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Everything posted by Suckrates

  1. I wouldnt say you are lying, but I will say you are NOT being totally Honest with the person. Lying is intentional and meant to mislead, and while you are not revealing your True and complete self to your friend, I dont believe its meant to harm him in any way, merely its done to protect you. However, the dynamics of your relationship really is key here. If you want it to move further along, a full disclosure should be considered. Otherwise, if things are OK the way they are, I dont see any harm being done, other thatn you feeling guilty. As in all things in life, go with your "gut" feeling"..
  2. I am so adickted to Reality TV, who has time for REAL TV ???? Go Ru Paul !
  3. I am a die hard Idol fan, have been to the concert EVERY year, but I am sad to say THIS years group does not excite me at all. Yes there are a few standouts for me like Erika, Jessica and Colton. Also love Joshua and Jermaine. But HeeJun ? Really......Shannon and Hollie ? Really..... I mean there were way better singers, and I am sorry, HeeJuns comic antics are inappropritate and annoying.... and DeAndres hair tossing and falsetto will get Old really Fast..... what was America thinking ? I thought Creighton was incredible but he got the boot.... I'm making a long shot prediction here, but I think Colton will WIN...... but then again Adam Lambert lost, as did the hot rocker guy from last season... so who knows..... I just hope the show isnt a snooze fest....
  4. That huge earring look is typically "STREET" fashion and only embarced by a limited and specific demographic.
  5. These shows need a bit of drama and controversy to keep people tuning in. I am of the belief that for the most part the show is planned out from the get-go, and they are just leading us to believe WE have some say in the outcome... Drama makes for good TV, dont leave it to chance.
  6. Definately a Lack-luster cast , except for Levy... I didnt even know who most of them were. Levy will bring the chicks and gays to the show.... The show should be called "Dancing with Some People"....
  7. Just goes to show, sometimes "you CANT go home again"..... Surely they could have found a fresher, more relevant approach ?
  8. My look-alike is Paula Deen ya'll......
  9. While many of the performances were really good, I sat thru the whole show thinking "where is the mean judge" ???? I mean afterall, some of the preformances could have used some constructive critique, and oddly they were the most critical to the youngest performer. I do miss Simons honest and biting words, as well as Paulas "CRAZY"..... This show definately needs some new Direction. Although I wasnt a fan of The Voice last season, this year they have some remarkable talent, and the tensions and competitiveness between the judges makes it fun to watch.... I have totally abandoned X Factor. That was horrid....
  10. I have been on Lipitor for over 35 years. Oddly, I too had cronic leg pains and over the course of the 35 years, have been to hundreds of doctors trying to find the cause of my pain. Although they found no reason for it, it was suggested that I had a herniated disk which COULD be the cause, so i had back surgery, never having a pain free day Since the surgery.. Interesting finding out that Lipitor could be the cause of my problems all these years..... anyway, recently was switched to Generic lipitor, which at the very least, saves me a ton of money...
  11. Suicide is unfortunatley an act of Desperation. Who knows what was going on in this young mans life.? Obviously it was more than he could deal with by himself. Noone should judge, just pray that he is now at Peace.
  12. Although Billy Crystal is always clever, it just seemed like another "been there, done that" moment. I was hoping for something New and fresh from him.
  13. This passes for talent ? Juvenile pranks at an event honoring "achievement" seems disrespectful. I was annoyed and pissed. I am shocked that the Academy allowed this stupid promitonal prank. If I was Ryan, I would have punched that asshole out.
  14. I KINDA agree with Lucky, but while I dont think we can impose rules for a mandatory NO Clothes rule, I go to the site to see NUDITY. I dont understand WHY guys think we come there to see them sitting fully clothed, looking into a camera. They are either drinking or smoking or reading, anything BUT pulling their Puds. BORING. And when I am vocal about it on the site, the guy usually cuts me off... There are some REALLY big cocks on that site, but rubbing it thru your underwear is a sacriledge. Pull it OUT, show it in its full glory. BE PROUD of what you got and let us enjoy it. And FYI - the guys that SHIT on cam need to take their freak show on the road. I dont judge, but I am just NOT into SHIT.....
  15. It would be Great if we could learn to STOP putting labels on people, and just either like and accept them for who and what they are or Not... Everyone is entitled to have preferences, and either you click with someone or you dont. But to continually keep labelling people seems unfair. They are WHO they are, its not a choice or an act.... Let them live their lives, either WITH you in it, or Not.
  16. Its a play on the name Socrates, for Obvious reasons, at least to ME. lol
  17. Seems Daddys site is Down. They are claiming a "blown disk" and server move. Hope Daddy recovers. His members must be going crazy not having a place to crash?
  18. Maybe Quinn will hookup with Artie now ????? Anyway the storyline about Karosfsky was touching and heartbreaking at the same time. Glad they focused on a Hot topic.
  19. owners of these sites usually have their OWN agendas, and often play "favorites" when it comes to their memberships. Some members will be allowed "liberties" while othere will be penalized for their behavior, allowed to others. there is no getting around it. Its just the way the game works. And theres always a Reason behind everything, althought it may not be apparent to the naked eye.
  20. Raw, extended assholes that look abused and diseased. NOT a pretty picture and definitely a dick deflator for Me....
  21. It was a great episode, and hE looked HOT as always. Its TV, it doesnt need to be realistic, regarding the posters question about a student being a stripper.... He can keep stripping on my account
  22. Suckrates


    I watch alot of shows (ie: american horror story) via Hulu, and its great. No buffering, few commercial breaks, Love it.....
  23. He would be a welcum addition
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