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Everything posted by Suckrates

  1. Point taken, but somehow I cant see even teenage girls being impressed with Heejun.. He's no cutie-patootie like Bieber. However, there are miliions of Asian teenage girls whom I suspect are keeping him going.?
  2. Heejun in the TOP 10 ? A Travesty !!!! He deserved to GO before Shannon.. AND his little bowing gimmick is starting to annoy me.
  3. Well, thats one way to get Mario into your pants !
  4. They know they are a joke, and a trainwreck, but its so fun to Watch !
  6. Well, after last nites performanaces, if HeeJun doesnt get the boot, ill suck your cock !
  7. Twinks usually aint my style, but ya gotta admit they do Have personality !
  8. This group is more like "Pick a Twink"...
  9. I was trying to figure out what the message was here, and whether it was meant to entertain or merely shock. ? I am not a fan on this genre of visual depiction
  10. If someone would have sat on my face, my day WOULDNT have been so bad !
  11. YES, I huge bulge and bubble ass in a sexy, tight pair of Undies gets my motor running..... My partner had over 1000 pairs of underwear, which we used in our intimate play times.
  12. YES, I huge bulge and bubble ass in a sexy, tight pair of Undies gets my motor running..... My partner had over 1000 pairs of underwear, which we used in our intimate play times.
  13. I THINK the fact that you have scheduled Sex, and hand over money to the escort when you are done KILLS the whole idea of a BFE for me. I dont remember EVER scheduling sex or paying for it with ANY BF I ever had.
  14. BTW - I really enjoyed DeAndre's performance this week, primarily because he didnt use his hair as a prop, or sing in the screechy falsetto voice. He owned the song and performed it well, seemed at ease on the stage. Reminded me Bruno Mars in the performance sense. 2 Thumbs Up
  15. Honestly, Shannon was worse than Jermey, but he didnt have a pop star image. He was more that kid with an OK voice that sings in the garage....
  16. Well first nite for the Idol 13, and for me the clear front runner is Jessica sanchez, although I do love Erika Van Pelt as well... Was hoping to swoon to over colton, but although he is nice eye candy, not a fan of his music... Joshua was also good, but I felt bad for Jermey, who JLo is clearly routing for but just didnt cut the mustard last nite.... Back to Jessica however, her rendition of Whitneys "I Will Always Love You was beautiful and Flawless. It even made me forget Whitneys version, a testament to Jessicas talent. You Go Gurl....
  17. Suckrates

    Well I'm done

    OK, Ill buy that, so are we to assume therefore that all your stories are merely "Tales" made up out of your creative process ? I has always assumed you were giving us a glimpse into your real life. Perhaps you are just a creative story teller. ? Had me believin...
  18. I dont know about taste, but he sure has got MONEY, and often, that helps you to have taste . LOL
  19. Suckrates

    Well I'm done

    Perhaps I am missing something here? I have followed GC posts here and on Daddys forum, and fail to see any humor in his posts. I do see s serious guy, with serious concerns about his life. I also see a person who is generally Unhappy..... I am truly sorry if I am misinterpretting him, but I have never seen any humor in anything he has shared online. I am open to being "schooled" here....
  20. Suckrates

    Caption This!

    Isnt this where the prize comes out of ???
  21. Different strokes for different folks I guess ? Give me a BIG gorgeous Brazilian any day.
  22. I only care what he says because spewing the kind of rhetoric that he does can only prove inflammatory and detrimental. Of course he has his followers or disciples, but what he doesnt realize is that his hatred is more dangerous than the homosexuality that he fears.
  23. Suckrates

    Well I'm done

    GC, the first life lesson to learn is that there will NEVER be Equality. I know it doesnt seem fair, but there will always be people that are treated differently, better perhaps, for whatever reasons. People have preferneces and make choices, and WE may not always be what they choose. Secondly, you should never NEED to hire an escort. It should be something that you want to do, but not NEED to do. When you take the urgency out of the mix, the encounter is much less stressful, and much more enjoyable. I have read many of your posts here and on Daddys site, and it always seems to me like you are trying to "force" something to BE. You are who you are, and you really cant force things to happen the way you want them. you can work to and end, butr there are no guarantees. I think thats the crux of your disappointment ? You didnt get the result you wanted. but that doesnt change the fact that you are a gay man with sexual needs, and to "Give up" because youve had some disappointments seems weak to me. We have all had disappointments, but as long as you know who you are and keep going, you will have no regrets. YES it is frustrating, and theres no rhyme or reason as to why things happen. Why is that gorgoeus guy with that unnattractive guy and nOT with me ? This is a question you can never answer. You need to lighten up and stop obsessing over these things. Let there be a natural flow. You might be surprised at what can happen...
  24. Lindsays Bomb was louder than Hiroshima... She looked uncomfortable, awkward and amateurish. And obviously she couldnt even read her lines from the prompter. The only passable part was her limited inclusion in the Hilarious Disney housewives skit, where we were reminded of the difference between Talent and NO talent.... Good Luck Lidsay, but gurl, you need ALOT of work....
  25. I always find I am more successful being spontaneous, and often enjoy myself more. there is something about "expectations" that is often a letdown
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