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  1. Downvote
    Kostik got a reaction from unicorn in This is scary   
    He has a pronounced megalomania. I don't care about zombies 😅
    Keep supporting pedophile, serial killer - Biden
    He's in the acute phase of dementia right now 🤣🤣
  2. Haha
    Kostik got a reaction from unicorn in This is scary   
    Obviously, you're a typical American zombie. With three functions to eat, shit and piously believe in false American propaganda
  3. Downvote
    Kostik got a reaction from unicorn in This is scary   
    The whole world hates madmen and maniacs in the US leadership

  4. Downvote
    Kostik got a reaction from alvnv in This is scary   
    Leave your flirting with Vladimir Vladimirovich! It is unlikely that you have a chance for reciprocal attention
  5. Downvote
    Kostik got a reaction from vinapu in This is scary   
    The whole world hates madmen and maniacs in the US leadership

  6. Downvote
    Kostik got a reaction from alvnv in This is scary   
    Obviously, you're a typical American zombie. With three functions to eat, shit and piously believe in false American propaganda
  7. Downvote
    Kostik got a reaction from Marc in Calif in This is scary   
    I like Nicaragua! Nuclear missiles should be installed there! The world must be protected from murderers, rapists and maniacs from the USA
  8. Like
    Kostik reacted to Latbear4blk in Israel And The Palestinians: A Nightmare In Desperate Search Of A Solution   
    Hey, Bright One, the one taking sides is you and your friends in the Proud Hypocrites Club. I am denouncing both mass murderers, Hamas and the State of Israel. 
  9. Downvote
    Kostik got a reaction from Mavica in Israel And The Palestinians: A Nightmare In Desperate Search Of A Solution   
    Isn't this a stage show?
    The same as Nemmersdorf in fascist Germany or Butch in Nazi Ukraine
    You can expect everything from beings engaged in genocide
  10. Like
    Kostik reacted to Moses in This is scary   
    Looks like you haven't answer why Israel bombing Palestine and now trying to switch to Ukrainian conflict?
  11. Downvote
    Kostik reacted to alvnv in This is scary   
    You should be learning Chinese as Russia is already becoming their client state. Wait until they take all the territories lost to Unequal Treaties - bye bye Khabarovsk and Vladivostok - maybe they will remain it to Vladiputinsass.
  12. Like
    Kostik got a reaction from stevenkesslar in This is scary   
  13. Downvote
    Kostik got a reaction from alvnv in This is scary   
    The most brutal murderers and rapists are Americans.  It is they who arrange a "safari for people", kill civilians under fictitious pretexts

  14. Like
    Kostik got a reaction from vinapu in This is scary   
  15. Downvote
    Kostik got a reaction from Marc in Calif in This is scary   
    The most brutal murderers and rapists are Americans.  It is they who arrange a "safari for people", kill civilians under fictitious pretexts

  16. Downvote
    Kostik got a reaction from caeron in This is scary   
    The most brutal murderers and rapists are Americans.  It is they who arrange a "safari for people", kill civilians under fictitious pretexts

  17. Confused
    Kostik got a reaction from KeepItReal in This is scary   
    The most brutal murderers and rapists are Americans.  It is they who arrange a "safari for people", kill civilians under fictitious pretexts

  18. Like
    Kostik reacted to Moses in This is scary   
    Gasa is part of state of Palestine and that fact is recognized by 138 of 193 UN countries
    Just to compare: Taiwan is recognized by 12 countries only.

  19. Downvote
    Kostik reacted to EmmetK in This is scary   
    Gaza is an autonomous self-governing territory. The only prison guards and wardens are the Hamas butcher masters they elected in 2007. 
  20. Downvote
    Kostik got a reaction from Lucky in This is scary   
    The most brutal murderers and rapists are Americans.  It is they who arrange a "safari for people", kill civilians under fictitious pretexts

  21. Like
    Kostik reacted to Moses in This is scary   
    Tell us dear, why started war Hamas, but Israel punishing Palestine? 70% of victims are kids and woman.
  22. Downvote
    Kostik reacted to alvnv in This is scary   
    The Ukraine and Israel did not start the war, Japan did. The only comparison that is valid is that between Hamas and Russian government - they both use terrorist strategies and, in the process, are failing their countries and peoples.
  23. Like
    Kostik reacted to Moses in This is scary   
    Sure. What else it may be?
    Do you have another name for to targeting civilians and wipe 2 cities by nuclear strike?
  24. Like
    Kostik reacted to Department_Of_Agriculture in October 2023 Trip Report - Bangkok and Pattaya   
    What were you expecting him to do? Set-off his rape alarm?
    Are you really so pathetically desperate that you need to paw away at a boy who is giving you a massage in a legitimate massage place? If that is what you wanted, you should have gone to the places that offer those services one hundred feet away. Why go and sexually assault a boy who has chosen to work at a legitimate massage parlour and trained to do so?  At a bare minimum, your behaviour would mark you out a sex pest in the West; more likely it would have led to a police report and you, rightly, being detained for sexual assault. It's a shame that people like you think that you have the licence to act like an animal when in Thailand simply because a boy may choose to avoid causing a scene in order not to jeapordise his job.
  25. Downvote
    Kostik reacted to EmmetK in This is scary   
    There is ZERO moral equivalence, ZERO!, between what Hamas did and what Israel is doing.
    Hamas terrorists entered Israel for the sole purpose of slaughtering, butchering, beheading, raping, and massacring as many innocent civilians as possible.
    If you have any evidence of the IDF ripping open the bellies of pregnant Palestinian women and throwing the babies into ovens, please share it. If you have any evidence of the IDF throwing grenades into shelters where families are hiding, please share it. If you have any evidence of the IDF soldiers gouging out the eyes of innocent Palestinian civilians, please share it. If you have any evidence of the IDF raping girls, please share it. If you have any evidence of the IDF torturing children while their parents are forced to look on, please share it. If you have any evidence of the IDF taking civilians hostages, please share it. I could go on and on. Israel goes out of its way to mitigate civilian casualties. But it is not always possible when Hamas uses civilians as human shields. Needless to say there is NO equivalence between Hamas and Israel.
    Israel is targeting the terrorist butchers. They have given all civilians notices by test, phone calls, and dropping leaflets to warn them in advance to evacuate the area. If civilians ignore the warnings, that is their choice.
    Hamas uses civilians as human shields. They built tunnels, underground bunkers, and terrorist command centers underneath schools and hospitals. Israel has done what it can to avoid killing innocents, but ultimately if they decide to remain, they are doing so at their own risk.
    No nation would tolerate the slaughter of their innocents, Israel is no different. Nor is the US. Following the Pearl Harbor attack, when over 2,000 Americans were killed, Truman ordered the nuclear bomb dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. That killed 140,000. Was that a mistake?  Was that genocide?
    Israel must do whatever it needs to do to ensure its survival, and prevent these terrorist attacks from ever occurring again.
    And it will. 
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