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Everything posted by scott456

  1. I have seen stories in south/central America where the police stole things from foreigners while doing search, and stories where police frame tourists then threaten with fines. In south/central America, the police is actually part of organized crime, the corruption is immense.
  2. I wore a leather jock strap with front zipper for convenient exhibition, and black leather boots, no shirts, no pants. I always bring some party outfits when I travel, so there is no need to buy at the last minute and at the mark-up price. However, I browsed the shop next to Connection Club and bought a very hot spandex wrestler outfit. It was 50 euros, so not too bad. This outfit is too cumbersome to take off while in frequent spontaneous actions at sex parties such as Hustlaball, so I will use it at another occasion (more suitable for dance parties).
  3. You can be robbed while walking on the street. Be very careful in Central/South America including Mexico. The bad guy can spot you like a hawk. Don't be naive.
  4. Crimes come with poverty. Everybody I know in Brazil told me to be extra cautious because the situation has gotten worse. I am at a point that I would not even carry my mobile phone or more cash than absolutely needed while walking on streets, and I take Uber to anywhere farther than 10 minutes walk. Some clubs are closed or on reduced days/hours, and have smaller crowd. There are less police patrolling the streets. I don't know what happen but I just feel this place is less fun than before. I do not plan to visit Brazil again in the near future.
  5. Btw, the finale show is quite something, everybody was fucking everybody else on stage, volunteers and porn stars wanna be were invited too. It really felt like the end of world is near and people needed that last fuck before going to hell.
  6. I agree that the porn actors are not the best quality. I found the audience more attractive than the actors, so I skipped most of the shows. Guys are doing stuff everywhere, I really didn't need to watch the show. The place was jam packed. It's Berlin, you are free to express your fetish. There was a young guy from Belarus (audience) doing fist fuck for the first time in his life, you should see how cute his facial expression was, he was excited and nervous. Just fun. I went to every single party included in the VIP package. About the VIP lounge, the minute I walked in the lounge, the lady hosting the food section came greet me and went into the details of every single dish she put out, including the size of German meat balls I giggled at. I guess I really looked like a "VIP". But I was really thinking in my head: it would have been nice if this lady was a hot guy, like 4 years ago at WE party in Madrid, my VIP guide was so hot and friendly, I ended up hiring this college kid as my escort throughout the party weekend. Berlin is on top of my list now, I have made plan to spend a month in December there.
  7. Oh they can. But you will have to fuck the pharmacist in exchange for some cash. 🤣
  8. That's easy, just tell the pharmacy you are a sex worker. 😅
  9. My symptoms showed up 3 days after I arrived and started giving oral and tongue kissing. My trip is for a couple months. The symptoms ruined half of my trip. Besides my own discomfort, people avoided me because they thought I had Covid due to my severe coughs and phlegm.
  10. I am not so worried about the diseases that can be treated with medicines. But the symptoms and discomfort while you are on a trip is certainly not fun.
  11. I had paid a few Venezulano guys at the therma in Barcelona.
  12. I am glad the Australian police was able to find and arrest the bad guy.
  13. I am sure you have read my posts on scratchy throat and severe coughs with phlegm that last for more than a couple weeks. I suck cocks and do french kissing.
  14. Tourists are there for short time (perhaps a couple weeks), high spending tourists stay at 5/4 star hotels, eat at 5/4 star restaurants, and shop at nice malls. They may get some souvenirs from street vendors but have limited contacts with lower class, let alone in depth observation on the social/racism issues. If you live there for a few months and are in a local middle class apartment, it would be a very different story. If you are white and are looking for sex with guys of color, it could by easy, because by theory, you are a superior class, people of colors would love to be associated with you. If you are white looking for white, it will be challenging unless you are equally hot. If you are paying for sex, it's cheaper to get people of colors, this is pretty much an universal rule in central/south America. I assume you speak adequate español.
  15. Live from Berlin Hustlaball opening reception at Axel. The special performance. 🥱
  16. I wish I could go to church with my bf.
  17. This morning I woke up early at 7ish, couldn't fall asleep again. So I decided to check out what's going on at Axel. Took the elevator down, halfway came in a handsome blonde guy in his early 20's in full street cloth and carrying a backpack, going down and heading out. Look like a sleep-over (may or may not be a transaction). Then, on the elevator up to my floor, elevator opened, another young guy in fully street clothes and with backpack were waiting to go down and leave the hotel. I suppose this is also a sleep over (may or may not be a transaction). These guys had to leave early to go to their day jobs. All the hotel guest I have seen so far are at least middle age, none are attractive, a few are mid age "bear" type.
  18. Ok, my theory is that, these local guys are probably invited by hotel guests via Grindr or other means. Some of them could be hustlers (cheap/dirty/old clothes, tattoos... speak strange English among themselves instead of German, don't need to work during the day, all quite young in their 20's). That's why they always carry backpacks with them, and are in full street clothes, because they would not want to leave their stuff in clients room. None of them use the gym to workout, they just go in and out of bathrooms and sitting around. Some talk among themselves.
  19. scott456


    Just go get the vaccine and be over with your fears.
  20. General speaking, racist is about race, not about tourists. Racist is usually some kind of degrading treatment towards people of color. @msclelovris a white gay couple, so they are treated better than people of color.. Tourists of white race are better treated than tourists of color. I don't like racist culture, so I will not bother going to Lima. I am sure some people love getting preferential treatments. In America, I always counter people when they say racist words, I would say "white trash".
  21. Oh, germans, what can I say. 🤣
  22. Last night when I was in full drag standing in long line for Kitkat electric night, a hunky Uber driver drop off customer, couldn't get his eyes off me, I smiled and stared back, he made gestures for me to go sit in his car. Hell. I came all the way across the Atlantic to go to parties.
  23. Question on PVR: is there any club for drag queens to hang out? Is the culture there liberal enough to see drag queens on streets? At restaurants?
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