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Everything posted by Suckrates

  1. This guy would do much better if he kept his mouth closed and used sign language. His voice killed it for me...
  2. Suckrates

    American Idol

    I was a Josh fan as well, but his downfall was that Mantasia turned EVERY song into a spiritual Gospel number with over the top screamin and wailin. If you noticed, when he was required to sing "normal", he wasnt that impressive... These little things matter !
  3. Well its good they want to bring in new characters and storylines. Keeps it Fresh... I really wanted to see Ellis get gangbanged !
  4. Let me know when they hold the telethon. I'll pledge $10....
  5. Suckrates

    American Idol

    Loved J Holiday, but she looks like she needs an Excorcism.
  6. Suckrates

    American Idol

    OK, so NO surprise that WGWG (white guy with guitar) Phillip Phillips took home the Idol tiara beating out mY pick Jessica Sanchez who was just consistently Fab thru the entire competition.. Is it just me, or didnt Phillip seem detached, bored, uninterested thru the entire competition, except for his Exit tears ?? Wheres the enthusiasm boy ???? His Debut song, for me LACKLUSTER ! A few other notes about the Finale show: Reba - a botoxed country belter Fantasia - Morticia Adams on Steroids Neil Diamond - a shell of his former self, talking thru his grestest hit Steven Tyler - Tyrannasauraus Rex in a flowing caftan Jennifer Lopez - A fat assed, aging Hip hop Diva trying too hard Joshua Ledet - his usual Church screaming thru Every song (But I LOVE Josh, you go Girl !) John Fogarty - WHO ???? Jordin Sparks - WHY did she ever win ??? The remaining Top 10 contestants - embarrasing, even fan favorite Colton disappointed. They were ALL weak ! Now, we come to Jennifer Holiday, clearly STEALING the show with her classic "And I'm telling You"... Jessica held her own with Jennifer and proved HERE, she SHOULD HAVE won ! I'm still swooning over this performance..... All in all - a disappointing season. As we watch Phillip now fade into oblivion like previous guitar strumming male winners Kris Allen and Lee Dewyse, we can only hope to see Jessica soar to great heights like Jennifer Hudson. And Joshua, he will be stripping at Hunkamania in Paramus NJ, and screaming while doing so. AMEN ! I look forward to NEXT season. It has to be better than this year ?
  7. Guess it all depends on their Fantasy, but I would think josh is just a bit too fem for Most female fantasies ? Guess we'll find out
  8. I was talking about dancing MEN, not "flamers".....
  9. I think his downfall was that he continued to do the "same ole, same ole" stuff he was famous for.....Sexy Latin dancing. The finale is about versatility. The "if its not broke, dont fix it approach" didnt work for him... But he made his way into the hearts and Loins of Americans, and thats better than a tacky trophy anyway !
  10. He may have lost, but he already has some Trophy "Balls"....
  11. Ladies PLEASE..... lets have Harmony here. Its Not Daddys site...
  12. Embrace the violence. Its part of Life ! In this case, we all thought it, and it was Funny !
  13. The mirror Ball is HIS. Donald Driver and partner Peta took home the Glitter in what was the closest race of the Shows History. All Top contenders and stunningly gorgeous people, Donald edged out the competition with his Western themed freestyle, and Hot Cha Cha. And you couldnt miss his glistening chocolate skin and rippling muscles. I was routing for William to win, but Ill settle for Donald. I'd do BOTH of them ! Congrats to ALL the finalists - Good Job !
  14. Recent American Idol castoff Joshua Ledet, the soulfull, gospel song belter has been courted by a NYC stripclub for women called "Mantasia" to be a featured performer. Playing off his Idol nickname "Mantasia" because he was like a male version of former dol winner Fantasia, the club thought it would be a perfect fit for their clients. FYI - Do they know he's GAY ?????? and a bit Fem ???? (females dont like that) The ladies want a Full out Macho man Fantasy, and that AINT Joshua.... what do you think ?
  16. Take out the Hot guys and the trailer is pretty Lame.... I give it 2 weeks in the theatre...
  17. Suckrates

    American Idol

    Exactly, and when you at the Winners who get dropped by their labels after 1 year and go back into oblivion, I'd rather be the Loser. Jennifer hudson, Daltry, Clay, Tamyra Gray etc have all found success..... Rumor has it that Jimmy Ivine was waiting to snatch Joshua up....
  18. I dont think your landlord would accept THAT as payment for the rent ?
  19. Suckrates

    American Idol

    YEAH, BUT he DIDNT WIN, and that was my point about GAYS winning Idol!
  20. Must be a "Drought" in MY neck of the woods ???
  21. But they aint as great as my new studded Louboutin sneakers....
  22. Suckrates

    American Idol

    Well Ex, I wont say "I told you so", but learn the lesson. The GAYS wont ever make it on Idol...... If Phillip wins, its his ticket into obscurity like Kris Allen. and if Jessica wins, she'll be the new Jordin Sparks....
  23. Times must be Tough ? Joey Lawrence, the hottie from Blossom and more recently Dancing with the stars has signed on with The Chippendales in Vegas to be a featured performer. and YES, he will Strip.... Do you want to see Joey shake his tight, firm bon-bon ????
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