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Everything posted by Suckrates

  1. Maybe it wasnt about you at all hill ? Maybe, he just had a "lazy eye" ????
  2. I absolutely Love this show, and Dexter, which is entering its Finale season.
  3. Clothing and shoes with "Logos" are tacky and "passe' ". They are only for people that really cant afford them and are trying to show they have some status. Most likely got them at the outlet store and are last years goods anyway. Bleh !
  4. Nicki Minaj ???? Now they are just going with popularity, not Talent. I dont think they really care aboyt the competition. It seems more about picking people to boost viewership. Nicki Minaj ??? Oh come now !
  5. And how was YOUR time in exile CL1 ????
  6. You actually Prove that statement. Good work !
  7. Dont let a pic of a Hot, sexy guy prematurely color your anticipation of the show.... You know what they say....SEX SELLS !
  8. If someone cheats, obviously their relationship aint "Perfect" regardless how it looks to others. So perhaps its better they split up ??? OR, is it just human nature to cheat, and they should just suck it up and stay together......till the next time ?
  9. I more appropriate questions is does anyone really wanna see Rockhard ?
  10. Well his family is either admirably open minded, of incredibly oblivious and naive ... Regardless I applaud their acceptance. He is one lucky boy.....
  11. Another cute boy. Oh my, this is getting kinda stale.
  12. Who wants a tattoo of an ass on them ? And noone sees my Ass, so I dont need one there.
  13. There are PLENTY of "fem" men that identify themselves as Str8... Stop the stereotyping because who the fuck really cares. Noone should !
  14. He's young, he's Built, and he's Hot ! Mitt Romneys newly named running mate for VP is a charismatic charmer in "perfect" physical shape. Is HE what Romney needed to win this Election ???? Is Americas female and Gay population "shallow" enough to help Romney pull off a win ???? Weigh in with your Thought !
  15. Guys, trim that shit.... You aint cavemen !
  16. I dont care that both Tom Cruise and John Travolat are available.... I want YOU !
  17. Watch the teeth, and keep that tongue moving girl !
  18. Publicity ??? I dont think its a good thing for J-Lo to be known as a "beard"..... But, part of J-Lo's comeback has been her "boytoy" storyline, so they probably need to keep the sham going ? Arent there any young STR8 boys in California that would date "Jenny from the block" ? She needed to pick a Gay boy ????
  19. Hey it brings in the money. they aint Stupid !
  20. Bring me a Baby Watson with Strawberrys
  21. It may be perfectly fine, but its lonely and scary. People still date ???
  22. It's a hard sell, but you have Ryan Murphy behind thew project, and a great cast. But still, the subject matter aint mainstream. Ill be watching. We shall see !
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