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Everything posted by scott456

  1. I sure know some people who want to have rich friends.
  2. This is a bland cubicle, but at least it looks clean.
  3. I deserve private jets, but sadly I can only afford business class. 🤣
  4. That's about the same price as in preCovid time for economy class.
  5. Waking up tomorrow and not waking up in ICU.
  6. Airfare is about 1.5x to 2x of the price before this summer. I traveled 2 longhaul round trips this summer, business classes were all full.
  7. As a beautiful blonde drag queen, I am just not interested in Taiwan. 😁
  8. I agree. My guesstimate is 90% bottom. Tops are precious commodities among Taiwanese gays.
  9. I had luck with that. I was a beautiful blonde drag queen in fancy evening dress, high heels and jewelry. I sat down at the hotel bar, had a drink and flirt with the handsome waiter, he gave me his phone number, I tipped well when I left. The next day we hit it on (outside of hotel). Of course he is compensated. I always say it's much easier for ladies to pick up men, than men picking up men. I feel good to be an effeminate gay guy in Thailand.
  10. I don't go to massage places often because I am a very ticklish person and do not enjoy massage. Usually the reason I go to massage parlor is to fondle someone and have sex there (so I would skip massage and go straight to sex part). However, I enjoy food massage, but it has to be done with the right amount of pressure force, so this is a personal thing. To me, most of the lady masseurs are not strong enough to massage men's foot, and some male masseurs are doing with too much pressure force. It is hard to find the right masseurs.
  11. You sure hope know if you can live longer than the willed person.
  12. There are plenty of scam artists in Thailand. As soon as they know you are a lone foreigner in Thailand, speak no Thai, and have some leftover money, bad things could happen (wether you are dead or still living).
  13. 2000 baht to the boy? (In addition to the 300 baht bar fee)
  14. change the utility bill (account) to your name, or you can pay the bill yourself (you don't have to be the utility account hold to pay the bill)
  15. Only three 🖕 ? I am sure they have given you more than three.
  16. A lot of households have build-in shower bench these days with the modern bathroom design. It is for people who prefer sitting down while lathering up with shower gel or soap. This is especially convenient for ladies and seniors. Many people also install hand-rail in the shower. The shower in the picture doesn't have a barrier on the floor, so I suppose water can easily flow from the shower to the toilet and sink area, and makes the entire bathroom floor wet and slippery. This is a common design in Asian, but not good.
  17. This why you need to set up a living trust (if in the U.S.), and put all your assets in the trust. Make a list of these assets, attach it to the Trust document. When you die, the successor trustee will be able to take care of it. This has nothing to do with paper/paperless systems. Your successor trustee will have access to those assets in the trust even without online passwords.
  18. As we get older and older, there will be more sad moments and grief than happy times. The sad news sometimes come in unexpectedly, this is why I usually book refundable airplane tickets and hotel reservation, in case somebody dies or somethings happen and I have to take care of things, or say good bye to a dying person, or attend a funeral.
  19. I am sure they are actively looking for ways to prolong their lives.
  20. I get blow jobs in the public, never worried about what others think.
  21. All Americans (and people in most of the western world) have access to social welfare if they are below poverty line, that is the safety net. Social welfare pay for medical care, senior housing, nursing home stay(if it is determined you can not take care of yourself). There are case managers who can coordinate everything for you if you don't have family. All you need to do is to wait to die. I prefer living in the U.S. in my dying old age after I have spent all my money enjoying a good life. I pay tax while working, and I will be happy to get those tax back through social welfare. But my best scenario is to die right after I have run out of my fund. If I have a terminal disease and in suffering, I will certainly pursuit euthanasia. Almost all Asian countries including Thailand and Philippines have no such social safety net, and the older people there have to have money saved for their own senior lives, and be very careful of evil scammers and relatives. (or produce next generation and train them to respect and take care of older people, this is the core value of Confucius teaching that spread in most Asian countries)
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