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  1. Downvote
    Kostik got a reaction from Marc in Calif in It is Official: Biden Has dementia   
    The United States threatens sanctions against all international organizations that do not repeat the false propaganda of the United States!
    The USA is a country of lies, propaganda and censorship!
  2. Downvote
    Kostik got a reaction from Marc in Calif in It is Official: Biden Has dementia   
    The US right to steal children is exclusive! Only the United States can steal children from Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan and other countries by the tens of thousands. The United States wants to exclusively steal children from Ukraine. Russia is hindering her. Corrupt committees immediately start writing reports and all for bribes from the US government. 
    The USA is the country that has kidnapped the most children in the world!
    The USA is the country that has kidnapped the most children in the world!
  3. Like
    Kostik reacted to Moses in It is Official: Biden Has dementia   
    Yes, dear, you call me, so I came.
    I like all last your posts: clear hysteria without any attempt to decline any of my fact. Because I say truth. And that make you even more hysterical.
    Remember: Ukrainian conflict is created by West and sponsored by West. This is all your fault. Fault of your silence in 2014 - 2022.
    The West doesn’t care about Ukraine, about “women and children” - the West is saving the Ukrainian regime by supplying the country with weapons and paying mercenaries. So stop wringing your hands in hysterics.
    The West, primarily Obama, who allowed the US to inspire and financially support the coup in Ukraine, and Nuland, who was the ideologist of this coup, are responsible for what is happening in Ukraine - from the coup to the death of civilians.
    “Nobody is pushing this war more than Nuland,” the Tesla co-founder Elon Musk wrote on the social media site X last February.
    "Modern diplomacy" about Nuland:
    "The general impression of Nuland is of an inveterate ‘hawk’ and Russophobe fired up by neoconservative ideology and American exceptionalism who precipitated the Russian intervention in Ukraine and is largely responsible for fueling the ongoing war. Of course, there is no denying that Nuland played a key role in the regime change in Kyiv 10 years ago."
  4. Sad
    Kostik got a reaction from stevenkesslar in It is Official: Biden Has dementia   
    The USA is ruled by dementia!
    Prepare the injection sites. Dementia ordered it!
  5. Downvote
    Kostik got a reaction from forky123 in In the USA, they killed again for the truth   
    Russia attacked only military targets. The Kiev regime itself places air defense systems in the center of Kiev. Naturally, low-quality Patriot missiles fall on civilians
    The United States is bombing peaceful cities and committing genocide in Yemen
    The United States is bombing peaceful cities and committing genocide in Syria
    The United States is bombing peaceful cities and committing genocide in Afghanistan
    The United States is bombing peaceful cities and committing genocide in Iraq
    The United States has deployed troops and is terrorizing the civilian population in Uganda
    The United States is bombing peaceful cities and staging genocide in Serbia
    The United States is bombing peaceful cities and staging genocide in Vietnam 
    The United States is bombing peaceful cities and staging genocide in Panama
    You can continue indefinitely
    All intrusions on invented pretexts are illegal.
    Why do you approve and support the genocide of civilians? Why do you approve and support the destruction of cities?
    The USA is the world of genocide!
  6. Downvote
    Kostik got a reaction from forky123 in In the USA, they killed again for the truth   
    Everything else is false propaganda of the Kiev regime. This lie is repeated by US propaganda.
    The USA is censorship, propaganda and lies!
    The USA is censorship, propaganda and lies!
    The USA is censorship, propaganda and lies!
    The USA is censorship, propaganda and lies!
    The USA is censorship, propaganda and lies!
    The USA is censorship, propaganda and lies!
    The USA is censorship, propaganda and lies!
    The USA is censorship, propaganda and lies!
  7. Downvote
    Kostik got a reaction from forky123 in In the USA, they killed again for the truth   
    Israel, with the full military, financial and political support of the United States, is engaged in genocide
    The USA is the world of genocide!

  8. Downvote
    Kostik got a reaction from forky123 in In the USA, they killed again for the truth   
    The United States is bombing peaceful cities and committing genocide in Yemen
    The United States is bombing peaceful cities and committing genocide in Syria
    The United States is bombing peaceful cities and committing genocide in Afghanistan
    The United States is bombing peaceful cities and committing genocide in Iraq
    The United States has deployed troops and is terrorizing the civilian population in Uganda
    The United States is bombing peaceful cities and staging genocide in Serbia
    The United States is bombing peaceful cities and staging genocide in Vietnam 
    The United States is bombing peaceful cities and staging genocide in Panama
    You can continue indefinitely
    All intrusions on invented pretexts are illegal.
    After the illegal invasion of Vietnam, censorship and propaganda increased in the United States. U.S. troops continue to kill and rape civilians in all invading countries, but U.S. propaganda is working.
    The USA is the world of genocide!
  9. Downvote
    Kostik got a reaction from forky123 in In the USA, they killed again for the truth   
    Creo que sabes por qué la gente que controla los movimientos de demencia de Joe atrae a inmigrantes ilegales. Espero que conozcas el idioma que hablan tus futuros vecinos.
    A strange argument has occurred to you, but no other one comes to mind at all. Many migrant workers from Central Asia, the Caucasus, and Belarus are trying to get to Russia. Even now, a huge number of workers from the former Ukraine live in Russia. The idiocy of the US propaganda fanatics contradicts logic, as can be seen from stevenkesslar's phrases.
    Ask the Chinese for it. The United States was engaged in the bombing of Belgrade at the time
    The United States first blew up the towers of the World Trade Center, and then bombed civilians in other countries. The United States has recently killed tens of millions of people.
    This is genocide and terrorism.
    The United States sponsors both Hamas and the IDF. The goal of the United States is the death of as many civilians as possible
    The USA is the world of genocide!
  10. Downvote
    Kostik got a reaction from forky123 in In the USA, they killed again for the truth   
    Yes! The US propaganda system is able to create lies!
    Tens of millions of civilians killed, violence, genocide, illegal invasions, bombing of peaceful cities! This is what characterizes U.S. policy in recent times. You know exactly what genocide is. You are sponsoring Israel's genocide of the Palestinian people.  
    The USA is the main sponsor of genocide and terror in the world!
    The USA is the main sponsor of genocide and terror in the world!
    The USA is the main sponsor of genocide and terror in the world!
  11. Downvote
    Kostik got a reaction from forky123 in In the USA, they killed again for the truth   
    Boeing whistleblower John Barnett is found dead in his truck outside a South Carolina hotel just days after testifying in lawsuit against the aviation giant
    The regime ruling in the United States has killed a man again because he wanted to tell the truth. This truth would harm one of the main US corporations, Boeing.
    The USA is a country of lies, propaganda and murders
  12. Haha
    Kostik got a reaction from Marc in Calif in In the USA, they killed again for the truth   
    Yes! The US propaganda system is able to create lies!
    Tens of millions of civilians killed, violence, genocide, illegal invasions, bombing of peaceful cities! This is what characterizes U.S. policy in recent times. You know exactly what genocide is. You are sponsoring Israel's genocide of the Palestinian people.  
    The USA is the main sponsor of genocide and terror in the world!
    The USA is the main sponsor of genocide and terror in the world!
    The USA is the main sponsor of genocide and terror in the world!
  13. Downvote
    Kostik got a reaction from forky123 in In the USA, they killed again for the truth   
    The USA is the world of genocide!  Illegal invasion of 9 countries, 11 million civilians killed. An endless wave of violence, kidnappings, murders. And that's all in recent times. 
    Yes, you are right, genocide is US policy
    Yes, you are right, genocide is US policy
    Yes, you are right, genocide is US policy
    Yes, you are right, genocide is US policy
  14. Haha
    Kostik got a reaction from Marc in Calif in In the USA, they killed again for the truth   
    Boeing whistleblower John Barnett is found dead in his truck outside a South Carolina hotel just days after testifying in lawsuit against the aviation giant
    The regime ruling in the United States has killed a man again because he wanted to tell the truth. This truth would harm one of the main US corporations, Boeing.
    The USA is a country of lies, propaganda and murders
  15. Downvote
    Kostik got a reaction from forky123 in Joe's Dementia is Killing US Cities   
  16. Haha
    Kostik reacted to vinapu in Tawan Bar in Bangkok Closed: Police Raid Reported   
    Welcome back.
    Funny thing, one of their boys asked me for 1000 baht also offering the truth in exchange but I told him I rather live in the dark and keep 1000.
  17. Haha
    Kostik got a reaction from stevenkesslar in Joe's Dementia is Killing US Cities   
    And it's time to learn this skill will be useful in the future!
    Maybe then you managed to see what the article of КомерсантЪ newspaper is about.
    In the meantime, you have only US propaganda.
  18. Haha
    Kostik got a reaction from stevenkesslar in Joe's Dementia is Killing US Cities   
    I see you're still trying to talk about Putin. It is clear that your false propaganda teaches you this. You are not capable of anything else.
    But this topic is about how the people who put dictator Biden with dementia over you are destroying cities in the United States.
    And you can continue to live in the illusions that the false propaganda publications of the United States feed you
  19. Haha
    Kostik got a reaction from stevenkesslar in Joe's Dementia is Killing US Cities   
    Well done! A well-memorized lesson in U.S. propaganda. Putin is to blame for all the problems of the United States. You are taught this, you are so zombified. 🤣
  20. Downvote
    Kostik got a reaction from floridarob in Joe's Dementia is Killing US Cities   
    Well done! A well-memorized lesson in U.S. propaganda. Putin is to blame for all the problems of the United States. You are taught this, you are so zombified. 🤣
  21. Haha
    Kostik got a reaction from stevenkesslar in Joe's Dementia is Killing US Cities   
  22. Haha
    Kostik got a reaction from stevenkesslar in Joe's Dementia is Killing US Cities   
    Oh! How well you were brought up by the false American propaganda. As soon as you see the truth about the US situation, about how US residents turn into fertilizers, unable to think, you immediately remember Putin
    The USA is a stronghold of lies, propaganda, censorship!
    The USA is a sponsor of terrorism and genocide all over the world!
    And, of course, the owners in the USA (those who decide which puppet dictator you "choose" for yourself during a circus show every 4 years) do not want to be blamed for this. They have come up with an "enemy" for you and advertise it as much as possible through the media
  23. Haha
    Kostik got a reaction from stevenkesslar in Joe's Dementia is Killing US Cities   
  24. Haha
    Kostik got a reaction from stevenkesslar in Trump has technical difficulties!!!!!!!!!!   
    And now you are ruled by a dictator with dementia

  25. Like
    Kostik reacted to Moses in Thanks, Trump Cult, for just electing Joe Biden.   
    Me? I will write something like "America got zombie-president Joe Alzheimer".

    You easy may find here my posts where I wrote my opinion about Trump and Biden, both are worst cases for US. One is orange neo-nazi clown and second one is walking mental catastrophe.

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