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    Kostik got a reaction from vinapu in This is scary   
    The video shows Jerusalem a few days earlier.
    It seems that not only UN is anti-Jewish
  2. Haha
    Kostik reacted to vinapu in This is scary   
    Kostik may be so brave because he is outside of reach of Russian 'justice' system and too small fry to waste polonium on him
  3. Downvote
    Kostik got a reaction from unicorn in This is scary   
    I completely agree. Unfortunately this is not possible now

  4. Like
    Kostik got a reaction from alvnv in This is scary   
    What else did your propaganda tell you? 🤣
  5. Haha
    Kostik got a reaction from unicorn in This is scary   
    Yes, yes! Putin is also to blame for the fact that the United States has the largest number of political prisoners in the world.
    Tell us that your propaganda is lying about this.
  6. Downvote
    Kostik got a reaction from Mavica in Israel And The Palestinians: A Nightmare In Desperate Search Of A Solution   
    Isn't this a stage show?
    The same as Nemmersdorf in fascist Germany or Butch in Nazi Ukraine
    You can expect everything from beings engaged in genocide
  7. Downvote
    Kostik reacted to EmmetK in This is scary   
    You and your fellow Jew-haters, who shroud your anti-Semitism with the pathetic excuse of our battle is with Zionists not Jews, clearly need to be schooled.
    Israel has the most heterogenous population in the area. Its Arab citizens flourish. They own businesses, are members of the civil service, serve in the army, and on the Supreme Court. And where are all of the Tunisian Jews? The Algerian Jews? The Iraqi Jews? etc.. They were driven out by the Jew hating citizens of their countries which they resided for centuries. So these countries have basically become Judenfrei.
    So like 99% of what u say, your racism claims make no sense. The only racism is the Arab racism that drove out the Jews with pogroms.
    And while I am on a roll, Israel is a country made up of over 60% non-whites. This is not from me, but by Ritchie Torres, Bronx Congressman who is Black, Latino, and gay.
    Don't get me wrong. Racism exists. And if you want to see one of the prime examples of this, just look into the nearest mirror.
  8. Like
    Kostik reacted to Latbear4blk in This is scary   
    This is the perfect example of hypocrisy. Probably rooted in deep racism that dehumanize People of Color lives.
  9. Downvote
    Kostik reacted to EmmetK in This is scary   
    The only genocide in the Middle East is that being committed by the Hamas terrorists.
    Israel has sent millions of texts and phone calls, dropped millions of pamphlets and flyers from the air in advance warning civilians to evacuate prior to the IDF entering.
    Hamas has underground bunkers, tunnels, and command centers beneath hospitals and schools. Hamas doesn't care about the lives of their own civilians. They are willing to use their own civilians as human shields. They butcher innocent Israelis. They rape and torture women and children. Good vs. evil was never more evident. This is the battle not only between Israel and the Hamas Nazis, but between the civilized world and barbarians.
    Israel will not leave Gaza before every inch of those tunnels and and terrorist command centers has been flooded and destroyed. Israel will not leave Gaza until Hamas has been eradicated. That is not genocide. It is called survival.
  10. Like
    Kostik reacted to Latbear4blk in This is scary   
    It looks like the hypocrites are the ones condemning Hamas but supporting the genocidal Israeli attacks. 
  11. Like
    Kostik reacted to Latbear4blk in This is scary   
  12. Like
    Kostik reacted to Moses in This is scary   
    Really? Then read again news from first 6 months of conflict in Ukraine. Ukrainian propaganda nonstop moaned about schools, kindergartens and hospitals, while placed there artillery.
  13. Like
    Kostik reacted to Moses in This is scary   
    Could you please show me any my word where I "pillorying the same"? I just publish points of view from different people. 
    But now I will tell you: for 30 times longer period, on territory 1000 times bigger, there are 7 times less causalities within Ukrainian kids, than in Gaza. 
    In Ukraine are less than 550 causalities within children for almost 2 years on territory more than 50000 sq.km. Israel already kill more than 3400 kids, less than in 3 weeks, on territory 50 sq.km.
  14. Downvote
    Kostik reacted to Mavica in This is scary   
    I don't see any information to cause me to believe there is blanket bombing (often also referred to as carpet bombing).
  15. Like
    Kostik reacted to vinapu in This is scary   
    violent death is always attributed to killer.
    It was not 9/11 victims fault that they went to work or see the vista from the top  on that fateful day 
  16. Like
    Kostik reacted to vinapu in This is scary   
    Have you ever been to Gaza? Where those people  are supposed  to go ? place is crowded and sealed from land and a sea. Seal Manhattan and tell people  we are starting blanket bombing so you better go
  17. Downvote
    Kostik reacted to EmmetK in This is scary   
    And your point is?
    Israel's goal to to totally eradicate Hamas so they can no longer commit massacres atrocities.
    Of course there are Gazan civilian casualties. But unlike Hamas which commits wholesale slaughter and unspeakable horrors, the IDF drops leaflets in the civilian areas warning the citizens to leave. 
    Good vs. evil was never so clear.
    Every Gazan death can be attributed to Hamas. They started this war. The IDF will end it on its own terms.
    And if you think posting links to quotes from UN bureaucrats or some former biased NY Times journalist will sway anyone's opinion, you are wrong.
  18. Like
    Kostik reacted to Moses in This is scary   
    Chris Hedges, a Pulitzer Prize–winning journalist who was a foreign correspondent for fifteen years for The New York Times, where he served as the Middle East Bureau Chief:
    All settler colonial projects, including Israel, reach a point when they embrace wholesale slaughter and genocide to eradicate a native population that refuses to capitulate.
    On Friday the Gaza Strip had all its communications severed. No Internet. No phone service. No electricity. Israel’s goal is the murder of tens, probably hundreds of thousands of Palestinians and the ethnic cleansing of those who survive into refugee camps in Egypt. It is an attempt by Israel to erase not only a people, but the idea of Palestine.
    It is a carbon copy of the massive campaigns of racialized slaughter by other settler colonial projects who believed that indiscriminate and wholesale violence could make the aspirations of an oppressed people, whose land they stole, go away. And like other perpetrators of genocide, Israel intends to keep it hidden.
    Israel’s bombing campaign, one of the heaviest of the 21st century, has killed more than 7,300 Palestinians, nearly half of them children, along with 26 journalists, medical workers, teachers and United Nations staff. Some 1.4 million Palestinians in Gaza have been displaced and an estimated 600,000 are homeless.
    Mosques, 120 health facilities, ambulances, schools, apartment blocks, supermarkets, water and sewage treatment plants and power plants have been blasted into rubble. Hospitals and clinics, lacking fuel, medicine and electricity, have been bombed or are shutting down. Clean water is running out. Gaza, by the end of Israel’s scorched earth campaign, will be uninhabitable, a tactic the Nazis regularly employed when facing armed resistance, including in the Warsaw Ghetto and later Warsaw itself. By the time Israel is done, Gaza, or at least Gaza as we knew it, will not exist.
    Not only are the tactics the same, but so is the rhetoric. Palestinians are referred to as animals, beasts and Nazis. They have no right to exist. Their children have no right to exist. They must be cleansed from the earth.
    The extermination of those whose land we steal, whose resources we plunder and whose labor we exploit is coded within our DNA. Ask Native Americans. Ask Indians. Ask the Congolese. Ask the Kikuyu in Kenya. Ask the Herero in Namibia who, like Palestinians in Gaza, were gunned down and driven into desert concentration camps where they died of starvation and disease. Eighty thousand of them. Ask Iraqis. Ask Afghans. Ask Syrians. Ask Kurds. Ask Libyans. Ask indigenous peoples across the globe. They know who we are.
    Israel’s distorted, settler colonial visage is our own. We pretend otherwise. We ascribe to ourselves virtues and civilizing qualities that are, as in Israel, flimsy justifications for stripping an occupied and besieged people of their rights, seizing their land and using prolonged imprisonment, torture, humiliation, enforced poverty and murder to keep them subjugated.
    Not to be outdone, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu described Hamas in a press conference with the German chancellor, Olaf Scholz, as “the new Nazis”.
    Think about that. A people, imprisoned in the world’s largest concentration camp for sixteen years, denied food, water, fuel and medicine, lacking an army, air force, navy, mechanized units, artillery, command and control and missile batteries, is being butchered and starved by one of the most advanced militaries on the planet, and they are the Nazis?
    There is an historical analogy here. But it is not one that Bennett, Netanyahu or any other Israeli leader wants to acknowledge.
    When those who are occupied refuse to submit, when they continue to resist, we drop all pretense of our “civilizing” mission and unleash, as in Gaza, an orgy of slaughter and destruction. We become drunk on violence. This violence makes us insane. We kill with reckless ferocity. We become the beasts we accuse the oppressed of being. We expose the lie of our vaunted moral superiority.
    We expose the fundamental truth about Western civilization — we are the most ruthless and efficient killers on the planet. This alone is why we dominate the “wretched of the earth.” It has nothing to do with democracy or freedom or liberty. These are rights we never intend to grant to the oppressed.
    Genocide lies at the core of Western imperialism. It is not unique to Israel. It is not unique to the Nazis. It is the building block of Western domination. The humanitarian interventionists who insist we should bomb and occupy other nations because we embody goodness — although they promote military intervention only when it is perceived to be in our national interest — are useful idiots of the war machine and global imperialists. They live in an Alice-in-Wonderland fairytale where the rivers of blood we spawn make the world a happier and better place. They are the smiley faces of genocide. You can watch them on your screens. You can listen to them spout their pseudo-morality in the White House and in Congress. They are always wrong. And they never go away.
  19. Like
    Kostik reacted to Moses in This is scary   

  20. Downvote
    Kostik reacted to EmmetK in This is scary   
    And why would any sane rational person care what Amnesty International has to say about Israel any more than what a disgraced UN bureaucrat has to say? The UN (with Iran as the head of its Human Rights Commission and China set to lead the Security Council next month) and Amnesty International have as much credibility about Israel as do any other Jew-hating, Israel organization.
    The only ones who listen to them and quote them are other Israel haters and anti-Semites. 
    I'll take my cue from people that ACTUALLY matter. Like the those White House, US Senate, and House of Reps.
    I give a lot more credibility to what an elected US Rep has to say than what a spiteful, unelected bureaucrat from the UN has to say on the subject:
    GOP lawmaker contends ‘there are very few innocent Palestinian citizens’ (msn.com)
  21. Like
    Kostik reacted to Moses in This is scary   
    That's nice you still remember Russia, but why you bring it to thread about Israel and Palestine?
  22. Like
    Kostik reacted to Moses in This is scary   
    ... and citizen of Israel.
    By the way: have you seen Amnesty International report from spring 2023?
    280 pages of accusation of Israel in apartheid.
  23. Downvote
    Kostik reacted to EmmetK in This is scary   
    And why would any rational person with half a brain care what is contained in a letter of resignation from a UN bureaucrat? 
    The UN has a long history of anti-Israel and anti-Jewish bias. They are a bloated, corrupt, and mismanaged organization dominated by third-world, undemocratic tyrannical regimes.
    This is the organization that has put Iran in charge of their Human Rights Commission.
    This is the organization that has overseen billions of dollars of aid to Gaza. Where has the money gone? Hamas took the money and built tunnels, underground bunkers which were used as their command centers.
    Good riddance to Mr. Moktuber. My only regret is that he left way too much trash behind him in Turtle Bay.
  24. Like
    Kostik reacted to Moses in This is scary   
    Letter of designation from director UN office of The High Commissioner for Human rights



  25. Like
    Kostik reacted to Moses in This is scary   
    Angelina Jolie in her Instagram: By refusing to demand a humanitarian ceasefire and blocking the UN Security Council from imposing one on both parties, world leaders are complicit in these crimes.
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