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Everything posted by KeepItReal

  1. So, not considering that the Democrats have been trying to ban assault rifles for years and have warned against Trump's brash rhetoric that encourages violence? Maybe they should just remind voters of that, no?
  2. I am having trouble following your logic. Why does the availability of a briefcase matter? He wasnt assaulted in an office shooting or on the subway heading home from the office?
  3. Really? That makes no sense. The shooter was a white, registered Republican with an AR-15 type rifle. How does that even correlate with Biden?
  4. Maybe. We all remember how sympathetic and compassionate Trump was when Nancy Pelosi was the target of a killer. Oh, who am I kidding - he had no sympathy or compassion even though Nancy's husband ended up in the hospital. No special exceptions for Trump - he deserves the same treatment as he dished out. My 2c.
  5. Nope. They are at the bottom of the list! https://www.worlddata.info/average-penissize.php According to this, @12is12 is correct.
  6. This incident reminds us of something that every gay man knows...every inch counts! (Too soon??)
  7. Report in New York from a trusted source is that former Pres Trump was not hit by a bullet. He was cut by flying glass when the teleprompter was hit by a fast moving object. By tomorrow he will be on social media claiming that he took 5 bullets, of course.
  8. I believe the traditional response is "Thoughts and prayers from all of us at the NRA".
  9. It would be interesting to overlay this with the number if emmigrants from Russia. In the USA I recently read that more than 50,000 Russians (mainly younger men trying to get out of Russia's war) applied for asylum in 2023. Europe (mainly France and Germany) reported similar asylum requests.
  10. Allegedly a Las Vegas bookie is taking bets that JT may come out soon. 😆
  11. I've had a companion or two fall asleep in my arms before, but never have myself. Are expensive naps a fetish, I wonder?? 🤭
  12. Apparently a pardon is still being considered. Rumoured special appearance at NYC Pride. 😆
  13. Nice to meet ya, darlin'!
  14. Donald "Hoover" Trump? Say it isn't so!! 😆
  15. I have always wondered what the motivation is for the 6 month rule. I first started hearing about it in the late 2000s. If I am staying for two weeks, what is the big deal if my passport is only valid for 3 months? 🤔
  16. When did American business men (and notably it is only old white men) turn into such whimps? I exaggerate of course - they may be business men, but clearly they have trouble pulling their heads out of their politics. Or perhaps there are more divorced business men, fooling around with porn stars, with political aspirations than I thought? 😁
  17. I don't understand how sexual abuse is considered a good thing. Maybe I lack context.
  18. Yet again, the Republican Party has a chance to rid themselves of the Trump menace...(as they did on Jan 6). They can choose to return to traditional conservative values...but they won't. I just cannot comprehend it - I guess I am just not capable of warping my brain that much.
  19. I say we move directly to sentencing with two options: 1) a year in jail for each conviction - so 34 years (sounds fair, right) in a medium security facility with chance of parole after 10 years of good behavior. 2) No jail. $10mil fine for each conviction so $340mil (sounds fair, right) and corporal punishment of 34 smacks on the butt with a rolled up Forbes magazine in Times Square and broadcasted live on all major news channels (including Fox and Newsmax) delivered by Stormy Daniels. 😆
  20. I heard July 11 mentioned on ABC news.
  21. Former Pres Trump was found guilty of all charges by a jury in NYC. And the fake outrage from MAGA and GOP will start in 3...2...1... (But not Melania!) It is a good thing he knows "all the best people". Hope it includes a good tailor that specializes in orange!
  22. Proving again that there are "very fine people" on both sides. 🙄
  23. Beg to differ...a little. Hear me out. I don't think it is a Philippino thing; I think it is a Christian thing. I mean they hear all those stories: fishing trips with his special friends, swimming naked in the river with men, hiking trips up the mountain to explore their spiritual selves, 40 days and 40 nights in the desert is basically just rehab after too many white parties... I mean, I could go in, but the fact is that Christians make the best gays! 😆
  24. Well, if he is cute enough he can monitor me in the toilet all he wants. In fact, I insist on it! 😉
  25. Indeed. Africans, on the other hand, have a surprising number of birthdays! 😆
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