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Posts posted by EmmetK

  1. 2 hours ago, Bingo T Dog said:

     If I were treated the way the unauthorized visitors are being treated I would be giving the finger to the good old USA also.   

    So, an uninvited guest comes into your house, he is given free housing, food, medical treatment, education, debit card, etc. He brutally assaults a cop. He then gives the middle finger to his host. And you would do the same thing?

    Your response speaks volumes........

  2. Keep running on Jan 6th. Let's see how many votes that will get you.

    These are the only pics that Americans care about. The beatdown of an NYPD officer by a band of migrants that Dementia Joe Biden invited in along with hundreds of thousands more. And then his flipping the bird to America.
    You can bet that video will be plastered in ads all over American TV sets come the fall. And I would invite the dems to play the Jan 6th video  in their ads. Let's see which will be more effective.

    NYPD CCTV footage and suspected attacker split image

  3. Wow.
    The 3-judge panel was made up of two Obama appointees and a Trump-hating Bush appointee. This will be appealed to the full circuit, and ultimately the Supreme Court.
    We're just about at halftime. There is a long way to go.

    NO president that has EVER been criminally prosecuted for something they did while in office. 

    There have been presidents that have done FAR worse while in office; but 250 years of precedent has prohibited taking action against them after leaving office. So I suppose the Dems are a-okay with prosecuting Obama for killing an American citizen - Anwar Al Awlaki - with no due process? Or Biden for not following the law and protecting the Border?

    In the outside chance this ruling stands, it willo pen up the floodgates for the next GOP-appointed Attorney General (likely Judge Jeanine Pirro in the Trump administration) to prosecute Obama and Dementia Joe for their crimes. Any objective look at what is happening at the border, and Dementia Joe Biden can easily be charged with treason.

    And if this ruling holds up, the next GOP AG should go after HRC, Stacy Abrams and Al (inventor of the internet) Gore. They did exactly what Trump is accused of.

  4. What a ridiculous post. How many illegal migrants have you taken into your home?

    Where in the Bible does it say that you should allow sex traffickers, drug dealers, narco-terrorists, and thugs who assault cops into your home?

    The United States will drown if Dementia Joe's open-border policy continues. Thankfully, blue skies are on the horizon.
    President Trump will reinstate the Remain-in-Mexico policy and END catch-and-release.
    Election Day can't come soon enough for America.

  5. Within weeks of taking office, Dementia Joe Biden stopped all work on the border wall, ended Trump's Remain in Mexico policy, and instituted  catch-and-release for illegals. 
    Thanks to Dementia Joe's open border policies, untold millions of unvetted illegals have crossed the southern border, including sex traffickers. drug dealers, terrorists, etc. Any wonder that drug and fentanyl deaths have skyrocketed? Any wonder that we have blue city mayors re-thinking their sanctuary city policies and crying out to Washington for help in dealing with the masses of migrants? Any wonder we have a crisis at the border? 

    This mess is totally the fault of Dementia Joe Biden's open border policy. And now he wants Republicans to bail him out?  lol. Good luck with that. He and the dems will pay a heavy price at the polls in the fall for this crisis that they created..


    Joe Biden doesn't care about American youth. If he did, he wouldn't have opened the border to drug dealers and traffickers that brought fentanyl and other deadly drugs across the border.

    Thanks Dementia Joe for killing American youth, and replacing them with illegal, unvetted migrants.

    Factual notes to people who have problems with facts:

    2020:  56,515 US drug overdose deaths. Trump's last year in office
    2021:  106,699 US drug overdose deaths. Dementia Joe Biden's first year in office
    https://www.cdc.gov/drugoverdose/deaths/index.html#:~:text=Drug Overdose Deaths Remained High,1999 from a drug overdose.&text=In 2021%2C 106%2C699 drug overdose,2021 (32.4 per 100%2C000).

    2022: 109,680 US drug overdose deaths. Dementia Joe Biden's second year in office.

    Biden, all talk. But plenty of action. Dementia Joe flung open the southwest border. His open border policy has allowed drug traffickers into the country from all over the world to poison the youth of America.  
    In one year, Dementia Joe Biden nearly 
    DOUBLED the US death toll due to drug overdoses!

  7. These are NOT normal times. We have an incumbent President with clear cognitive problems that will only get worse over time. He is unable to put two coherent sentences together without a teleprompter.  He has opened up the southern border to allow an invasion of millions of unvetted migrants who we know nothing about. Many are drug dealers, many are sex traffickers, many are criminals, etc.

    These are NOT normal times. America needs Donald Trump more than ever!

  8. Biden's Third-Year Job Approval Average of 39.8% Second Worst

    WASHINGTON, D.C. -- During President Joe Biden’s third full year in office, spanning Jan. 20, 2023, to Jan. 19, 2024, an average of 39.8% of Americans approved of his job performance. Among prior presidents in the Gallup polling era who were elected to their first term, only Jimmy Carter fared worse in his third year. Carter averaged 37.4% approval in a year in which gas prices soared, inflation reached double digits and Iranian militants took U.S. citizens hostage.


    Third-Year Average Job Approval Ratings for Post-World War II U.S. Presidents Elected to Their First Term

    A table showing third year job approval average ratings for U.S. presidents since 1952.
    Table with 4 columns and 11 rows. Sorted descending by column "Average approval rating"
    President Dates of third year Average approval rating Number of polls
    Eisenhower Jan 20, 1955-Jan 19, 1956
    G.H.W. Bush Jan 20, 1991-Jan 19, 1992
    Kennedy Jan 20, 1963-Nov 22, 1963
    G.W. Bush Jan 20, 2003-Jan 19, 2004
    Nixon Jan 20, 1971-Jan 19, 1972
    Clinton Jan 20, 1995-Jan 19, 1996
    Reagan Jan 20, 1983-Jan 19, 1984
    Obama Jan 20, 2011-Jan 19, 2012
    Trump Jan 20, 2019-Jan 19, 2020
    Biden Jan 20, 2023-Jan 19, 2024
    Carter Jan 20, 1979-Jan 19, 1980
  9. 15 hours ago, stevenkesslar said:

    You completely missed the point.  



    You completely missed the point.
    50,000 drug deaths were the high during the Trump administration. And you call that a failure?
    100,000+ during each year of Dementia Joe's term. What do you call that? lol.

    Dementia Joe is a catastrophe. Fortunately, as this Reuters poll shows, as do almost all of the others, Dementia Joe will be out of office in a few months:



  10. 2 hours ago, stevenkesslar said:


    Exactly.   And you are right that Biden doubled it again.

    We need bipartisan compromise on immigration to solve a problem that grew under both Presidents.

    The MAGA crowd ignores reality and believes in magical solutions.  And breaking the bones of cops.  Trump wants to block bipartisan immigration reform.  Just like hard right Republicans have for a decade.

    Trump is saying Republicans should oppose any bipartisan compromise unless it is "perfect."  Just like Mexico was going to pay for a perfect border wall.  And instead fentanyl poured in and overdose deaths DOUBLED under DONALD TRUMP. 

    Trump would rather have more drug overdoses than compromise and solutions.  He is a failed leader who was fired.

    It took THREE years for the number of drug overdose deaths to increase by 28,000 (doubling). It took ONE YEAR for the drug overdose deaths to increase by 56,000 (doubling.

    Open borders have consequences.

  11. 15 hours ago, stevenkesslar said:

    Why did DONALD TRUMP let this happen?

    Answer your own question.  Why did DONALD TRUMP let fentanyl deaths spike while HE was President?

    Why did DONALD TRUMP, failed POTUS who hates democracy and compromise, let this happen?

    Fentanyl deaths spiked in the US to the tens of thousands while this evil, lying, spiteful. democracy-hating brute was leader.

    Why did DONALD TRUMP let tens of thousands of Americans die of fentanyl death every year on his watch?

    Why does DONALD TRUMP hate democracy and bipartisan compromise?


    Factual notes to people who have problems with facts:


    In 2017, when about 28,466 Americans died of fentanyl, a huge spike from Obama days, Trump was POTUS

    In 2018, when about 31,335 Americans died of fentanyl, Trump was POTUS

    In 2019, when about 36,359 Americans died of fentanyl, Trump was POTUS

    In 2020, when about 56,515 Americans died of fentanyl, Trump was POTUS

    Trump, all talk and no action, let the problem get completely out of control.  He sucks at leading, he sucks at compromise, and he hates democracy. Trump is a loser.  He did nothing but spew hate and lies while tens of thousands of Americans died thanks to his horrific mal-leadership.

    Why would we want this hateful loser back?  Trump is against the one thing that can improve the situation:  bipartisan compromise from the top down.


    Factual notes to people who have problems with facts:

    2020:  56,515 US drug overdose deaths. Trump's last year in office
    2021:  106,699 US drug overdose deaths. Dementia Joe Biden's first year in office
    https://www.cdc.gov/drugoverdose/deaths/index.html#:~:text=Drug Overdose Deaths Remained High,1999 from a drug overdose.&text=In 2021%2C 106%2C699 drug overdose,2021 (32.4 per 100%2C000).

    2022: 109,680 US drug overdose deaths. Dementia Joe Biden's second year in office.

    Biden, all talk. But plenty of action. Dementia Joe flung open the southwest border. His open border policy has allowed drug traffickers into the country from all over the world to poison the youth of America.  
    In one year, Dementia Joe Biden nearly
    DOUBLED the US death toll due to drug overdoses!

  12. 9 minutes ago, Bingo T Dog said:

    will Elise Steflunkie be the VP choice? 

    That would be a great choice. Picking a woman, especially a chubby one, would prove that Trump doesn't only favor beautiful women. And Stefanik was brilliant in her questioning of the Harvard and UPenn Presidents. Stefanik was able to elicit from both of them that calling for the genocide of Jews doesn't violate their universities bullying and harassment policies. Both were totally humiliated,  eventually leading to both of them having to resign in shame.

    I would prefer to see Stefanik appointed to the Supreme Court. She could serve for 50 years, long after Sonia, Kagan, and Katanji are long gone....

  13. On 1/15/2024 at 9:55 PM, Stable Genius said:

    Trump is superior, compared to his fellow R's running.

    That said, Donald Trump has no class, no charm, no coolness, no credibility, no compassion, no wit, no warmth, no wisdom, no subtlety, no sensitivity, no self-awareness, no humility, no honor and no grace – all qualities, ironically enough, with which his predecessor Mr. Obama was generously blessed.


    And while Trump may be laughable, he has never once said anything wry, witty or even faintly amusing – not once, ever. He doesn’t even seem to understand what a joke is – his idea of a joke is a crass comment, an illiterate insult, a casual act of cruelty. And scarily, he doesn’t just talk in crude, witless insults – he actually thinks in them. His mind is a simple bot-like algorithm of petty prejudices and knee-jerk nastiness.


    He is a bully. That is, except when he is among bullies like Putin, Xi, Epstein, and Kim; then he suddenly transforms into a snivelling sidekick instead.


    He’s a slug, a Jabba the Hutt of privilege, and it’s impossible to read a single tweet, or hear him speak a sentence or two, without staring deep into the abyss. He turns being artless into an art form; he is a Picasso of pettiness; a Shakespeare of gibberish. Even his flaws have flaws. He makes Nixon look trustworthy and George W look smart.

    And that is Trump's personality!!  It got him elected in 2016 and will get him re-elected in 2024. 
    Meanwhile, Dementia Joe Biden demeans and denigrates half the population of the country.

    Biden's anger, hatred and vitriol for MAGA is far worse than President Trump's individual battles with someone who crosses him. That is something that is really detrimental to the country -- that the president of the United States despises half of the country.

    Just google, "Biden hates MAGA". Dementia Joe has vitriol for them and so does CNN, and so does MSNBC, and so does WAPO, THE NY TIMES, etc. They have vitriol for half of the nation.

    They don't look at them like fellow Americans, They try to paint them as racist. All the things that they do to their fellow Americans who simply want a safe home, a safe community for their children and prosperity.



  14. 1 hour ago, Goober said:

    Caravans financed by republicans.

    Truly delusional...  

    Just coincidental that during the Trump administration (when the remain in Mexico policy was in effect), there were no caravans of thousands of illegals flocking north, flooding the southwest border. That's because the Welcome Mat wasn't out. They would have to wait in Mexico while their asylum claims were processed. 
    Dementia Joe Biden's wide open border will be the #1 issue in the fall election, and propel Trump back into the White House.

  15. "Today's ceremony, however, has very special meaning, because today we are not merely transferring power from one administration to another, or from one party to another, but we are transferring power from Washington, D.C., and giving it back to you, the people."
    --Donald Trump 2016
    Election Day, 2024 cannot come soon enough!
  16. 2 hours ago, forky123 said:

    A picture of people over 1000 miles from the US is newsworthy only to the gullible. 

    Wrong... again.
    Just a small portion of the millions of unvetted, illegal migrants that make their way up north in caravans in the tens of thousands regularly. They eagerly move forward, and ready to be greeted by Welcome Mat that Dementia Joe Biden has put out out the US southwest border.

  17. 8 hours ago, floridarob said:

    He is to racists what Stonewall and gay pride is to gays.

    He made it ok for them to come out of their closet and openly hate on other races/nationalities , immigrants, etc.....

    Racism, racism, racism, blah, blah, blah..,,,, (talk about scare tactics 😁)
    Trump's support among Blacks, Asians, and Hispanics is rising. They will be part of the coalition that will produce a Trump landslide this fall


  18. 43 minutes ago, floridarob said:

    You just sound more like an idiot every time you regurgitate this scare tactic.

    Have you ever been to another country, especially one where the US has a history of interfering with their elections to install someone that supposedly will do what US corporations wanted.....or where the US consumers  fuel the drug trade?

    Again, have you been anywhere besides your mother's basement?

    Scare tactic?  lol. The border crisis is a "scare tactic"?
    75,000 Americans dying each year of fentanyl overdosing is a "scare tactic"?

    Wrong. These are facts. And the border crisis and many of the drug deaths lie at the feet of the dementia-riddled imbecile residing in the White House!


  19. On 1/22/2024 at 8:17 AM, forky123 said:

    My ass




    *Beginning in March 2020, the border patrol changed its methodology to include counts for both apprehensions and expulsions as "encounters".
    With Dementia Joe Biden's catch and release policy, none of those encountered at the border were expelled. They were processed, given a cell phone, a temporary ID, and promised all kinds of goodies which millions of homeless American citizens are not provided.

    Your graph proves my point. Illegal border crossing has TRIPLED under Dementia Joe Biden. And it has likely gone up exponentially in 2023. Joe Biden has thrown out the Welcome Mat to drug dealers,  sex traffickers, terrorists, etc. Come to America. We welcome you with open arms.


    Hopefully, pictures like this will be in every television commercial this Fall. It will not only mean a Trump landslide, but a GOP sweep of the House and Senate.

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