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Everything posted by Suckrates

  1. Sasquatch and the "Hunk"... Should be interesting ?
  2. Somehow I think Bottoms KNOW what to do and dont need any Guidance.....
  3. "Rap is Crap", IMO..........
  4. Although I missed the pilot episode of ABC's new show 666 Park ave, I caught it on Hulu and was very pleasantly surprised. If you like spooky Rosemarys Baby inspired horror, this show is your ticket. Starring Terry O'quinn from Lost and Vanessa Williams from Desperate Housewives, they play a married couple of Devil disciples who own this Luxury apt complex and are in control of the residents lives and cause all sorts of sinister chaos. The pilot held my attention, and gave good insight into how the show will play out, witholding a few tidbits to whet the appetite. I liked it and will tune in for more. 2 Thumbs up from me. :thumbsup: .
  5. If the world blows up, Noone will be going to work, so why do I need to find a substitute ???
  6. Perhaps your shoe collection has gotten too heavy for the house to withstand ???
  7. While I love Darren (Blaine) and always have, forgive me in finding it VERY hard to believe he is so madly in love with Kurt. While I am always surprised at matters of the heart, and cant often figure out why people love who they love and are attracted to, for me, the Kurt/Blaine pairing has always been a bit unbelievable. It just doesnt feel right to me. While I also loved the "Breakup" episode, Blaines guilty love song to Kurt was yes, wrought with raw emotion, but at the same time a bit over the top, and under the geographical circumstances their relationship is in, I dont find it unreasonable that Blaine cheated. I do understand the social comment being made by his confession, but I did not fault him for his choice. Looks like this season will be a roller coaster of breakups and makeups, and lets face it. if the show is trying to emulate REAL LIFE, change happens, and life goes on. !
  8. Dexter is a VERY thoughtful show, and while Deb certainly knows something is askew, I dont think she will ever turn her brother in. It certainly kept you on the edge of your seat, and the coming attractions were clever without revealing too much. I am sorry this will be the last season, but am anxious to see how it will turn out. I think the only thing that will make sense is to have Dexter die somehow.
  9. Now, now TP, I hope it wasnt your intention to equate earning power with intelligence and class, because I can throw up Kim Kardashian to debunk your theory... But, I do get your point, and believe that honey is just a "guilty" fun pleasure for alot of people, and her over the top antics (although staged) and connection with her family are just damn entertaining. Who wouldnt want to live a house where its Halloween EVERY day ???? And no doubt, they are eatting alot of Candy !
  10. Suckrates


    A movie about alot of ugly Old little Trolls ??? Hmmmm, someone did actually buy the rights to the story of several members over at the "other" site ! :sorcerer:
  11. America is the land of FREE enterprise, and I am happy to see people of ALL backgrounds taking advantage of the opportunities our country offers. Honey was the MOST watched cable show, so apparently she holds some attraction for alot of people ? She's a 50 year old Drag queen in a childs body, with a family made up of alot of crazy ! How can you NOT love her ?
  12. I am eagerly awaiting this Campy Dramedy....Seems like it will be fun, afterall WHO doesnt love glitter and feathers ?
  13. Actually I am MORE bothered by the gay characters than by Ellen Barkin whi is actting the part of a stupid in your face bigot, and naking no apologies for it. The streotyping of the Gay characters escpaes me since this was "supposed" to be a project to further awareness and acceptance. If I was child services, I wouldnt give those 2 a child, no way, no how. so far, they have come off as narcissistic , self centered and out of touch with reality. To me, this is "The Old Abnormal" and not "The NEW Normal"...
  14. New Normal contines NOT to work for me. I think I hate it more as it goes on... especially the "flaming" gay character with his stupid facial expressions....
  15. Look at it this way, 2012 has given us our First Child DRAG Queen !
  16. Many, many celebriteis in the entertainment community have "embraced" Honey and her show. Its talked about constatntly and was even mentioned on the Emmys, and by President Obama. So, there you have it !
  17. It got AWFUL reviews.... Kinda a remake of Will & Grace, but not as clever..
  18. DREAMBOAT. And Xtina was REALLY feelin him.....
  19. Its a good thing this guy hs a great body. Makes him a little LESS annoying !
  20. I too am eagerly awaiting AHS, and anxious to see how Adam Levine fares in his actting debut. As well, I LOVE Dexter, and sadly this will be the show finale season... But talking of new show, The New Normal, NBC's show about a gay couple using surrogacy to build a family by creator genius Ryan Murphy STILL does not sit well in my book. Three episodes in, and I cant warm up to this show, although I really wanted to love it. The gay characters are a complete turn off, and the preachy, unrealistic dialogue is alot to swallow... The high point however remains the young child actress that plays Shania, and lights up every scene. akes watching a bit more bearable.
  21. I agree, it will be worth it, but ill wait for the televised Version, coming soon to a TV screen near you....
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