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Everything posted by Riobard

  1. The Nordic abolitionist model focuses on pimping and exploitation of women and minors, but things to watch out for: 2. Advertising sites that operate for-profit may be called to task, unless decentralized from Spain. So Rentmen and Hunqz may be out of reach of this legislation but Telechapero and Morbototal more vulnerable. 187bis. Establishments such as Thermas may need to distance themselves from the sex trade operational agenda, at the very least refrain from remarking to customers entering the premises that it is an escort venue. 187ter. Clients are potentially indictable. As escorts sell sex with impunity there may be more scam/sting attempts by male trade to extort money from clients. All that said, these types of laws tend to be window dressing particularly with respect to MSM commercial sex trade.
  2. Oopsie. Must have been my blue balls in a blue space wishing they were in a blue space. FullSizeRender.MOV
  3. Like the pole dance studio across the street, you were really left hanging … Pedro Taques formerly ran north-south as recently as some time point in 2022; rides got to #130 from Consolação and couldn’t miss, though I always tracked and waved them down. Now they overshoot the new direction turn running north and traffic too dense to back up. The key is to track the vehicle location and flag it on Bela Cintra as it travels east. Or simply use the Mercado Remax address: Bela Cintra #413.
  4. I just booked an Airbnb for this Fall, not Ashton Chula but the same area. Then realized the hosts likely have not satisfied the ambiguous loopholes around short-term rental illegality in Thailand, and I was surprised about the paucity of listings many months out. In my personal home building the reception flags guests that arrive through platforms such as Airbnb and the owner is dinged a large fine. The condo corp can also bar arriving guests. I was also wondering if immigration asks about lodgings when one lands. I am sure these rentals usually stay under the radar but I am thinking of taking the option to cancel for the unit I booked. I do require a kitchen and separate sleeping quarters, so appreciate the clue about the filter option for Booking wherein the units typically fall under hotel licensing. They are just more expensive for refundable options and you likely get the all-day racket with regular slamming of doors from daily cleaning staff as for a standard hotel room.
  5. It’s saintmoritzbogota for the main site … likely an error in the banner ad or not yet up & running. But even the main site banner ads for Bogotá depict saintmoritzsauna, so an error there as well or perhaps they are in the midst of organizing two web pages or one web page that is neutral in terms of the two locations.
  6. Depending on which of these venues are operating currently, the area seems already saturated …
  7. Apparently will be located right around the corner from Hotel Bliss Suite, as many know is east of Parque Bolivar and the cathedral.
  8. You are describing my pattern exactly, though I haven’t assessed semen volume differential because I don’t customarily masturbate more than once a day or more. I just find that I coast on a pleasurable orgasm for a day or more before sexual desire ramps up again to pursue the full sexual response cycle, though I may spend time structuring erotica, with clear physiological arousal accompanying this, to utilize at the subsequent self-pleasuring to completion. I don’t pursue an orgasm interactively more than once a day when travelling to curated trade settings. Once in a blue moon at a strip club I’ll have two successive orgasms within minutes during a really hot private dance. That reality presents an anomaly in terms of my typical ejaculatory frequency pattern and seems to additionally defy the construction of a clear theoretical framework for refractory period considerations. I think that the body of related research suggests a vast complexity of factors behind variation in male orgasm refractory period. Also, the capacity to shorten refractory period is often conflated with superior sexual function; I disagree entirely, and that assumption may impede the overall research agenda because it is oriented to correcting a deficiency.
  9. … successfully sequentially sucking some soccer superjocks supplies significant succour.
  10. Kimmel: “ … you’ve got two beautiful balls …” What’s up with the homoerotic insinuations? 😏
  11. It’s a very niche provid’ho’ group but may be more vajinha-oriented …
  12. It’s not. I already explained the options and I’m not doing it again.
  13. Riobard

    RIP Kadu

    The investigators think that the alleged suspect left the hotel crime scene actually wearing apparel that Kadu had worn leaving his shift. The previous article mentions the suspect having taken the items upon leaving. However, parenthetically, the still image of the person of interest suggests that he may have worn the shirt backwards or inside out. Certainly incriminating. Previous press suggests they are captured on security camera entering the hotel together but none of the images have been released. It seems to me that it would be prudent to release an image of the suspect in his own clothing. https://g1.globo.com/google/amp/rj/rio-de-janeiro/noticia/2023/02/17/video-suspeito-de-homicidio-em-golpe-do-boa-noite-cinderela-foi-visto-com-as-mesmas-roupas-da-vitima.ghtml
  14. Why sure … what do escorts value more than penny-pinching clients going out of their way to save a buck or two?
  15. I understand the rodent sector is not aloud, is as quiet as a mouse … FullSizeRender.MOV
  16. The Monkeypox question had been tacked on to the health declaration at a point when case incidence appeared to be increasing in Colombia, and Latin American nations were not readily accessing MVA-BN vaccine. Their use of the term smallpox was a misnomer, and was overly simplistic because both known contact exposures and symptoms would have been relevant at the time. It was still included this January.
  17. I’ll attach my DM response to an inquirer of late:
  18. During such vid calls, just always aim and toss your load into a lab cup marked ‘fertility clinic’ and zoom into the specimen afterwards to anchor the task. Doing your altruistic deed for procreation. Porn ‘zines are defunct anyway as it’s all digital nowadays.
  19. FullSizeRender.MOV FullSizeRender.mov
  20. Took a very hot Saturday morning to Über to Olinda from Boa Viagem. Began with the puppet museum that recently moved to the lower town. Modern art museum in alto permanently closed. Ended with lunch. In total about 4 hours. The winding climb through the notable sights to the upper viewpoints benefitted from an umbrella to shade the scorching sun. Time of day offered no street shade from building structures. I had worried that there would be no opp for a cool lunch setting because a few bar/eateries were overrun with a local event. Then stumbled upon a great and climate controlled restaurant close to completing the descent back to base. First one in before it quickly filled up. Had delicious smoked pork ribs and a chicken salad. See attached. FullSizeRender.MOV
  21. Regarding amyl nitrite, it is not listed there as a controlled substance, narcotic, psychotropic, what have you, but as in most nations poppers are viewed as an unnecessary, harmful commodity seeing as the chemical makeup is highly flammable (on a flight no less!), can burn skin if spilled, and is used as a psychoactive vasodilator recreationally rather than medicinal purposes, unless accompanied by a physician letter legitimizing it, perhaps for angina or some other purpose. Personally, I would not risk it and would stick to premium cocktails and premium cock not within any ‘black market’ category. I would not want to be explaining its origin and use if pulled aside. I found them easily in a sex shop in Bogotá, never another nation including my own, but had researched the brands offered by the proprietor prior to returning for purchase, then dumped them at point of departure from Colombia.
  22. No. I generally think of everything and I had actually equivalized the amount for him, in writing, to the local currency, so it was a clear x-times multiple of the club dance rate. I had also offered the payment in local currency and had also asked him to quote what he expected, in either denomination. These first parts of the texting were not copied and pasted in my post. Never did he actually propose an amount, counter, etc. Believe me, my big head was reluctant to override the little head. It may be reductionist on my part but I think he may have either been overly anxious about getting paid, or he was about to take a piss, inn’t … our text passes seemingly unilateral regarding the transactional factor. I had previously historically made dates with other providers in the same location, smooth and without incident other than the typical upsell attempts. I follow the venue’s social media and my sense is that he may be relatively new at this. This is sometimes exemplified by a dancer’s choreographic moves in private, that is, literal dance moves when you need to coach them to slow down and be more sensual. I suppose that I want to give him the benefit of the doubt, but one is always faced with second-guessing possible manipulative motives. He would similarly not know I cannot easily be taken for a ride.
  23. Imma be a bit cryptic as far as screenshots about a recent experience, but interested in takes. Spanish language context & prostitution legal in terms of a one-to-one arranged date outside of exploitation or organizational illegality as per usual for countries with flex around commercial sex trade. Met at a setting with gogos & private dances. Took a private dance with one of the staff and all went well. I provided my contact and we connected quickly via WhatsApp. I am fairly experienced in these matters. On a follow-up day we arranged a love motel date via WhatsApp. It seemed to be a brief correspondence and I offered an amount that would be typically generous and commensurate with the transition from club private canoodling to a one-hour get-together in the motel (close to the club, as it happens). I redacted the amount in the attachment. I had written in simple terms (those parts not attached below) that my expectations were that our interaction would be consistent with the intimacy playbook at the club. He is, in my view, a real hunk and seemed nice at the club. I had approached him; in contrast, the other dancers had been aggressively seeking performative labour with customers including me. I gave him a gratuity beyond the standard private dance fee that he evidently found to be generous. (No, I did not want change from the cash bill format I provided.) I thought the deal was sealed for our later date. I append the end portions of the correspondence. I became suspicious when he point-blank asked if I had offered him the referenced amount. Of course I had … what else? It seemed to be a question that sought to confirm I had proposed paying him a particular amount for sexual services. It got me to wondering if he was setting me up to be bamboozled over soliciting, or to convince me that I would need to work out an arrangement of financial terms to extricate myself from having compromised myself, notwithstanding local law. The x amount American had been clearly related to money because in previous sentences I had suggested that he be compensated in cash, but USD as opposed to local currency. In that context the American cash would be no less appealing to a provider. I decided to quickly back-pedal and thought it would be fruitless to engage further in order to ascertain what the dynamic was, what was behind his apparent superfluous confirmation-seeking, or if he thought he should have been the one to throw a fee amount into the ring. Of course this may have been a ‘lost in translation’ issue but my spidey sense took over. He may actually be guileless while I was left hot guy-less. Thoughts?
  24. A friend caught scabies, or in this context, “sGAYbies”, the likely human skin-to-skin source either São Paulo or Rio sexcapades. Scabies is globally ubiquitous, so a bit surprising it has not come up here although poses a considerable hassle. He had not otherwise shared any clothing or linens and had been sleeping alone. However, common area seating and programas in areas commonly sequentially used by various venue inhabitants. He had intense itching at the base between two fingers and initially thought it could be a mosquito bite. I offered hydrocortisone cream, an item I actually carry around when travelling, and asked to have a look. An obvious characteristic mite burrow track; signs of incipient mite burrow tracks between other fingers both hands also evident. He worried about the inconvenience of a private clinic check-up, say, the pricy Galdino Campos in Copacabana. I opined that he could self-diagnose based on the symptoms IF he felt comfortable. He worried about needing a physician prescription for dispensing. It was decided to case one of many pharmacies. Lo and behold were inexpensive standard topical treatment supplies right on the open area shelves. It was decided he would scrub down with a bar of benzyl benzoate soap, wash off, dry off, and apply a layer of permethrin lotion from his hairline down to the soles of his feet, including groin, penis short of urethral opening, and between buttocks, leaving on for at least 24 hours … keeping hands dry by wearing latex gloves for activities that would risk rubbing off the treatment, or re-applying permethrin to his hands over that period if necessary. A big fellow, he realized prior to the application tasks that he would need 2 tubes, and went to another drogaria where the pharmacist reached below right at his seating station for the same permethrin brand. This suggests that pharmacists are accustomed to selling infestation treatments. He found that it was not ‘goopy’ and it absorbed much like any moisturizer. He went to a self-serve lavanderia where he washed and dried, at high heat, garments potentially secondarily infested. He left the hot drier on for several minutes for good measure after removing his dried clothing. Needless to say, this kind of situation is much easier if you are at your regular home with much more back-up apparel and linens. So far, so good, about a week later. No evidence of new burrow tracks. No additional pruritis; it had quickly remitted. I suppose that if you are fortunate the itching phenomenon may assist with early detection.
  25. Glad you packed a lot in (teehee) within such a short time. Nice account. Just a few minor comments, though you are hardly hard up for self-efficacy. I am quite sure who your ‘Hercules’ is and the rate was likely somewhat higher than could be had. Not to cast aspersions, but this may have been partly an artefact of the middleman brokering and your initial hesitancy. Also, when at Lagoa recently I noted, though been there dozens of times, that the suites were 55 (or 60?) minutes; hence, programas almost rounded up to an hour. IDK why this contrast with Rio (ie, usually 30 minutes) did not draw my attention before; perhaps because I typically book an hour at any venue because I find 25 minutes too rushed. In any case, I suppose a price differential might be built in to this time difference and defies a head to head (teehee) comparison. That said, I have volunteered up to 300 for the hour with some GdePs, particularly when underspending budget due to disappointing selection, and I don’t obsess much over cash. A word to the wise viz João and Lipe. While gogos at Lagoa are slippery in terms of getting even a few words exchanged, both of these fellows dance regularly at Hot House where interaction between their sets is much easier to pin down, ie, with a view to chasing a date. João, unfortunately has been beset with steroidal acne, so Thomas Harris’ Buffalo Bill’s previously keen interest has waned.
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