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Everything posted by Riobard

  1. I personally know and have socialized with some locals who drop off and pick up their children at the school next door, partially English immersion, the gate inches away from that usually ajar blue door. Believe you me, I quickly ascertained the end-of-day sched, yet the spread of retrieval could extend along with the typical sidewalk socializing. If caught red-handed, there is a chapel within the same building, pinned on Google Maps. "Erm, this blue door leads to the place of worship, né? ... Não? Tá! ... Ai meu Deus!
  2. Exactamente ... plant the seed for how an alert notice might be crafted. I would only very cautiously make an on-the-nose recommendation to a brasileiro homem. I have learned that an innocent suggestion can be a bad omen.
  3. I wonder if 117 knows their My Google Business maps pin fell out and a search brings up some of the competition.
  4. And of course a fourth, New Meio Mundo which deserves at least half a mention. The most northerly. Has a website. And IG presence: newmeiomundo Some decent Centro sights can be accessed on an afternoon prior to heading in. 19 with 'program men' would be an exponential increase ... 69 to the power of the bottom, or 8.3 to the power of two or more. I just saw a rather slick but tame new vid ad for Rio G on Youtube.
  5. I suggest that you contact Rodolfo by email (thru site). BTW it is his b'day Sat. I don't plan on Såo Paulo for a while, but I would try to extract some info without being seen as badgering. Like: Dear R, I heard there may be a bigger and better location coming up. I come from a large distance at huge expense. If there is a temporary closure, how might I avoid that period? It is exciting that the club approaches 25 years of heaven. For visitors not so much in on the more local word-of-mouth, would there be an Instagram notice or some other type of alert? [and: these are my planned travel dates, R; you are likely the best judge of their feasibility]
  6. Not a resident, just very familiar with the Catete/Gloria enclave, where I try to stay out of the way of collisions between Noah's Ark and Snapchat. ;-D
  7. Actually, across a span of 42 years of gay culture immersion, I do not recall the use of "boy" employed at all for young adult sex partner. We might casually say "nice boy" to generically describe any pleasant male. The avoidance seemed not to do with distancing from a paedo stereotype, and there were virtually no linguistic remnants of oppression in my particular settings. As a boy, I was typically addressed by my name or the alternately affectionate or stern sobriquet "young man". Our male dog would be called "boy" a lot. My initial broader exposure to the more widespread use of the single-word term occurred here, employed to refer to: the employed. Perhaps south of the 49th parallel it denotes servitude, or to emphasize some class distinction, maybe not even that consciously. My gay community peers not in our tribe would think it odd to describe a casual trick of any legal age, or a seller, as "boy".
  8. Read this and save a few days of perusing, though perusing may be helpful: There are 3 brothels that are bathouse/bar hybrids and contain steamroom and dry sauna facilities. The sauna can be non-dry if you port your alcoholic bar beverage. These are brothels due to the gender of occupants, not to be confused with broettethels where the trade are female. Otherwise, there are several additional bathhouses. Generally, sauna, or termas (ruffly translated as spa or heated waters) is contained in the name of a traditional bathhouse, whereas sometimes the name of a brothel has the word 'club' in the venue name. For safety, it is best to stay in the sauna or steamroom for 20 minutes max at a time. The bathhouse or brothel time limit is much longer. Each establishment is unSAFE, where SAFE means "same answer for everyone". Spartacus Gay Guide at some point did not Finnish thinking through the traditional definition and meaning of sauna.
  9. You evidently rode up right through the Flamengo shore. If you missed them, next time consider two things at your fingertips. My usual neihbourhood, so glad you discovered it as an alternative beach ride. Our Lady of Glory on the Hill church (c 1733?) for the view; access to inside is rare and usually I find the most likely on Sunday mornings or in conjunction with the other times of the Mass schedule when congregants attend. Catete Palace and its Museu de Republica. The gardens start at the cluster of soccer fields and the palace is at R. do Catete (extends north to Gloria) and R. Silveira Martins. ----- The tram light rail transit (VLT) you graced is a great method of exploration and many of the stops in its southeasterly sections are essential sightseeing attractions. You can also use paper currency in the fare machines to load the card once you have the card, but you would want small denominations to prevent overloading your card value and the machines have zero capacity to return bills or coins. ----- Oh, and those animal faces dress you up to the tens, not that you need it.
  10. COP dipped abruptly again past week, so your greenback has almost 20% greater purchase power compared to a year ago. BRL xchng is about the same as last XMAS.
  11. Adult only Ballroom, no reckless BB. PrEP, no preppies.
  12. Present progressive without random abrupt shift to past perfect. I like it. It is presently perfect. [Teasing]
  13. A break for Cal commercial sex workers. Condom possession alone had been incriminatory. Imagine the convoluted thinking that took so long to shift ... the necessitated default of barebacking would decrease prostitution.
  14. We, here, should and can do, regarding the language terms at issue. Evangelista, Wintour, Abundance, and Ferocity are sufficiently unified houses. What we should not do, as a rule, is equate AYOR reminders and healthy inquiry and debate with toxic. Even if it appears conflictual. A rightful platitude of courtesy goes no distance in disabusing the outside societal gaze's misconstrued interpretations. The thread overall has influenced my thinking and content going forward. The spiciness not unlike smallpox variolation, particularly if it turns out beneficial for even a mere handful, but that concept is perhaps best inserted into a Deadwood episode script. It was, therefore, serendipitous that the new member happened to use terms frequently employed here, and for which there may be an increased trend for commentary. He asked neither for critique nor caped crusaders. Per diem volume is a worthwhile topic though I have yet to find it personally relatable. Suum cuique. Do and write what you like. Free cou ... well, Some free countries. Others less so.
  15. But in the Prague 'cute boys' thread we just now have an orgy poster "Boys Party Hard" depicting old and very young males figuratively in flagrante delicto according to the image ... not literally as the age is likely vetted. However, it is "exclusively bareback" so condom possession is not a liability. :-J Why flaunt, however innocent the intent? Grand jury not dismissed.
  16. And up until 5 days ago in California you could be cuffed and tossed into the paddywagon for being in the wrong place at the wrong time while having a condom in your possession ... by that I do not mean a coke-filled rubber up your hole.
  17. Note that i wrote "variables or arbitrary binaries on a gradient". Meaning that some of the relevant constructs are 2-side categorical and yet there may be a continuum of meaning for some variables. For example, a high-end callgirl's ad broker and an inbound port storage container broker might be clumped together. A binary such as indictment vs summary prosecution may also be applied to a 2-plus continuum. BTW, I do believe there is currently low consensus on gender as a binary. Please try not to get too caught up in the nomenclature. Arbitrary is relevant because there is lacking complete and consistently accepted reason behind certain aspects of the law, in tandem with the peremptory application of authority that is driven by public opinion with inadequate capacity to interpret the available body of related research, and in many cases it is a challenge to define a constant of specified value. Get all that, Rob?
  18. Here's a weird word observation. "Loquacious" has a variety of both neutral and pejorative meanings. Its anyonym ... reticent, reserved or uncommunicative, etc ... also holds a range of neutral and derogatory meanings. Thus, being one and not the other, either way, places the labelled in a paradoxical bind of being cast in a negative light. SS, you may be even more deviously and intelligently manipulative, for innocent shits and giggles of course, than I have given you credit for. LOL.
  19. Agree. That is why I specifically referred to the topic label on its own, to ilustrate the sometimes ridiculousness of attempts at plausible deniability. The advanced-level intellectual arguments are compelling and valiant, but not hitting the mark as they should. Tossing in a few qualitatively different narratives is not meant to detract simply because they may compete for attention spans and the tasks of knitting together various ideas. The court of public opinion is one of the main legislative drivers. It is much more likely to conflate "boytoy" with "child" in the male-sex-with-male context because gay sex is conflated with paedophilia. We can thank NAMBLA for reinforcing that construct. "Callgirl", for example in contrast, is likely to evoke images of Klute or Stormy Daniels over those of Iris in Taxi Driver or the gender equivalent of the typical "twink" many homosexual men go gaga over because secondary sex characteristics other than fully developmetally dropped gonads are anathema according to the arousal templates of some (not all). Public opinion and values will influence "cherrypicking" exploration beneath the tip of the iceberg of any heading.
  20. Here is a true example of pretending to not understand: Gee, Officer Krupke, The OP's question as it stands alone, based on the topic heading, pertains to how many same-gender children were carried and birthed by any one reader participating in the forum. One would expect that what would ensue would be a vigorous discussion on multiple births and the polyzygotic anomaly and rarity of the Dionne quintuplets. Somehow it got derailed into a review of the legitimacy of using a term loosely that might be taken out of context. Officer, did you not realize that the burden of discerning the literal from the figurative falls on you. As for your radio transmission about a guy seriously clocking another here on the scene, I surely hope that you will take the time to rule out that this is not an everyday track-and-field event.
  21. We are not quibbling, for example, about whether "I tapped that" means intercourse or getting someone's attention. We are discussing some central easily interpretable differentials based on age, trafficked or not, gender, degree of informed consent, and purchased or not via money or other utilities/considerations.
  22. Love Paborn's example of fallacy in evaluation, the results bias, aka outcome bias. Mentally, many people approach good and bad outcome probabilities quite differently in terms of risk aversion and risk taking. Let's say the chance of scoring nicely (A) on El Conde any one set time, a "safe" evening hour, is 1% (.01) ... and equal to the chance of a bad encounter (B) wandering the comparatively deserted malecon beach at the witching hour. Not to confuse the two agendas. It is just a hypothetical. And contradicts the track record of more than a few here. Then apply a frequency variable to the 99:1 binary, let's say arbitrarily 50 ventures of each scenario over 8 weeks. Consecutive (A) failures (.99 per event) spur further attempts with increasing confidence that ill fortune has a shelf life and the .01 will not prevail but will bend towards gainful success with time and patience. Consecutive (B) escapes, in contrast, spur increasing confidence that the .01 will prevail and that one will emerge from one's whoring unscathed in spite of stacking the deck in the direction of a run-in. Age, race, colour blind. In actuality, the likelihood of a good (A) outcome or a bad (B) outcome is the same, 39% over 50 events. The "when" of 50 days will vary. This example is just the law of one. A reset for the (A) scenario, adding 50 more, is likely going to be experienced much as before, again with no major outcome surprise, but the same calculation [probability of at least one] applied to the cumulative total is 63% ... it is a curvilinear rather than straight line function. Similarly, the odds of the beach stroll running afoul when doubling frequency inflate to almost 2/3, but with perhaps an element of surprise at the illusion of invulnerability being disrupted. Hey, I realize that 1% in setting (A) is intolerable, and that the inclination would be a nightcap on the wrong side of town, but here is where it gets really fun. Impose the agenda of (A) to the (B) setting. Sexual desire further compounds the rationalization contradictions so that scoring is more expected than an assault, or worse.
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