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  1. Haha
    Kostik got a reaction from unicorn in It is Official: Biden Has dementia   
    Two American sponsors of terrorism and a year have responded! Well done. The USA is a world of genocide! The USA is a world of Terrorism!
  2. Downvote
    Kostik got a reaction from unicorn in It is Official: Biden Has dementia   
    In this topic, only one thing has been proven for sure! Joe has dementia. Everything else is false propaganda statements stevenkesslar.
    The U.S. army has killed more than ten million civilians in the last 30 years. This is a fact that is not disputed by anyone in the world, except for the false propaganda of the United States. You can independently find confirmation of these facts, you still have nothing to do, you are not capable of anything else. Your brain is already being fertilized by US propaganda.
    And the clowning that stevenkesslar has spread here pleases only old people with dementia, like Joe and the like.
    Yesterday was the twenty-first anniversary of the illegal US invasion of Iraq, as I understand it, for you and other genocide fans it was a celebration. You adore the evil, the murders, the kidnappings and the violence that the U.S. army is carrying out all over the world. Even according to your false propaganda resources: "Between 800,000 and 1.3 million people died in Iraq because of the war. During the first month, about 15,000 people died during the invasion." But the actual number of victims is much higher, especially among children. You can find it yourself .
    It's better to be a clown than a fan of "The USA is a world of genocide, lies and propaganda."
  3. Downvote
    Kostik got a reaction from Marc in Calif in The United States is the world's top terrorist   
    And I hope that even in this forum, where moral freaks like stevenkesslar or Markin Calif.
    I believe in people's sanity and sympathy for the tragedy

  4. Haha
    Kostik got a reaction from Marc in Calif in The United States is the world's top terrorist   
    There is a truth here. This is what all US propagandists are afraid of.
  5. Haha
    Kostik got a reaction from Marc in Calif in The United States is the world's top terrorist   
    It is obvious to all sane people that the United States is involved in this terrorist attack, it is the United States that sponsors terrorists in Ukraine. They are the ones who are planning and preparing all terrorist attacks in the world!
    For this, the United States is despised and hated all over the world
  6. Haha
    Kostik got a reaction from Marc in Calif in The United States is the world's top terrorist   
    Yesterday was the 25th anniversary of the start of the illegal bombing of Belgrade. In general, the United States has committed a huge number of war crimes. Almost every day you can remember the victims of the terrorist regime ruling in the United States.

  7. Downvote
    Kostik got a reaction from unicorn in It is Official: Biden Has dementia   
    Pay attention to stevenkesslar. This is the basis of lies and spam. Food prices have increased in the USA, who is to blame? Fuel prices have increased in the USA, who is to blame? Joe Mencius, who's to blame?
    Putin is to blame for such spammers and trolls.
  8. Downvote
    Kostik got a reaction from forky123 in The United States is the world's top terrorist   
    Yesterday was the 25th anniversary of the start of the illegal bombing of Belgrade. In general, the United States has committed a huge number of war crimes. Almost every day you can remember the victims of the terrorist regime ruling in the United States.

  9. Downvote
    Kostik got a reaction from forky123 in The United States is the world's top terrorist   
    It is obvious to all sane people that the United States is involved in this terrorist attack, it is the United States that sponsors terrorists in Ukraine. They are the ones who are planning and preparing all terrorist attacks in the world!
    For this, the United States is despised and hated all over the world
  10. Downvote
    Kostik got a reaction from forky123 in The United States is the world's top terrorist   
    Even if you believe the nonsense that the United States is spreading that ISIS is responsible for the terrorist attack, then you should remember that it was the United States that created Al-Qaeda and ISIS. These are US projects for launching terrorist attacks around the world.
    Hillary Clinton _ We created Al-Qaeda.mp4
  11. Downvote
    Kostik got a reaction from Stable Genius in Putin's terrorist thugs attack concert hall: 40 dead, 100+ wounded (so far)   
    I don't expect anything else. The moral freaks have become more active as always. They are happy about terrorist attacks, genocide and death
    We see another bird from stevenkesslar. As usual, he repeats the false propaganda of the United States. Not a single fact. Well, it's like a regular one
    We mourn the victims of the terrorist attack, and stevenkesslar, as he likes, publishes propaganda.  I have never seen a more cynical and cruel person than stevenkesslar.
  12. Haha
    Kostik got a reaction from Marc in Calif in Putin's terrorist thugs attack concert hall: 40 dead, 100+ wounded (so far)   
    Нет, дорогой мой, не одурел. 
    A little above, I wrote that Danilov, before the false propaganda media of the United States accused ISIS of the terrorist attack, wrote that Ukraine was responsible for the terrorist attack. USA is a sponsor of Ukraine, USA is a sponsor of terrorism!
  13. Haha
    Kostik got a reaction from Marc in Calif in Putin's terrorist thugs attack concert hall: 40 dead, 100+ wounded (so far)   
    Thanks to this topic! Zadornov once said that Americans are morons. You have confirmed it. Well done. The United States sponsored the terrorist attack, and Americans are now applauding the victims of the terrorist attack. You morons!
  14. Downvote
    Kostik got a reaction from Marc in Calif in It is Official: Biden Has dementia   
    Pay attention to stevenkesslar. This is the basis of lies and spam. Food prices have increased in the USA, who is to blame? Fuel prices have increased in the USA, who is to blame? Joe Mencius, who's to blame?
    Putin is to blame for such spammers and trolls.
  15. Downvote
    Kostik got a reaction from forky123 in It is Official: Biden Has dementia   
    Two American sponsors of terrorism and a year have responded! Well done. The USA is a world of genocide! The USA is a world of Terrorism!
  16. Downvote
    Kostik got a reaction from forky123 in Putin's terrorist thugs attack concert hall: 40 dead, 100+ wounded (so far)   
    At a time when the world is crying, when it is necessary to unite against terror, are you happy?
    Moral freaks like stevenkesslar and Marcin Calif are always happy about deaths, genocide, violence...
    But I did not expect this from other forum participants
  17. Downvote
    Kostik got a reaction from forky123 in Putin's terrorist thugs attack concert hall: 40 dead, 100+ wounded (so far)   
    Обращение к гражданам России.mp4   What do you want to hear besides that? By the way, I am very disappointed with this weak reaction.
    But I am very disappointed by your support for terrorism and genocide. I expected this from freaks like stevenkesslar, but not from you
  18. Downvote
    Kostik got a reaction from forky123 in Putin's terrorist thugs attack concert hall: 40 dead, 100+ wounded (so far)   
    Нет, дорогой мой, не одурел. 
    A little above, I wrote that Danilov, before the false propaganda media of the United States accused ISIS of the terrorist attack, wrote that Ukraine was responsible for the terrorist attack. USA is a sponsor of Ukraine, USA is a sponsor of terrorism!
  19. Downvote
    Kostik got a reaction from forky123 in Putin's terrorist thugs attack concert hall: 40 dead, 100+ wounded (so far)   
    Let's essentially say the United States is sponsoring the Ukrainian regime, the Ukrainian regime has claimed responsibility for the terrorist attack. Transitivity - the United States committed a terrorist attack.
    The United States is a sponsor of terrorism
  20. Downvote
    Kostik got a reaction from forky123 in Putin's terrorist thugs attack concert hall: 40 dead, 100+ wounded (so far)   
    I will answer you. Danilov (read who it is) took responsibility for the terrorist attack before the United States published that ISIS was to blame. The USA is a sponsor of terrorism in the world, the USA sponsors regimes mired in terror and genocide!
  21. Downvote
    Kostik got a reaction from forky123 in Putin's terrorist thugs attack concert hall: 40 dead, 100+ wounded (so far)   
    Thanks to this topic! Zadornov once said that Americans are morons. You have confirmed it. Well done. The United States sponsored the terrorist attack, and Americans are now applauding the victims of the terrorist attack. You morons!
  22. Downvote
    Kostik got a reaction from forky123 in Putin's terrorist thugs attack concert hall: 40 dead, 100+ wounded (so far)   
    I don't expect anything else. The moral freaks have become more active as always. They are happy about terrorist attacks, genocide and death
    We see another bird from stevenkesslar. As usual, he repeats the false propaganda of the United States. Not a single fact. Well, it's like a regular one
    We mourn the victims of the terrorist attack, and stevenkesslar, as he likes, publishes propaganda.  I have never seen a more cynical and cruel person than stevenkesslar.
  23. Downvote
    Kostik got a reaction from forky123 in Putin's terrorist thugs attack concert hall: 40 dead, 100+ wounded (so far)   
    Let's talk about what happened in 2014. The United States has committed an illegal coup in Ukraine. The Republic of Crimea was against the violation of this basic law. Crimea has separated from Ukraine.
    Then the Crimean state decided to join Russia. Russia was glad to return the ancestral lands inhabited by Russians
    Yes, and then the lying American propaganda lied as usual. But everyone got used to it and did not believe the Americans.
    I was in Crimea after returning to Russia. Perhaps the propaganda lied to you about something, as always. In Crimea, people are happy to return to Russia. Only thieves who, thanks to the Ukrainian authorities, illegally acquired something in the Crimea are not happy (Makarevich, for example, look who he is)
  24. Downvote
    Kostik got a reaction from forky123 in Putin's terrorist thugs attack concert hall: 40 dead, 100+ wounded (so far)   
    This is a grief for all Russians. The United States began fighting in 2014... The whole of Russia is crying for all the victims of this war. But there is no problem for the United States, the United States is counting the proceeds from the war that they started in 2014
  25. Downvote
    Kostik got a reaction from forky123 in The United States is the world's top terrorist   
    There is a truth here. This is what all US propagandists are afraid of.
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