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  1. Downvote
    Kostik got a reaction from Lucky in Putin has murdered again.   
    This is the only sound thought in the stream of the unconscious.
  2. Like
    Kostik reacted to Moses in Putin has murdered again.   
    Any psychiatrist will tell you that the only unpredictable people on this planet are schizophrenics. Because they act on the noise and voices in their head.
  3. Like
    Kostik reacted to Moses in Putin has murdered again.   
    Putin is now crying in despair (not).

    All this fuss and the reason for the arrest warrant are not worth a damn. Russia evacuated orphanages from under fire from the front line. And the bureaucrats called this “the transfer of children to another country” and issued a warrant for political reasons. I am sure that Putin takes this calmly, knowing that the children are safe.

    By the way, as Russia takes away Ukrainian territories and areas of the former Ukraine become safe, new orphanages are built there and children are returned to their previous place of residence.

    Mariupol now:







  4. Haha
    Kostik got a reaction from stevenkesslar in Putin has murdered again.   
    This is the only sound thought in the stream of the unconscious.
  5. Like
    Kostik reacted to Moses in Putin has murdered again.   
    Do you yourself read what you quote? Basis for decision "unlawful deportation and transfer of children". There is no "genocide", there is no "mass murder".
    Therefore, 16 lines of bold above are no more than 16 lines of hysteria from a hysterical squirrel.
  6. Like
    Kostik reacted to Moses in Putin has murdered again.   
    You made a mistake: the only country in the world that used nuclear weapons, and moreover, dropped them on the heads of civilians, is not called Russia, but the USA
  7. Like
    Kostik reacted to Moses in No sympathy from me   
    "What the fuck" "balerina" have to do with criminal offenses? Am I missing something and does being a ballerina protect you from criminal prosecution? She was detained and tried for the fact that, being a citizen of Russia, she conducted activities against Russia, i.e. betrayal.

    This article of the criminal code can only be applied to citizens of Russia, because if a person is not a citizen, then he/she cannot “betray”, because he/she did not take an oath of allegiance to the country.

    Normal tourists visit Russia in the millions a year without any problems.
  8. Like
    Kostik reacted to Moses in Thailand's Russian Migrants (CNA doc)   
    The same way how works every bar owner - they establish company.

    Idea of film is stupid. Growing presence of Russians isn't linked to war, it is linked to end of COVID and restoration of numbers of flights to TH from RU. Number of Russians who is living in TH is still significantly lower, than number of Russians in pre-COVID "era". There is no war on Russian territory.
    And most funny part when in film they are talking about falling of Russian economy, which grew in 2023 3.6% - #1 in Europe and #5 in World by growing.
  9. Like
    Kostik reacted to Moses in Little Pooty-poot's Russia: SO homophobic!   
    “On the topic of homophobia in Russia,” a believer out of nowhere insists that he knows better than the locals what is happening in my country.
    The situation itself is absurd.
    You can also write to the Eskimos that you know better how to build an igloo, to the Arabs that you know better how to breed camels. Well, or tell the Thais something about how to grow rice properly.
    And, since your favorite habit is getting personal (see above), I’ll allow myself once to explain the situation to you in your language. Your naive self-confidence that you know better what is happening in my country is second only to your proud stupidity in which you accept at face value what your media tells you.
  10. Haha
    Kostik got a reaction from Marc in Calif in Little Pooty-poot's Russia: SO homophobic!   
    Ha ha!
    It's for sure that chairman Xi tolerates murderers and maniacs from the United States as long as they bring money.
    Yes. Those who are now in power in the United States do not expect to live even a couple of years. You have a gerontocracy . What 10 years? 🤣
    When the SVO began 2 years ago, someone on these forums retold what he had read in American propaganda. And then it was funny to read, it was full of self-confidence. Now history repeats itself. Your propaganda is also very funny to read
    The whole world is watching US citizens turn into vegetables. For the most part, residents of the United States are suitable only for fertilizers. It is clear why your propaganda talks about others in such a way. It is clear why the United States started the Ukrainian conflict in 2014, it is clear to everyone why the United States, as always, began to destroy civilians, as it used to.
  11. Haha
    Kostik got a reaction from stevenkesslar in It is Official: Biden Has dementia   
    It's a great parody. How Biden and his dementia are accurately depicted 🤣
  12. Haha
    Kostik got a reaction from stevenkesslar in Little Pooty-poot's Russia: SO homophobic!   
    Ha ha!
    It's for sure that chairman Xi tolerates murderers and maniacs from the United States as long as they bring money.
    Yes. Those who are now in power in the United States do not expect to live even a couple of years. You have a gerontocracy . What 10 years? 🤣
    When the SVO began 2 years ago, someone on these forums retold what he had read in American propaganda. And then it was funny to read, it was full of self-confidence. Now history repeats itself. Your propaganda is also very funny to read
    The whole world is watching US citizens turn into vegetables. For the most part, residents of the United States are suitable only for fertilizers. It is clear why your propaganda talks about others in such a way. It is clear why the United States started the Ukrainian conflict in 2014, it is clear to everyone why the United States, as always, began to destroy civilians, as it used to.
  13. Haha
    Kostik got a reaction from stevenkesslar in Little Pooty-poot's Russia: SO homophobic!   
    Funny. Semiconductor chips are manufactured by China, other countries cannot even come close to it. You are right about one thing, the United States is in the first place in theft and murder, in illegal invasions of other states, in the absence of freedom of speech and the power of propaganda.
    Is this from the same propaganda lie as the sharp decline of the Russian economy? 🤣
  14. Haha
    Kostik got a reaction from Marc in Calif in Little Pooty-poot's Russia: SO homophobic!   
    And tell me now about homophobia in Russia. I am not in Moscow right now (I hope the site administration will not reveal where I am writing from now, although this is the soul of Russia) I returned from a beer bar that my gay friend keeps, I had a great time with interesting guys. Oh, horror, I was also in the company of Ukrainians who fled the Kiev regime after 2014. They could have done it, they have relatives in Russia.I feel sorry for those who could not escape from the Kiev regime.
    But we also talked about the USA. When LGBT was criminalized in Russia, your government was silent, but what can you expect from old people with dementia? But when the thief and bandit Navalny died, your crazy grandfather started talking.
    By the way, thanks to your impotents, on Monday I will receive +5% of the capital invested on Thursday. Our market was expecting Armageddon, but it didn't happen, as I expected
    I'm sorry, I'm drunk right now, if you start to object to me, I probably won't be able to answer until tomorrow.
  15. Like
    Kostik reacted to Moses in Little Pooty-poot's Russia: SO homophobic!   
    By the way: Biden, while still a presidential candidate in September 2020, promised that he would resolve this issue in Poland.

    And, as always, he did nothing.

  16. Like
    Kostik reacted to Moses in Little Pooty-poot's Russia: SO homophobic!   
    Easy: why you never wrote about Poland with their "LGBT-free zones"? Member of EU and NATO. 
    Official signs are placed over Poland. It is state policy. Even Russia doesn't allow that.

  17. Like
    Kostik reacted to Moses in Little Pooty-poot's Russia: SO homophobic!   
    Could you please quote me where I "minimize" homophobia? Maybe by word "strong"?
  18. Haha
    Kostik got a reaction from stevenkesslar in Tucker Carlson Interviews Vladimir Putin   
    Genocide... Illegal invasion of 9 countries, 11 million civilians killed. An endless wave of violence, kidnappings, murders. And these are the three depicted in the photo. Yes, you are right, genocide is US policy

  19. Like
    Kostik reacted to Moses in Tucker Carlson Interviews Vladimir Putin   
    Drugged Zelensky speaks on TV
  20. Like
    Kostik reacted to Moses in Putin has murdered again.   
    It has been predicted by Russian govt from the start. But Western propaganda told you "fallen state" and you repeating it non-sttop here whole 2023.
    In fact Russian economy grew 3.6% in 2023. While most Western economies not got even 1%. I told from 2021 - West will shoot own legs by sanctions. Now I may say: I was right.
    By the way: Ukrainian Kiev International Institute of Sociology ( located in Kiev, working since 1991), just published new research: 72% of Ukrainians wants Ukrainian govt to start peace talk with Russia. 2 months ago number was 59%, half of year ago less than 40%.
  21. Like
    Kostik reacted to Moses in Tucker Carlson Interviews Vladimir Putin   
    Only in your dreams, dear. I'm traveling almost nonstop. Zero haters. Russians are welcome, because they have money. Ukrainian beggars - that's disturbing thing, as well as their criminal behavior: steal anything that is not securely fastened. Not for me, for locals.
  22. Haha
    Kostik got a reaction from stevenkesslar in Tucker Carlson Interviews Vladimir Putin   
    You described the US policy in the world very accurately. 
  23. Downvote
    Kostik got a reaction from Lucky in Putin has murdered again.   
    It seems the old bitch hasn't retired from politics. And instead of raising grandchildren, out of habit he is engaged in organizing murders, justifying genocide.
    American propaganda continues to lie to you. 🤣

  24. Haha
    Kostik got a reaction from stevenkesslar in Tucker Carlson Interviews Vladimir Putin   
    What else is the US propaganda lying about? Be sure to keep us informed. 🤣
    I see that you are very offended that the US state and its citizens are despised and hated all over the world, even by its minions. So American propaganda comes up with something for the faithful zombies 🤣
  25. Downvote
    Kostik got a reaction from KeepItReal in Putin has murdered again.   
    American intelligence agencies have once again killed a man who was serving a sentence for economic crimes. But this will not surprise anyone in the world anymore... Now all the propaganda controlled by the American government will rush to accuse the innocent
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