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Everything posted by Suckrates

  1. The long awaited and highly anticipated Evita revival hit Broadway, but the sound was more of a THUD... Ricky got poor reviews as bringinh NO personality to the role althought his singing and dancing was "adequate". The LEAD Evita was called, OK but with a weak and powerless voice... Who the fuck cares ? Ricky is still hot, and the sotry familiar. Still getting my tix....
  2. I love the song and the Video. Its sexy, stylish and beatifully shot. JLo looks incredible, and her BoyToy is delicious. I think its a 10.....
  3. Well reports are that the worlds biggest Pimp Daddy (Kanye West) is not seriously dating the worlds biggest gold digger (Kim Kardashian). Do we care ? Apparently so...... BUT is it Serious, or more of their publicity seeking antics which they are BOTH known for ???? Anyone care to weigh in ?
  4. Bruno Mars ??? - But it doesnt look like HE could beat up a fly.....
  5. If they REALLY ate those donuts, their bodies wouldnt look like THAT .....
  6. If he's a Spider, his weiner CANT be very big ?
  7. Now, the black chorus boy who they are leading us to believe is Str8, but is REALLY gay and has the hots for the composer is a more believable scenario. Ellis is just a scumbag....
  8. I have had dreams about loved ones which seemed VERY real in retrospect, in fact scary REAL. Never understood what triggers them, but I am told they are manisfestations of deep seated psychological issues and longings.
  9. I got excited by the Post title. I thought it was the Gay porn company ?
  10. In this weeks episode of Smash on NBC, we are led to believe that Ellis, the coniving assistant has Gay sex to further his career aspirations... Were you surprised ? Do you think Ellis is Gay or just a schrewd Opportunist ? I always figured him for gay. the scenes of him making out with his girlfriend are the most laughable on the show. So awkward and unbelievable. Do you think Ellis will accomplish his "producing" goals, or get the boot ?
  11. Suckrates

    Starting Over

    The words I ALWAYS live by are - "This Too Shall Pass". In fact I have it tatooed on my arm. Kinda rings true.
  12. Another strike agianst civilized society's future.
  13. Can she still smell the Daisys ?
  14. Suckrates

    Starting Over

    After a 22 year relationship with my partner, he died suddenly, and at 50 yo I found myself an OLD gay single man starting over in Life. At the same time, i was diagnosed with cancer, and found my job was ending as the company was failing. So a Tri-fecta for me. What to do? Have faith and stay positive, BUT you need to do something. Thru networking, I found a new job thru a reference, tended to my health issues, and after a long mourning period started to socialize, althought I am still single now 11 years later....And keep in mind, I have NO family left so was all on my own with nO help from anyone anywhere... YES, its tuff, but what is the alternative? you have to keep going....
  15. Suckrates

    oh no!

    Dont TRY to find love over at that OTHER place. For the most part, they are all a bunch of 2-faced phonies who dont like or encourage individuality. Be yourself, and be proud of it ! and stick with those that appreciate you.
  16. Deandre needs to cut that Chaka Khan hair, and start singing WITHOUT the falsetto. Not that many songs lend themselves to that style, plus that screeching gets to you after 2 minutes. OH MY EARS !
  17. I've never had luck with Mega Balls ! They just Never fit in my mouth.....
  18. I may not win the Mega millions, but feel like I did when obnoxious Asian wannabee Heejun finally got the boot from american Idol.. You got this one RIGHT america. what took so fucking long ? And while its too soon to call a winner, I think Phillip Phillips is the most unique performer, However his talent just might not translate commercially. So Jessica or colton might just take home the gold ?
  19. Handing in my resignation TODAY, and will sit back and just wait for my winning numbers to be calls. Sorry guys !
  20. The boy does wonders for fishnet !
  21. I am already Prioritizing my bucket list to spend MY winnings.... Rentboys, get Ready !
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