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Everything posted by ihpguy

  1. Adore?
  2. #1)OH #2)FUCK #3)IT #4)ALL #5)I #6)REALLY #7)SCREWED #8)IT #9)UP
  3. My prediction for Viola's last nine words? #1)THANK #2)GOD #3)NO #4)MORE #5)POSTS #6)FROM #7)LUCKY #8)ON #9)BOYTOY That works.
  4. You mean this isn't a thread about fistfucking cousins in the Mississippi delta country of Loosenuranus?
  5. So was the movie any good? Besides the Onion "humor?"
  6. I've never wanted or thought about being waxed but from Twitch's reaction it seems like nothing. Eleven weeks ago I had a total intestinal blockage and needed emergency surgery. I was litterally flopping around on the emergency room table like a fish in the bottom of a boat, and even after the initial pain injections that didn't help much, then even the initial lower dose of morphine, I still wasn't calm enough for the CT.. They had to get me into the CTScan to see what was going on and I was jumping to much from the pain to even get into the machine. Only, after they upped the morphine dosage where they able to get me into the CT and see what was happening. I'd take the waxing any day of the week.
  7. Does she get to keep her "magic pussy?"
  8. How can they not have had "putz?" And one my sister and I came up with is Schlockeria - A store that sells schlock. My Mom who passed away this February and grew up speaking yiddish at home always used the word "petrave" as a mixture of different things. For example, heating up a pot of a mixture of leftovers from the fridge. Or the leftovers mixed together from the remnants in a few bottles of salad dressing mixed with whatever else.
  9. Ditto here in RJ state where the race for governor is going to a second round as the vote was split four ways among the top candidates. The ex-governor Garotinho, still a thief and totally crooked placed third with about 20 percent and is out of the local second round. Here's a link in English with an explanation: http://riorealblog.com/2014/10/06/rio-2014-elections-first-round/
  10. Well, hell yes. They have runoffs here for the major candidates when no one reaches the magical 50% mark, let alone wins with less votes than another candidate.....and I'm talking to you, George W.!
  11. And lest we forget, another "right-to-live" state where the police enjoy shooting unarmed men of color?
  12. Congrats to the state that elected a dead man to the Senate.
  13. No scissoring among the two female candidates. Perhaps in the past as they were both part of Lula's power structure. Not now. It will be interesting to see if Aecio Neves can continue on gains with the voters. A month ago, Marina Silva was first in the polls before she lost her way in the presidential debates here. Think Sarah Palin car crash. Dropped from first to third.
  14. There is something very intoxicating about Franco's mishegas.
  15. BN who?
  16. http://www.theguardian.com/world/2014/oct/05/brazil-presidential-election-economy-dilma-rousseff In the article, the writer mentions the Colegio Angelorum in the Rio de Janeiro neighborhood of Gloria. Funny that the intersting fact nor mentioned is that directly next door is the very non-Catholic Clube 117.
  17. Looks like the polls were wrong for second place in the run-off in three weeks. Aecio Neves, a grandson of the beloved Tancredo Neves and former governor of Minas Gerias looks to ahead of the Amazonian Marina Silva, former minister for the environment.
  18. http://g1.globo.com/jornal-nacional/noticia/2014/10/trem-desenvolvido-por-engenheiros-brasileiros-levita-sobre-os-trilhos.html Short and slow, only reaching a speed of 100KM/H, but it is a start. Located at the UFRJ, near to the Galeao airport.
  19. I cannot remember there ever being an election in another country besides this past year's in Chile, maybe Iceland(?), where the top two candidates were both women. This is happening today in Brasil where Dilma is going up Marina Silva. May the winner of the scissoring cum out on top? Rumor is that Dilma's long-time "housekeeper" is actually her live-in lover. Nickname for lesbian/dyke here is Sapa(frog) or Sapatao(Big Frog).
  20. I read this all wrong. I thought was a Robert Goulet thread. I was expecting to see a youtube with something from Camelot. Or maybe some hidden cam vid of his floppy Quebecois peen in a shower scene?
  21. Well, the boyfriend is over for a little attention and companionship. Waiting for him to "chupar e comer meu cuzinho." Translation: Rim and fuck my little bunghole.
  22. I did more than take a bow. I fell down today, I need arthroscopic knee surgery and broke four teeth necessitating four root canals and four porcelain crowns. Needless to say, my current oral ministrations to my on-and-off boyfriend or any available sauna boys with indefatigable raging erections is currently on hold. Luckily, money isn't a problem for me and with the current fall of the dollar and the lower cost of dental care here vs. the USA, as well as my local health insurance for the knee, things aren't too terrible, Just pain.
  23. My ex of 14 years worked in Toulon on the Riviera for a few years and smoked Gitanes(nasty, nasty) and Marlboro.
  24. Mon Dieu! Quelle horreur!!! Oh, my! What will the world be like without Gitanes and Gauloises? Besides less deaths from lung, mouth, tongue and esophogeal cancers?
  25. Me neither.
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