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  1. Downvote
    Kostik got a reaction from Marc in Calif in The United States is the world's top terrorist   
    And I hope that even in this forum, where moral freaks like stevenkesslar or Markin Calif.
    I believe in people's sanity and sympathy for the tragedy

  2. Downvote
    Kostik got a reaction from forky123 in The United States is the world's top terrorist   
    I see another joy for fans of American propaganda! You are always happy about the deaths, terror, and genocide that the United States is doing all over the world
  3. Downvote
    Kostik got a reaction from forky123 in The United States is the world's top terrorist   
    I'm waiting for another nonsense from stevenkesslar! He is the one who justifies terror, genocide, and false propaganda. And all this is the USA.
    The USA is a world of genocide, the USA is a world of terrorism
  4. Downvote
    Kostik got a reaction from forky123 in The United States is the world's top terrorist   
    The United States sponsored terror in Russia.
    The United States is sponsoring the genocide of the Palestinian people
    The USA is a country that should not be on the map!
    The United States is the world's top terrorist
    The United States is the world's top terrorist
    The United States is the world's top terrorist
    The United States is the world's top terrorist
  5. Downvote
    Kostik reacted to vinapu in Putin's terrorist thugs attack concert hall: 40 dead, 100+ wounded (so far)   
    Perhpas this tragedy will help Russians to understand that their enemy is not NATO nor West and people in charge there are pointing them in wrong direction.
  6. Downvote
    Kostik reacted to Marc in Calif in Putin's terrorist thugs attack concert hall: 40 dead, 100+ wounded (so far)   
    The genocidal dicktator Putin has done it again. Today he murdered more innocent civilians in Moscow. 
    He is now crazy with power. His evil totalitarian dictatorship is even more murderous than Stalin's. 
    What will it take for the Russian people to rise up and overthrow him and his thugs, terrorists, and oligarchs?

  7. Haha
    Kostik got a reaction from Marc in Calif in It is Official: Biden Has dementia   
    There are axioms in many sciences. This is something basic that does not require proof. Everyone with common sense knows that the United States is a world of genocide. This is an axiom. If you are looking for evidence of this, no problem, you can find a huge number of them. If you still have a brain, you will easily find evidence of war crimes by the US Army
  8. Downvote
    Kostik got a reaction from Marc in Calif in In the USA, they killed again for the truth   
    Oh! The false American propaganda has deprived you of any abilities. You are no longer able to find the facts that exist even in your false propaganda. However, I'm not surprised.
    All fans of false American propaganda are ridiculous!

    In addition, the appearance of a strange man who demands evidence in a forum about politics is very surprising. This is ridiculous.
    Seriously? Is your memory that atrophied? These photos have been all over the world, I chose the most neutral ones, the rest have a higher level of cruelty. So where did these photos come from?
  9. Downvote
    Kostik got a reaction from forky123 in It is Official: Biden Has dementia   
    Your doubts are incomprehensible. Joe has dementia.
  10. Downvote
    Kostik got a reaction from unicorn in It is Official: Biden Has dementia   
    In this topic, only one thing has been proven for sure! Joe has dementia. Everything else is false propaganda statements stevenkesslar.
    The U.S. army has killed more than ten million civilians in the last 30 years. This is a fact that is not disputed by anyone in the world, except for the false propaganda of the United States. You can independently find confirmation of these facts, you still have nothing to do, you are not capable of anything else. Your brain is already being fertilized by US propaganda.
    And the clowning that stevenkesslar has spread here pleases only old people with dementia, like Joe and the like.
    Yesterday was the twenty-first anniversary of the illegal US invasion of Iraq, as I understand it, for you and other genocide fans it was a celebration. You adore the evil, the murders, the kidnappings and the violence that the U.S. army is carrying out all over the world. Even according to your false propaganda resources: "Between 800,000 and 1.3 million people died in Iraq because of the war. During the first month, about 15,000 people died during the invasion." But the actual number of victims is much higher, especially among children. You can find it yourself .
    It's better to be a clown than a fan of "The USA is a world of genocide, lies and propaganda."
  11. Downvote
    Kostik got a reaction from Mavica in It is Official: Biden Has dementia   
    And not to be like the main liar and troll of this stevenkesslar forum. Here is another video confirming Joe's dementia.
    How many granddaughters does Dementia Joe have? 🤣
  12. Downvote
    Kostik got a reaction from Mavica in It is Official: Biden Has dementia   
    Just find reports on all illegal incursions by the U.S. Army into other countries over the past 30 years. Sum up the number of victims. Multiply this number by 2 or 3, these are those who died from the destruction of life support infrastructure, hospitals, etc. You will get a very large number of proven US war crimes.
  13. Downvote
    Kostik got a reaction from Mavica in It is Official: Biden Has dementia   
    Still, let's get back to the topic of Joe's dementia. On February 27, he said:

    video5398123358145496775.mp4 But now the genocide of the Palestinian people is still going on. This genocide is fully sponsored by the United States, you can find out for yourself how many weapons the United States has supplied since the beginning of Israel's invasion of Gaza. In addition, you can find out for yourself how many weapons the United States has supplied to Israel in recent years. The USA is a sponsor of genocide and terror! 

  14. Downvote
    Kostik got a reaction from Mavica in It is Official: Biden Has dementia   
    There are axioms in many sciences. This is something basic that does not require proof. Everyone with common sense knows that the United States is a world of genocide. This is an axiom. If you are looking for evidence of this, no problem, you can find a huge number of them. If you still have a brain, you will easily find evidence of war crimes by the US Army
  15. Downvote
    Kostik got a reaction from forky123 in In the USA, they killed again for the truth   
    Russia attacked only military targets. The Kiev regime itself places air defense systems in the center of Kiev. Naturally, low-quality Patriot missiles fall on civilians
    The United States is bombing peaceful cities and committing genocide in Yemen
    The United States is bombing peaceful cities and committing genocide in Syria
    The United States is bombing peaceful cities and committing genocide in Afghanistan
    The United States is bombing peaceful cities and committing genocide in Iraq
    The United States has deployed troops and is terrorizing the civilian population in Uganda
    The United States is bombing peaceful cities and staging genocide in Serbia
    The United States is bombing peaceful cities and staging genocide in Vietnam 
    The United States is bombing peaceful cities and staging genocide in Panama
    You can continue indefinitely
    All intrusions on invented pretexts are illegal.
    Why do you approve and support the genocide of civilians? Why do you approve and support the destruction of cities?
    The USA is the world of genocide!
  16. Downvote
    Kostik got a reaction from forky123 in In the USA, they killed again for the truth   
    Everything else is false propaganda of the Kiev regime. This lie is repeated by US propaganda.
    The USA is censorship, propaganda and lies!
    The USA is censorship, propaganda and lies!
    The USA is censorship, propaganda and lies!
    The USA is censorship, propaganda and lies!
    The USA is censorship, propaganda and lies!
    The USA is censorship, propaganda and lies!
    The USA is censorship, propaganda and lies!
    The USA is censorship, propaganda and lies!
  17. Downvote
    Kostik got a reaction from forky123 in In the USA, they killed again for the truth   
    Israel, with the full military, financial and political support of the United States, is engaged in genocide
    The USA is the world of genocide!

  18. Downvote
    Kostik got a reaction from forky123 in In the USA, they killed again for the truth   
    The United States is bombing peaceful cities and committing genocide in Yemen
    The United States is bombing peaceful cities and committing genocide in Syria
    The United States is bombing peaceful cities and committing genocide in Afghanistan
    The United States is bombing peaceful cities and committing genocide in Iraq
    The United States has deployed troops and is terrorizing the civilian population in Uganda
    The United States is bombing peaceful cities and staging genocide in Serbia
    The United States is bombing peaceful cities and staging genocide in Vietnam 
    The United States is bombing peaceful cities and staging genocide in Panama
    You can continue indefinitely
    All intrusions on invented pretexts are illegal.
    After the illegal invasion of Vietnam, censorship and propaganda increased in the United States. U.S. troops continue to kill and rape civilians in all invading countries, but U.S. propaganda is working.
    The USA is the world of genocide!
  19. Downvote
    Kostik got a reaction from forky123 in In the USA, they killed again for the truth   
    Creo que sabes por qué la gente que controla los movimientos de demencia de Joe atrae a inmigrantes ilegales. Espero que conozcas el idioma que hablan tus futuros vecinos.
    A strange argument has occurred to you, but no other one comes to mind at all. Many migrant workers from Central Asia, the Caucasus, and Belarus are trying to get to Russia. Even now, a huge number of workers from the former Ukraine live in Russia. The idiocy of the US propaganda fanatics contradicts logic, as can be seen from stevenkesslar's phrases.
    Ask the Chinese for it. The United States was engaged in the bombing of Belgrade at the time
    The United States first blew up the towers of the World Trade Center, and then bombed civilians in other countries. The United States has recently killed tens of millions of people.
    This is genocide and terrorism.
    The United States sponsors both Hamas and the IDF. The goal of the United States is the death of as many civilians as possible
    The USA is the world of genocide!
  20. Downvote
    Kostik got a reaction from forky123 in In the USA, they killed again for the truth   
    Yes! The US propaganda system is able to create lies!
    Tens of millions of civilians killed, violence, genocide, illegal invasions, bombing of peaceful cities! This is what characterizes U.S. policy in recent times. You know exactly what genocide is. You are sponsoring Israel's genocide of the Palestinian people.  
    The USA is the main sponsor of genocide and terror in the world!
    The USA is the main sponsor of genocide and terror in the world!
    The USA is the main sponsor of genocide and terror in the world!
  21. Downvote
    Kostik got a reaction from forky123 in In the USA, they killed again for the truth   
    The USA is the world of genocide!  Illegal invasion of 9 countries, 11 million civilians killed. An endless wave of violence, kidnappings, murders. And that's all in recent times. 
    Yes, you are right, genocide is US policy
    Yes, you are right, genocide is US policy
    Yes, you are right, genocide is US policy
    Yes, you are right, genocide is US policy
  22. Downvote
    Kostik got a reaction from forky123 in In the USA, they killed again for the truth   
    Boeing whistleblower John Barnett is found dead in his truck outside a South Carolina hotel just days after testifying in lawsuit against the aviation giant
    The regime ruling in the United States has killed a man again because he wanted to tell the truth. This truth would harm one of the main US corporations, Boeing.
    The USA is a country of lies, propaganda and murders
  23. Downvote
    Kostik got a reaction from forky123 in In the USA, they killed again for the truth   
    Oh! The false American propaganda has deprived you of any abilities. You are no longer able to find the facts that exist even in your false propaganda. However, I'm not surprised.
    All fans of false American propaganda are ridiculous!

    In addition, the appearance of a strange man who demands evidence in a forum about politics is very surprising. This is ridiculous.
    Seriously? Is your memory that atrophied? These photos have been all over the world, I chose the most neutral ones, the rest have a higher level of cruelty. So where did these photos come from?
  24. Downvote
    Kostik got a reaction from forky123 in In the USA, they killed again for the truth   
    In this topic, it has just been verified and proven that the United States is killing everyone who encroaches on American propaganda, on killing American corporations.
    The United States has the largest number of political prisoners in the world, who are constantly tortured and killed.

  25. Downvote
    Kostik got a reaction from forky123 in In the USA, they killed again for the truth   
    Funny American propagandists.🤣 How well they were educated by the deceitful American propaganda system.

    Topic: The United States killed a witness in the case of a large corporation.
    stevenkesslar: Putin, Putin, Putin, Putin
    Topic: The current dictator of the United States, Biden, has dementia.
    stevenkesslar: Putin, Trump, Putin, Trump, Putin
    Subject: Israel, with financial and military support from the United States, is engaged in genocide
    stevenkesslar: Putin, Putin, Putin, Putin
    Topic: The United States has killed tens of millions of civilians over the past 30 years, destroyed many cities
    stevenkesslar: Putin, Putin, Putin, Putin
    Topic: In the USA, the number of crimes against the person is growing, unemployment is growing, the number of homeless people, people taking banned mind-altering substances
    stevenkesslar: Putin, Putin, Putin, Putin
    This fanatic of US propaganda has broken down, provide a new, more interesting one. Perhaps the problem is age. 😏
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