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Posts posted by EmmetK

  1. "Today's ceremony, however, has very special meaning, because today we are not merely transferring power from one administration to another, or from one party to another, but we are transferring power from Washington, D.C., and giving it back to you, the people."
    --Donald Trump 2016
    Election Day, 2024 cannot come soon enough!
  2. 2 hours ago, forky123 said:

    A picture of people over 1000 miles from the US is newsworthy only to the gullible. 

    Wrong... again.
    Just a small portion of the millions of unvetted, illegal migrants that make their way up north in caravans in the tens of thousands regularly. They eagerly move forward, and ready to be greeted by Welcome Mat that Dementia Joe Biden has put out out the US southwest border.

  3. 8 hours ago, floridarob said:

    He is to racists what Stonewall and gay pride is to gays.

    He made it ok for them to come out of their closet and openly hate on other races/nationalities , immigrants, etc.....

    Racism, racism, racism, blah, blah, blah..,,,, (talk about scare tactics 😁)
    Trump's support among Blacks, Asians, and Hispanics is rising. They will be part of the coalition that will produce a Trump landslide this fall


  4. 43 minutes ago, floridarob said:

    You just sound more like an idiot every time you regurgitate this scare tactic.

    Have you ever been to another country, especially one where the US has a history of interfering with their elections to install someone that supposedly will do what US corporations wanted.....or where the US consumers  fuel the drug trade?

    Again, have you been anywhere besides your mother's basement?

    Scare tactic?  lol. The border crisis is a "scare tactic"?
    75,000 Americans dying each year of fentanyl overdosing is a "scare tactic"?

    Wrong. These are facts. And the border crisis and many of the drug deaths lie at the feet of the dementia-riddled imbecile residing in the White House!


  5. On 1/22/2024 at 8:17 AM, forky123 said:

    My ass




    *Beginning in March 2020, the border patrol changed its methodology to include counts for both apprehensions and expulsions as "encounters".
    With Dementia Joe Biden's catch and release policy, none of those encountered at the border were expelled. They were processed, given a cell phone, a temporary ID, and promised all kinds of goodies which millions of homeless American citizens are not provided.

    Your graph proves my point. Illegal border crossing has TRIPLED under Dementia Joe Biden. And it has likely gone up exponentially in 2023. Joe Biden has thrown out the Welcome Mat to drug dealers,  sex traffickers, terrorists, etc. Come to America. We welcome you with open arms.


    Hopefully, pictures like this will be in every television commercial this Fall. It will not only mean a Trump landslide, but a GOP sweep of the House and Senate.

  6. 7 hours ago, joizy said:

    . At least Biden is doing things for the American people.

    Does that include opening up the border to 15 million unvetted illegals (including drug traffickers, sex offenders, etc.) that the American taxpayer has to pay to house, clothe, educate, and provide medical care? Is that one of those "things" that Dementia Joe is doing for the American people?

  7. 38 minutes ago, unicorn said:

    And dementia Trump confused Nikki Haley with the Speaker of the House. I do agree that both are too old to start a term in 2025. 

    Actually you are wrong. While the anti-Trump media goes crazy over this one Trump gaffe, Joe Biden has been confused for so long, that it is no longer newsworthy.




    Sadly, the last few years of Dementia Joe's life has been one confusing error after another. Often, he doesn't know where he is, can't answer questions cogently. His cognitive issues have been obvious for years. If I were to start a thread about each instance, there wouldn't be enough bandwidth on this forum to handle it.


  9. 14 hours ago, Bingo T Dog said:

    Whoopi Goldberg is remaining optimistic after the results of the recent Iowa Caucus. The View co-host and her fellow panelists reacted with dismay over Donald Trump‘s victory, but Goldberg was quick to remind everyone that Election Day is still far off, and plenty can change before then.

    Quoting Whoopi Goldberg? One of the many woke uber-left NYC/Hollywood elitists who pledged to leave the US if/when Trump got elected?  That same Whoopi Goldberg? She is your expert witness?  lmfao!




  10. 10 hours ago, Marc in Calif said:

    Thanks for proving my exact point about the media hype! 

    I wonder what the same headline writers and TV talking heads would call the 2020 Iowa carcasses, when Drumpf got 97% of the vote. 😆😆😆

    Drumpf is much less dominant against his two remaining opponents. There's no way to say this 🤡 won in a "landslide" in 2024.  

    I'm smelling Results Inflation for 2024! 


    You do (sadly u likely don't) realize that in 2020 Trump was the incumbent and there was no REAL opposition? In 2024, there is no incumbent, and Trump's opposition includes a popular sitting Governor and former Governor/UN Ambassador.
    Comparing the 2020 and 2024 GOP primary is comparing apples to oranges. Something that you are clearly unable to comprehend.
    PS  Have you done your homework on the Rafah crossing yet?

  11. 3 hours ago, Marc in Calif said:

    Drumpf did terribly in the Iowa Carcass.

    Really? You previously lost all credibility when you posted here on Gaza, yet didn't know about the Rafah Crossing. Now you say Trump did terribly? Really?

    from CNN:

    Trump’s landslide Iowa win is a stunning show of strength after leaving Washington in disgrace




    from the NYTimes:

    Trump’s Landslide Victory in Iowa




    from the Washington Post:

    After Trump’s landslide win in Iowa, GOP race moves to New Hampshire



    from Yahoo News:

    Trump wins historic landslide in Iowa caucuses as....



    The NY Times, CNN, the Washington Post, and Yahoo News (the first three are Trump-haters) all accurately describe Trump's Iowa Caucus victory as a "landslide". And it was. Yet @Marc in Calif thinks he knows more than the NY Times, WaPo, CNN, etc.   lfmao!

    President Trump won a historic landslide in Iowa, and your post proves once again that you know not what you speak of....

  12. 36 minutes ago, Stable Genius said:



    Trump is superior to anybody running...

    The first, and likely, only time you have ever written anything that is: true, deserves to be quoted, and worthy of your moniker.
    I suspect it will a also be your last.

  13. Can you come up with a silly JPEG for this?  Or should I?

    Trump tops his opponents while Biden hits a new low in approval ahead of Iowa caucus: POLL

    ABC Poll: Biden Has Lowest Approval in 15 Years, 71 Percent Say Economy 'Bad'


    BREAKING WIND NEWS: Joe Biden's approval rating is 31%, (adjusted for Bidinflation) ABC News reported.
    Dementia Joe Biden earns a 58% disapproval rating. LOL......

    71% say the economy is bad...  the other 29% are brain dead.

    Let's Go Brandon! Trump 2024 To Save America.


    Dementia Joe Biden taking a sniff of a young female...

  14. 1 minute ago, Marc in Calif said:

    Yes indeed! You're dreaming about your Savior Dictator.... 


    Far, far superior to demented Joe Biden who doesn't know his wife from his sister,,,,
    And is leading the senile old fool by 5

    Notice that I kept it is simple as possible for you...  Mr. Geography major?  lol.


  15. 9 hours ago, Marc in Calif said:

    I'm so happy that this triggers you so much that you continually go into "what about Joe" mode. I love watching you react in the only way you know. 🥳

    Remember: This topic is about holding a reunion at the D.C. jail for Drumpf's convicted traitors and insurrectionists. And Drumpf himself might attend. He plays their songs at his failed rallies. 🎼🎵🎶

    A topic that will be moot in ten months when the Jan 6th protestors will all be pardoned.
    Is that too deep for you? I know that I need to write at a 3rd grade level so you can comprehend it ever  since you made a fool of yourself not knowing that the Rafah Crossing is controlled by Egypt. The more that you write, the more that is revealed.

  16. 10 hours ago, Marc in Calif said:

    I love this image so much that I have to re-post it! 🥳 🎉


    And you can post a hundred more times. It won't help Dementia Joe Biden. His approval ratings are still in the toilet. And he is trailing Trump badly in the polls.

    Unless you forgot, the Billy Bush interview where Trump uttered those words, was only a few days before the 2016 election. Didn't seem to hurt him? did it? Didn't seem to help Hillary? Did it?

    Most Americans don't care about Trump's language. He was raised on the streets of Queens, NY. That's how New Yorkers talk. Americans admire his candor and toughness.

    American's also don't care about Jan 6th. Only left-wing activists, Trump-haters, and the fake news media cares. Lefties are totally out of touch with reality, as we shall see in 10 months.

    What Americans care about is that Trump was in the process of securing America's borders, inflation was low, there were no invasions of Ukraine, Israel, etc. It was a much more peaceful time. America wants a strong President who is not afraid to speak his mind. Not a dementia-riddled leader of a corrupt crime family.

  17. 55 minutes ago, Mavica said:

    More likely than not, a year from now Donald J. Trump will have been judged guilty of multiple crimes, be incarcerated ... and will have more than enough time to talk old times with the other America-haters who have been convicted or who've admitted their guilt.




    Is that why RCP has Trump up by 5? That would be a landslide Trump victory.
    And the only America-haters are the Dementia Joe Biden supporters and enablers that have allowed him to flood this country with 15 million illegals.... and counting.

  18. On 1/5/2024 at 1:37 PM, Bingo T Dog said:

    Wouldn't it be appropriate for all the Jan. 06 rioters to get together for a reunion?  Luckily many have been caught, processed and serving jail time but maybe they could find a large room at the jail and get together.  I am sure Trump would be glad to cater the affair.  I'm sure he has visited them all over the last 3 years and feels they are part of his extended family.  Here are a few photos so they can all remember that day they can proudly tell their children and grandchildren about.




    None of this will be an issue a year from now.
    It will be moot since President Trump has vowed to pardon all of them.

  19. 32 minutes ago, Stable Genius said:


    And that's the best you could do? An idiotic fake JPEG? Really? Are you 12 years old? lol.
    I guess the American people still prefer a pervert/insurrectionist over a dementia ridden incompetent.

    RCP poll of polls has Trump up by 5 points (beyond the margin of error)


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