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  1. Thanks
    Olddaddy got a reaction from vinapu in Looking for Gay Groups/Clubs in Pattaya   
    I love your posts
    I guess just like me you will eventually how do I put it nicely "give up " ......and be happy with your own company.
    Most times now as I get older I prefer to be by myself.
    If your after a real boyfriend who will care for you in my opinion 3 hours away is the Philippines!! đŸ‡”đŸ‡­
    Yes Bangkok in my opinion is far better for socialising than Pattaya .
    You get far more younger tourists travelling through , 
  2. Thanks
    Olddaddy got a reaction from vinapu in Looking for Gay Groups/Clubs in Pattaya   
    Bkkmf , interesting points thanks for bringing this up
    May I ask you and  anyone else a few questions 
    Is it this "generation" of Gay farangs who are reserved /keep to themselves or they more the older ones?
    I'm asking that because I'm wondering what the next generation will be like ,say fast forward 10-15 years will we be more "friendly" or more into our iPhones etc , unsociable
    I found the younger gay farangs more talkative than the snarly old ones , I met a few young Singaporean guys in Pattaya visiting 
    The next question,are Bangkok Gay farangs more friendly, to me spending a few nights in Bangkok I made more friends in 3 nights than I did it in years of going to pattaya!!😆
    I still have many phone numbers.
    Thirdly , nowadays you can be gay and mix with the Pattaya straight communi,
    I do and you can be accepted if you can joke and have a thick skin to their joking around 
    So if your playing pool up at soi Bukhao in a "rough" bar say the Aussie bar  and people know your gay then joke with them.
    Sadly though ,I too found the same as you in the Pattaya gay community 
  3. Like
    Olddaddy got a reaction from vinapu in COVID infections rise 48% in past week   
    Well the reason I didn't get the Covid boosters is because I don't or should I say didn't believe in them.
  4. Like
    Olddaddy got a reaction from vinapu in Two unusual customs I found at Anchorage drag show   
    I know it's somewhere up the top of the World but no unless I google it 
    But I'm sure if I walked into any bar  in Australia and said I'm off to Anchorage today I would get some perplexed looks !,😂
  5. Like
    Olddaddy got a reaction from bkkmfj2648 in COVID infections rise 48% in past week   
    Well the reason I didn't get the Covid boosters is because I don't or should I say didn't believe in them.
  6. Confused
    Olddaddy reacted to Riobard in Two unusual customs I found at Anchorage drag show   
    So two now so far with questions that thought “Alaska”, one the why, the other the where.
    As to the why, Juno IDK. Maybe Marilyn Whirlwind does. Or get Jodie Foster, L, of True Detective on it. But what a drag for the A’s. 
  7. Thanks
    Olddaddy reacted to bkkmfj2648 in Sansuk has a new owner?   
    ok, as promised, I made contact with Punya today - the owner of Sansuk Sauna & Guesthouse  https://sansukthailand.com/
    He confirmed that the rumor that started this thread is FALSE.
    He did not sell Sansuk and he is still the current owner of Sansuk.
    He was happy to be alerted by this false rumor and that I volunteered to clarify the situation.
  8. Thanks
    Olddaddy reacted to unicorn in Two unusual customs I found at Anchorage drag show   
    These questions can usually be answered quickly by Wikipedia or Google:
    "Anchorage (Tanaina: Dgheyay Kaq'; Dgheyaytnu), officially the Municipality of Anchorage, is the most populous city in the U.S. state of Alaska. With a population of 291,247 at the 2020 census, it contains nearly 40 percent of the state's population. The Anchorage metropolitan area, which includes Anchorage and the neighboring Matanuska-Susitna Borough, had a population of 398,328 in 2020, accounting for more than half the state's population. At 1,706 sq mi (4,420 km2) of land area, the city is the fourth-largest by area in the U.S...". 
  9. Haha
    Olddaddy reacted to Keithambrose in Two unusual customs I found at Anchorage drag show   
    Some years ago, in the USA,  a professor conducted a lengthy survey of his students, concentrating on geography.  Some pretty simple questions, like, ' where is Florida', well as a bit more complex. The results were, predictably bad, and the Professor published the results. He was then sacked by the University!
  10. Haha
    Olddaddy reacted to vinapu in Two unusual customs I found at Anchorage drag show   
    definitely. Once while in the mall in Syracuse,  NY I overheard conversation by two ladies who certainly did not look like tourists and one asked " what state Chicago is in?". This was in times when certain Chicago boy named Barack Obama was POTUS
  11. Haha
    Olddaddy got a reaction from unicorn in Two unusual customs I found at Anchorage drag show   
    Yep I can imagine walking into my workplace and telling my work colleagues in excitement 
    "Guess where I'm off to tommrrw!
    They reply excitingly"Where?
    " I'm flying to....wait for it.... Anchorage!
    There would be like 30 seconds silence as they start to think where the F is Anchorage 
    Before one says " is that near Melbourne? đŸ˜Č
  12. Haha
    Olddaddy got a reaction from unicorn in Two unusual customs I found at Anchorage drag show   
    I know it's somewhere up the top of the World but no unless I google it 
    But I'm sure if I walked into any bar  in Australia and said I'm off to Anchorage today I would get some perplexed looks !,😂
  13. Haha
    Olddaddy got a reaction from floridarob in Two unusual customs I found at Anchorage drag show   
    I know it's somewhere up the top of the World but no unless I google it 
    But I'm sure if I walked into any bar  in Australia and said I'm off to Anchorage today I would get some perplexed looks !,😂
  14. Like
    Olddaddy reacted to Guymac in Manila - venues?   
    To be honest, I hadn't even considered the lack of a bath as a bath is not what I go there for!
    Yes, there are perfectly decent showers at Club Bath (better than most Thai massage places I have been) as well as a large and modern dark steam room - complete with private areas - a couple of outdoor smoking areas, private cabins, a TV room, gym (again I don't go for a gym workout), glory holes and a rooftop garden area as well as the cruising corridors/maze. 
    It's been about five years since I was last there so can't vouch for it in 2024... 
  15. Haha
    Olddaddy got a reaction from unicorn in Two unusual customs I found at Anchorage drag show   
    Is anchorage in Alaska?
  16. Haha
    Olddaddy reacted to Travelingguy in Manila - venues?   
    Perhaps they should call it Club Shower.  This is assuming that there is a shower somewhere.  Oh well, in a pinch, a hose hooked up to a spigot in a corner will do.
  17. Like
    Olddaddy reacted to reader in Looking for Gay Groups/Clubs in Pattaya   
    I’m not a Pattaya visitor but have read consistently on the forums about the shrinking expat community there. Part of it is obviously by choice but the government must accept that its unpredictable—and often onerous—policies discourage rather than encourage foreigners to retire to Thailand. 
    I was among those westerners who weighed the option for years. Just when I was giving it greater consideration, the emerging possibility of dual state taxation has pretty much sealed any hopes I was considering. I think I could manage the health care issue but not the taxation one. 
    Even if authorities decided against the idea, I believe future administrations would go on to seek new revenue streams from retirees, introducing more uncertainty.
    The logical—and economically proven—approach is to gain revenue from the spending of retirees on goods and services. It’s another altogether to try to wring the source dry before it can spend funds on those goods and services.
  18. Haha
    Olddaddy reacted to vinapu in Vinapu's Boot Camp - short trip of may 2024   
    you should motion with hands  armed with red notes
  19. Like
    Olddaddy reacted to reader in COVID infections rise 48% in past week   
    Good reminder to rest of us to get boosters.
  20. Thanks
    Olddaddy reacted to macaroni21 in Manila - venues?   
    I haven't been back to Manila in years, and I don't have first-hand information to answer your question, but Club Bath has a website (https://www.clubbath.com.ph/) and if you go to their FAQ page, it's very prominently stated their requirement for a vaccination certificate. It could be out of date (website not updated) but there's no knowing that unless someone has personally visited.
    That said, I have never held high opinions of Filipino facilities (main reason why I haven't been back recently). Perhaps I have been spoilt by what's available in Thailand, but the FIlipino places are usually basic and in need of upkeep. Club Bath, for example, does not even have a bath - neither pool nor jacuzzi.
  21. Like
    Olddaddy reacted to vinapu in Vinapu's Boot Camp - short trip of may 2024   
    Day 4 continued
     It was darkening when we decided to go to soi 4  for dinner in G'Bangkok where I was greeted cordially by the owner and across that street by veteran  barker at Banana , short guy  with hat hiding his balding hairline.
    Then to Foodland where we met reader who landed yesterday and spent good 2 hours trading news.
    Expecting guest tonight I bought some beers and took them to hotel.
     For tonight we scheduled Moonlight and going there we took walk by still then closed Tawan. There were at least 6-7  their boys on the corner , no doubt hoping for some hiring.
    In Moonlight we were greeted enthusiastically, they same way bank employees are greeting newest ATM to be installed. Wais and handshakes from few mamasans, smiles from several boys on the scene and in audience. I noticed few very attractive new faces or rather bodies,  # 10 and #19 particularly  standing out ,  so of course treated them with red notes placed strategically by way of patented ‘vinapu tuck‘.
     It was very pleasant atmosphere is sharp contrast with smile less Jupiter last night. One of mamasans whose hobby is leeching to me every time I visit knew that I like Y there and told me that unfortunately he is not working today before I even managed to ask. But for tonight it was not Y in the cards.
     My forum friend who was there in Songkran time wholeheartedly recommended certain N, new acquisition and world champion kisser. I got the number and picture in my phone and soon after we sat down  he showed on the stage. And smiled at me like he knew already. I wasted no time to motion him to sit beside , offered drink and it did not take long before I got a kiss planted on me as to make sure I picked up the right specimen.
     I’m eternally grateful to my friend for that recommendation as based on looks only I could overlook such gem since he is handsome twink, not handsome hunk of my preferred type. Of course few minutes after N sat beside who showed in audience ? Of course Y with broad smile seeing me. I motioned him to collect his red note and whispered to check his Line as I’m planning to see him in near future but not today. We watched  the show and around midnight we  went to  UNESCO where reader was dining with his friend so we joined their table  for our meal.
     N was  smiling at me constantly so no denying I was looking for concluding  that meal fast. And off we went. In the room , when I suggested we can join those beds for more space    he protested  right away and said the one is big enough for us . Let me tell you , he was right. What a sweet and yet very energetic man !!!
     It took us till 10.30 am to move from horizontal to vertical and of course we missed hotel breakfast so after sprucing up,  we went for breakfast again to Foodland concluding  that way day 4 and half mark of my trip at the same stroke.
  22. Like
    Olddaddy got a reaction from vinapu in Vinapu's Boot Camp - short trip of may 2024   
    Must be noisy 😧 
    I'm also right in the City but you get used to the sirens,loud drunks ,screaming ,noise beeping , 
    I went to the country last week and I couldn't sleep đŸ˜Ș
  23. Like
    Olddaddy got a reaction from vinapu in A few days in Bangkok   
    I have a partner and when he does have time to travel with me , refuses to stay in any hotel that doesn't provide breakfast!!😂
    Makes it awkward because I love my cheese n ham toasties from 711.
    "So your idea " , he says "is to sit on the 711 steps and eat cheese n ham toasties ?
    Yes !😁
  24. Haha
    Olddaddy got a reaction from jamiebee in A few days in Bangkok   
    I have a partner and when he does have time to travel with me , refuses to stay in any hotel that doesn't provide breakfast!!😂
    Makes it awkward because I love my cheese n ham toasties from 711.
    "So your idea " , he says "is to sit on the 711 steps and eat cheese n ham toasties ?
    Yes !😁
  25. Like
    Olddaddy got a reaction from Guymac in Manila - venues?   
    I was recently in Manila last month I had no one ask anything about Covid 
    I will be going back in a few months so hopefully can do a report
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