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Everything posted by RockHardNYC
I always enjoyed Rick Munroe, and supported his writing talent. I found him to be a good sport, no matter what test was thrown at him. Please, I don't care if anyone believes me. I have learned through countless time-outs, there's no getting around the fact that escort review boards are TROLL covens. It is no secret that some escorts love to play the multiple username game. No matter if the "truth" is staring everyone in the face, there will always be an asshole "deej" to call you a liar. The hate (and often self-hate) that exists in the gay community is what I find sad.
Amen. The last time I visited a great HE massage therapist, who clearly was enjoying the work (and my cock), I said to him, "What a great job you have. You get to work from a comfy home. You get to be your own boss and work the hours you select. You get to pick your own table, sheets, towels, lotions, and music. You get to pick and choose the customers you prefer (he asked for a photo). You get to work naked on other naked men. You get to choose which guys you desire for extended play. I can't think of a job that is more fun than yours." His response? "I can't think of one either." And he said it with a big smile before going down on my engorged cock.
You're so quick to label someone as "sad." Whether you're referencing me or my opinion. You don't know me. Assuming that someone is "sad" in this context is a personal putdown. It's a petty and childish way of suggesting that you are the happier person. What does this say about you? IMO, you may be projecting. But I only play a psychiatrist on TV. Because the meaning of friendship may mean more to me than the average Joe. I know what it feels like to be present for a "friend" and then have that friend betray the friendship. I don't wish those ill feelings on anyone. For me, if you're going to call yourself a friend, you had better be prepared to do the work. I refuse to make time for feckless, spineless people. I don't need an increase in fair-weather friends. They are in abundance on the internet.
By whose determination? I could be wrong, but I imagine any male capable of escorting is capable of doing other work. If he doesn't want to escort, if he does not enjoy escorting, then it's up to him to move forward towards changing his job description. It's not up to me to make that decision for him or punish him because he is not loving the work. The vast majority of workers in our society dislike, even hate, their jobs. Why should escorting be any different? Does every overworked, underpaid nurse enjoy wiping a sick patient's ass? There's a Latino maintenance man in my building who is miserable. He hates his job even though he's fairly good at it, but he needs the union benefits for his baby momma. I prefer to ask him to do certain things in the house because he's handsome and has a gorgeous smile. I enjoy his personality. Do I tip him for everything he does for me? Absolutely. Are my tips more generous than others? Probably. Why am I generous? I know he hates his job and money can motivate people to do things they don't enjoy. Money makes the bad things in life a little more tolerable.
"Desperate for money" is a click-bate term. There are so many levels and layers to its meaning, it's insulting to attempt a worthwhile discussion from a black and white perspective. If we're talking addiction, then I'll pass on any negotiation. If you've fallen on hard times and sincerely need help, and I'm familiar with your heart and soul, I'm all ears. Does it bother me to help someone in need? Does it bother me to give someone a job, an opportunity to make money? Absolutely not. If no one is forcing you to sell sex, then consenting adults should be free to transact. IMO, selling sex is no different than selling many other services. I can't wait for the day when it becomes legal. American conservatism is for people riddled with fear.
Maybe it's time to consider writing your memoir. If you can't face doing the work alone, there are many smart wannabe gay editors out there who might be willing to help. I think everyone who feels he/she has a story to tell should tell it. There's a hungry audience out there starving for inspiration.
I totally disagree with this sentiment. There is no magic number that passes any test. In this age of social media, the word "friend" has been diluted to nothing more than a like icon. One good friend is a special gift indeed. If you have just one, consider yourself very lucky. Love seems very transactional these days, especially when taking about it on an escort board. To be a good friend, LOVE is required. In order to discover love, a degree of selflessness needs to exist. Popularity contests are for fragile egos. People who live for Facebook likes are going to discover a painful reality one day. I'll take one good friend who will stand by my side through thick and thin, sickness and good health, fat wallet to no wallet, and you can keep all the wanabee fakes and pretenders. You don't know who your true friends are until to you really need one.
What a coincidence. My first trip to Italy was San Remo. I'll never forget buying my first pair of Ferragamo shoes there. A fashionista friend insisted I would look great in navy slacks with brown Ferragamos and no socks. I never could buy into the advice until decades later, long after I had given those shoes away. I never wore those shoes from San Remo but kept them for many years out of romantic nostalgia. I went to San Remo with a handsome, sexy dancer friend I had fallen in love with. Truthfully speaking, Ferragamo is too conservative for me. I never purchased another item from them. I wasn't born in 1972. Of course I'm kidding, but in 1972, I was still in grade school. Lake Como has changed a lot through the years, but I imagine it's always been very special. I never refuse an invite there, and I almost bought a lakeside villa in Varenna. That was a very difficult decision. I'm sure George is not happy with me. I'm sure if you ever met me and spent five minutes with me you would LOVE me. No matter what I say on a gay escort board. I'm more Lion than wolf. I do love my alone time, and I'm happy to travel alone. When you travel alone, you get to meet so many interesting people and sometimes share wild encounters. As for "no allies," that's not true, but I don't care. Maybe I've said it a million times between here and there, I don't participate on escort boards looking for friends. I have more than I have time to be with.
Well, I'm glad you aren't showing signs of dementia. At your Merman-n-Martin loving age, one always has to take caution. Frankly, I'm surprised anyone could forget me from Daddy's board. I took on doug69, mbarz, woodlawn, zipperzone, deej, and others. And as far as I'm concerned, I won. I exposed them all to be GIANT ASSHOLES. 1. I don't take vacations. I travel. In fact, I own property in Italy now, so you wouldn't be wrong in calling me a resident. 2. Anyone who thinks I'm "bragging" when I write about my adventures most likely leads a very dull and boring life. They probably dislike anyone who has a larger savings account balance, too. Please don't hate me because I have access to house seats. Investing in the arts has its perks. 3. I almost never travel to Italy "during Summer Europe hot weather." However, most ignorant tourists have no knowledge of the fact that gorgeous Lake Como has its own micro-climate due to its mountainous terreno. While August may be miserably hot in Milan, it's absolutely magnificent on Lake Como. Furthermore, most Italians I know have no interest in going "north" during their summer break. Sardinia, Capri, and Positano are at the top of the list for most boat enthusiasts. WilliamM, feel free to keep taking cheap shots at me. I can play the same game, too. Perhaps someone will enjoy reading this shit.
Especially if you are sour and joyless.
Beware of the escort who has desires of being famous. A big mouth with even larger hubris can get you in all kinds of trouble. Edit: Perhaps I meant to write infamous.
Interesting. When the dialogue switches to Merman and Martin, you know the author is no Zoomer. It can be difficult to find joy when the skeleton is ancient. I'm admittedly not that great at remembering forum usernames and the personalities attached. I participate on too many boards of interest, and organically, I have difficulty remembering names. I'm much better with faces or foreskin. To stand out, you either have to be funny, intelligent, sexy, or special in some way before my brain will register your username. The trolls don't count. Those are the names I'm all too happy to throw into the fireplace and watch them burn. I have vague recollection of WilliamM from the other site before I left that board in 2012. I mostly remember strong opinions when discussions turned to Judy Garland and her daughter Liza, ie: show business. I'm not interested in going back to the other site to do a search. I always hated the cheap-ass search function that Daddy settled on. If Buddy2 is that WilliamM, I want to apologize for sounding strident in this thread at times. However, if Buddy2 has plans of using this board to behave like a troll from Daddy-past, then I might have to troll-up him once again. That said, welcome.
Betty Buckley said it best while reminiscing about the late, great Jerry Herman: "…joy is a choice. It’s not something you wait to happen to you. You choose it, and you work really hard to sustain that…" I truly feel sorry for the gay men in this world who live to be joyless.
Please, queen, give us a break with your high drama bullshit. Aaron Spelling is dead. Oops, my bad about that detail. But you chimed in on page one to share your donate/ban story. Not much has changed by my incorrect detail. Oh PUHLEEASE queen! You just gave your intent and your bias away. It's days away from 2020. Cling to OLD SHIT all you want. Some men seem to love the smell of shit. Bow to Doug69's legendary contempt. Nothing wrong with being friends with an aging escort. No need to waste any more time on you.
Hot and sexy doesn't necessarily mean saintly. Please, show me a gay escort (or a gay man) who doesn't love a juicy bit of gossip. Also, almost all words in life are borrowed from someone who said them many times before. It's true, the hotter you are, the easier it is to have your faults forgiven. Nobody ever said life was fair.
Sorry, I don't know anyone who does that. Are your words a riddle? If so, it's not clear to me what your intent is. You seem to enjoy manipulating and creating drama with few words, and the attention that can come with that. That's fine, but without care and caution, you put your credibility at risk. 99.9% of members here respect Oz's wishes that writing "endlessly" about the other site should be discouraged. So, again, I'm not sure what your motive is or whether it's honest. Time will tell. However, you did create this thread. Not all time-outs last 30 days over there. I know from my own tenured experience. Daddy and co. will never admit it, but they enjoy being arbitrary, pretending to be fair and equal. These "rules" are never set in stone. I can also tell you this from experience: Daddy delivers a long leash to troublemakers. I put that leash through some serious tests. And he's known for not holding grudges. He will SNAP when you push him too far. But for the most part, he seems to enjoy forgiving his fellow gays when they misbehave, especially escorts. After much drama and serious betrayal, he allowed Rick Munroe back on the site. Given what took place, I never thought I'd see that happen. But it happened. Numerous people in the escort community know this about Daddy's character. Perhaps that is the reason why many remain loyal. My last log-in was Jan 2013. By nature, I'm a selective reader. My time on forums is limited. It is rare for me to visit Daddy's site, but I do communicate with some of its members. Adam and I go way back. I enjoy reading his posts. But I don't agree with his opinion of BN. I come from the world of show business, so my perspective is what it is.
And you clearly don't know what you don't know.
There's always a second side to every story. I like to give the OPs I don't know the benefit of any doubt, but that doesn't mean the OP is always telling the whole truth. I no longer read Daddy's forum. I seldom if ever visited his Politics page. So I can't speak to anyone's "truth" on this one. Considering that Daddy is one of the worst writers in the gay community, that's actually very funny. And sad. That's a no no. Daddy has no tolerance for anyone being openly critical of his financial status. His nerves are near the surface around every Christmas. We old timers remember how much angst he went through before he allowed someone to announce the board's accepting of donations. If I remember correctly, the sentiment went something like this: "Daddy is a proud man, who would never consider asking anyone for money." I have no idea who was writing the stuff, but it all was poorly written, explained, and executed. Bad Business 101. Yet, he's trying to keep a poorly run, gay escort review site alive. He's lucky he can count on a small group of gay guys who for some reason feel the need to donate and remain supportive. I guess the whole thing has aspects to it that make some people feel better about themselves in some way. You get the leader you deserve. They can have him. He does nothing for me. That would be very funny if someone could prove it to be true. I'm smart enough to not trust the listings. I'm dubious of people who long for donating credit in public. If BN is donating, BN strikes me as a man who would want to be silent about it. If I were donating, that's the way I would want it. That goes without saying. But who else among them is sucking Trump's ugly-ass mushroom cock? And who is smelling his farts under the sheets? The things you do for power and money.
I'm confident if you wrote him and asked nicely, someone would tell you why you were timed out. Daddy is not the only admin member to issue time outs. AFIK, they're not in the habit of timing members out for no reason. Clearly, you did something. Or a mistake was made. If someone made a mistake, why not give them an opportunity to clear it up? With no communication, you don't accomplish much.
Perhaps Daddy grew tired of your confrontational and controlling style.
Confrontational? That's funny. If I get any calmer, I'll be writing in my sleep. Telling someone to "calm down," especially when the person is as calm as can be is just one more example of rude, controlling behavior. Now who is being confrontational? Perhaps you asked to be banned at the other site?
There are smarter, more respectable, convivial ways to "lower the heat" on any subject. Threatening to ban is no way to encourage me to donate or offer support of any kind. I despise controlling assholes, especially those who happen to be gay.
Did someone suggest you did? I don't think so. Perhaps you misread something? Control-freak board owners are such a bore. If a man has difficulty allowing or encouraging members, especially gay men, to speak their minds with honest fervor, then perhaps the man is misguided by trying to own an internet forum. Some sandbox owners are really bad at this game. And they won't last forever.
OUCH! That's a hurt I'm thrilled and delighted I've never had to feel. I'm not looking for special treatment when I do donate to a favorite site, but if you blatantly disrespect me after I make a donation, my wallet NEVER forgets.
Relationships can be complicated things. One has to assume that some sort of relationship exists, otherwise why on earth would Hermès risk a rash on her neck by wearing a Walmart scarf? I admire controversial friends who come to each others aid. It's not every day a Scarlett Johansson will speak up for a Woody. In this age of Trump, loyalty is just one more dying ideology.