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Everything posted by Suckrates

  1. Look at it this way, 2012 has given us our First Child DRAG Queen !
  2. Many, many celebriteis in the entertainment community have "embraced" Honey and her show. Its talked about constatntly and was even mentioned on the Emmys, and by President Obama. So, there you have it !
  3. It got AWFUL reviews.... Kinda a remake of Will & Grace, but not as clever..
  4. DREAMBOAT. And Xtina was REALLY feelin him.....
  5. Its a good thing this guy hs a great body. Makes him a little LESS annoying !
  6. I too am eagerly awaiting AHS, and anxious to see how Adam Levine fares in his actting debut. As well, I LOVE Dexter, and sadly this will be the show finale season... But talking of new show, The New Normal, NBC's show about a gay couple using surrogacy to build a family by creator genius Ryan Murphy STILL does not sit well in my book. Three episodes in, and I cant warm up to this show, although I really wanted to love it. The gay characters are a complete turn off, and the preachy, unrealistic dialogue is alot to swallow... The high point however remains the young child actress that plays Shania, and lights up every scene. akes watching a bit more bearable.
  7. I agree, it will be worth it, but ill wait for the televised Version, coming soon to a TV screen near you....
  8. Suckrates

    I'm not gay

    As long as you know who YOU are, and live your life honestly, it shouldnt matter what labels "others" inflict on you. Yes those labels are often hurtful, and can limit your potential, but being true to yourself will help you overcome those obstacles. When you come to the end of your life, you should be able to look back and say you have NO regrets.
  9. Finally, justice is served on a competition show and WELL DESERVED. Congrats to Hot, sexy and sensitive Chehon and the beautiful Eliana, BOTH of whom are mega talented and charismatic.
  10. How disappointing ! I truly dont believe Nicki and Keith were "concscious" choices, I mean WHY would you seek these 2 out ??? Nicki is kinda like Demi Lovato on X Factor, new to the business and really in NO position to judge talent IMO. and Keith Urban ??? How BLAND !!!! Every time you see him on a red carpet he is silent and taking a back seat to his famous wife Nicole Kidman.... Really, other than Mariah, this panel holds NO interest for me.....
  11. He IS a beauty and will surely keep the gays Watching.
  12. My jaw was on the ground with BOTH performances. And while the chubby gay guy will be the Adam Lambert of X Factor, and clearly wont win because of his "flamboyance", the 13 year old was mersmerizing and hopefully will go far.
  13. He was on Fashion Police with Joan rivers and said he got the idea from Kelly Osbournes hair.... Looks like Grandma in the senior center.....but the bitch does have GREAT hair !
  14. If the guy tells a lie, his cock will Grow. Thats why I seek out liars..... (What ? its their nose that grows ?) Oopsie....... :shocked:
  15. I enjoyed the premier episode alot. Kate Hudson was FIERCE !
  16. I was rooting for the Grafiti painting guys..... They were awesome...
  17. Its better than Last year, but the talent cant compare to the contestants on the Voice....I just think the voice is a classier show.
  18. I want see Chehons moves in my "bedroom" .He is a beautiful Man.... and seems quite sensitive and REAL too.
  19. I guess I did. I was so focused on the Thread TITLE.... nonetheless, Sasquatch on ANY show is reason enuf NOT to watch it !
  20. Well I am OK with Mriah and enrique, but Keith Who ??? and Nicki What ???? Come On ! And the Sasquatch Kardashian ???? What a Freak show Idol has become. Bring back drucken, incoherent Paula.
  21. I know, its NOT fair that Life doesnt always work the way WE think it should
  22. Lest you be reminded Lurke, as Nigel keeps reminding everyone, its NOT about the BEST dancer, its about Americas FAVORITE dancer, and I believe that Cyrus be it... He is cute and endearing in a puppy dog sorta way, works hard and meets every challenge, although he may not be technically the best. The audiences LOVE him in a way they could never warm up to Cle since he always comes off cold and weird.... Remember..... "Americas FAVORITE Dancer"....
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