Two WhatsApp messages in two days by two different boys that I saw in my October trip
One guy I had seen several times in my first 2 weeks of my 4 week trip then he ghosted me and was too busy ,he even cancelled a few appointments to turn up , Excuses were "it's raining " etc or" I'm too tired after working restaurant all day" '
He wasn't a bar boy ,he is 38yo ex bar boy works in restaurant
I took him to dance clubs , etc and even paid him for his time , then I thought I did something wrong ,he just started ignoring my messages
So I didn't see him the entire last 2 weeks of my trip ,he just didn't answer my messages or response was a few days later with short replies "I'm busy" etc
I even sent him a message saying I'm going back home in a few days if he wants to meet up ,his response was ,"I'm busy working long hours in restaurant but see you next year on your trip " π²
Last night I get a ringing sound on my WhatsApp, Im thinking it's some scammer but I accept the call and go to video to see it's him !!!
Hello he said ,you remember me?
How are you ? I have no money π²π²can you send me some I have no food
"Really ? I said
What happened to the long hours in the restaurant? I asked β
Oh I have fight with boss he says
You didn't want to see me the last 2 weeks of my trip , you ghosted me , now you want to call me back in Australia asking for money !π³
Unbelievable βπ―π³the audacity to ask for money after not wanting to know me the last 2 weeks of my trip !