I also worked in Istanbul for some time when Covid first started to die down here and the rules were relaxed, I visited Aquarius a few times. I found that they all said they were absolute 100% tops, and even though I am a top some were so hot I couldn't resist I would still agree to take them to the cabin, I would say at least half would bottom for me. I also fell for a silly scam on Grindr, some very handsome man said he would come to my Airbnb, he did, took his clothes off and put a knife down on the table, said that he didn't feel like sex so If I could give him the money and he would come back tommorow for the sex, of Course he didn't but how could I argue with a knife there. It was only 300lira anyway, about 35euro. He actually wasn't very smart as I was there for 2 months and it could of been a nice money earner for him.