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Everything posted by Suckrates

  1. Come on Expat, you KNOW that the wrecks are turning out to be the BEST parts of these shows.... X would have been totally UN-bearable if it werent for Britneys crazy faces and Demi's sparring with Simon.... We seem to live for those crazy "Paula Abdul" moments. hoenstly, I couldnt even remember WHO all the conterstants were, and obviously the show wasnt about the contestants, because the producers, except for showing in glimpses all the " Boot-ees" dressed in their All-whte finery, did not even showcase them in a final Farewell performance on the Finale show. If that doesnt make them "thow-a-ways" I dont know what does. ?
  2. Wow, what a disappointment, and waste of money. I bought a special "going away" outfit !
  3. They used a pic taken of a Gay guy dressed for the Black Party at Roseland ? Isnt that copyright infringement or invasion of privacy or something ? :ninja:
  4. Just what the world needs: another paunchy, cowboy hat wearing country crooner ( and NOT even one that wears tight jeans and has a basket bulge). BUT, his story of family, love and survival touched the cold hearts of middle America who felt generous and in the holiday spirit and handed him 5 mil......Dont think he'll become Carrie Underwood, but good luck to him. I am more inspired to see the OTHER 2 finalists careers blossom, which i am sure Simon has snatched them up for his own label. As we have seen time and time again, often the Losers has bigger and better careers than the Winners. Hear that Taylor Hicks !
  5. Well I am hoping Mark and John will play Gay Lovers. Delish !
  6. I absolutely DIED over this performance, and really sat up and took notice of this group the First time they performed it 2 weeks ago.. I had never heard the orginal by Ellie Goulding so I went to You tube and found it, and I gotta say, although Ellie did a beautiful job, this group did BETTER...... They are Fresh, talented and interesting, and while I will say that Carly is a fabulous singer, I think she could end up one-note and not as versatile as these girls seem to be. My vote goes to Fifth Harmony ! I also think the gay boys will embrace them as they did Madonna , Cher or Bette, and if you can please the gay party boys, you got it made !
  7. Expat, I believe THIS was the final season. Dexter was cancelled and the finale WAS the Finale !
  8. I enjoyed the show, but the problem for me was there really WERENT any Divas on it..... Just wannabees...
  9. Was anyone suprised by the Dexter finale ??? After weeks of speculation whether he will get caught, be turned in, or die, serial killer Dexter and his accomplice sister both walk away into the sunset FREE ..... While Captain LaGuerta was closing in on Dexter and had him cornered, Deb arrives to KILL her. What message did the finale send ? Were you happy, surprised, disappointed in the ending ????
  10. When I told him to Screw me, I didnt mean it "literally".....
  11. I have always said that I enjoy "looking" at him, BUT not listening to him.
  12. That report is so odd since it is often reported that Brazilian men are the most "open" and versatile when it comes to man-on-man sex. I think its a case of wrong place, wrong time, or perhaps pre-meditated murder since the victim "clearly" looks Gay IMO....
  13. Shallom, "Sit on IT and spin" !
  14. I ride that train, and only see a bunch of smelley, homeless dudes.... Eventhough DW annoys me, would have loves to "scroll" and his beautiful body
  15. These look "magically Delicious"....
  16. I'll take the one that Doesnt TALK ! :no:
  17. Cant wait for the baby Collectors plate to be offered up for Sale.... :hyper:
  18. Moisturize, moisturize, and moisturize some more....
  19. THAT selection, in and of itself is MOST Fascinating !
  20. shes the One that I can never picture in my mind. She doesnt have the X-Factor IMO....
  21. Suckrates

    Justin Bieber

    Excuse me ??? The club aint dark, but perhaps you need to keep the lights off when you pay hundreds of dollars to have those yungins show you some love for an hour ? Different strokes sweet cheeks..... And for the record, i aint hatin on Bieber. Actually, I couldnt care less, its just something frivolous to talk about, kinda like your posts
  22. Suckrates

    I'm Lucky

    Drag out that 15 minutes of "self-indulgent fame" :ike:
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