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  1. Haha
    Kostik got a reaction from unicorn in This is scary   
    American provocateurs themselves violated the Constitution of Ukraine. This is what destroyed the state. East of Ukraine and Crimea against lawlessness

  2. Confused
    Kostik got a reaction from KeepItReal in This is scary   
    Have you seen the map? Where is Belarus located?
    But I like the truly democratic government in Nicaragua. Nuclear protection from aggression of the USA empire is required
  3. Downvote
    Kostik reacted to EmmetK in This is scary   
    Portugal President to Palestinian Ambassador: "You shouldn't have started it". It's really that simple!
  4. Haha
    Kostik reacted to scott456 in Cold season may arrive in mid-November, last just a month   
    Oh no.  Wear your fur coat!!
  5. Haha
  6. Like
    Kostik reacted to Moses in This is scary   
    Well, then you may suddenly find, what not only Northern Stream's pipes are vulnerable.
    And memo are just memo.
  7. Downvote
    Kostik reacted to EmmetK in This is scary   
    The UN can issue 1000 resolutions about Israel's behavior.
    It only strengthens Israel's resolve. 
    And I can guarantee you that regardless of whether Israel has a right-wing or left-wing government, the Golan Heights will NEVER be allowed to return to the old days when terrorists from Lebanon scaled the Heights and reigned terror down on Israeli citizens.
    The Golan Heights is fully integrated into Israel. Now and forever.
  8. Like
    Kostik reacted to Moses in This is scary   
    Yeah, yeah, and Golan heights. UN issued more than 100 resolutions about Israel's behavior. 
    Don't stop. It is right time to tell us what Israel has rights to occupy whatever it needs.
  9. Downvote
    Kostik got a reaction from Marc in Calif in This is scary   
    I like Nicaragua! Nuclear missiles should be installed there! The world must be protected from murderers, rapists and maniacs from the USA
  10. Like
    Kostik reacted to vinapu in This is scary   
    While subject of that thread is scary what we have here are fundamental differences of opinions but still manage to keep 6 pages of civil discussion. Tempers are there but mercifully well contained
    I must say we should congratulate ourselves  as topic at hand is not only almost impossible to solve to satisfy everybody  but even great powers and great minds are not  coming closer to solutions that we humble boy chasers here.
  11. Like
    Kostik reacted to Moses in This is scary   
    For 318 billions dollars?
    15,3 million dollars per each square km.

  12. Downvote
    Kostik reacted to unicorn in This is scary   
    Well, at least you are informed that your blessed Putin intentionally bombs critical civilian infrastructure, rather than military targets, in violations of international military law. As you therefore know, and everyone else knows, Putin is intentionally targeting and terrorizing civilians, rather than enemy troops.
  13. Like
    Kostik reacted to unicorn in This is scary   
    I cannot believe that anyone in this discussion could be so ignorant as to be unaware that Israel is the #1 recipient in US financial largess, and could not have flourished to the extent it has without the US's generosity:
    "...The United States has given Israel more than $260 billion in combined military and economic aid since World War II, plus about $10 billion more in contributions for missile defense systems like the Iron Dome, a U.S. News analysis finds. That’s the most granted to any country throughout that time frame, and around $100 billion more than Egypt, the second-highest recipient historically...". 
    Had the Palestinians received such aid, obviously they would be doing quite well. Also, Israel controls most traffic in and out of Palestine, as well as their power and water. Yes, Palestinians should have recognized Israel by now, and Israel should also long ago have recognized Palestine. 
    For its part, the US should not have allowed this situation to continue indefinitely. The US should have put its foot down and said "Peace in this area is in the US's interest. We will donate generously to both Israel and Palestine, and help the two countries flourish, IF AND ONLY IF each recognizes the other's right to exist." I personally can't see this happening with either Hamas or BN at the helm, and the US should make the voters of Palestine and Israel aware that their votes have consequences. 
  14. Like
    Kostik reacted to Moses in This is scary   
    Nope. Power station are legal military targets.
  15. Downvote
    Kostik reacted to forky123 in This is scary   
    Indeed. Time for the west to supply weapons that can reach Russian power stations and other infrastructure since the US, UK and Russia are all ignoring the Budapest memorandum.
  16. Like
    Kostik reacted to Moses in This is scary   
    There are no "civilian" power stations in Ukraine. Every power station is used for to supply power military objects or railways for weapon/technic transportation or manufacturing plants for munition production via power network - since USSR time Ukraine has single, united, state owned power network for power distribution to any object in Ukraine: civilian or military, so every power station for sure is connected to every military facility via that network.
    When Russia destroys power generation, and Ukraine has deficit of power, it is solely Ukrainian choice whom to keep to supply - military or civilian objects, and whom to switch off.
  17. Downvote
    Kostik got a reaction from unicorn in This is scary   
    I completely agree. Unfortunately this is not possible now

  18. Haha
    Kostik got a reaction from unicorn in This is scary   
    Yes, yes! Putin is also to blame for the fact that the United States has the largest number of political prisoners in the world.
    Tell us that your propaganda is lying about this.
  19. Downvote
    Kostik got a reaction from Mavica in Israel And The Palestinians: A Nightmare In Desperate Search Of A Solution   
    Isn't this a stage show?
    The same as Nemmersdorf in fascist Germany or Butch in Nazi Ukraine
    You can expect everything from beings engaged in genocide
  20. Like
    Kostik got a reaction from Latbear4blk in This is scary   
    I completely agree. Unfortunately this is not possible now

  21. Like
    Kostik got a reaction from Latbear4blk in This is scary   
    Yes, yes! Putin is also to blame for the fact that the United States has the largest number of political prisoners in the world.
    Tell us that your propaganda is lying about this.
  22. Thanks
    Kostik reacted to vinapu in This is scary   
    You are not alone as I hear that  quite often. ( When I was working my office was located in heavy Jewish area).
    I'd say it's pretty normal , not every American  support Cuban embargo, not every Russian praises war in Ukraine, there are Italians who hate pasta, Swedish hating heering , republican British and Polish thinking their football team is disgrace. And yes , Arabs who think their  militants being bloodthirsty beasts. That doesn't make them own nation's outcasts.
  23. Downvote
    Kostik reacted to EmmetK in This is scary   
    Nope. You are simply uninformed.
    Gaza was the one fruits of victory after the 6 day 1967 war, after Israel was invaded by its neighbours. ANother war that Israel didn't ask for.
    Gaza was as much of Israel as Puerto Rico or Texas is of the United States. Territory won in war. Nevertheless, Israel returned Gaza, and the last Israeli left in 2005. So how is Gaza occupied? Occupied by whom? The Hamas terrorists the Gazans voted for?
    In 18 years they could have built water desalinization plants, electrical grids, internet towers etc. They chose not to better the lives of their citizens. Instead they chose to build a terrorist state.
    And btw, claiming that you are not anti-Israel or anti-Jewish doesn't make it so.
  24. Like
    Kostik reacted to Moses in This is scary   
    It is easy to find how precise are Russians.
    For example today on Reuters:
    "Russia launched a massive drone attack early on Friday, hitting critical infrastructure in the west and south of Ukraine... the biggest drone attack in weeks to target Kharkiv in the northeast, Odesa and Kherson in the south and the region of Lviv on Ukraine's border with Poland in the west."
    40+ heavy drones, dozen of X-59 missiles attacked
    Kharkiv 1 158 485 inhabitants Odesa 1 010 537 inhabitants Kherson 279 131 inhabitants Lviv 717 273 inhabitants Quess how much casualties... zero. But 
    In total Ukraine reported "eight people, including two children, required medical help due to acute stress"
    You may compare to massacre which is done by Israel.
  25. Haha
    Kostik reacted to vinapu in This is scary   
    hopefully Kostik lives on ground floor
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