% said they weren’t sure, while 8% said it is not justified at all.



  19. ABC-IPSOS poll out this weekend:

    Americans favor continued support for Israel but still sour on Biden's performance overall: POLL

    A plurality of Americans back what the United States is doing to support Israel in the war against the Islamic militant group Hamas and an additional 29% think the country should be doing even more.




  20. So far Biden has been good in defending America's only middle east democratic ally. So has Trudeau. We'll see if that lasts.

    Every poll from a variety of sites show Trump far more popular than Biden amongst Israelis.





    There is a reason that Israel named a town a town in their north after Trump.
    There is a reason that Israel named the train stop at the Western Wall "Trump Station".

  21. Israel pulled out of Gaza in 2005. They did it reluctantly as many Israeli leaders thought it would be a mistake. Looking back it was.

    Gaza was self-governed. The Gazan leaders were going to transform Gaza into the "Hong Kong of the Middle East". Billions of international dollars poured into Gaza. Instead of building an infrastructure to advance its people, they spent the money on building bunkers, tunnels, missiles, and armaments. Instead of building schools, aquifers, wells, and a modern electrical grid for its people, they built a war machine. They elected Hamas in 2007. The last election in Gaza.  Hamas has brought nothing but misery to its population.

    Israel must and will do whatever it takes to protect its people. They must prevent another  holocaust of Jews. If that means turning Gaza into a parking lot. So be it.

    As for who the American people side with, this poll from the Hill conducted last week pretty much sums it up. Americans support Israel overwhelmingly 65% to 8%



  22. 17 hours ago, unicorn said:

    Yes, you did. You said Biden shut down the pipelines. One can't shut something down that isn't open to begin with. You did NOT say he shut down the construction. Even if it had been possible for those to be running by now, the impact, as you well know, would have been negligible. 

    These were pipelines under construction. When completed would have brought tens of thousands of barrels of oil from Canada Tens of thousands that wouldn't have to be imported from the middle east.

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