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Posts posted by EmmetK

  1. 6 hours ago, Bingo T Dog said:

    I was toilet trained on the NY Times.  That's all it's good for.  The election is one year away.  A lot can happen.

    Exactly my point. If left-wing, Trump hating NY Times has Trump ahead by 6, his real lead is probably double that.

  2. Looks like you forgot to post one jpeg:



    And it's not just the NY Times/Siena poll, it's FOX, Harvard/Harris, Quinnipiac, Yahoo, Marquette, etc. EVERY legitimate polling organization has Trump ahead.
    And when RFK Jr., Jill Stein, and Cornell West are factored into the deal, Trump's lead only increases. If/when Manchin enters the race, that should ensure a Trump landslide.



    Make sure to get all of your Trump/2024 jpegs handy...  about 4 years worth!  l

  3. 1 hour ago, Latbear4blk said:

    You do not realize how transparent you are, Bright One.

    And you not only don't realize how hateful and racist you are but your false equivalencies between the Hamas terrorism and Israel's war of defense is beyond mind-boggling.

    How many posters of kidnapped babies have you torn down?


  4. 11 hours ago, Latbear4blk said:

    Keep talking, Bright One. Your hate is eloquent. 

    You are the expert on hate. Every time you get behind your keyboard to type on this forum, you spew it out... in generous proportions.

    Still waiting to hear what  would you would think the fate would be for one of your buddies in Hamas if they furled out a gay pride flag during their massacre in southern Israel?

    Also, how many posters of kidnapped Israeli children have you ripped down?

  5. 1 hour ago, Latbear4blk said:

    LOL. Answering or not stupid questions is my prerogative. Instead, I choose to denounce your blood thirsty hypocrisy.


    Of course you don't want to answer. when it is YOUR bigotry and hypocrisy that has been exposed. Your vile attacks against the only democracy in the middle east, which is also the most diverse. It is a nation where gays, women, and all minorities enjoy equality.
    Btw, the Speaker of the Israeli Knesset is gay. Care to name any members of the Palestine National Assembly that are gay?

    And coming from this forum's Number 1 Hamas-supporting, Jew-hating, Israel-basher, I will consider your words as a compliment and wear it as a feather in my cap.

    Tear down any posters of babies being held hostage lately?

  6. 1 hour ago, Latbear4blk said:

    Let's try again. Girl, I deeply dislike bloody murderers and terrorists. I cannot like or support Hamas. You are the hypocrite taking sides with one of the killers here. Apparently, we add the rainbow flag and you become a Proud Murderer.

    Good for you!


    Wrong........ again!


    There is NO equivalence between the massacres committed by Hamas and  Israel's war of defense. You can continue to try to make one, but it holds no water.
    Hamas' aim was to to kill and torture as many innocent Israelis as they could while taking a few hundred as hostages to use as bargaining chips. The IDF's aim is the opposite. It is to minimize civilian deaths. If Israel were to use the same tactics as your Hamas friends, there would be no Gaza left. It would have been wiped off the map.

    Every civilian Gazan killed is due to Hamas. There will be no cease-fire until Hamas is totally eradicated.

    And btw, still waiting for your response to my question. What would have been fate of a Hamas soldier if he unfurled a Hamas Pride flag?

  7. 7 minutes ago, vinapu said:

    ever since wars stopped being fought one-on-one every army targets civilians whether intentionally or not. That the nature of modern warfare.


    Are you sure Arabs are serving in Cahal ? Honest question and I'm quite sure they don't.


    Soldier is handsome and brave and needs to be said  has great sense of humor

    Israeli Arabs are not drafted into the IDF; however, many volunteer to serve:



  8. On 11/8/2023 at 6:43 PM, Latbear4blk said:

    What about your squirms to justify the mass murdering of innocent Palestinian civilians, Bright One?

    There is no mass murdering. Unlike your beloved Hamas, the IDF does not target innocent civilians. 

    Nobody wants to see civilian deaths. Especially the Israelis. And if you want to minimize civilian deaths, tell your buddies in Hamas to stop hiding in hospitals, schools, and residential areas. Until that happens (don't hold your breath since we know what cowards Hamas is), the blame for every Gazan casualty lies at the feet of your friends in Hamas.

    Gay Israeli soldier proudly displays LGBTQ flag on Gaza soil in war against Hamas



    More proof that the IDF, like Israel itself,  is the most diverse army in the region., perhaps in the world. Sephardi Jews, Ashkenazi Jews, Muslim Arabs, Christian Arabs,  Druze, women, and gays who are out and proud all serve in the IDF

    Care to speculate on the fate of one of your beloved Hamas soldiers if he displayed the Pride emblem on a Hamas flag?


  9. And poll after poll shows that Americans overwhelming support Israel:



    The handful of Israel-hating posters here are no more representative than are the Hamas-loving Palestinian flag-waving radical protestors. You guys are outliers. Just a loud tiny minority.



  10. 1 hour ago, Marc in Calif said:

    "Everyone"??? You evidently cannot count. 

    I guess that's why I have six (6) positive reactions to my posts on this very subject of Israel occupying Gaza and controlling access. 

    You, on the other hand, have barely one (1) positive reaction to your comments on the same subject of Israeli occupation of Gaza. 

    6 vs 1 -- makes perfect sense to me! 😎

    The fact that there are a few other Hamas-supporting, Israel-hating posters out there? proves nothing.

    I don't judge the legitimacy of my posts based on the # of likes I get.
    How about we judge our posts based on the number of lies?  You'd get 1,000,000 likes!  

  11. 5 minutes ago, Marc in Calif said:

    So you continue to admit that you don't keep up to date on the news. Just checking. 

    As I suspected -- you're blind to even yourself, Emmet

    Why am I not surprised that you won't get even that reference? 🤣

    Changing the subject doesn't change the facts.
    You are either truly ignorant or a blatant liar. You choose.

    "Israel controls ALL access to Gaza including its borders, airspace, and territorial waters"

    Then when you are confronted with the facts, that indeed Egypt controls access to Gaza thru its common border with Gaza, rather than admit you lied (or are simply ignorant) you backtrack, digress, and behave like a typical 5-year old. lol.
    In your pathetic attempt to change the subject, you say, what I really meant was that Israel controls Egypt too.  lol. BTW, is Egypt occupied Israeli territory too? 

    Everyone reading your posts now realizes that you have ZERO credibility, you don't have any idea what you are talking about, and you are a pathological liar.

    Care to compound your lies with more distractions, lies, and excuses?  Bring it on!

  12. 22 minutes ago, Marc in Calif said:

    Don't you read the news? Egypt follows Israel's lead in controlling the Rafah Crossing. So Israeli actions control the border crossing into Gaza. That's simple enough for even YOU to understand! 🤣

    I can keep this up forever. You know I'm right. Depite your own name, you don't own the truth! 💯

    You can continue with your verbal diarrhea and lies. It won't help you crawl out of the deep hole you've crawled into.

    Israel has ZERO control over what does or doesn't go thru the Rafah Border Crossing anymore than it controls who crosses the US-Mexican border crossing. 
    You have shown yourself to be an anti-Israel zealot that buys into the HAMAS Nazi propaganda because you simply don't know the facts.
    Your lie has been exposed. And your lies will continue to be exposed from here on.....

  13. 1 minute ago, Marc in Calif said:

    That's trivial. You know as well as I do that Israel can easily leverage its relationship with Egypt to close that border anytime it wants. And although Israel does not directly control the Rafah crossing, it monitors all activity in southern Gaza from Kerem Shalom military base and from other surveillance. If it sees anything it doesn't like, it will have Rafah closed again. 

    Surely you know this: Closures often depend on the security and political situation on the ground. While Israel has no direct control over the crossing, Egypt’s closures often coincide with Israel’s own tightening of restrictions on Gaza.

    Israel occupies Gaza just as much as it occupies the West Bank -- and you know it. You're just too afraid to admit it to yourself. 😘


    It certainly is not trivial. You claim that Israel controls ALL access  to Gaza. Your lie has been exposed. 
    Your credibility has been shot.
    It is thru the Rafah Broder Crossing where all supplies, food, medicine, etc. has historically been delivered to the Gazans.
    Israel doesn't tell Egypt what and who they should allow in thru their sovereign territory.

    Please keep responding. It is indeed entertaining to see you squirm when you try to justify your claim that Israel controls ALL access to Gaza (your words - own up to them!).

  14. 42 minutes ago, Marc in Calif said:

    FYI... Israel controls ALL access to Gaza, including its borders, airspace, and territorial waters. That means access by people and access to materials, food, medicine, and equipment. So yeah, Israel is still "occupying" Gaza. An occupation does NOT always require settlers, government offices and agencies, or businesses. If a region doesn't fully control its borders, airspace, and territorial waters, it's occupied.


    "Israel controls ALL access to Gaza, including its borders, airspace, and territorial waters."

    I commend you for your ability to continue to spew out lies. Though even a broken clock is right twice a day, I am still waiting for you to be right just once.
    Israel does NOT control all access to Gaza. And putting in it bold and all caps doesn't turn a lie into the truth.
    You may want to know what you are talking about before you hit the "SUBMIT" button.

    Have you ever heard of the Rafah Border Crossing?
    I'll even offer you some assistance. Consider it a one-time favour.



  15. 9 hours ago, vinapu said:

    No doubt Hamas has or at least had support of big chunk of Gazans but I wouldn't place too much faith in election process there to put it mildly. Election when population is terrorized are not the same like we have in the West.

    Would you blame North Koreans, Cubans or Equatorial Guineans for faults of  leaders "they elected"?

    When Israel walked away from Gaza in 2005, they turned it over to the Palestinian National Authority (Fatah). Fatah ran the elections with international observers present. There has never been a dispute about the "fairness" of the elections. Unless you are alleging that Fatah intentionally undermined their own authority. And that would be delusional.

    As far as the Gazans being terrorized. The only ones terrorizing them are Hamas. 
    The phony narrative of the Gazans being "terrorized" by Israel ranks right up there in the phony propaganda war with Gaza being "occupied".  Hamas has had full administrative, political, and military control of Gaza since 2007. All of the Gaza ministries are controlled by them. They could have turned Gaza into the Hong Kong of the Middle East. Instead, they chose to subjugate their population into abject misery, and used the billions of international funds they receive to build tunnels and a war machine while their leaders live in a lap of luxury.


  16. Hamas intentionally targets civilians. The IDF targets Hamas murderers.

    Hamas tortures (cuts open pregnant woman's stomachs, throws babies into ovens, gouges out victim's eyes, murders children in front of parents, murders parents in front of children, murders teenage concert-goers, etc.), rapes, and kidnaps the elderly, children, and babies. The IDF does not.

    End of story.

    It's really that simple.

  17. On 10/30/2023 at 7:48 PM, Latbear4blk said:

    You do not see the irony of a Militaristic Empire with military bases all over the world, accusing regional powers of promoting war? 


    You do not see the irony of lambasting Israel for siding with Hamas against Israel in its war against a a group that has vowed to eradicate it ?

    When you choose to side with the butchers of Hamas:

    • You agree that every Jew, Christian and non-Muslim in the world must be slaughtered.
    • You endorse making homosexuality punishable by jail or death.
    • You believe Iran should use Palestinians as puppets to spread radical Jihad and destroy the West.
    • You support strict Sharia law, which bans women from showing their knees, hair, playing sports in public, [and] not being able to travel without a man’s permission.
    • You want a terrorist group that beheads babies and rapes girls to replace the only democracy in the Middle East.
  18. 38 minutes ago, Latbear4blk said:

    LOL. Yeah, pathetic is a nice adjective to describe the attempts to justify genocidal actions.

    The only one committing genocide in the middle east is HAMAS.

  19. 1 hour ago, Latbear4blk said:

    Sure. You are insinuating that you would kill innocents to rescue your loved ones, and I have a reading and comprehension problem.

    To answer your question, I would use any possible resource to save my loved ones, as long as I respect the law and human lives. I would have no oral ground if I replicate the behavior of the terrorists. 

    I am confident you would not murder and bulldoze your White neighbors to save your children, but of course, Palestinians do not deserve the same compassion than nice White people do.

    Unlike the Hamas Nazis, the IDF doesn't target civilians. If they did, it would be 90,000 killed. Not 9000.
    Israel is targeting the Hamas Nazis that crossed into Israel, butchered, raped, tortured unarmed innocents, took 240 hostages and fled back into Gaza.
    Hamas soldiers hide in hospitals, schools, camps, UN buildings, etc. Those civilians have been warned to flee those areas. No country would stand back, or pause, or allow a cease fire so to allow their enemies to re-group and re-arm.
    Every Gazan civilian death is 100% attributable to the Hamas leaders they elected.
    Until Hamas surrenders, there will be many more Gazan civilians that will die. And you can thank Hamas for each dead body.

    As for you injecting race into the equation, Israel is the most heterogenous nation in the area. It is more than 60% non-white, including millions from their racist Arab neighbors whose anti-Semitic laws caused them to flee to Israel for their freedom.

  20. 4 hours ago, Moses said:

    Sure. What else it may be?

    Do you have another name for to targeting civilians and wipe 2 cities by nuclear strike?

    Yes. It is called survival.

    After Japan bombed Pearl Harbor and killed 3,000 sailors and their families, Truman said that the US would accept nothing less than an unconditional surrender. Japan refused. The US nuked Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Japan surrendered immediately. They have been basically demilitarized for 80 years. End of story.
    Israel is in a more precarious situation. The surprise attack that took place against Israel was not from a land 5 thousand miles away. Gaza is 5 feet away. Netanyahu will accept nothing less than Truman did. Either the unconditional surrender of the enemy and permanent demilitarization or Gaza will be wiped away. It's up to Hamas to decide. 

  21. 11 minutes ago, KeepItReal said:

    Actually, I need to correct you there, if you will indulge me. 😁 George H W Bush actually made the most progress by making it clear to Israel's leadership that their 'bad behavior'  at the time was unacceptable and would have consequences. Had Clinton followed through, we shouldn't be where we are today. 

    You may find thus article interesting.


    An article by the far-left, Israel-hating Huffington Post?  lol/
    Interesting? I would call it biased.

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