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Life is too short as it is. Trump and his Republican Party are making it shorter for us all. By the numbers: An alarming rise in suicide
And the TROLL keeps on winning. How does a TROLL respond when there's video of Nancy Pelosi ripping the TROLL's speech at his fake State of the Union bluster? He doctors the video and posts it to Facebook and Twitter, and then Facebook and Twitter refuse to take it down when asked. This is the dangerous state of politics we are at in this country. Blatant, venomous lies intended to destroy any opposition are now part of the norm when they come from the White House. And because of profit dollars, huge Social Media corporations refuse to take any action. One might think a simple "fake" label could be easily negotiated. Money rules in America. Anyone wonder why Bernie Sanders is popular? Outside of war and people taking to the streets, I really don't see a way out of this fiasco. I'm sure Putin is loving every minute. Pelosi Clashes With Facebook and Twitter Over Video Posted by Trump
I think you are dead WRONG. If anyone was going to stand up for the rule of law and the U.S. Constitution, it had to be Nancy Pelosi. Say what? I don't wish to engage in political discussion with anyone who believes that Alexandria Cortez influenced Nancy Pelosi on impeachment. That is laughable poppycock.
The list is long. She played a major role in Dems taking over the House in 2018. She and her caucus played a major role in saving what's left of the ACA. There's more, but that's enough for me. You're seriously not comparing the power of the House leader with the president? Pelosi has always been hated by the right because she's smart and effective. She's a female version of Moscow Mitch, accept she has a soul, believes in God's goodness, and believes in playing by the rules. Whereas, Mitch believes in money and power, and saving the conservatives and their collective fears. Of course she is much better than that, and she knows it. Believe me, Nancy Pelosi wishes she could be her civil best at all times. The challenge now is Trump, and Trump is a major TROLL. Do you have any personal experience dealing with a major TROLL? It is very difficult, EXTREMELY difficult, to put an obnoxious TROLL in his place and cut him off at his knees, especially when powerful, moneyed interests are supporting him and feeding his power. The appointment of Bill Barr is a DISASTER for this country. I'm not wishing for war, but the rule of law may soon be fought in the streets. If Trump loses the election, watch out. There is much consternation about how to deal with Trump when his behavior is abhorrent, which is most of the time. Michelle Obama was lovely when she said, "When they go low, we go higher." The only problem is, you CAN'T fight a TROLL with that sensitive, dignified, uplifting approach. TROLLS are rabid animals only interested in their dominance. They are almost unbeatable unless you are willing to fight back hard. Unfortunately, that means going lower than the TROLL. It seems to me, some in the Democratic party are learning how to beat a TROLL. I'm sure many have consulted with leading psychiatrists. Trump is no ordinary psychopath. It's high time the Dems get focused on how to punch this fucker back. If they don't, they will lose. And the country might die under Trump.
Older age a disqualifier? A bit ageist even coming from you? Pelosi delivered Joe Manchin and Doug Jones to vote guilty on Trump, a very difficult feat. There was overwhelming speculation that she would fail to do that, and she succeeded. Anderson Cooper recently interviewed the House Impeachment Managers for a TV special. I thought it was a fascinating question and answer hour.
If Biden fades as everyone expects him to -- Biden is a good, solid man, everyone admits. He probably would make a successful president. However, Biden was always bad at campaigning, and in this day and age, you need to be a rock star -- Bloomberg stands a chance at knocking Sanders down and making Pete look more novice than he is. Bloomberg's resume is difficult to overlook or ignore. Bloomberg's success makes Trump and Co. look smaller than a fat man's penis. Bloomberg is the real deal. No phony. No faker. No carnival barker. No reality TV star. Every executive I know who has worked for Bloomberg L.P. has nothing but nice things to say about the man and his company. The people I know who worked for Trump all had to sign confidentiality agreements because Trump couldn't handle ex-employees speaking the truth in public. Very different men. Very different success stories. In fact, when compared to Bloomberg, Trump will look like an utter failure. Bloomberg may be one of the few people who can bring Trump to his knees. Bloomberg has the ability to intimidate Trump and make Trump sweat. Bloomberg has a tart New Yorker's tongue, and his brain seems quicker and keener than ever. The Bloomberg commercials are working, and they're well produced. Trump is a repulsive debater. Wait until you witness Trump's dry mouth and stutter when he takes the stage with Bloomberg. Bloomberg will have no problem going mano-a-mano with the fat-ass mafia boss. Bloomberg's issue will be motivation. How many people want to see Trumpism die? Will Blacks and Latinos vote for a New York Jew, who at times was accused of being racist and supported policies that were definitely racist? And what about the youth vote? How many folks 18-25 have any interest in turning from their i-Phones and looking at Bloomberg? Perhaps as they learn the work he has done on guns they will take a second look. Bloomberg has the ability to attract every single person who hates Trump, and those people are the majority. A sizable number of those people exist in the Republican party. I know plenty of Republicans who would openly express joy in voting for Bloomberg. They gave him three terms in NYC when they had the chance.
Mayor Pete appears to have strong leadership qualities. He seems to have culled and nurtured the best attributes from his military service, which helped to make the man he is today. Pete consistently sets the proper tone, no matter the gotcha question, which is extremely difficult to do in these highly polarized times. His ideas are compelling without being radical, always looking to the future. He is inclusive with a positive outlook, resisting the temptation to go negative. He gives us hope, a talent that Clinton and Obama mastered. Pete is audacious in a good way. Many voters do not care about brains, intellect, or ideas that come from their leaders. In America, voting can be a personality contest, similar to voting on American Idol. I do care about educated leaders. I care if my leader thrives on reading. No human being is perfect, but I will take the intellect and reading acumen of Pete, Obama, and both Clinton's any day over George W. Bush and anyone in the Trump family. Mayor Pete shows a very high level of political talent. Political talent doesn't make you a great leader, but it makes it easier to watch and observe you in public settings, especially when tragedy strikes. In simple terms, Mayor Pete seems like the fun guy you might want to have a beer with and talk politics. He also seems like the neighbor you want to go to for comfort and guidance after your house has been robbed. I envy the voters in Iowa and New Hampshire who actually get to do sit with Pete. Experience can be an asset for any job applicant, but America has proven it doesn't care. Obama was right when he said no one was more experienced than Hillary Clinton. Ignorant, racist, power-hungry fools put Trump in the White House. Trump played every negative card he could to win over the lost and disaffected. Trump is nothing more than a mafia boss reality star with only a talent for lying, hubris, and thinking he was God's gift to women. Experience does not matter any more. With Trump, the hideous feral cat can no longer be stuffed back into the bag. When I first landed the corporate job that catapulted my success, I got hired with zero experience. The executive who interviewed me and then hired me saw something I could not put into words at the time. Her gumption and foresight proved spot on. Within two years and growth to eighty employees, we were breaking all profit records. As a business leader who has experienced success from the ground up, I consider an applicant's on-the-job experience, but I'm more interested in someone's ability to listen and manage others. In order to be a successful mayor, no matter how large the city, you need to be good at hiring, listening, and managing. "I alone can do it," with chest-pumping, narcissistic fervor, is a failed applicant for me. I want the candidate who seeks to surround himself with smarter people than himself. I want a humble, modest, self-effacing person who understands the service job is not about HIM, it's about every customer. I want a candidate who cherishes the learned value of mistakes, and possesses the inner strength and backbone to apologize when he's gone wrong. To me, Pete seems like "the man." Even if he doesn't win the nomination, we will never forget him.
I'm certainly happy Pete Buttigieg is doing well. First or second in Iowa does not matter. Both positions are a miracle in Iowa politics. I wish he sounded less scripted at times, but he does know how to deliver a few zingers, especially when he digs at Trump's FAKE bone spurs. The important lesson in Iowa: Sanders did half as well as he did in 2016. I am concerned that Mayor Pete will not be our savior. Too many establishment Democrats don't have faith that he can beat Trump. Pete's gay and inexperienced. When the time comes, Trump's money can pounce on Pete, and the pounce is going to be extremely painful for us all. Personally, I would like to see the military man on stage with Trump in a debate. Let Trump take a cheap shot at Buttigieg, one that typically hits below the belt, and then let's watch Pete go over to Trump and knock that fat fuck down in one punch. That is reality TV I would pay to see, and watch all those Republicans on the fence switch over to Mayor Pete. Anyway, that's my fantasy. The real issue in this 2020 election is whether the Democrats can count on Black and Latino voters. The evidence looks bad, especially if the nominee is Buttigieg. It's difficult enough to get Blacks and Latinos to vote. Too many choose to live life off the grid. They don't have any time or interest in jury duty. Many are cynical and think politics is not for them. What are the chances any of them will get behind a white gay guy from a small town in Indiana? If Buttigieg can overcome the Bloomberg threat, which remains to be seen, the Black and Latino issue will come center stage. Democratic turnout is the only thing that will crush Trump. The numbers in Iowa do not bode well for success. A lot of hard work needs to be done in the coming months, and most people are already exhausted.
Those are key. You and your mother are in my thoughts.
RE: the medal, Trump did an amazing job feeding red meat to his ignorant, racist base. Only Trump could tell viewers he was protecting pre-existing conditions while he's battling for its death in the courts. His ignoramus followers believe anything this pathological liar says. And they're too fucking fat and lazy to dig deeper. The cult of personality is threatening to destroy this country. This piece in the Washington Post by George Conway (Kellyanne's husband) is a must-read: George Conway: I believe the president, and in the president My hero, once again, is Nancy Pelosi. It's difficult to believe that several in Congress were once eager to get rid of this powerhouse of a woman. I always had faith in this strong, smart, San Francisco, Catholic, grandmother of nine. Some say her ripping of Trump's speech behind his back was planned. It wouldn't surprise me, and BRAVA to Nancy for playing by the Trump playbook. I get such a gassed ass reading justice warrior tweets from the outraged Republicans. "Shame!" and "Low Class!" LOL. Those motherfuckers with their tongue up Trump's ass have no sense of irony or hypocrisy. Their licking the ass of a tacky mob boss. Congressman Sean Maloney said it best when he tweeted: "The Speaker has consistently found a dignified way to make clear she is NOT going to normalize the President's behavior. She walks a line, of respecting the office.....& to say what the President says, is fake, false & rooted in a lie." I think it's absolutely wonderful the way Nancy Pelosi gets under Trump's thin skin. With 86% of Iowa votes counted, Pete Buttigieg is maintaining his lead. Here's another interesting article: Pete Buttigieg’s senior adviser Lis Smith has turned an unknown mayor into a serious contender.
I'm not sure which is more outrageous. The doctor answering a cell phone during a patient's exam or her not taking the gloves off to answer her cell phone. I am sorry you and your mother had to endure this. Cell phone manners are sorely lacking in our culture. Too many people are lonely, insecure idiots, needing to be connected 24/7. One thing I have to say about my experience with NYC healthcare, most professionals I have encountered behave like caring professionals. I know there are exceptions, but from my limited experience, my observations have shown promise. Unfortunately, with health care the way it is in Capitalist America, God bless the patients who don't have loved ones looking after them. The need for a patient to be proactive these days is very real, and that's very difficult to do if you are sick and can't fight for yourself. I call thoughtless behavior like this a devolution of professionalism and care. I like to blame Trump for it, but I fear his narcissism is no different than the next guy's.
Faulty Iowa App Was Part of Push to Restore Democrats’ Digital Edge "Given less than two months to build an app for reporting caucus results to the Iowa Democratic Party, Shadow produced technology that proved difficult to download and use and ended up delivering incorrect tallies. Iowa’s Democrats blamed a “coding issue” in the app, and the party said it would resort to a time-consuming manual tally based on information called in by precinct chairs or pictures sent on their smartphones — the same ones on which they could not make the app work." Now that 62% of precincts are in, Pete Buttigieg is apparently in the lead. I couldn't be more thrilled. Go Pete!
Every institution, no matter how big or small, will have some bureaucracy to manage. It's part of the deal by default when two or more people are involved. No need to panic and turn anti-, or throw out the baby with the bath water. Some leaders are much better than others when dealing with bureaucracy. Actually, it's one way of defining a "good leader" and securing one's bonafides. I understand the need for political campaigns to be tech savvy these days. If you snooze on tech, you will definitely LOSE. But with all things tech, there's no such thing as perfect, and when things go wrong, shit can really hit the fan. The Iowa Caucus App fiasco is a disaster. It makes everyone involved look stupid and incompetent. Putin must be pissing his underwear laughing. Democracy is an experiment, and sadly, we're still learning and enduring tough lessons.
The UGLY is coming. The Democratic Party loves to shoot itself in the foot. Utter incompetence is no way to fight the Republicans and win over the electorate. IMO, Iowa can go fuck their righteous selves, and fuck their whiny ass caucuses. They were so complicated this year, no one could explain them properly to voters. IMO, they never made sense. They have now proven they are unworthy to go first in the future. It's time to mix up the states who vote first, and give other states the privilege of setting tone, agenda, and precedent. The Bernie Sanders camp seems like a bunch of militant assholes who seem determined to fight dirty. I'm hoping Independents and Leftists wake up soon. Sanders was never a Democrat, and many believe, if elected, he would be a disaster for business in this country. Without business, this country dies. Many people don't remember the inflation of the Carter years. No wonder Hillary Clinton is being more vocal now. I suspect the truth will eventually come out, but it appears the Sanders assholes are labeling Mayor Pete as Mayor Cheat, because Pete's campaign supposedly donated money to the App creator whose App failed in Iowa. On top of that, the creators of the App, who named the fucking thing "Shadow," are veteran techies from Hillary's 2016 campaign. Pete isn't the only candidate who donated to the App's creators. It sounds like the App was an innocent tool with good intentions. However, with the fiasco going on in Iowa at this moment, the App is being blamed, and the Sanders assholes just gave Trump Mayor's Pete's new moniker: Mayor Cheat. You simply can't write this shit. The world is full of incompetent assholes, and there are plenty who work in politics. INFURIATING.
God bless them and the donations I sent. My support is steadfast. Their talent to mobilize should be evident soon. Let's see if they are true activists who know the meaning of commitment. Media hype must always be taken with a grain of salt. Their motive is money, and their charge is providing click-bate. Savvy readers and researchers know this. Modern medicine allows humans to let their guard down. It is human nature. Penicillin allowed for more anonymous blow jobs. Truvada opened the door to condom abandonment. With no cure in site for the common cold, I have discovered the best protection may be gloves. They won't protect you from the assholes who openly sneeze in your face, but they go a long way in protecting your bare hands from the things you touch without thinking. Most people don't think about how often they touch their face with bare hands. The things I witness on a crowded New York subway are downright amazing. Stupid amazing.
When you make a living spreading lies and stoking hate, Karma can be a bitch. I wouldn't want to be Sean Hannity.
Good luck with that. That age group seems far more preoccupied with their Instagram page. I'm putting more faith in our elders, who are dealing with the financial reality of health care costs and the cost of caring for aging parents and loved ones. The elders seem to be laser focused on the candidates this year. I think Anthony Fauci and the CDC would disagree with this. That's why gun sales are so high in America. Whatever threatens life, gun owners always look to their guns. Etc. = cash. Not to mention store cart handles. I'm not an official, fanatic, germaphobe yet, but there is no question I take more precaution now than ever. In public, I rely heavily on my glove collection. For summer, I have a custom-made, paper-thin pair that most people don't notice when wearing long sleeved shirts. They are stretch cotton and dyed to match my skin. NYC is a cesspool, and sadly, there are way too many people who have no germ manners when in public. I also wash my hands regularly when there's a need to handle things from outside. When out, I keep my hands away from my face. It takes conscience discipline. I can't remember the last time I had a cold. Actually, someone sneezed on me in Paris, and I was locked in my hotel room for over a week. That was the last time I had a cold. Definitely try hard not to repeat that experience. With talk of pandemic and over 17,000+ infected in China, I'm surprised anyone would be on the fence at this point. As of yesterday, the Department of State issued a "Do Not Travel" advisory for China. Is there a business meeting that is worth more importance than this threat? "Do not travel to China due to the novel coronavirus first identified in Wuhan, China. On January 30, the World Health Organization (WHO) determined the rapidly spreading outbreak constitutes a Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC). Travelers should be prepared for the possibility of travel restrictions with little or no advance notice. Most commercial air carriers have reduced or suspended routes to and from China."
I can't speak for "majority," but from what I'm reading and hearing, loads of voters are doing due diligence now given what we know about Facebook.
Please Note: NewTumbl is playing with their "share" coding for videos, which messes with my mojo. The hyperlinks I created are now sending you to a NewTumbl ad. To view the videos in the link provided above, you'll need to copy and paste the video's url into a new browser window. That seems to be the only way to get the video to play, bypassing the NewTumbl commercial ad. The hyperlinks I created on the thread are not working anymore, and the software on this board automatically turns a url into a link. Don't click on the mp4 link. If you do, all you will get is the newTumbl commercial ad. You need to open a new window and do a copy and paste to avoid the NewTumbl ad and view the actual video. For the videos that have already been posted with a hyperlink, you will need to click on the hyperlink to access the video's url. Simply copy the url address from the NewTumbl ad that appears in the url window after you click on the hyperlink, and then paste that address into a new window. Here's another tempting look at Reno Gold:
Yes, but we must be watchful of those who like to cry wolf, whatever their agenda. Those who like to use fear as a political weapon. Human beings are gullible and ill-informed. IMO, better to educate them with facts then continually smack them in the head with doomsday scenes akin to Hollywood's imagination. Unfortunately, there are very few sources left for the citizenry to trust.
I'm surprised by this level of defeatism, and the people who cling to it are in extreme danger or a danger to humanity. I am not a pessimist. I see plenty of reasons for hope, particularly in our educated youth. I'm probably not going to be around in fifty years, but I do believe that good has the power to overcome evil. But then again, I do believe in God. (It's possible I've been watching too much Star Wars.)
Lil Nas X won two Grammies
RockHardNYC replied to TotallyOz's topic in Theater, Movies, Art and Literature
Easy. My executive brain goes dead sometimes, trying to store and manage the abundance of information it currently holds dear. Thank God for the assistants. That's why I pay well. Thank you for pointing out a mistake I make over and over again. Ironically, just the other day, I was telling a business friend how much I confuse the two names, and have been doing it for a long time. I don't have a good reason why it happens. It's a mental block. I don't follow either artist in any notable way. Another good reason to complain about the timed EDIT feature here. We members who attempt to produce and contribute thoughtful posts are forced to suffer the indignity of appearing less than perfect, if not demented, because we can't go back to correct our brain farts when they are discovered by others. Is there any truly intelligent reason why the EDIT feature must remain as it is? Why can't it be changed to become more user-friendly to this board? Would Oz object to putting the issue to a member vote? -
Lil Nas X won two Grammies
RockHardNYC replied to TotallyOz's topic in Theater, Movies, Art and Literature
Lil Nas X I'm very happy a recording artist, particularly a Black one, can come out as gay and have a successful career without any backlash. That's how I define progress for gays. My musical taste is pretty strict these days. The older I get, the less I fantasize about owning a record label. (Yes, at one time, I did the research. I've known several A&R guys who were not happy in their jobs.) My ears can't tolerate anything that remotely sounds like country music (regardless of my ability to honor and recognize serious talent). I've always hated doing business in the South. I don't find most Southern accents (or Confederate mindsets) very appealing. In fact, some make my skin crawl. Like it or not, I'm a Northern snob. Therefore, even though I find it fascinating that a young, gay, Black man would dabble in country-light, this isn't music for me. The Grammy's It's always been a challenging night to get through. I've been to the Grammy's too many times, and those are painful memories. It's a very difficult awards show to get through without serious drugs. Given the long overdue scandal this year with CEO Deborah Dugan, many of us veteran show biz folk thought the Grammy's might finally die the death it deserves. It's always been a fixed, rigged contest, and most everyone in the industry has known. But musicians love to celebrate their gifts. The sudden death of Kobe Bryant changed everything last minute for the show. They were lucky the show got through it, and I have to say, Alicia Keys deserves a lot of credit. Her opening monologue to the tune of Lewis Capaldi was BRILLIANT. Keys is a genius. Congratulations to Lizzo, too. I never thought I'd see the day when a fat, Black, mama-type would command the Grammy stage and almost demand that everyone stop fat-shaming. I don't think she succeeded in making FAT the next new thang. And considering most executives in show business disdain fat, it doesn't help that the fashion industry HATES it more. Lizzo's taste in clothing, mostly bolts of tacky fabric, is AWFUL. Like most extremely fat artists who manage to climb to the peak of their 15 minutes, let's see where Lizzo is in five years. I'm also glad Tyler the Creator uplifted the struggling wig business. However, his talent is not what I call music. Ariana Grande is no Vicki Lester, but she delivered an emotional punch equal to news of Kobe's death. Her need to re-start her hauntingly beautiful ballad made the glimmer of tear on her face more compelling. I hate to see any talent suffer at the hands of addiction. Please God, let us find a cure soon. The super surprise of the evening was due to Billie Eilish and her brother Finneas. The last time I knew of a super-talented brother and sister team making incredible music in their bedrooms was a group known as Karen and Richard Carpenter. Much like Karen, Billie Eilish offers a mature voice for a mere eighteen-year-old. And she offers a performance equal to the depth of Maria Callas. Incredible. I do love genuine musical talent. But the business of music in crazier than CRAZY. -
Easy decision for me. I cancelled a business trip to Japan after the Fukushima disaster. There is no way I would visit China now. For me, the bottom line is: without good health, I'm not worth much. Too many people depend on me. I'm not big on gambling, especially when it comes to my health.
OK: My name is Oz and I am a Justin Beiber Fan
RockHardNYC replied to TotallyOz's topic in The Beer Bar
I recently came across this September 2019 Instagram post from Justin Bieber. I had not read it before, and the honesty revealed in it surprised me. I had no idea that drugs got the best of him at one point. Welcome to show business. It's particularly hardest on the youngest.