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Posts posted by dallastexas

  1. 10 hours ago, joselowe said:

    more refined and traditionally handsome in SP at Lagoa

    I concur.  The only exception (and can sometimes be confusing) is when a Rio boy migrates to SP to temporarily work; and vice versa.

  2. Anyone currently in Sao Paulo or Rio?  I just landed; and it would be nice to have a fellow forum member to hangout.  I will visit Lagoa in a little bit and provide updates soon. 

    My stay in Brazil is 10 days, so I am not sure if I should split my stay in SP and Rio...or just stay in SP completely. 

  3. 12 hours ago, sfcastro said:

    Consider bring cash from your home country and converting at a cambio in the city.  The better ones will give you a good rate and is safer than using an ATM in Brazil.

    I agree.  There are some ATMs in Brazil with skimmers and readers installed — opening up opportunities for fraudulent transactions to occur.  I always bring my credit cards and ATMs with me as backups, but prefer good ‘ole fashion cash.  

    Avoid the cambio exchange at the airport — you’ll get the worse rate there.  If in Rio, the most reliable cambio exchange I’ve used is “Blame it on Rio/Cambio Exchange” (R. Xavier da Silveira, 15 - Copacabana, Rio de Janeiro - RJ, 22061-010, Brazil).  The owner is expat, friendly, and I’ve always gotten the best rate there.  


  4. On 8/10/2020 at 7:37 PM, numazu1 said:

    A Shell of a Shell

    I had 3 days of freedom from the BF at the start of this trip, due to some of his commitments, and because I wanted some time by myself to accomplish some things I have not been able to do while "stuck" at home for 4 months.

    Day 1 was set for sleeping the long flight off (and finally doing so without a mask on), and then checking the Grindr scene, which was interesting. Before COVID, I would guess about 40% of the messages I got were from Garotos de Programa. This trip, I got a total of 1(!) message from the GPs. But I did get a lot of messages from all sorts, and had 3 nice encounters with local guys, including a nice low-key evening with a pretty cutehot engineer and we shared stories on how we, and our countries, fared during COVID. Lots of Bolsonaro and Trump analogs, hydroxychloroquine, and mask wearing stories. I’d say overall that Grindr was as active as ever, if not more, which was a welcome surprise to me. Maybe people were just stir-crazy and just needed the release.

    Day 2 was devoted to spending the day with my friend, a sometime sauna GP, sometime pornstar, and everytime horny guy, who was fired from his day job a month after the pandemic started and is in desperate need of cash. He took 2 of his friends (who were sometime GPs as well) with him to meet with me at the hotel. All versatile and passionate, which is what I like. After a trip to Mambo Supermercado in Moema to get some snacks and beers, I spent a pretty chill time with these sexy motherfuckers. I got some insight on what they thought of the new Espaco Lagoa (worse than Thermas Lagoa before COVID, and during COVID not a lot of people and even sadder). My friend and one other stayed the night to morning, and more shenanigans were had. 200 reais for the one guy who left after dinner, and 400 reais each for the other two. Pretty standard rates I think.

    Day 3 was the day my BF was going to arrive late that night, so I decided to check Espaco Lagoa before he got here, to see how the sauna has fared with all the COVID restrictions. The two hotties bid me goodbye after a late breakfast, and they expressed their regrets to not accompanying me to Lagoa, so I had to tough it out alone, which is preferred anyway. I’m glad that the sauna has amended their open hours from a ridiculous 11 AM to 5 PM, to a better 4 PM to 10 PM:


    I arrived at 5:30 PM and saw a pretty solemn scene. Very few boys and clients. The vibe was more early Sunday afternoon, instead of early evening Saturday. Probably about 10 customers and about 10 boys to start. Maybe I arrived super early.  Almost everyone was wearing a mask, except for the guys who were in the main entertainment area where they were having drinks and therefore the masks were off.  The waitstaff were wearing masks and face shields as well. Even with the mask on I got recognized by one of the waitstaff that I liked and he took my drink order and talked to me for a bit about how things were. It did pick up somewhat as the night wore on, but still less than before.

    Some observations:

    As seen in the FB page, some of the sauna facilities were closed, to avoid agglomeration and mitigate transmission:



    There were alcool gel hand sanitizers and advisories on mask everywhere:


    And each table w/ chairs setup had this as well:


    I have been to the new Espaco Lagoa four times before COVID, and I thought it was a shell of the former Thermas Lagoa. The old sauna, though messy and showing its age, was airy and the extra space would have lended itself better to more ample ventilation and social distancing.  Instead, in the new sauna, with all the ramps and levels and with people coming in and out, it was hard to not bump into people, even with the lower current occupancy. And before COVID, I thought the boy selection was poorer that before, up until my February visit, were I met 3 new boys that blew my socks off (one big mountain of a man, one boy who looked like a Belami model, and a gorgeous soccer player who was smarter than the average GP). I was willing to give Espaco Lagoa more of my business after that visit, but COVID happened and I was wanting to come back ever since.

    This time though, I think the one thing that bothered me the most was the whole climate of the sauna. Everyone was wearing masks (which I prefer anyway, in a mitigating transmission kind of way), and everyone, even the boys, were wearing clothes, so I didn’t feel the whole setup was as sexy as a boy sauna should be. Some boys with the better bodies had their shirts off, which helped a lot with sussing out their hotness, but with a mask on, it was hard to determine handsomeness when you can only see their eyes. Some of the boys took the masks off when they approached you. Some of them were trying to show their big erections trapped under layers of clothing, which I guess if you have a big dick, it will show through no matter how thick your trousers were. I am not big on the sauna scene as it is, but with the sparse occupancy, the solemn atmosphere, everyone wearing clothes, and the mask-wearing as a cruel reminder that there still was a pandemic raging outside these walls, were enough to almost kill my sauna hardon.

    I say almost, because I was able to find what I wanted anyway, twice. First programa I had was with a super muscular built guy with a big dick (very old Lagoa quality), who proactively approached me and knew how to draw me in, and who was super passionate and didn’t clock watch. 200 reais with cum, and to me was worth every cent. The second guy was the super gorgeous soccer player from before, and most of our programa consisted of a very insightful back and forth on the value of mental health during these times. Also he fucked my brains out. It was like a trip to a therapist without the hefty price tag, and with the gorgeous boy who came in your mouth. 200 again. Super cheap, cheaper with today’s exchange rate.

    One note about the rooms: towels and slippers were available in every room, instead of available at the check-in desk. A good number of the boys were obviously just gays who wandered off the gay area of Frei Caneca and stopped by the sauna to earn a few more bucks, or to get free drinks from patrons. I could find much better choices on Grindr for free. I saw some of the mainstay boys as well, and it was weird to see them trying to look sexy wearing a mask and trying to get your business.

    But again, we are in unique circumstances, so even if Lagoa is a shell of a shell of what it was once, during COVID times, I’d rather have this option available to me, than not having it at all.

    More, next.

    Numazu1: Thank you for sharing your sexperience on the forum.  Very appreciative and living vicariously through your adventure.  :) 

  5. On 7/11/2019 at 11:32 PM, Riobard said:

    Look, toots, I could get repetitive strain injury writing pages upon pages but I am not going to fall into that trap. You are being somewhat obsessional and want it all laid out perfectly. The working guys would be herniating themselves in stitches over this exchange.

    The sauna brothels such as Clube 117 are fairly structured. You pay the house for 30 minutes of room use and the garotos are accustomed to using up the time. With a shower before and after, the time flies. You won"t likely get a break from the house if you go over the limit even by a few minutes ... they will charge for two periods, unless you are well known or able to wear them down, as most Cariocas or repeat visitors would.

    On free cabin nights only the first period is usually gratis. The privilege resets when you vacate the room. I often do an hour any time because I do not like to rush and often the guy will accept a small extra ... for example 30 minutes 125-150 translates negotiably to 60 minutes 180-200. That works for me cuz I generally do not see two guys I must have, prefer one robust orgasm, and make contact for a deferred date if another guy captures my interest. 

    Social time with prostitutes onsite outside of the private room costs nothing but possibly optional refreshments. A lot of that interaction can be quasi-erotic if the client wants and the garoto knows he will get a programa.

    There is no "short", only the conventional 30 minutes. "Long" is 35 minutes to infinity, there, "love motel", accommodations, etc, with a limitless array of price and sexual choreography contingencies. I have completed a few dozen versions of arrangements and have barely grazed the surface of the dating vistas beyond dinner and sex. It would be insane to stratify and categorize. 

    Frankly, since you seem to be asking for advice, and do not speak the language, I suggest you stick to the two venues in your neighbourhood, possibly also Point 202, for at least a week, getting the lay of the land, ramping up some skills with respect to the smooth-operator games that may become evident, and not committing quickly to one guy. You seem anxious to quickly replicate your Thai-based playbook and I doubt I am the only reader who suspects this is unrealistic and naïve.

    The go-to staffperson at 117, if you need support, is likely young little Patrick J, if still employed there. He is low in the hierarchy, usually pushing a broom, but warm-hearted, no attitude, whip-smart, and completely bilingual. I usually spend minimum 25 tipping the group of cleaners, distributing according to whim. 

    Very well written and very accurate!  Reminds me of my high school days when I am reading Cliff’s notes because I was too busy chasing boys and too lazy to read the literature assigned,  

  6. On 7/11/2019 at 12:57 PM, mvan1 said:

    Is that a joke?

    If so, I am sorry I cannot find any humor.

    I am in Brazil as I write this. 

    I have been visiting Brazil for about sixteen years numerous times each year.  I could not venture a guess how many times I have been to Brazilian saunas.  I do know it is at least five hundred times. 

    It has been my experience, and the experience of countless other sauna visitors, that at least half of the sauna garotos are twinks. Yes, at least half!

    Perhaps we have a different opinion in defining a twink.

    Maybe I need a new definition of twink but I think not.  Clearly it is not correct to write that it is rare to see twinks in the saunas.

    Edit - I just saw the new post of Latbear4blk who also confirmed my observation of many twinks in the saunas


    On 7/11/2019 at 12:49 PM, Latbear4blk said:

    I am seeing many.

    I am in Brazil right now and I concur with mvan1’s and Latbear4blk’s assessment.  Twinks are aplenty... and so are medium naturally built athletic built... as well as overly steroidal muscular men.  The men of 117 runs a gambit and the ratio of the three above mentioned physiques vary by night.  The most common denominator is that most, if not all, have large mega-cocks that are aimed to serve one’s fantasy, mouth, butt, eyes, et al.  

  7. On 10/6/2019 at 3:49 PM, Mournne64 said:

    I'm going to Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh city in January for the first time.  Does anyone have any recent news or recommendations on men, clubs, saunas?  If it's personal, please pm me.

    Most saunas and spas change names and relocates to avoid police raids.  The most up-to-date information can be found on this website.  https://www.ngaytho.me/diendan/index.php

    In my limited experience, there are 3 places you can have fun in Ho Chi Minh City:

    -- Spas: I prefer this because you're more guaranteed to get off.  Usually, the masseurs will perform oral, penetration is rare as the owners frown upon it.  Upon arrival, you will choose the service with the "mamason", prices ranging from 200,000 vnd to 400,000 vnd, depending on the spa.  "Body" massages are done on a massage table and there is no body-to-body grinding, tends to be more professional.  "Thai" massages are a little more expensive and are usually done on a low-bed and can be a lot of fun when you're laying on your tummy and there is a smooth hot guy rubbing his chin and chest alongside your back and ass.  Each spa usually has on-staff 5-10 boys and there are photos you get to choose from once you select the type of massage you want.  Buyer beware, the photos are HIGHLY retouched.  You are expected to tip and you SHOULD tip.  The masseurs do not make money off the massage fee (that unfortunately goes to the house), they only get about 70-80% from the tip you write on a piece of paper once the massage is done.  I usually use this formula for tipping: the cost of the massage + (50,000 vnd to 150,000 vnd, depending on the performance).  For example, if the the cost of the massage is 200,000 vnd for a 60 minute body massage, then I normally tip about 250,000 vnd for ok performance... 300,000 vnd for a nice performance... 350,000 vnd if I get to rim some sweet ass and the boy cums... if the boy agrees for penetration, then tip is about 550,000 onwards.  This is just my experience, it is by no means the official rule.  Some reputable places:

        1) SevenDays spa in district 10.  Address is 104/35 Thanh Thai, Ward 12, District 10

        2) 3Some spa, 29/6 Nguyen Binh Khiem, DaKao Ward, District 1

        3) Dream Spa, 449/18 Su Van Hanh Street, Ward 12, District 10

    -- Saunas: This is where the locals tend to go.  Going to saunas in Vietnam can be frustrating because the locals tend to be super horny, meek, and shy.  There are 2 spas I go to. 

         1) This is a little farther out from the city but probably the best one, called Nadam Spa, Address is 12/29/1 Quoc Lo 13, Hiep Binh Chanh Ward, Thu Duc District.  Good facilities, good volume of locals and foreigners.  

         2) De.soi Sauna, Address is 24/7 Dinh Tien Hoang, District 1.  Entry is about 180,000 vnd (~about 8 usd).  There are multiple floors; fairly clean and relaxing.  I'm not sure when it the peak hours are.   Check out their website for details http://69sauna.zone/

    -- Escort Agency: This is the preferred message if you are looking for penetration.  While other countries use WhatsApp, Viber, or Line;...in Vietnam, people prefer a local chat messenger called "Zalo."  Download the app on your smartphone and use it in combination with Google Translate to book an escort with your "mamason."  Be stupidly clear what you are looking for when chatting and make sure you are clear on the rate and what the escort will do.... Vietnamese escorts can range from being genuinely authentic to being genuinely coy.  Buyer beware, the photos are HIGHLY retouched, so make sure you calibrate your expectations and use both heads when booking.  Unlike the spa experience above, the rate you agree with the mamasan is the rate you pay the escort/masseuse... no extra tipping is necessary unless the escort really really went above and beyond. 

    * Some notes:

       1) Since it is relatively cheap compared to US costs,... for safety reasons, I recommend going to the spas, saunas, or use the escort service.  I'd stay away from grinder or other apps because there's really no accountability and can be unsafe.  Language is always a barrier in Vietnam and you do not want to be stuck in a weird situation with the hotel receptionist or a crazy independent contractor hooker yelling and screaming at you. 

      2) Uber failed in Vietnam, so download the equivalent called "Grab" or "Go Viet" onto your smartphone to conveniently get from place to place.

    I hope this helps!

  8. Howdy, 

    On my 2 prior trips, I’ve always gone to 117 or 202.  When a garatos impresses me there, after taking all safety precautions, I would invite him over for round 2 at my hotel.  I am currently waiting to board the plane to Rio for a 9 day trip.  

    I’ve recently seen lots of appealing ads from websites like garaotos com local or viva local.  Of course, I worry about safety and the quality of a garatos in bed from these sites.  

    That’s why I am asking the wise and experienced sages from this forum... have you had an experience with a big dick garatos in Rio who currently has an active ad/page on these sites you can recommend?  

    I blush when I say this, but I am into all types as long as the top has a big Hard dick and knows how to use it.  

    If possible, please make reccomendations via private message.  I really appreciate any help!   

  9. On 2/7/2018 at 11:06 PM, asdsrfr said:

    I am in Rio now. It’s like the calm before the storm on the streets—but pointe was packed with hot guys and lots of clients!

    I was at Point 202 last night also... it was like heaven on earth... boys, boys, boys everywhere.  Tonight at 117 was somewhat kinda slow.  I was bored to tears... I wonder if Point 202 was as busy tonight (Thursday night) as it was yesterday...

    Where shall I go tomorrow Friday night?  Any suggestions? 

  10. 9 hours ago, mvan1 said:

    No, the lack of quality garatos at Fragata was not because of any effects related to Carnaval.  

    Over the past two years, or so, Fragata has taken a steep dive for the worse with respect to quality garotos.  

    As you already noticed during your visit to Fragata, the ratio of garoto to client was roughly four to one.  You also commented about some of the garotos being old and unattractive.  

    Fragata used to be great competition to Lagoa.  In prior years, many garotos switched back and forth working between Lagoa and Fragata.  

    About two years ago, new and handsome garotos stopped working at Fragata.  I don't know why the change happened; it just did. 

    Because I had previously enjoyed Fragata for such a long time, I remained loyal to the place until last year (hoping the place would resume being a fun sauna).  

    My last four trips to Fragata ,during 2017 ,were absolutely depressing, but, as I already wrote, the downward tend began before 2017.  

    For example, some of the handsome garotos of ten or more years ago were still working at Fragata.  The ravages of time took its toll on those formerly good looking garotos.   How depressing it was to be approached by over weight unattractive garotos.  All the while I realized that Lagoa was only a short trip away where there would be handsome available garotos.  

    Last year, after a countless number of unproductive visits to Fragata, I decided to stop visiting Fragata.  I have no plans to return to Fragata even though I will be returning to Brazil next month.   

    Fragata used to be my favorite Sauna.  Their busiest nights were Wednesday and Sunday.  I have met some wonderful garotos over the years.  

    Nothing lasts forever.  As the proverb goes - "When the horse is dead, it is time to get off."  Thus, that is what has become of Fragata - a dead horse.   

    I agree with you wholeheartedly,...prior to last Sunday's Fragata visit, I've read on this forum about current the "state of Fragata" and I was a little stubborn and in a bit of denial.  Like you, some of my fondest moments and memories in 2012 was at Fragata.  But I've made peace with it all... ^_^

  11. 4 hours ago, ferrar said:


    Right.   It does happen to be Carnaval out there in Brazil.   

    I think you mentioned you do not like noise LOL.   Yet here you are arriving TOMORROW.   You won't be able to escape it.  Sorry.     

    I happen to be in Rio right now, and instead of running from it,  am embracing it.   And somehow having a great time.   

    You could go the formal route, at Sapucai, also known as the Sambadrone, and witness the parades, along with all the other tourists.  Or you could take part, like a carioca, in the hundreds of block parties in each and every neighborhood of the city.

    If you find a guy you like (and trust), then ask him to do something other than in bed!   Ask him along as a guide.  And tell us about it.



    I'm currently in Sao Paulo right now.  I considered doing a quick trip to Porto Alegre once I fly into Rio from Feb 7 to Feb 13 to avoid the noise...the boring side of me that just wants sex and peace on this vacation finds it tempting.  But, the other part of me that realizes that going to Carnival is a once in a lifetime opportunity has taken over and decided to embrace this experience. 

    Sao Paulo is currently having little early block parties now; and, unlike Songkran in Bangkok several years ago, I am actually really enjoying the Brazilian block parties...it's quite organized and fun...and people don't squirt you with water guns or bathe you in a cooler of ice water as you're walking to a nice restaurant.  Yay!

    Life is short... and on this vacation... I've committed to having lots of Brazilian "pau" and parties. 

  12. 2 hours ago, Riotastic said:

    I am making my 5th trip to Rio this week and need some advice on currency exchange.  I keep reading on here that you should not exchange dollars at the airport as you do not get a good rate but I am not really sure of where else I should go.  I don’t like using ATM’S in foreign countries so I always exchange cash.  In the past I have always done this at the airport (I know I’m not smart for doing this) but I really do not know where the best place would be that will give me the best rate and lowest fee so I have just settled for the convenience of the airport exchange.  I don’t have to exchange the minute I land as I still have some Brazilian cash left from my last trip.  I am staying at a hotel in Centro right by the Cinelandia Metro Stop and will arrive Thursday morning.  Can someone direct me to the best place in that area for me to exchange my dollars?  Any help, guidance or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.  Thanks.

    Like the others have recommended, DO NOT exchange at the airport... I don't mind getting ripped off a little as a tourist, but at Brazil's airport, they ripped me off badly.  I received 240 Reals for 100 USD, I kid you not... I even have a printed receipt. 

    Go to the big shopping malls, especially the ones on Avenue Paulista and there should be a cambio exchange on the 3rd or 4th floor of most large malls.

    - REMEMBER to bring your passport.  I usually leave my passport at the safe in the hotel, only to find that the cambio exchange will not let you exchange currency unless you have a passport...a photo taken on your Iphone or a copy will not suffice. 

    - Keep in mind the hours of operations at the cambio exchange is quite inconvenient, closing fairly early and most closes on Sunday.  The only cambio exchange I found open on Sundays is GetMoney, their rates are fairly competitive.  http://getmoney.com.br/pt/lojas

  13. 8 hours ago, Tomcal said:

    you will find whatever type you are looking for at Lagoa, bodybuilder- swimmer- lean muscled, etc. with a emphasis on more muscled types.

    I concur.  I feel like I am advertising for Lagoa and I that's not my intention, but it's true.  After visiting Fragata last night, the difference in the quality of boys at Lagoa and elsewhere,...is vast and startling, almost un-comparable.

    Here's my experience on Day #3, Fragata on Sunday.  I must note that the staff at Fragata is first class -- super friendly and very helpful.  It starts with the check-in counter, you're greeted with a welcoming warm smile.  I ordered a Gatorade (I know, don't judge me, I arrived really thirsty after lots of walking earlier and I was thirsting for a lime-orange juice drink) and the wonderful extremely attractive staff (he had a cute butt and a nice bulge) was so nice, he even offered to open the cap on my Gatorade bottle,...a true gentleman!  FYI, Fragata does have wifi (photo & password enclosed), but the wifi was so slow that it was useless.  

    Sundays are supposed to be busy and it was, but I must clarify that the ratio of clients to garotos was uneven, 4:1 almost.  Perhaps it's because it's bingo night, but there were about 40 customers and only 12-13 garotos.  Aside from one attractive, extremely social, about 20 year old, white twink with a huge penis (he was overly accommodating and too aggressive, so I declined) ,...the rest of the garotos were, too me, not very attractive.  Some "boys" were quite old, some were quite street (not the attractive sleazy kind, but the unattractive super rough kind), others were un-naturally and un-evenly muscular (the steroidal-shoulders-that-looks-like-a-camel's-hump type).  Maybe it was pre-Carnavale and all the garotos is off partying, or an off night in terms of garotos at Fragata tonight,...who knows.  Entrance fee at Fragata on Sunday is 60 Reals (cheaper on other days, but I couldn't read Portuguese, so I am not sure) and my Gatorade was cheap at 10 Reals. I didn't cum tonight, so I am a little sad...but tomorrow will be a new day and I will try Lagoa on a Monday...wish me luck!


  14. 12 hours ago, redxs said:

    so drink whiskey or scotch! 

    have you any pics of type of guys in Lagoa?

    and surely it's impossible that the guys are better than in Rio!!!

    Unfortunately, I don't take any pics of the boys.  I'm a bit of a peculiar oddball,...once the boy makes me climax, I'm pretty much done,... I'm not interested in him cumming and I am ready to bolt out the room and take a nice shower.  The logistics of staying around, asking for a photo, fussing with the phone,...is too much paper-work, for me.  I will try to make it up to ya'll with plentiful written descriptions. 

  15. 14 hours ago, Gotti said:

    Terrific post, one of the few that recognizes the superior quality of Lagoa boys when compared with boys in Rio. One advice if you are not a regular: The most desirable boys will be surrounded by their many admirers (moneyd) at prime time (7/8 PM). The same boys occasionally are there earlier (before 6 PM) and at this time they are all business and much easily approachable. If prime time cannot be avoided it helps to be on a table downing Scotches (beer won't do it). It helps to indicate that you have money, before offering the money itself. 

    Oh I love your tip!...I'll visit Lagoa earlier today.  The unfortunate thing is that I am such an alcohol light weight that Scotch, to me, so potent that I'll probably be too squeamish and drunk to enjoy the remainder of the night. 

  16. 20 hours ago, Tomcal said:

    the guys who go to the saunas are the ones that usually want to make money without all the competition that the 6:00 crowd brings. also one requirement all the saunas have is that there is a minimum number of hours the have to work! usually 3 - 3-1/2 hours(unless they have had 3 customers then they can leave when they are done with the third customer)

    Ah...thanks tomcal for the info.  I learn something new everyday!  I noticed 2-3 of the really good looking ones arrive fairly late (around 8 to 8:30 pm)...they'll change into a towel (sometimes just walk around in their street clothes), find a client, and within an hour, is out the door right before the drag show... it's like speed dating, minus the dating, and adding the "sexo."  I'll have to try and arrive earlier today to continue my observation and studies.  ^_^

  17. Howdy,

    I'll be traveling to Rio from Feb 7 to Feb 20... and I've just realized that it's right smack in the middle of Carnival (Feb 9 to Feb 13)... will the boys at the saunas be affected much by Carnival?... meaning, will they be too busy partying that they won't be working?

    It's been 5 years since I have been to Rio and one of my main motivations is to re-visit the saunas; I'm not much of a partier and I don't flock to loud music.  Any recommendations of places or cities nearby to go hideaway with an active sauna scene?

    Let me know if anyone is also in Rio during this time-frame.


  18. Also, if you are a fan of huge gorging cocks as much as I am, then here is a tip worth repeating. Bring extra large condoms with you. The boys will appreciate the "space" and most places charge you for providing you with a kit with the regular ill fitting condoms (the kind you get at the dollar store in the US) and lube.

    I also brought silicone based condom-safe lube and boys liked that very much. It glides, baby. My butt also thanks me because silicone based lube is just nicer on the bum when "handling" a huge gigantic cock.

    PS, on a full moon, I sometimes prefer activo as well, MM is definitely the place to find a boy with a flawless butt worth rimming and penetrating for hours. Although the facility is not great, the boys here are less gay for pay,...and more "hard" working.

  19. I went to MM on Saturday and it was really slow. Not to mention that the first time arriving, I felt like a lab rat running around in a cramped maze; I had the toughest time locating the bar. There was a garato wearing a cap who was overly aggressive, made for an uncomfortable time. I almost crossed MM off my list.

    Thankfully, I read the post from fellow posters on here about Monday and went yesterday, hoping for a different experience than last Saturday.

    Ya'll were right! Monday was packed! The quality of boys were beautiful and their attitudes are very laid back and disclosing (I havent seen so many hard cocks that are flexing for my attention in one place at the same time). I think I looked at more hard cocks than I did at faces last night. There was equally an abundance of clients, so I knew I had to close a deal on a garato before another client gets him. It was like speed dating, but much more fun.

    On the 2 occasions that I went with a boy, there was a wait list of about 3 to 4 people ahead of me. The boys here are less mechanical in bed, more ravaging and more lustful. I would have done a 3rd, but the place was getting so packed and it was getting really warm with so many people and so little air con.

    as mentioned by others, the area is less touristy and slightly rough. There were lots of cars and people in the area. Also, there was a large Windsor hotel with guards standing outside on the main road. It felt pretty safe. Will be back next Monday...

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