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  1. Downvote
    Kostik got a reaction from forky123 in In the USA, they killed again for the truth   
    Go to the store and look at the prices 🤣
    The USA is the world of genocide!
    The USA is the world of genocide!
  2. Haha
    Kostik got a reaction from Marc in Calif in It is Official: Biden Has dementia   
    There are axioms in many sciences. This is something basic that does not require proof. Everyone with common sense knows that the United States is a world of genocide. This is an axiom. If you are looking for evidence of this, no problem, you can find a huge number of them. If you still have a brain, you will easily find evidence of war crimes by the US Army
  3. Downvote
    Kostik got a reaction from unicorn in It is Official: Biden Has dementia   
    In this topic, only one thing has been proven for sure! Joe has dementia. Everything else is false propaganda statements stevenkesslar.
    The U.S. army has killed more than ten million civilians in the last 30 years. This is a fact that is not disputed by anyone in the world, except for the false propaganda of the United States. You can independently find confirmation of these facts, you still have nothing to do, you are not capable of anything else. Your brain is already being fertilized by US propaganda.
    And the clowning that stevenkesslar has spread here pleases only old people with dementia, like Joe and the like.
    Yesterday was the twenty-first anniversary of the illegal US invasion of Iraq, as I understand it, for you and other genocide fans it was a celebration. You adore the evil, the murders, the kidnappings and the violence that the U.S. army is carrying out all over the world. Even according to your false propaganda resources: "Between 800,000 and 1.3 million people died in Iraq because of the war. During the first month, about 15,000 people died during the invasion." But the actual number of victims is much higher, especially among children. You can find it yourself .
    It's better to be a clown than a fan of "The USA is a world of genocide, lies and propaganda."
  4. Downvote
    Kostik got a reaction from Mavica in It is Official: Biden Has dementia   
    Just find reports on all illegal incursions by the U.S. Army into other countries over the past 30 years. Sum up the number of victims. Multiply this number by 2 or 3, these are those who died from the destruction of life support infrastructure, hospitals, etc. You will get a very large number of proven US war crimes.
  5. Like
    Kostik reacted to vinapu in Advice please   
    For first timers Bangkok  should be definitely preferred option as there's plenty in Thailand apart from boys and bars  and country's charm is best explored in Bangkok. 
    One should keep in mind that need to be entertained during day too, Pattaya has some options but not comparable to Bangkok.
  6. Haha
    Kostik got a reaction from vinapu in National Police Chief, His Deputy Temporarily Transferred   
    I liked the photo of Thai police officers for this news in one of the media 😏

  7. Like
    Kostik got a reaction from vinapu in Songkran question   
    I will suggest you to see how the Songkran is held in the Jomtien complex in 2019. The video is not mine, but I was in that place at the time. Appeared on the video once (in the shadow of the bar, almost imperceptibly)
    But I would like to note that in 2023 Songkran is celebrated with great fun, more water
  8. Downvote
    Kostik got a reaction from Mavica in It is Official: Biden Has dementia   
    In this topic, only one thing has been proven for sure! Joe has dementia. Everything else is false propaganda statements stevenkesslar.
    The U.S. army has killed more than ten million civilians in the last 30 years. This is a fact that is not disputed by anyone in the world, except for the false propaganda of the United States. You can independently find confirmation of these facts, you still have nothing to do, you are not capable of anything else. Your brain is already being fertilized by US propaganda.
    And the clowning that stevenkesslar has spread here pleases only old people with dementia, like Joe and the like.
    Yesterday was the twenty-first anniversary of the illegal US invasion of Iraq, as I understand it, for you and other genocide fans it was a celebration. You adore the evil, the murders, the kidnappings and the violence that the U.S. army is carrying out all over the world. Even according to your false propaganda resources: "Between 800,000 and 1.3 million people died in Iraq because of the war. During the first month, about 15,000 people died during the invasion." But the actual number of victims is much higher, especially among children. You can find it yourself .
    It's better to be a clown than a fan of "The USA is a world of genocide, lies and propaganda."
  9. Downvote
    Kostik got a reaction from Mavica in It is Official: Biden Has dementia   
    And not to be like the main liar and troll of this stevenkesslar forum. Here is another video confirming Joe's dementia.
    How many granddaughters does Dementia Joe have? 🤣
  10. Haha
    Kostik got a reaction from Marc in Calif in It is Official: Biden Has dementia   
    Just find reports on all illegal incursions by the U.S. Army into other countries over the past 30 years. Sum up the number of victims. Multiply this number by 2 or 3, these are those who died from the destruction of life support infrastructure, hospitals, etc. You will get a very large number of proven US war crimes.
  11. Downvote
    Kostik got a reaction from Mavica in It is Official: Biden Has dementia   
    Still, let's get back to the topic of Joe's dementia. On February 27, he said:

    video5398123358145496775.mp4 But now the genocide of the Palestinian people is still going on. This genocide is fully sponsored by the United States, you can find out for yourself how many weapons the United States has supplied since the beginning of Israel's invasion of Gaza. In addition, you can find out for yourself how many weapons the United States has supplied to Israel in recent years. The USA is a sponsor of genocide and terror! 

  12. Sad
    Kostik got a reaction from Patanawet in Songkran question   
    I will suggest you to see how the Songkran is held in the Jomtien complex in 2019. The video is not mine, but I was in that place at the time. Appeared on the video once (in the shadow of the bar, almost imperceptibly)
    But I would like to note that in 2023 Songkran is celebrated with great fun, more water
  13. Downvote
    Kostik got a reaction from forky123 in It is Official: Biden Has dementia   
    While three crazy American propagandists are caressing each other's ears with tall tales, let's get back to the topic. Joe has dementia and he constantly confirms it. 🤣🤣🤣
    And yes, I repeat what is an absolute truth for all sane people:
    the United States is a world of genocide, lies and propaganda. The number of civilians killed by the US army is measured in tens of millions. The number of abducted, murdered and abused children by the U.S. Army is measured in the hundreds of thousands

  14. Downvote
    Kostik got a reaction from forky123 in It is Official: Biden Has dementia   
    I remember how two years ago, on these forums, fools raised by American propaganda said that Russia would face an economic collapse within a couple of months. Meanwhile, there is a huge food inflation in the United States
  15. Downvote
    Kostik got a reaction from forky123 in It is Official: Biden Has dementia   
    Since the start of the war in the Gaza Strip, about 300 aircraft and 50 ships with 35,000 tons of American ammunition have arrived in Israel. More than ten thousand dead children
    The USA is a world of genocide! The United States is the main sponsor of genocide in the world
  16. Downvote
    Kostik got a reaction from forky123 in It is Official: Biden Has dementia   
    Due to the fact that the lying propagandist No. 1 is not able to stop, let's continue. I will assume that he has mental problems related to delusions of persecution. This is not surprising, he has been living in the world of the US genocide and false American propaganda for many years.
    Propagandist No. 1 continuously justifies the genocide by the United States. The United States is the only one in the world that has used nuclear weapons against civilians. Over the past 30 years, the United States has killed more than 10 million civilians. The United States has abducted tens of thousands of children from Afghanistan and Iraq. US soldiers are constantly killing civilians in many countries of the world, constantly abducting, raping and killing children!
    Only a complete freak can justify these crimes. And propagandist No. 1 of this forum is continuously engaged in justifying and glorifying these war crimes
    In the United States, grocery store prices are rising at a high rate. Those children who were illegally abducted by the US army from other countries are now doomed to starvation and it's a pity for them!!!
    But I do not feel sorry for the citizens of the United States, whose lives are constantly deteriorating, who cannot afford food, who are massively robbed and killed every day. Under the fear of persecution by the US authorities, they are forced to endure such a life. As you know, the United States has the largest number of political prisoners in the world. These political prisoners are constantly being tortured and killed by the US authorities!
    The USA is a world of genocide, violence and child abduction
  17. Downvote
    Kostik got a reaction from forky123 in It is Official: Biden Has dementia   
    But the president has dementia.
  18. Thanks
    Kostik got a reaction from vinapu in Songkran question   
    I found the schedule of the Songkran Festival in Chonburi province.
    But keep in mind that fun watering in Pattaya will be at least from April 13 to April 19. April 18 will be the most fun day on Naklua Street, and April 19 will be the wettest day in all of Pattaya. These days (18 and 19), you should not plan trips around the city, because all transport will be in one traffic jam.

  19. Downvote
    Kostik got a reaction from forky123 in It is Official: Biden Has dementia   
    Another nonsense from a madman - @stevenkesslar! He lives in shit https://www.gayguides.com/forums/topic/46479-joes-dementia-is-killing-us-cities / and believes that it is so everywhere. No, the world is not as shit as many U.S. streets are becoming
    And in the meantime:

    The USA is a world of genocide! The whole world hates and despises the USA
  20. Confused
    Kostik got a reaction from KeepItReal in It is Official: Biden Has dementia   
    Another nonsense from a madman - @stevenkesslar! He lives in shit https://www.gayguides.com/forums/topic/46479-joes-dementia-is-killing-us-cities / and believes that it is so everywhere. No, the world is not as shit as many U.S. streets are becoming
    And in the meantime:

    The USA is a world of genocide! The whole world hates and despises the USA
  21. Like
    Kostik reacted to Moses in It is Official: Biden Has dementia   
    My point is: no one country or block committed Putin in genocide. Because there is not a single court verdict.

  22. Like
    Kostik reacted to Moses in It is Official: Biden Has dementia   
    Mental problems of Biden are wide known.
  23. Downvote
    Kostik got a reaction from forky123 in It is Official: Biden Has dementia   
    Oh! He's raving about false American propaganda again. There is nothing but slogans. The ICC is mentioned again, which, under the threat of sanctions from the United States and the threat of blackmail from the United States, makes any decisions.
    The title of the topic is excellent dementia Joe is contagious. On this topic, it is clear that many people in the United States also suffer from this. 🤣
  24. Downvote
    Kostik got a reaction from forky123 in It is Official: Biden Has dementia   
    In recent years, the United States has been engaged in genocide in Syria, Afghanistan, Iraq and many other countries. They destroy cities, destroy civilians. They take out children, separating them from their parents. The United States places atomic weapons in various countries, constantly threatening to use them. The US propaganda machine is working at full capacity. The United States, through threats and blackmail, forces international organizations to engage in falsifications
    The USA is a country of lies, propaganda, censorship and genocide
  25. Haha
    Kostik got a reaction from unicorn in It is Official: Biden Has dementia   
    Forcibly removing children from their countries of permanent residence is absolutely not funny. 
    The United States kidnapped and forcibly got out tens of thousands of children from Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan!
    But!!! Any international organization that dares to investigate these crimes by the United States risks being sanctioned or worse, imprisoned in U.S. prisons and tortured there!
    The United States has the largest number of political prisoners in the world!
    The United States openly threatens all international organizations that if they do not repeat the false propaganda of the United States, there will be sanctions!
    Child abduction, violence against abducted children is US policy!
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