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Everything posted by Suckrates

  1. Who cares..? He's young, adorable. has beautiful sparkling blue eyes, and when he's slurpin on a Big Knob, I am sure it is "pitch PERFECT" ?.
  2. Yeah, there he is, with his little boyfriend, BOTH the ONLY shirtless guys in the room, just like they are at a GAY BAR, with Douche Biebers "little" weenie popping for his "Bud". Ya know hito, you just may have a chance !
  3. Don't forget your registry at Payless shoes......
  4. I think its considerate of the chinese to liquor up their cats BEFORE they eat them ! Very Humane
  5. AND, it also says "Pull with this NAG"..... AMEN !
  6. What difference does it really make ? I am once again stumped at the point you are trying so hard to make. The only people that should care about those statistics are the owner/moderators. Members should just come, read, participate or not, take what they want or need for the threads and move on. Why should We care about numbers ? Its not as if this is an interactive, REAL TIME chat room. BAFFLING !
  7. hito, if you ever were in agreement with anything, I'd probably shit my pants ! Oh wait, you are in agreement with liking that Boy douche Bieber..... So that makes you judgemental, with Poor taste !
  8. A "taken man" and a "married man" are NEVER out of the picture Honey. If you want something bad enuf, you FIGHT for it !
  9. Maybe cleanshaven he'll fit the image of the character as realized by the author ?
  10. OK, and we now wait for hito's reply, with the faults he finds in those 2 potential suitors.
  11. YES, of course. I always wanted to be Judy Jetson. And if you give someone a blowjob while in flight, does that qualify you for the mile high club ? Wow, 2 life goals at the same time !
  12. Wow, the Brits always have the cutest guys... Pale, but cute !
  13. Wasnt aware he dropped out. What was his reason ? If it were Joe Mangeniello, I would swoon.....
  14. I just hope this years winner wear a Fabulous Gown !
  15. Probably pics of hito !
  16. Thats EXACTLY how I pictured hito's soulmate to look.
  17. Yes, everyone knew Osama Bin Laden too, but that doesnt mean its a Good thing !
  18. It was sappy, it was soapy, and it was Extremely Touching Very CLASSY job Mr Murphy !
  19. People ARE who they are, and the criticism of Casper was probably a good thing in that it allowed us to see his personallity in the most spontaneous and raw sense. Perhaps some who might have considered hiring him for his looks might reconsider BECAUSE of his response and demeanor ? The bottom line is that Casper created a poll and sought to get feedback, but apparently only wanted ONE kind of feedback: POSITIVE. The world is Black AND White, not just white, but its how you deal with the "black" that tells the most about YOU. What more is there that needs to be said about this. Even Casper appears to have tuned OUT on this topic. We should follow his lead. If you want to hire him, contact him in private..... This doesnt need to be Mardi Gras ! As far as Oz jeans analogy goes, "Nothing ever came between ME and my Calvins" !
  20. Especially for hito, and Just Because ......... (I gotta admit, the douchebag is looking FINE)
  21. OY, this whole thing gives me a raging headache, and isn't worth all the time being spent on it. !
  22. I learned that I actually Learned NOTHING new today !
  23. I'm 62... Ya think I am too Old for a Sugar Daddy ?
  24. hito, which one would wear the heels ?
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