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Posts posted by EmmetK

  1. 14 minutes ago, Bingo T Dog said:

    Check with the MOMS FOR LIBERTY group.

    We know that Hunter has an illegitimate baby that he denied paternity for years, refused to acknowledge, and refused to pay child support for. He had to be dragged to court with a judicial order, and forced to have a DNA test. The DNA test proved he fathered the baby, Navy Jones Roberts, with his hooker/crack addict girlfriend. Classy guy.

    And like father like son, Dementia Joe refused to acknowledge his own granddaughter for years till he was forced to by pressure from outside groups.

    The acorn doesn't fall far from the oak.

    Still waiting for the names of Don Jr's illegitimate babies?

  2. 3 hours ago, Stable Genius said:


    Not surprised to see that. It's worn often by women at Trump rallies. President Trump is a rock star. Women have been throwing themselves at him for 50+ years. 

    Notice the woman sitting next to her is wearing a "Women for Trump" shirt. These are the people that will catapult Trump back into the White House. Proud, patriotic American women. And there are tens of millions more of them. They, like most Americans, have ZERO interest in what happened on Jan 6th. The only insurrections they care about is the insurrection taking place daily at the southern border with the invasion of tens of thousands each day and the insurrections taking place in every large American city daily with with all of the violent crime.

  3. 19 hours ago, Bingo T Dog said:

    Wouldn't it be appropriate for all the Jan. 06 rioters to get together for a reunion?  Luckily many have been caught, processed and serving jail time but maybe they could find a large room at the jail and get together.  I am sure Trump would be glad to cater the affair.  I'm sure he has visited them all over the last 3 years and feels they are part of his extended family.  Here are a few photos so they can all remember that day they can proudly tell their children and grandchildren about.


    Would it be appropriate for Dementia Joe Biden to stop by and say hello to them when he visits his son Hunter in the same DC prison?


  4. It requires a great deal of gall for someone who is
    destroying the Nation's borders and any real power
    of U.S. Citizenship --

    -- and whose "Democrat Party" is working to exclude
    people from their own Party -- and now candidates from
    other Parties -- from the ballot --

    -- to now claim someone else is the threat to the
    United States.

    Even former Democrats are not buying this any longer.

    Dementia Joe Biden is the typical dictator spouting off lies about his opponent while offering zero solutions for his failures during his first term, because he has nothing else in his playbook. His foreign and domestic policies are complete failures, complete failures. This fact cannot be legitimately denied, but by all means, try Dementia Joe.

    Only those with their heads in a fog, in total denial will say that was an inspirational speech. Only those so deeply-rooted into winning for their political party’s sake and not for the Nation’s benefit, but to maintain their political hold of power would give a thumbs up to that propaganda.

    That was the most anti-democratic speech, the most totalitarian, despotic between the lines speech by an occupant of that office in the history of the nation.


  5. 34 minutes ago, Pete1111 said:


    In either case, after they have your money, they have no viable agenda or policy other than vote for them and/or pray.

    No agenda?
    Trump has promised the first item on the agenda upon taking the oath of office is to close the border and finish building the wall. He will END Dementia Joe Biden's open borders policy. Trump also pledged to deport all of the illegals that Dementia Joe Biden has allowed in. That will save local governments tens of billions in costs to house, clothe, feed, and educate the illegals.

    Trump also pledged to open up all federal lands and offshore sites to drilling and fracking. That will immediately lower the cost of gas and energy for the US consumer.

    That's just for starters.


  6. 15 minutes ago, Bingo T Dog said:

    A usual, Pinocchio, you have it wrong.
    It's Dementia Joe who is both incompetent and incontinent. But we realize that one can drive a truck between what you write and the truth.

    The best-selling toilet paper in my area:


    I bought 20 rolls.





  7. 1 hour ago, Travelingguy said:

    It was no accident that these women who were targeted were black. Trump focused his lies about voter fraud on countless with significant black populations. Much of the hate and threats directed towards these women has been racist. Look at your own attacks on these women and they are full of racial stereotypes. 

    Trump and Rudy are the ones who played the race card. These women were just collateral damage. They are human beings. Their lives were destroyed. But it is clear from this discussion that the lives of these black women don’t matter to some people. But none of us who were raised in America are surprised. 

    I guess when you got nothing else, play the race card? My own attack is racist? In what alternate universe is calling someone a "money-grubber" considered racist? In the world where everyone is a victim except for white heterosexual males? 

    This runaway DC jury verdict supervised by a partisan, left-wing dem Judge will be reduced significantly, if not overturned. This Judge was doling out legal advice to the plaintiffs from the bench and ruled illegally that they could go after his assets immediately.

    The judge and attorneys should be disbarred for a leftist racist scam trial. Giuliani has accomplishments and integrity unlike the sledge in the bottom of the barrel that tried and judged him.

  8. 6 hours ago, unicorn said:

    And you're happy for OJ as well? A bit sociopathic, perhaps? While agree that the amount awarded was rather over-the-top, Rudy did very maliciously ruin these women's lives with his outrageous lies. Not murder, but still vicious and malicious. What kind of a sick person would cheer for Rudy (or OJ)?

    Not cheering for OJ. I made the comparison to show the absurdity of the jury award. OJ murdered Goldman in cold blood. The jury awarded the Goldman family 33 million in the civil suit.  Yet this runaway DC jury awarded these two money grubbers 148 million.

    This award will be either overturned or drastically reduced to what it should be - a few thousand dollars at most.


    Good move Rudy! don't let them get a penny. New York will forever remember you as America's Mayor. 

    Filing for bankruptcy does not prevent an appeal, which in this case is almost automatic. There will be an appeal, and even if he is found to have to pay, the amount will be drastically reduced. A judgement in this range is not legally supportable.

    Rudy will be ok. He doesn't really have to pay that much. He'll pay as much as OJ has paid the Goldman family. 
    Can't get blood from a turnip. I guess those 2 money-grubbing, minimum-wage election workers won't be living a life of luxury after all.,,,  lol.


  10. 1 hour ago, Travelingguy said:

    The amount awarded cannot be lowered without an appeal, and there cannot be an appeal unless Rudy can come up with a bond of $146 million. So I don’t really see that happening.  

    And that can be appealed also. The judge in the case is a well-known partisan hack.

    This case will be winding its way the courts for years and years. As I said, these two faux victims will never see a nickel.

  11. 42 percent of GOP Iowa caucusgoers say ‘poisoning the blood’ remarks make them more likely to support Trump: poll


    "Forty-two percent of likely Iowa Republican caucusgoers said that former President Trump’s recent remarks about immigrants “poisoning the blood” of the country makes them more likely to support him, according to a new poll."

    "Immigrants in the U.S. illegally, Trump said Tuesday, are “destroying the blood of our country, they’re destroying the fabric of our country.”

    This statement is absolutely true. Look at the mess they created in border states and blue sanctuary cities.

    Dementia Joe Biden and the democrats don't give a Damn about legal entry into the US. All they care about is wide open borders. And EVERYBODY KNOWS IT !
    Including the Democrats 

  12. 1 hour ago, unicorn said:

    And Trump-lovers ignore his 90+ felony indictments, not to mention his civil cases. I will agree with you that Biden is a weak candidate, though Trump is far worse, and both are probably too old to start a new term in 2025. It's too early to know what will happen in the upcoming tumultuous year. Trump has limitless funding in his so-far successful attempts to delay his prosecutions, so we'll have to see if he continues to be able to delay his trials. Trouble for him if they go forward. A majority of Americans want neither as candidates, but, unfortunately, it's what the majority of Republicans and Democrats want as their candidates, not the wishes of the American citizenry. 

    You just don't get it.

    Trump supporters aren't ignoring his indictments. Most will acknowledge that Trump has a few warts.
    However, compared to Biden's open border policy fiasco. We see it on our TV screens every night (unless you watch MSNBC). Biden allowed millions of unvetted illegals into the country we know nothing about. Immigration was the deciding factor in recent elections in Italy and Holland. It will also be in the US. Also, Biden supporters ignore his obvious dementia. Trump supporters just don't care if he has 90 indictments or 900 indictments. Biden must go to save this country.

  13. On 12/18/2023 at 1:00 PM, unicorn said:

    I didn't think I needed to qualify with "everyone except the most stupid idiots." Just like when Trump said "Proud Boys, stand back and stand by: " his implicit backing of white supremacy groups is well-understood by everyone (except the most stupid idiots). 

    I guess that most American voters are "stupid idiots" since the latest RealClearPolitics poll of polls has Trump ahead by 5.


    Trump-haters here can keep misquoting him, lying about him, posting stupid GIFs and JPEGS about him, but it won't help Dementia Joe. Trump's lead keeps growing.

    Trump haters, including the mainstream media, can try to ignore Biden's obvious dementia; ignore his woke, racist policies; ignore his disastrous border policies; but it doesn't help him. The American people get it. Trump's lead keeps growing.

  14. 13 minutes ago, Bingo T Dog said:

    “Are you comfortable with your party’s leading presidential candidate referring to legal immigrants as people who are poisoning the blood of our country?” CNN’s Manu Raju asked the GOP Minority Leader Tuesday afternoon (video below).


    A CNN flak asks McConnell a gotcha question, means nothing.

    YOU posted the link that clearly says ILLEGALS. Your link. Then you lied in the title and lied again and again in your post. 

    Can you ever tell the truth? You have lost all credibility here. Your posts will never be taken seriously after your series of lies.



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